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    TR SC 1056 Search Results

    TR SC 1056 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LPS5010-564MLC Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 560uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 1919, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    RFB0810-561L Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 560uH, 10%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    RFB1010-562L Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 5600uH, 10%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    XAL1010-562MED Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 5.6uH, 20%, 1 Element, Composite-Core, SMD, 3945, CHIP, 3945, HALOGEN FREE AND ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    LPS5010-562 Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, Visit Coilcraft Inc

    TR SC 1056 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR bH-16 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 transistor marking code SOT-23 2FX 2907A PNP bipolar transistors SILICON TRANSISTOR FS 2025 marking JV SOD323 bf245 replacement GI 312 diode msd601
    Text: DL126/D Rev. 7, Nov-2001 Small-Signal Device Data Bipolar Transistors, JFETs and Diodes Small-Signal Device Data ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC SCILLC . SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further

    DL126/D Nov-2001 r14525 DL126 TRANSISTOR AH-16 TRANSISTOR bH-16 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 transistor marking code SOT-23 2FX 2907A PNP bipolar transistors SILICON TRANSISTOR FS 2025 marking JV SOD323 bf245 replacement GI 312 diode msd601 PDF

    marking 513 SOD-323

    Abstract: transistor marking code SOT-23 2FX BC449 equivalent DTD113 BC548 hie hre hfe steel package MPSW45A replacement BC449A equivalent 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book power tmos BF256
    Text: DL126/D Rev. 7, Nov-2001 Small-Signal Device Data Bipolar Transistors, JFETs and Diodes Small-Signal Device Data ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC SCILLC . SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further

    DL126/D Nov-2001 r14525 DL126/D marking 513 SOD-323 transistor marking code SOT-23 2FX BC449 equivalent DTD113 BC548 hie hre hfe steel package MPSW45A replacement BC449A equivalent 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book power tmos BF256 PDF


    Abstract: BC337 hie hre hfe BC449 equivalent transistor marking code SOT-23 2FX marking 513 SOD-323 bc213 equivalent MECL 10000 bc237c equivalent diode Marking code jv3 f BAV70 SOT-23 JJ
    Text: DL126/D Rev. 7, Nov-2001 Small-Signal Device Data Bipolar Transistors, JFETs and Diodes Small-Signal Device Data ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC SCILLC . SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further

    DL126/D Nov-2001 r14525 DL126/D CBF493S BC337 hie hre hfe BC449 equivalent transistor marking code SOT-23 2FX marking 513 SOD-323 bc213 equivalent MECL 10000 bc237c equivalent diode Marking code jv3 f BAV70 SOT-23 JJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT POLARITY CATHODE ANODE ANDDE MARK 230 si m 1.60 [0.063] 175 150 R0.40 [R0.016] 2 PLS. REV. S M L- LX1206S R C - TR c REFLOW PROFILE REV. 8 SEC, MAX, A ADDED TAPE DIRECTION AND POLARITY. B E.C.N. #10BRDR. Sc # 10404./ 1 2 - 1 8 - 97

    OCR Scan
    LX1206S 10BRDR. LX1206SR 660nm PDF

    SJ 2036

    Abstract: jsw marking 2N2631 2N2876 transistor JSW 12 ic sj 2036 transistor JSW 2N263 CLA transistor JSW 70
    Text: M IL -S - 1£500/303 NAVY 22 O cto b er 1964 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TRANSISTOR, T Y PE S 2N263I AND 2N2876 1. SCOPE 1.1 D e sc rip tio n .- T h is sp e c ific a tio n c o v e rs the d e ta il re q u ire m e n ts fo r a silic o n , NPN tr a n s is to r and is

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    2N2631 2N2876 MIL-S-19500, 2N2876 2N2631. SJ 2036 jsw marking transistor JSW 12 ic sj 2036 transistor JSW 2N263 CLA transistor JSW 70 PDF


    Abstract: saa 1070
    Text: <8> MOTOROLA Military 10565 8-lnput Priority Decoder ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-9056101 Th e 10565 is a device designed to encode eight inputs to a binary coded output. Th e output code is that of the highest order input. Any input of lower priority is

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    MC12015DR2 LEA014 saa 1070 PDF


    Abstract: 10Q-7 18SO
    Text: <8 > M O TO R O LA Military 10561 Binary to 1-8 Decoder Low ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10561 Th e 10561 is designed to decode a three bit input word to a one of eight line output. The selected output will be low while all other outputs will be high. Th e en­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 10568 Quad Latch ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10568 The 10568 is a Quad Latch with common clocking to all four latches. Separate output enabling gates are provided for each latch, allowing direct wiring to a bus. When the clock is high, outputs will follow the 0 inputs. Information is latched on

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    10568/BXAJC YI45M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O LA . Military 10562 Binary to 1-8 Decoder (High) ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10562 Th e 10562 is designed to convert three lines of input data to a one of eight out­ put. Th e selected output will be high while all other outputs are low. Th e enable

    OCR Scan
    us15D MC12015DR2 LL04 PDF


    Abstract: 774 056
    Text: g M OTOROLA Military 10566 5-Bit Magnitude Com parator ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10566 The 10566 is a high speed expandable 5-bit comparator for comparing the magnitude of two binary words. Two outputs are provided: A < B and A > B. A = B can be obtained by NORing the two outputs with an additional gate. A high

    OCR Scan
    10566s 10566/BXAJC MC12015DR2 010LF 774 056 PDF


    Abstract: U1056 VEB mikroelektronik U1056D SAA 1056 Funkamateur VALVO SAA 1056 FUNKAMATEUR-Bauelementeinformation SAA 1059 VALVO SAA 1056 p
    Text: FUNKAMATEUR-Bauelementeinformation U 1056 DD PLL-Synthesizerschaltkreis Hersteller: VEB Mikroelektronik „Karl Marx" Erfurt TGL 42663 Kurzcharakteristik Grenzwerte im Betriebstemperaturbereich P a ra m e te r K u rz z e ic h e n B e trie b s s p a n n u n g 1

    OCR Scan
    U1056 10-Bit-Teiler 177ff. saa1056 VEB mikroelektronik U1056D SAA 1056 Funkamateur VALVO SAA 1056 FUNKAMATEUR-Bauelementeinformation SAA 1059 VALVO SAA 1056 p PDF


    Abstract: SML-LXT0805GW-TR "U79"
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT 2.00 [0.Û79] C ATH D D E 1.40 [0.055] REV. MARK 12 125 :o.Q49: 1,30 [0,051] 0,30 [0,0121 — 0.80 [0.031] PART NUMBER REV. SML-LXT0805GW -TR F E.C.N. NUMBER AND REVISION COMMENTS A E.C.N. #10567. B E.C.N. #10695. 12.B.99 1.2.01 C E.C.N. #10814.

    OCR Scan
    049II SML-LXT0805GW-TR 1D967, 1124a, LXT0805GW SML-LXT0805GW-TR "U79" PDF


    Abstract: smd code AL S60
    Text: <8 > MOTOROLA Military 10564 8-Line Multiplexer ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8852701 MP0 mini The 10564 is high speed, low power eight-channel data selector which routes data preset at one-of-eight inputs to the output. The data is routed according to the three bit code present on the address inputs. An enable input is provided for

    OCR Scan
    10564/BXAJC 11gazines YI45M smd code AL S60 PDF


    Abstract: asp 1103 VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RUNDFUNK UND FERNSEHEN U881 AC176K KPSA 10-15 Scans-048 TL836 Leipzig U 3211
    Text: SERVICE-M ITTEILUNGEN V E ft UFT I N D U S T K I E V E K T * I E ft R U N D F U N K U N O F E t N S E H E N ErjSiH Iradio - te/evisfon I A u tg a b * 1988 Seit* 7 1 - 4 M i t t e i l u n g a u s d en VBB S t e r n - B a d l o B e r l i n P e h l e r a u c h a t r a t e g l e HMK-D 1 0 0 L P 5 » C o « p a t e * l * i t e * p l a t t e

    OCR Scan

    4N24 opto

    Abstract: 3041 OPTO B1056
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {DI ODE S/ OP TO} DE |h3t,72SS GD7747D 3 Order this data sheet by 4N22A/D MOTOROLA •i SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4N22,A 4N23,A 4N24,A Hermetic O ptoisolator T h e 4N 22,A , 4 N 2 3 ,A and 4 N 2 4 ,A are J E D E C registered optically co u p led iso la to rs each

    OCR Scan
    GD7747D 4N22A/D MK145BP, 4N24 opto 3041 OPTO B1056 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION Semiconductor ju iy 1998 LM X 2 3 5 0 / L M X 2 3 5 2 P L L a t i n u m F r a c t io n a l N RF I In t e g e r N IF Dual L o w P o w e r F r e q u e n c y S y n t h e s i z e r LM X2352 1.2 G Hz/550 M Hz General Description For 1he RF PLL, a highly tlexible 16 level program m able

    OCR Scan
    LMX2350/LMX2352 LMX2350 z/550 X2352 X2350 X2352 24-pin X2350/2352 PDF


    Abstract: sc 1046
    Text: HM534252 Series 262,144-Word x 4-Bit Multiport CMOS Video RAM • DESCRIPTION The HM534252 is a 1-Mbit multiport video RAM equipped with a 256k-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM and a 512-word x 4-bit SA M serial access memory . Its RA M and SA M operate independently and asynchronously. It can transfer data between RAM and SA M and has

    OCR Scan
    HM534252 144-Word 256k-word 512-word CP-28D) 53425-2 sc 1046 PDF


    Abstract: guitar effect diagram T3630B SSIN
    Text: HOLTEK HT3630A/B Funny Guitar Features • • • • • • • • • O p e ra tin g voltage: 3.3V~5.2V S ystem F requency: 3.58M H z - for H T3630A: RC o scillator R osc=91K i2 - for H T3630B: X’ta l or R eso n ato r A uto pow er off 3 o u tp u ts for k ey sc an n in g

    OCR Scan
    T3630A: T3630B: HT3630A/B 40-pin HT3630A HT3630B HT3630A/B 58MHz T3630A guitar effect diagram T3630B SSIN PDF

    crystal tcxo 2352

    Abstract: LMX2350 LMX2350TM LMX2352 LMX2352TM MTC24
    Text: National ADVANCE INFORMATION j uiy 1998 Semiconductor LMX2350/LMX2352 PLLatinum Fractional N RF / Integer N IF Dual Low Power Frequency Synthesizer LM X2350 2.5 G H z/550 MHz 2352 fam ily features ve ry low current consum ption; typically LM X2350 2.5 GHz 7.0 mA, LM X2352 (1.2 GHz) 5.5 m A at

    OCR Scan
    LMX2350/LMX2352 LMX2350 GHz/550 LMX2352 LMX2350/2352 LMX2350, crystal tcxo 2352 LMX2350TM LMX2352TM MTC24 PDF

    lg crt tv circuit diagram

    Abstract: m37204m8 M37204MC M37204 M37204M8XXXSP 11-RESISTOR 10d71 M37204EC-XXXSP M37204M8-XXXSP M37204M

    OCR Scan
    M37204MC-XXXSP M37204EC-XXXSP, M37204ECSP 64-pin 37204EC-XXXSP 37204ECSP P24-P27 lg crt tv circuit diagram m37204m8 M37204MC M37204 M37204M8XXXSP 11-RESISTOR 10d71 M37204EC-XXXSP M37204M8-XXXSP M37204M PDF


    Abstract: 2N1484 2N1486 2N1483 2N1485 2N1485 JANTX transistor 2n1485
    Text: M IL -S -1 9 5 0 0 /180D 9 O ctober 1967_ SUPERSEDING M IL -S -1 9 5 0 0 /180C EL 12 D ecem b er 1966 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, N PN , SILICON, MEDIUM-POWER TY PE S 2N1483, TX2N1483, 2N1484, TX2N1484 2N1485, TX2N1485, 2N1486, TX2N1486

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/180D MIL-S-19500/180C 2N1483, TX2N1483, 2N1484, TX2N1484 2N1485, TX2N1485, 2N1486, TX2N1486 Krypton-85 2N1484 2N1486 2N1483 2N1485 2N1485 JANTX transistor 2n1485 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1724 2N1722 ADE350
    Text: M IL -S -1 9 5 0 0 /2 6 2 F 19 February 196? SUPERSEDING M IL -S -1 9 5 0 0 /2 6 2 E 25 O ctober 1966 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, N PN , SILICON, HIGH-POWER T Y PE S 2N 1722, TX2N 1722, 2N 1724, AND TX2N 1724 T h is sp e c ific a tio n i s m andatory fo r u s e by a ll D ep a r t­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/262F MIL-S-19500/262E 2N1722, TX2N1722, 2N1724, TX2N1724 1969-343-225/J16 TX2N1724 2N1724 2N1722 ADE350 PDF


    Abstract: AVIA c cube IC CD 4440 amplifier circuit diagram

    OCR Scan
    28Vdc MSC1002 AVIA c cube IC CD 4440 amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q avantek UTM-1056 Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier 10 to 1000 MHz FEA TUR ES APPLICATIO NS • F requency Range: 10 to 1000 M Hz • M O D AM P Silicon M onolithic Gain Stages • High Gain: 26.5 dB Typ • Low VSW R • IF/RF Am plification DESC RIPTIO N

    OCR Scan
    UTM-1056 50-ohm PDF