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    A18x0.0 Torotel Products Switch Mode Inductors Original PDF

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    Abstract: nb 10221 14J2 14B6 14s15
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( µJ ) "L" NO DC ( µ H) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (µH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    14A12 14A21 14A36 164-32UNC 14D34 nb 10221 14J2 14B6 14s15 PDF


    Abstract: PK-30 PK-57 138-32 UNC-2B PK60
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 COMMON MODE INDUCTORS FOR EMI/RFI APPLICATIONS Common Mode Inductors are most often used to eliminate line transmitted noise, such as that caused by transistors, SCR’s,



    Abstract: PK-60 PK-19 PK-44 PK-55 PK-42 PK-48 PK60 TOROTEL 31G1
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 COMMON MODE INDUCTORS FOR EMI/RFI APPLICATIONS Common Mode Inductors are most often used to eliminate line transmitted noise, such as that caused by transistors, SCR’s,



    Abstract: Torotel Products Torotel 18J23 0824 18X128 18P53 18F46 28644 18B1
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( µJ ) "L" NO DC ( µ H) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (µH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    18A10 18A17 18J100 Torotel Products Torotel 18J23 0824 18X128 18P53 18F46 28644 18B1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( µJ ) "L" NO DC ( µ H) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (µH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    17A12 17A21 17A36 164-32UNC 17K546 PDF


    Abstract: 21J23 21E31 1210 1420 1680 2040 21A16
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( µJ ) "L" NO DC ( µ H) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (µH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    21A10 21A17 164-32UNC 21K400 21J23 21E31 1210 1420 1680 2040 21A16 PDF


    Abstract: 11J126 11F-11
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( µJ ) "L" NO DC ( µ H) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (µH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    11A11 11A19 050ctory 164-32UNC 11a10 11J126 11F-11 PDF


    Abstract: FERRITE TOROIDAL CORE DATA 13 tap inductor SCR Applications Handbook Torotel Products torotel current air core reactor
    Text: SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY INDUCTOR RESOURCE HANDBOOK TOROTEL PRODUCTS INC 620 NORTH LINDENWOOD, OLATHE, KANSAS 66062 913 747-6111 FAX (913) 747-6110 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Power Inductors Power Inductor Selection Tables Power Inductor Selection Procedure



    Abstract: 164-32-UNC-2B .164-32unc-2b
    Text: 40 VA / 400 Hz POWER TRANSFORMER MECHANICAL OUTLINE PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Construction: Black Epoxy Encapsulated. .030/.020 Terminals: Printed circuit pins—tinned brass. Terminal Strength: 2.0 pounds. 1.400 1.100 Marking: Includes Torotel name and part number.

    164-32UNC-2B C40ET26) 164-32-UNC-2B .164-32unc-2b PDF


    Abstract: 13B33 164-32UNC 13M40
    Text: 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( µJ ) "L" NO DC ( µ H) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (µH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    13A16 05actory 164-32UNC 13J21 13B33 164-32UNC 13M40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CURRENT SENSE INDUCTORS 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER TEST LEVEL (V) † INDUCTANCE (mH) TURNS DCR (Ω) RT (Ω) SCHEMATIC *1C30 *1C50 *1C100 30 50 100 1.8 5 20 0.015 0.025

    1C100 1C200 1C400 1C600 2C100 2C200 2C400 2C600 100CT 200CT 1c30 PDF


    Abstract: Torotel Products
    Text: Miniature Surface Mount Customizable Transformers / Inductors These are Torotel’s newest “customizable catalog” surface mount parts. Standardized catalog materials and processes are used to meet your custom electrical requirements - the best of both worlds! The parts are



    Abstract: 2C100 2C600 1c30
    Text: CURRENT SENSE INDUCTORS 13402 SOUTH 71 HIGHWAY GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 E-mail: 816 761-6314 FAX (816) 763-2278 PART NUMBER TEST LEVEL (V) † INDUCTANCE (mH) TURNS DCR (Ω) RT (Ω) SCHEMATIC *1C30 *1C50 *1C100 30 50 100 1.8 5 20 0.015

    1C100 1C200 1C400 1C600 2C100 2C200 2C400 2C600 100CT 200CT 1C100 2C100 2C600 1c30 PDF


    Abstract: Schaevitz lvdt TF5SX17ZZ ysi 44006 thermistor LVDT Signal Conditioner techniques 118MFRTD ltc1043 1043fa YSI 44006 rtd circuits with lt1014
    Text: LTC1043 Dual Precision Instrumentation Switched Capacitor Building Block DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1043 is a monolithic, charge-balanced, dual switched capacitor instrumentation building block. A pair of switches alternately connects an external capacitor to

    LTC1043 LTC1043 120dB 1043fa ltc1013 Schaevitz lvdt TF5SX17ZZ ysi 44006 thermistor LVDT Signal Conditioner techniques 118MFRTD 1043fa YSI 44006 rtd circuits with lt1014 PDF


    Abstract: 13B3 13S19 13B36 13X1376
    Text: 620 NORTH LINDENWOOD, OLATHE, KANSAS 66062 913 747-6111 FAX (913) 747-6110 PART NUMBER ½LI2 ( J) "L" NO DC (μH) DCR MAX. (Ω) DCI MAX. (Amps) "L" WITH DCI (μH) TEST LEVEL (VRMS) 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% DCI (Amps) FOR % DECREASE IN "L"

    13A16 13B1 13B3 13S19 13B36 13X1376 PDF

    Torotel Products transformer

    Abstract: Torotel Products
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY PLANAR TRANSFORMERS SPT Series up to 250W Power Rating: Up to 250W Frequency Range: 100 KHz to 400 KHz Construction: IPC J-STD 001 Class 3 Soldering Compatibility Isolation (Primary to Secondary): 1500 VRMS Part number Step Down SPT344110

    SPT344110 SPT355115 SPT366114 SPT377113 SPT388110 Torotel Products transformer Torotel Products PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W~l € TEL TRANSFORMERS PRODUCTS INC. 13 40 2 South 71 Highway/Grandview, MO 64030/ 816 761-6314 TWX 910-777-7037 PC MOUNT POWER TRANSFORMERS Torotel standard PC mount transformers are designed for 115 Vrms 60 Hz input and are generally usable to above 400 Hz. Voltages listed in table are

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1603 COILS. C H O K E S. & IN D U C T O R S 1800 MINIATURIZED PO W ER IN DU CTO RS These Power Inductors are also manufactured and tested to MlL-T-27/ 356. Contact Torotel for price and delivery information and applicable part numbers MIL-T-27/356-01 through MIL-T-27/356-63 .

    OCR Scan
    MlL-T-27/ MIL-T-27/356-01 MIL-T-27/356-63) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OTEL TRANSFORMERS PRODUCTS INC. 13402 South 71 Highway/Grandview, MO 64030/ 816 761-6314 TWX 910-777-7037 MINIATURE AUDIO TRANSFORMERS LA SERIES LB SERIES Torotel LA and LB Series transformers are manu­ factured to MIL-T-27, Grade 5, Class S specifica­

    OCR Scan
    TF5S21ZZ TF5S212Z TF5S21ZZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W~1 e TEL TRANSFORMERS PRODUCTS INC. 13402 South 71 Highway/Grandview, MO 64030/ 816 761-6314 TWX 910-777-7037 PC MOUNT POWER TRANSFORMERS Torotel standard PC mount transformers are designed for 115 Vrms 60 Hz input and are generally usable to above 400 Hz. Voltages listed in table are

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: € TEL TRANSFORMERS PRODUCTS INC. 13402 South 71 Highway/Grandview, MO 64030/ 816 761-6314 TWX 910-777-7037 MINIATURE AUDIO TRANSFORMERS LA or L B No. LA SERIES LB SERIES Torotel LA and LB Series transformers are manu­ factured to MIL-T-27, Grade 5, Class S specifica­

    OCR Scan
    TF5S21ZZ TF5S20ZZ TF5S212Z PDF


    Abstract: sm 0038 PIN DIAGRAM mosfet 800 watt circuit diagram OF INVERTER Nytronics max630 Nytronics WEE
    Text: > i/ i> jx iy k i _General Description -Features Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 C M O S DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5

    OCR Scan
    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA rc4191 sm 0038 PIN DIAGRAM mosfet 800 watt circuit diagram OF INVERTER Nytronics Nytronics WEE PDF


    Abstract: allen bradley 10k pot RC4391 LBD-V driver Siemens Ferrite B64290 Torotel Products Silver mica capacitor kkmo K38 mosfet MAX4193
    Text: j v l y i x i y y i CMOS M icropow er S tep-U p S w itching R egulator F ea tu re s G en eral D e s crip tio n M a x im ’s M A X 6 3 0 a n d M A X 4 1 9 3 C M O S D C - D C r e g u la to r s a re d e s ig n e d f o r s im p le , e ffic ie n t, m in im u m

    OCR Scan
    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA 70/iA MAX637 MAX638 MAX641 MAX642 WEE-470 allen bradley 10k pot RC4391 LBD-V driver Siemens Ferrite B64290 Torotel Products Silver mica capacitor kkmo K38 mosfet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 INDUCTORS PRODUCTS INC. 13402 South 71 Highway/Grandview, MO 64030/ 816 761-6314 TWX 910-777-7037 MINIATURE TOROIDS TYPE P/PF Epoxy Encapsulated MIL-T-27 Grade 5, Glass S f n NO FOOT WITH FOOT TYPICAL TYPE PA Axial Lead Epoxy Encapsulated TYPE M Metal Cased

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    MIL-T-27 PDF