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    TPHL 7400 Search Results

    TPHL 7400 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    874003DG-02LF Renesas Electronics Corporation PCI Express® Jitter Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7MPV6274-000 Renesas Electronics Corporation SRAM MODULE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    874003AG-02LF Renesas Electronics Corporation PCI Express™ Jitter Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    874003DGI-02 Renesas Electronics Corporation PCI Express® Jitter Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA7400-DEVKT Renesas Electronics Corporation DA7400 Development Kit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TPHL 7400 Datasheets Context Search

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    IC 7400 SERIES list

    Abstract: IC 7400 diagram and truth table pin configuration ic 7410 IC 7410 truth table pin diagram of ic 7410 pin configuration of ic 7410 tPHL 7400 ACML-7410 pin diagram ic 7420 IC 7410
    Text: ACML-7400, ACML-7410 and ACML-7420 3.3 V/5 V 100 MBd High Speed CMOS Digital Isolator Data Sheet Lead Pb Free RoHS 6 fully compliant RoHS 6 fully compliant options available; -xxxE denotes a lead-free product Description Features ACML-7400, ACML-7410 and ACML-7420 are multi-channel

    ACML-7400, ACML-7410 ACML-7420 ACML-7420 ACML-7400 AV02-2675EN IC 7400 SERIES list IC 7400 diagram and truth table pin configuration ic 7410 IC 7410 truth table pin diagram of ic 7410 pin configuration of ic 7410 tPHL 7400 pin diagram ic 7420 IC 7410 PDF

    F240 transistor

    Abstract: TTL LS 7400 Transistor F240 LS00 from Motorola 12MRM IC TTL 7400 propagation delay LS TTL family characteristics 7400 TTL ls 7400 LS00
    Text: Circuit Characteristics FAST AND LS TTL 2 CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS LS TTL The Low Power Schottky LSTTL family combines a current and power reduction improvement over standard 7400 TTL by a factor of 5. This is accomplished by using Schottky diode clamping to prevent saturation and advanced processing.

    54/74S) Mil-Std-883C 12MRM 3831A 3830A F240 transistor TTL LS 7400 Transistor F240 LS00 from Motorola IC TTL 7400 propagation delay LS TTL family characteristics 7400 TTL ls 7400 LS00 PDF

    tPHL 7400

    Abstract: IL74 ILD74 ILQ74
    Text: Single Channel IL74 Dual Channel ILD74 Quad Channel ILQ74 Phototransistor Optocoupler FEATURES • 7400 Series T2L Compatible • Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical • Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF • Single, Dual, & Quad Channel • Industry Standard DIP Package

    ILD74 ILQ74 E52744 -X001 17-August-01 tPHL 7400 IL74 ILD74 ILQ74 PDF


    Abstract: IL74 equivalent IL74 ILD74 optocoupler ic ILD74
    Text: IL74 DUAL CHANNEL ILD74 QUAD CHANNEL ILQ74 SINGLE CHANNEL PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES • 7400 Series T2L Compatible • Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical • Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF • Single, Dual, & Quad Channel • Industry Standard DIP Package

    ILD74 ILQ74 E52744 -X001 IL/ILD/ILQ74 ILQ74 IL74 equivalent IL74 ILD74 optocoupler ic ILD74 PDF


    Abstract: IL74 ILD74
    Text: IL74 DUAL CHANNEL ILD74 QUAD CHANNEL ILQ74 SINGLE CHANNEL Phototransistor Optocoupler FEATURES • 7400 Series T2L Compatible • Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical • Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF • Single, Dual, & Quad Channel • Industry Standard DIP Package

    ILD74 ILQ74 E52744 -X001 1-888-Infineon IL/ILD/ILQ74 ILQ74 IL74 ILD74 PDF

    digital ic 7400

    Abstract: IL74 ILD74 ILQ74 optocoupler ic ILD74 OSRAM IR LED
    Text: IL74 DUAL CHANNEL ILD74 QUAD CHANNEL ILQ74 SINGLE CHANNEL Phototransistor Optocoupler FEATURES • 7400 Series T2L Compatible • Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical • Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF • Single, Dual, & Quad Channel • Industry Standard DIP Package

    ILD74 ILQ74 E52744 -X001 1-888-Infineon IL/ILD/ILQ74 digital ic 7400 IL74 ILD74 ILQ74 optocoupler ic ILD74 OSRAM IR LED PDF


    Abstract: ILD74 ILQ74
    Text: IL74 DUAL CHANNEL ILD74 QUAD CHANNEL ILQ74 SINGLE CHANNEL Phototransistor Optocoupler FEATURES • 7400 Series T2L Compatible • Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical • Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF • Single, Dual, & Quad Channel • Industry Standard DIP Package

    ILD74 ILQ74 E52744 -X001 IL/ILD/ILQ74 IL74 ILD74 ILQ74 PDF


    Abstract: IC TTL 7400 diagram and truth table 74lsxxx data sheet 74 LS147 pin configuration layout INTERNAL STRUCTURE LS156 SN74LS47N pin configuration DL121 IC 7400 diagram and truth table philips semiconductor data handbook sn74ls47n counter
    Text: DL121/D Rev. 6, Jan-2000 ON Semiconductor LS TTL Data ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC SCILLC . SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does

    DL121/D Jan-2000 r14525 DL121 SN74LS47N PIN DIAGRAM IC TTL 7400 diagram and truth table 74lsxxx data sheet 74 LS147 pin configuration layout INTERNAL STRUCTURE LS156 SN74LS47N pin configuration DL121 IC 7400 diagram and truth table philips semiconductor data handbook sn74ls47n counter PDF


    Abstract: optocoupler ic ILD74 RE100T il74 ILD74 lc 7400 ILD-74
    Text: SIEMENS SINGLE CHANNEL IL74 DUAL CHANNEL ILD74 QUAD CHANNEL ILQ74 PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES • • • • • • • 7400 Series T*L Compatible Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF Single, Dual, & Quad Channel Industry Standard DIP Package

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    ILD74 ILQ74 ES2744 -X001 IL74/ILD74/1LQ74 IL74/ILD74/ILQ74 1LQ74 optocoupler ic ILD74 RE100T il74 lc 7400 ILD-74 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS00 pinout 74LS00 fan-out 74LS00 7400 74S00 7400 fan-out 74LS00PC 7400PC 74LS00 74LS00D 74LS00DC
    Text: 00 CO NNECTIO N DIAGRAMS PINOUT A 54/7400 ^ o n et* 54H /74H 00Ä eU9 5 4 S /7 4 S 0 0 ^' /V 54LS/74LS00^'/ bUi QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE ORDERING CODE: See Section 9 CO M M ERCIAL GRADE PIN PKGS Vcc = +5.0 V ±5%, = 0° C to +70° C OUT M ILITARY GRADE Vcc = +5.0 V ±10%,

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H00 54S/74S00 54LS/74LS00^ 54/74H 54/74S 54/74LS 7400PC, 74H00PC 74LS00PC, 74S00PC 74LS00P 74LS00 pinout 74LS00 fan-out 74LS00 7400 74S00 7400 fan-out 74LS00PC 7400PC 74LS00 74LS00D 74LS00DC PDF

    CI 74LS00

    Abstract: CI 7400 74LS00 7400 74S00 7400 pin configuration 7400 fan-out 74LS00 fan-out 74ls00 N7400N 74H00 S5400F
    Text: 54/7400 54H/74H00 54S/74S00 54LS/74LS00 ORDERING CODE PACKAGES PIN CONF. PIN CONFIGURATIONS See Section 9 for further Package and Ordering Information. C O M M ER C IA L RANGES vcc = 5V ± 5%; T a = 0"C to *70°C Plastic DIP Fig. A Fig. A N7400N N74S00N

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H00 54S/74S00 54LS/74LS00 N7400N N74H00N N74S00N N74LS00N N7400F N74H00F N74S00F CI 74LS00 CI 7400 74LS00 7400 74S00 7400 pin configuration 7400 fan-out 74LS00 fan-out 74ls00 N7400N 74H00 S5400F PDF

    ls 7400

    Abstract: 74LSOO 7400PC 7400 fan-out 74LS00 QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE 74LS00 fan-out 74LS00 pinout 7400 DIP 74LS00P 74LS00 7400 74S00
    Text: 00 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M S P IN O U T A 54/7400 * v f f o & ' S ' 5 4 H /7 4 H 0 0 Ä e r 9 54S /74S 00^//^ 7 V 5 4 L S /7 4 L S 0 0 ^ / ^ QUAD 2-IN PU T NAND GATE O R D E R IN G C O D E: See S e ctio n 9 PIN PKGS C O M M E R C IA L G RADE M IL IT A R Y G RADE

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H00J^ 54S/74S00^ 54LS/74LS00^ 7400PC, 74H00PC 74LS00PC 74SOOPC 7400DC, 74H00DC 74LS00DC, ls 7400 74LSOO 7400PC 7400 fan-out 74LS00 QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE 74LS00 fan-out 74LS00 pinout 7400 DIP 74LS00P 74LS00 7400 74S00 PDF

    IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400

    Abstract: TTL IC 7405 7400 logic gate ic IC AND GATE 7408 ic 7400 logic symbol 7408 AND GATE fan in 9N01 IC 7400 nand gate 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 IC 7404 hex inverter
    Text: SSI • GATES, BUFFERS AND INVERTERS LOW POWER tpcj = 20 ns Pd = 2 mW per Gate STANDARD tpd = 10 ns Pd = 10 mW per Gate 0°C to +70° C and -5 5 ° to +125°C 0° to +70° C -5 5 ° t o +125° C 9 L00 9N00/7400 9N00/5400 9N01/7401 9N01/5401 9N03/7403 9N03/5403

    OCR Scan
    9N00/7400 9N01/7401 9N03/7403 9N26/7426 9N10/7410 9N12/7412 9N20/7420 9N30/7430 9N00/5400 9N01/5401 IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 TTL IC 7405 7400 logic gate ic IC AND GATE 7408 ic 7400 logic symbol 7408 AND GATE fan in 9N01 IC 7400 nand gate 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 IC 7404 hex inverter PDF

    IC 74181 application note

    Abstract: cmos logic 7400 series JND03 4ar1
    Text: RAYTHEON/ S E M I CONDUCTOR H E D | ? S c173t.Q Preliminary Product Specifications Configurable Gate Arrays Features • Ultra low power dissipation — 8.0 ¿uW/gate/MHz typical in core cells ■ Silicon-gate 1.0/i ¡-e ffe c tiv e HCMOS technology ■ Speeds higher than 74AS TTL — 0.53 nS for a

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    RL1000 JMX02) 16-Bit IC 74181 application note cmos logic 7400 series JND03 4ar1 PDF

    ITT 7400

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEfUCOND SECTOR 43ÜS271 DQ2h3Sb =1 « H A S 37E D - High-Reliability ASICs PA50000 Series These data sheets are provided for technical guidance only. The final device performance may vary depending upon the final device design and configuration.

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    PA50000 ITT 7400 PDF


    Abstract: 130 nm CMOS standard cell library 10-JK LEA100K CLDCC LEA200K
    Text: 5304Û04 ÜD m STl 3bb • LLC LSI LOGIC LEA200K Embedded Array Series Description The LEA200K Embedded Array Series is a submicron HCMOS ASIC product which com­ bines the integration and performance bene­ fits of Cell-Based ASICs with the fast turnaround time of Array-Based ASICs. The

    OCR Scan
    LEA200K 55-micron LCA200K 130 nm CMOS standard cell library 10-JK LEA100K CLDCC PDF


    Abstract: LSI CMOS GATE ARRAY IC 7400 NAND Signal Path Designer IC TTL 7400 quiescent power
    Text: L S I LOGIC CÓRP TO LOGIC D E | S304ÖD4 OODDTQE S |~_ ^ 9 0 ^ 0 0 9 0 2 D LSI Logic Corporation 1551 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA 95035 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 LMb6000 Micro bASIC Arrays Prelim inary Description The LMbGOOO Micro bASIC Channel-Free™ HCMOS

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    LMb6000 LC6000 LSI CMOS GATE ARRAY IC 7400 NAND Signal Path Designer IC TTL 7400 quiescent power PDF

    LSI Product Selector Guide

    Abstract: lsi logic arrays
    Text: LSI LOGIC LL7000 Series Sicon-Gate HCMOS logic Arrays Features LSI Logic Corporation 1551 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA 95035 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 The LL7000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI Logic Corporation exhibits bipolar speeds, while at the same time, offers low power consump­

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    LL7000 LSI Product Selector Guide lsi logic arrays PDF


    Abstract: 7400 series logic gates IC TTL 7400 quiescent power
    Text: L S I L OGI C CORP TO D E | S3D4ÖD4 0 DQ D Ö 7 0 7 | ' 90D 00870 LSI Logic Corporation 1551 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA 95035 LL9000 Series HCMOS Logic Arrays 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 The LL9000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI Logic Corporation exhibits bipolar speeds,

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    LL9000 C0037 7400 series logic gates IC TTL 7400 quiescent power PDF

    7400 fan-out cmos

    Abstract: 16x4 LL7140 TTL LS 7400 16x16 barrel shifter with flipflop LL7420 8 BIT ALU by 74181 C0036 LSI LOGIC LL7080
    Text: LSI LOGIC LL7000 Seríes Sicon-Gate HCMOS Logic Arrays Description 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 The LL7000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI Logic Corporation exhibits bipolar speeds, while at the same time, offers low power consump­ tion, high noise margins and ease of design. The

    OCR Scan
    LL7000 7400 fan-out cmos 16x4 LL7140 TTL LS 7400 16x16 barrel shifter with flipflop LL7420 8 BIT ALU by 74181 C0036 LSI LOGIC LL7080 PDF


    Abstract: LSI LOGIC LCA100K
    Text: »• * LSI LOGIC * LCA100K Compacted Array Plus Series Description The LCA100K Compacted A rray Plus Series is an HCMOS Array-Based ASIC ApplicationSpecific Integrated Circuit product offering extremely high performance. The LCA100K Series is manufactured using 1.0-micron

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    Abstract: 74000N CI 7408 7408 hct 74002N 74081 64011N 64025n 74001 74011
    Text: U NITRO M C Y 74000N MCY 64000N CEMI Dwukrotrva 3-wej¿c¡Ovva bramka NOfl + inwerter Seria logiczaych bramek przeznaczonych do pracy » syatemach cyfrowych gdzie vjymagane aqj niski pobdr mocy i/lub wysoka odpornosd na zakîocenia. Charak1:eryzuje siç buforowaflymi wej sciami i wyjseiami oraz symetrycznymi oharakterystykami wyjàciowymi w stallie nisklm i wyaokim.Typowa obcÍQ¿alnos<5 wynoai. - dwa wejscia TTL-L lub jedno TTL-LS.

    OCR Scan
    74000N 74073 CI 7408 7408 hct 74002N 74081 64011N 64025n 74001 74011 PDF


    Abstract: LEA100K 130 nm CMOS standard cell library ST LCA1000 LSI LOGIC LCA100K
    Text: LSI LOGIC LCA100K Compacted Array Plus Series 1.0-Micron HCMOS Description The LCA100K C om pacted A rra y Plus se rie s is an HCMOS arra y-b a se d A p p lic a tio n S p e cific In teg rated C ircu it ASIC p ro d u c t offe rin g e xtre m e ly high p e rfo rm a n ce . The LCA100K

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    LCA100K LCA100182 LEA100K 130 nm CMOS standard cell library ST LCA1000 LSI LOGIC LCA100K PDF

    4x4 barrel shifter with flipflop

    Abstract: LEA100K LCA100K ta 8259 LEA100006 LEA100008 LSI LOGIC LEA100K 82385 B282 24008A
    Text: LSI LOGIC LEA100K Embedded Array Series Description The LEA100K Embedded A rray Series is an HCMOS ASIC A pplication-S pecific Integrated Circuit product w hich combines the integra­ tion and perform ance benefits of Cell-Based ASICs w ith the fa st turnaround tim e of A rrayBased ASICs. The LEA100K series is m anufac­

    OCR Scan
    LEA100K 4x4 barrel shifter with flipflop LCA100K ta 8259 LEA100006 LEA100008 LSI LOGIC LEA100K 82385 B282 24008A PDF