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    TNR391K010B Search Results

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    TVR 221

    Abstract: PDCR 317 pdcr 318 TNR271K008B TNR102K015B TNR471K010B tnr391k010b TNR181K005B tnr102k015 CPU 314 IFM
    Text: [6] 解 説 [6] 解 説 1. 形名付与法 1.1 ツェナーダイオード 例 U 1 Z B 270 −X ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ①…表面実装対応の素子に限り “U” を付ける ②…許容損失値: P ③…定電圧ダイオードを表す 双方向性素子は “ZM”

    S5688 O-220SM TVR 221 PDCR 317 pdcr 318 TNR271K008B TNR102K015B TNR471K010B tnr391k010b TNR181K005B tnr102k015 CPU 314 IFM PDF


    Abstract: 6P45 TNR221K ring core permalloy bh curve mp3300 20dl2cz*a 50kV thyristor 100v dc to 220 ac with inverter transformer recti SRX333 AC reactor choke
    Text: 3 . CAUTIONS FOR USE 2 Protection devices. There are two major groups o f protection. 1. elements which break current 2. elements which suppress overcurrent. (a) Current break type element. 1) Current limiting fuse. Fuses for overcurrent break purpose are called current limiting fuses (or quick

    OCR Scan
    TSE-387. TNR391K010B 6P45 TNR221K ring core permalloy bh curve mp3300 20dl2cz*a 50kV thyristor 100v dc to 220 ac with inverter transformer recti SRX333 AC reactor choke PDF


    Abstract: TSS1J41 TSS16J41S tnr471 TSS1G41 TSS25J41S TSS25J47S TSS16G41 TSS3G44S TSS-2J44S
    Text: 3. RATINGS & METHOD OF USE 3.1 T hyristors 3.1.1 G ate triggering characteristics. Supplying a gate c u rre n t to such th y risto rs as SCRs, TRIA C s, e tc ., sw itches them from the o ff-state to th e on-state. T h y risto r gate characteristics include gate

    OCR Scan
    125x125x2m TSS2J2A44S TSS1J41 TSS16J41S tnr471 TSS1G41 TSS25J41S TSS25J47S TSS16G41 TSS3G44S TSS-2J44S PDF