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    Amphenol Corporation DWDM-SFP-5575-T-I-C

    Fiber Optic Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers Cisco DWDM-SFP-5575-T-I Compatible TAA 1000Base-DWDM 100GHz SFP Transceiver (SMF, 1555.75nm, 80km, LC, DOM, -40 to 85C)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DWDM-SFP-5575-T-I-C
    • 1 $1535.23
    • 10 $1535.23
    • 100 $1535.23
    • 1000 $1535.23
    • 10000 $1535.23
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    Amphenol Corporation DWDM-SFP-5655-T-I-C

    Fiber Optic Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers Cisco DWDM-SFP-5655-T-I Compatible TAA 1000Base-DWDM 100GHz SFP Transceiver (SMF, 1556.55nm, 80km, LC, DOM, -40 to 85C)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DWDM-SFP-5655-T-I-C
    • 1 $1535.23
    • 10 $1535.23
    • 100 $1535.23
    • 1000 $1535.23
    • 10000 $1535.23
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    Amphenol Corporation DWDM-SFP10G-29.55-T-I-C

    Fiber Optic Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers Cisco DWDM-SFP10G-29.55-T-I Compatible TAA 10GBase-DWDM 100GHz SFP+ Transceiver (SMF, 1529.55nm, 80km, LC, DOM, -40 to 85C)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DWDM-SFP10G-29.55-T-I-C
    • 1 $1535.23
    • 10 $1535.23
    • 100 $1535.23
    • 1000 $1535.23
    • 10000 $1535.23
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    Amphenol Corporation DWDM-SFP10G-56.55-T-I-C

    Fiber Optic Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers Cisco DWDM-SFP10G-56.55-T-I Compatible TAA 10GBase-DWDM 100GHz SFP+ Transceiver (SMF, 1556.55nm, 80km, LC, DOM, -40 to 85C)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DWDM-SFP10G-56.55-T-I-C
    • 1 $1535.23
    • 10 $1535.23
    • 100 $1535.23
    • 1000 $1535.23
    • 10000 $1535.23
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    Amphenol Corporation DWDM-SFP10G-55.75-T-I-C

    Fiber Optic Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers Cisco DWDM-SFP10G-55.75-T-I Compatible TAA 10GBase-DWDM 100GHz SFP+ Transceiver (SMF, 1555.75nm, 80km, LC, DOM, -40 to 85C)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DWDM-SFP10G-55.75-T-I-C
    • 1 $1535.23
    • 10 $1535.23
    • 100 $1535.23
    • 1000 $1535.23
    • 10000 $1535.23
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    TIC 55 Datasheets (1)

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    "binary to bcd"

    Abstract: binary bcd conversion logic diagram 74F582 binary to bcd conversion binary to bcd 82S82 SUBTRACTION bcd arithmetic f582
    Text: 582 54F/74F582 C o n n e c tio n D iag ram s 4-Bit BC D A rith m e tic Logic Unit D e sc rip tio n The ’ F582 is a 24-pin expandable A rith m e tic Logic Unit ALU that per­ form s tw o a rith m e tic operations (A plus B, A m inus B), com pare (A equals

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    54F/74F582 24-pin 82S82. 24Lea( "binary to bcd" binary bcd conversion logic diagram 74F582 binary to bcd conversion binary to bcd 82S82 SUBTRACTION bcd arithmetic f582 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT INFORMATION Half-Duplex Communication 1A212 H igft-Ffcrtormancc D UPL£X O p tic a l a n d E le c tr ic a l C h a r a c te r is tic s PARAMETER SYMBOL Fiber-Coupled Power SS; M IN TYP 25 55 ^liber R g . 1,2,8.3 (Table 1) :¥j¥: Rise and Fall Time

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    1A212 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U 20/16/7 Core and Accessories B67348 C o re with rectangular cross section Dimensions in accordance with DIN 41296 M a g n e tic c h a ra c te ris tic s (p e r set) Zl/A = 1,24 m m -' 4 Ae A min l/e = 68 = 55 m m 2 = 55 m m 2 = 3 740 m m 3 mm FUSO006-*

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    B67348 FUSO006-* B67348-A1-X27 B67348-A 1004-T1 TS561 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GBU6A-GBU6M Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 - 1000 V CURRENT: 6.0 A GBU Features 22.3± 0.3 Ideal for printed circuit board 3.7± 0.35 2.2± 0.2 - AC P. TY 94V-O .9 R1 Plas tic m aterrial has U/L flam m ability clas s ification + 1.9± 0.3 plas tic technique

    50mVp-p 0-400V 00-1000V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GBU4A-GBU4M Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 - 1000 V CURRENT: 4.0 A GBU Features 22.3± 0.3 Ideal for printed circuit board 3.7± 0.35 2.2± 0.2 - AC P. TY 94V-O .9 R1 Plas tic m aterrial has U/L flam m ability clas s ification 1.9± 0.3 plas tic technique

    50mVp-p 0-400V 00-1000V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 128K x 32, 256K x 32 3.3V CMOS STATIC RAM MODULES Integrated Device Technology, Inc. PRELIMINARY IDT7MPV4060 IDT7MPV4145 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High d ensity 4 m egabit and 8 m egabit sta tic RAM m odules T he ID T 7M P V 4060 is a 128K x 32 sta tic RAM m odule

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    IDT7MPV4060 IDT7MPV4145 72-lead, /090t IDT7MPV4060/7MPV4145 7MPV4060 PV4145 PDF

    GBU 25M

    Abstract: gbu25m GBU25K
    Text: GBU25A-GBU25M Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 - 1000 V CURRENT: 25.0 A GBU Features 22.3± 0.3 Ideal for printed circuit board 3.7± 0.35 94V-O - AC P. TY 2.2± 0.2 .9 R1 Plas tic m aterrial has U/L flam m ability clas s ification 1.9± 0.3 plas tic technique

    GBU25A-GBU25M 50mVp-p 0-400V 00-1000V GBU 25M gbu25m GBU25K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ Su p ertex me. HV9124 HV9127 Objective High-Voltage Current-Mode PWM Controller Ordering Information_ M ax D uty C y c le 16 Pin P la s tic D IP 16 Pin C e ra m ic DIP 16 Pin P la s tic P L C C D IC E 49% HV9124P HV9124C HV9124PJ HV9124X

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    HV9124 HV9127 HV9124P HV9124C HV9124PJ HV9124X HV9127P HV9127C HV9127PJ HP9127X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GBL4005-GBL410 Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 - 1000 V CURRENT: 4.0 A Features KBJ2 Ideal for printed circuit board 20± 0.55 3.5± 0.35 2.0± 0.25 plas tic technique 11± 0.25 Reliable low cos t cons truction utilizing m olded Plas tic m aterrial has U/L flam m ability clas s ification

    GBL4005-GBL410 50mVp-p 0-400V 00-1000V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AC705 ACT705 54AC/74AC705 54ACT/74ACT705 A rith m e tic Logic Unit fo r Digital Signal Pro c essin g A p p lic a tio n s Description Connection Diagrams uQ The ’A C /’ACT705 is a high-speed a rith m e tic processing integrated c irc u it w h ich is packaged in

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    AC705 ACT705 54AC/74AC705 54ACT/74ACT705 ACT705 84-pin 16-bit rse2 PDF


    Abstract: MHW590 f2n3904 MFOE3202 ir receiver motorola photodyne photodyne 88XLA SMA 905 fiber dimensions 2N3904 88XLA
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MFOE3200 MFOE3201 MFOE3202 Fiber O p tic s — M O D F am ily In fra re d LED . . d esig n ed fo r fib e r o p tic s a p p lic a tio n s re q u irin g h ig h p o w e r and fa s t respo n se tim e . It is sp e c tra lly m a tch e d to th e firs t w in d o w m in im u m a tte n u a tio n re g io n o f m o s t glasscore fib e r o p tic s cables. M o to ro la 's package fits d ire c tly into sta n d a rd fib e r o p tic s c o n ­

    OCR Scan
    Am0160 VK200 MRF581 MHW590 2N3904 1N3904 f2n3904 MFOE3202 ir receiver motorola photodyne photodyne 88XLA SMA 905 fiber dimensions 2N3904 88XLA PDF

    arithmetic logic unit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ao ti 6 CMOS 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit High-Voltage Types (20-Volt Rating The RCA-CD4Q181B is a low -pow er fo u r-b it parallel a rithm e tic logic u n it (A L U ) capable o f providing 16 bin a ry arithm e tic operations on tw o fo u r-b it w ords and 16 logical func­

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    20-Volt RCA-CD4Q181B CD40181B arithmetic logic unit PDF


    Abstract: PCD3325 PCD3326 pcd3320cp pcd3321cp PCD3321C PCD3322CP PCD3321CD
    Text: PCD332XC FAMILY The PCD 332XC fa m ily o f ICs comprises the fo llo w in g types: PCD3320C d ia lle r w ith several m ute signals PCD3321C d ia lle r w ith tw o a u tom a tic access pauses PCD3322C variant c f PCD3320C PCD3324C d ia lle r w ith one a u to m a tic access pause

    OCR Scan
    PCD332XC 332XC PCD3320C PCD3321C PCD3322C PCD3324C PCD3325C PCD3326C PCD3327C PCD3326CP PCD3325 PCD3326 pcd3320cp pcd3321cp PCD3322CP PCD3321CD PDF

    Signetics 2513

    Abstract: 2513N 7x5 dot matrix 7x5 dot matrix display cm2141 signetics 2513n R03-2513 -CGR-001 64X7X5 2513NX crt 08 3m
    Text: s ig n o tic s 64X8X5CHARACTER GENERATOR 2513 SILICON GATE MOS 2500 SERIES DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION Top V ie w T h e Signetics 2 5 1 3 is a high speed 25 60-b it Sta tic ROM N /l P A C K A G E organized as 6 4 x 8 x 5 . A standard 7 x 5 dot m a trix fits w ell in

    OCR Scan
    64X8X5 2560-bit 64x8x5. 2513/CM2141 24-PIN BI482 Signetics 2513 2513N 7x5 dot matrix 7x5 dot matrix display cm2141 signetics 2513n R03-2513 -CGR-001 64X7X5 2513NX crt 08 3m PDF

    ic LM 356 equivalent

    Abstract: L272M equivalent I488P L7900cv tdb 4558 L7800CV TL 084 27m4 regulators equivalent l387a op amp mc 4558
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE CMOS OP-AMPs Package Type Description Pins D: H: J: N: P la s tic m ic ro p a c k a g e M e ta l c a n C e rd ip P la s tic d u a l in lin e CMOS SINGLE TS 271, A.B Programmable 8 N.D.J Low Power Medium Supply Current High Speed 8 8 8 N.D.J

    OCR Scan
    335/A 336/A/B L5832 L6221A/N M8438A M8439 UCN4801A ic LM 356 equivalent L272M equivalent I488P L7900cv tdb 4558 L7800CV TL 084 27m4 regulators equivalent l387a op amp mc 4558 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STK10C68 T h e S im te k S T K 10C 68 is a fast sta tic RAM 2 5 ,3 0 , 35, and 45ns , w ith anonvo la tile e le ctrica lly-e ra sa b le PROM (EEPROM) e lem ent incorporate d in each sta tic m e m ory cell. T h e SRAM can be read and w ritten an unlim ited

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    STK10C68 10C68 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 256K 256K x 1-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM PLASTIC SiP MODULE IDT7MP156 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION • H ig h -de n sity 256K (256K x 1) C M O S sta tic RAM m o du le • C ost-effective p la s tic su rfa ce m o un ted RAM p a cka g e s o n an e p o x y lam in ate (FR4) substrate

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    IDT7MP156 T7187 IDT7MP156 256Kx 7MP156 PDF


    Abstract: HM6514 IM6514 IM6514CJN IM6514IJN IM6514IPN IM6514MFN IM6514MJN IM651
    Text: D IN nriraiL W ï ,-s V O ' ,.,a C* IM 6514 4 0 9 6 Bit 1 K X 4 CM OS S ta tic RAM i, # “ ' FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • • The IM6514 is a high speed, low power CMOS S ta tic RAM organized 1024 words by 4 b ils. Input and three sta te out­

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    IM6514 HM6514 IM6514IJN IM6514IPN IM6514MJN IM6514MFN IM6514CJN 18-PIN IM6514CJN IM6514IJN IM6514IPN IM6514MFN IM6514MJN IM651 PDF

    SP 101302

    Abstract: 45K202
    Text: SERIES DIN 41626 Coax Inserts Technical Characteristics 50 Q DIN 41626 Coax Inserts Technische Daten 50 Q DIN 41626 Koaxeinsatze E le c tr ic a l c h a r a c te r is tic s \ E ie k t n s c h e D a te n ; r . ; : V. son C h a ra c te ris tic im p e d a n c e

    OCR Scan
    102MD D-84526 K101-K00 K102-K00 K106-KOO 45K105-K00H3 45K111-KOOH3 104-K00H3 K109-KOO 45K10B-K00H3 SP 101302 45K202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WE128K32-XXX WHITE /M ICRO ELECTRO N ICS 128Kx32 EEPROM MODULE, S M D 5962-94585 FEATURES • A c c ess T im e s of 140, 150, 200, 250, 3 00ns ■ ■ Packaging: ■ A u to m a tic Page W r it e O p e ra tio n • 66-pin, PGA Typ e, 1.075 inch sq uare, H e rm e tic C eram ic

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    WE128K32-XXX 128Kx32 66-pin, 300ns 250ns 200ns 140ns 02HIMX PDF


    Abstract: CD54HC4520
    Text: High-Reliability High-Speed CMOS Logic ICs C D 54HC4518/3A C D 54H C T 4518/3A Burn-ln Test-Circuit Connections Static OPEN 3-6,11-14 C D 5 4 H C /H C T 4 5 1 8 Dynamic Use S ta tic II fo r /3 A b u rn -in and D yna m ic fo r L ife Test. STA TIC B U R N -IN I

    OCR Scan
    CD54HC4518/3A CD54HCT4518/3A CD54HC/HCT4518 CD54HC/HCT4518 2k-47k CD54HC4520/3A CD54HCT4520/3A CD54HC4520 CD54HCT4520 93C39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: gjJÎ'N 256K X 32 BiCMOS/CMOS STATIC RAM MODULE | | dt IDT7MP4045 Integrated Dev ce Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • H igh d e n s ity 1 m e g a b y te s ta tic R A M m o dule T h e ID T 7 M P 4 0 4 5 is a 2 5 6 K x 3 2 s ta tic R A M m o dule

    OCR Scan
    IDT7MP4045 IDT7MP4045 PDF

    "binary to bcd"

    Abstract: binary to bcd
    Text: 582 54F/74F582 Connection Diagrams 4-Bit BCD A rithm etic Logic Unit Description The 'F582 is a 24-pin expandable A rith m e tic Logic U nit ALU th a t per­ form s tw o a rith m e tic op era tions (A plus B, A m inus B), com pare (A equals B), and binary to BCD conversion. In ad dition to a ripple carry ou tput,

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F582 24-pin 82S82. 24-Lead "binary to bcd" binary to bcd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PS621 10-500 MHz. 4 BIT Digital Attenuator A tiC R O m w Co/p. Maximum Ratings Operating tem perature. -55°C to +85°C Storage temperature.-62°C to +125 °C DC voltage . +5.5 volts

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    PS621 PDF