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    TESLA SWITCH Search Results

    TESLA SWITCH Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCWA1225G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation High Power Switch / SPDT / WCSP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TBAW56 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.215 A, SOT23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    HN1D05FE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 400 V, 0.1 A, ES6 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TESLA SWITCH Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIFICATIONS base unit* Frequency range Min Frequency range Max Range electrical field [V/m] typical Min (1D) Range electrical field [V/m] (typical) Max (1D) Range magnetic field [Tesla] (typical) Min (3D!) Range magnetic field [Tesla] (typical) Max (3D!)

    555GHz. -90dBm 20dBm. 40dBm -50dBm 10dBm PDF

    gaussmeter probe

    Abstract: PSRI STB1X-0201 gaussmeter hall effect 5vdc
    Text: 5100 Series Hall Effect Gauss / Tesla Meters The 5100 Series Hall effect portable gaussmeters represent the most recent design from the world leader in magnetic measuring equipment. This new design incorporates the use of digital signal processing technology

    w/5170) STB1X-0201 MOS51-3204 YA-111 110VAC 220VAC gaussmeter probe PSRI gaussmeter hall effect 5vdc PDF


    Abstract: MRI rf amplifier analogic device power supply
    Text: AN8101 5 kW RF Power Amplifier for Pulsed RF Service Introduction The all-solid-state AN8101 Radio Frequency Power Amplifier meets the stringent performance standards required by magnetic resonance imaging MRI scanners with magnetic field strengths from 0.15 to 1.0 Tesla. The AN8101 is a

    AN8101 AN8101 19-inch 2500m 15-Pin ADVANCED ANALOGIC TECHNOLOGY MRI rf amplifier analogic device power supply PDF

    tesla coil

    Abstract: "Reed Switch" tesla switch AN102A Helmholtz Coil Gauss method magnetic flux density for different material MAGNETIC REED SWITCH MDCG-4 magnet "1 gauss"
    Text: Application Note AN102A Ampere*turn versus mT and Gauss What is the relationship between AT Ampere*turn and Tesla or Gauss? What magnet strength will activate a 15 AT reed switch at 5 mm? There is not an answer that is both simple and accurate. Because the reed switch is made of ferrous material, it affects the magnetic field into

    AN102A tesla coil "Reed Switch" tesla switch AN102A Helmholtz Coil Gauss method magnetic flux density for different material MAGNETIC REED SWITCH MDCG-4 magnet "1 gauss" PDF

    A3121 8 pin

    Abstract: A3144E UGN3019 ugn3020 ugn3020 hall effect device A3121 ugn3040 UGN3120U A3144 hall effect A3144
    Text: FAQ from Unipolar Hall-Effect Digital Switches A3121/2/3, A3141/2/3/4 E LL G Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) A R O MicroSystems, Inc. 1. I am trying to replace UGN3120U in my application. What do you recommend? We recommend using A3144EU because the operate point range is 70 to 350 gauss

    A3121/2/3, A3141/2/3/4) UGN3120U A3144EU UGN3120U) A3121 UGN3019/3113/3119; A3141 UGN3040/3140; A3144 A3121 8 pin A3144E UGN3019 ugn3020 ugn3020 hall effect device A3121 ugn3040 A3144 hall effect PDF

    Ferroxcube 3C8

    Abstract: 204T250-3C8 pulse transformer driver ic Amp. mosfet 1000 watt MPS-U10 application note gate driver for h bridge mosfet core 3c8 U 126 204T250 ac step-up transformer winding awg
    Text: U-127 APPLICATION NOTE UNIQUE CHIP PAIR SIMPLIFIES ISOLATED HIGH SIDE SWITCH DRIVE John A. O’Connor Application Engineer Motor Control Circuits Abstract High voltage, high current N-channel MOSFETs, now widely accepted in the industry, have found their way into numerous high power designs. As their cost to performance ratio continually improves, gate drive

    U-127 UC3724/UC3725, U-110 U-126 Ferroxcube 3C8 204T250-3C8 pulse transformer driver ic Amp. mosfet 1000 watt MPS-U10 application note gate driver for h bridge mosfet core 3c8 U 126 204T250 ac step-up transformer winding awg PDF

    Ferroxcube 3C8

    Abstract: U-127 204T250-3C8 Dual secondary Transformer UNITRODE U-124 Unitrode U-127 CURRENT TRANSFORMER Isolated mosfet gate drive circuit Amp. mosfet 1000 watt coupler MOSFET DRIVER application note
    Text: U-127 APPLICATION NOTE UNIQUE CHIP PAIR SIMPLIFIES ISOLATED HIGH SIDE SWITCH DRIVE John A. O’Connor Application Engineer Motor Control Circuits Abstract High voltage, high current N-channel MOSFETs, now widely accepted in the industry, have found their way into numerous high power designs. As their cost to performance ratio continually improves, gate drive

    U-127 UC3724/UC3725, Ferroxcube 3C8 U-127 204T250-3C8 Dual secondary Transformer UNITRODE U-124 Unitrode U-127 CURRENT TRANSFORMER Isolated mosfet gate drive circuit Amp. mosfet 1000 watt coupler MOSFET DRIVER application note PDF

    ct scanner

    Abstract: .01 uf disc capacitor EUROFARAD capacitor datasheet EUROFARAD ceramic capacitor nova* kemet ceramic capacitor SSQ21113 murata Ceramic Disc Capacitors SCR SN 101 hv20 "x-ray generator"
    Text: Index Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 High Voltage/High Temperature Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 High Temperature Ceramic Cases Series C3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6



    Abstract: RCD snubber forward converter KA5M0380R application note offline forward converter KA5L0380R. Application NOTE KA5L0380R. Application v2490 FS7M0880 smps transformer pc FS7M0680
    Text: Application Note AN4134 Design Guidelines for Off-line Forward Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch FPSTM Abstract This paper presents practical design guidelines for off-line forward converter employing FPS (Fairchild Power Switch).

    AN4134 EER2834 RCD snubber forward converter KA5M0380R application note offline forward converter KA5L0380R. Application NOTE KA5L0380R. Application v2490 FS7M0880 smps transformer pc FS7M0680 PDF


    Abstract: gaussmeter probe HS-AGB5-4805 MNT-4E04-VG HS-STF99-0402 SAD58-1904 MMA-2508-VH HS-TB51 HS-STM99-0402 MNT-4E04-VH
    Text: Gaussmeter Probes for FH 26, FH 27, FH 46, FH 47 Description Our gaussmeter probes are designed to meet the electrical and mechanical requirements of virtually any application. Models are available for transverse lines of flux moving perpendicular through the probe tip and axial (magnetic lines of flux moving through the length of the probe) measurements. Cryogeni, magnaprobe and multi-axis probes are also available.

    HS-AGB5-4820 D-50996 gaussmeter gaussmeter probe HS-AGB5-4805 MNT-4E04-VG HS-STF99-0402 SAD58-1904 MMA-2508-VH HS-TB51 HS-STM99-0402 MNT-4E04-VH PDF


    Abstract: magnetic flow meter MAGNETIC METER tesla coil MR2A16A 104Gauss tesla semiconductor
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN3525 Rev. 0, 11/2007 Impact of External Magnetic Fields on MRAM Products by: Jason Janesky Freescale Semiconductor Austin, TX 1 Introduction This application note discusses magnetic fields, the sources and magnitudes of magnetic fields, and their

    AN3525 AN3525 magnetic flow meter MAGNETIC METER tesla coil MR2A16A 104Gauss tesla semiconductor PDF

    tesla coil

    Abstract: analog integrator D-50996 magnetic field measuring "IEEE-488 GPIB" ieee-488 gpib usb search-coil electronic measuring weight quality control MAGNET-PHYSICS
    Text: Page 1 / 2 ELECTRONIC FLUXMETER EF 14 EF 14 • Description The Electronic Fluxmeter EF 14 is designed to measure the magnetic flux using measuring coils. It comprises a precise analog integrator of high sensitivity and low drift. Key features:

    RS232 D-50996 tesla coil analog integrator magnetic field measuring "IEEE-488 GPIB" ieee-488 gpib usb search-coil electronic measuring weight quality control MAGNET-PHYSICS PDF


    Abstract: KT725 diac kr 206 KT707 KD502 kt201 KT206-200 KU607 KYS 30 40 diode KT784
    Text: TESLA ECIMEX, a. s. T E /1 \L /I Sem iconductor Discrete Devices Sem iconductor Discrete Devices CONTENTS . 3 TRANSISTORS. 5

    OCR Scan
    15Blatnà KF520 KT725 diac kr 206 KT707 KD502 kt201 KT206-200 KU607 KYS 30 40 diode KT784 PDF

    Tesla sensor

    Abstract: TESLA 1 alnico
    Text: APPLICATION DATA Solid State Sensors Magnet Conversion Chart MULTIPLICATION FACTORS From Gauss Tesla Millitesla Weber/Inch2 Weber/Meter2 Line/Inch2 Gammas 1 1 1 0 .0 1.550 1 X 104 1.55 1 X 10-5 Tesla 1 X 1 0 -“ 1 1.5500 X 103 1 X 10“ 9 Millitesla 0.1 1

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: D2903 tesla switch TL3013C TESLA transistor
    Text: TL3013C SILICON HALL-EFFECT SWITCH D2903, SEPTEMBER 1 98 5 -R E V ISE D APRIL 1988 Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input LU P A C K A G E ITO P V IEW On-Off Hysteresis Small Size Standard Bipolar Technology Minimizes ESD Susceptibility • lOL • • ■ 20 mA Min at V o L “ 0.4 V

    OCR Scan
    TL3013C D2903, N3013 ugn3013 D2903 tesla switch TESLA transistor PDF

    TESLA transistor

    Abstract: ugn3040 UGN-3040
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION TL3040C SILICON HALL EFFECT SWITCH D 2903, O CTO BER 1985 • Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Standard Bipolar Technology Minimizes ESD Susceptibility • lOL - • • 20 mA Min at V o l = 0-4 V

    OCR Scan
    TL3040C SLFS009 TESLA transistor ugn3040 UGN-3040 PDF


    Abstract: TESLA transistor TL3019C UGN3019 D2903 Tesla sensor
    Text: TL3019C SILICON HALL EFFECT SWITCH D2903, JULY 1 9 8 5 — REVISED APRIL 1988 Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input LU P A C K A G E TOP VIEW On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Standard Bipolar Technology Minimizes ESD Susceptibility • Io l • • ■ 20 mA Min at V o L “ 0-4 V

    OCR Scan
    TL3019C D2903, UGN3019 TL3019 TESLA transistor UGN3019 D2903 Tesla sensor PDF


    Abstract: ugn3040 Tesla transistor tesla switch TESLA Manufacturer Tesla sensor TL3040C magnetic flux density for different material D2903 direct replacement
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION TL3040C SILICON HALL EFFECT SWITCH D 2 9 0 3 , OCTOBER 1 9 8 5 LU PACKAGE TOP VIEW Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input O n -O ff Hysteresis Small Size k \ Standard Bipolar Technology Minimizes ESD Susceptibility lOL - • • 2 0 m A Min at V o l = 0 -4 V

    OCR Scan
    TL3040C D2903, UGN3040 TL3040C SLFS009 UGN-3040 ugn3040 Tesla transistor tesla switch TESLA Manufacturer Tesla sensor magnetic flux density for different material D2903 direct replacement PDF


    Abstract: TL172C
    Text: TL172 C N O R M A LLY O FF SILICON H A LL-EFFEC T SW ITCH D2490, AUGUST 1977-RE VIS E D APRIL 1988 • Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Solid-State Technology • Open-Collector Output • Normally Off Switch

    OCR Scan
    TL172 D2490, 1977-RE TL172C PDF

    tl170 hall effect

    Abstract: tl170 hall TL170C TL170 CT SENSOR AX2535
    Text: TL170C SILICON HALL-EFFECT SWITCH • Magnetic-Fleld Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Solid-State Technology • Open-Coilector Output D24Q8, DECEMBER 1977. REVISED APRIL 1988

    OCR Scan
    TL170C D24Q8, TL170 tl170 hall effect tl170 hall CT SENSOR AX2535 PDF


    Abstract: TL170 L70C tesla switch Tesla sensor ERO Electronic irf540 TTL tesla NZ 70 tl170 hall tl170 hall effect
    Text: TL170C SIUCON HAU-EFFECT SWITCH 0 3 4 0 0 , D E C E M B E R 1877. R fV tS C O A P M L 1 0 M • Magnetfc-FWd Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small SI*« • Solid-State Technology • Open-Coiector Output description The T L17 0C is s low-cost magnetteal ly operated

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    TL170C TL170C TL170 SS6012 L70C tesla switch Tesla sensor ERO Electronic irf540 TTL tesla NZ 70 tl170 hall tl170 hall effect PDF


    Abstract: Tesla transistor TL31011 TL3101C 0/TL3101
    Text: TL3101I, TL3101C SILICON HALL-EFFECT SWITCH APRIL 1985— REVISED APRIL 1988 • Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Solid-State Technology • Open-Collector Output • Buried Hall-Effect Cell Reduces Threshold

    OCR Scan
    TL3101I, TL3101C TL3101 Tesla transistor TL31011 0/TL3101 PDF


    Abstract: TL170C TESLA transistor l170c TL 170C
    Text: TL170C SILICON HALL-EFFECT SWITCH D 2 4 0 8 , DECEMBER 1 9 7 7 , REVISED APRIL 1 9 8 8 • Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Solid-State Technology • Open-Collector Output description The TL 170C is a low-cost magnetically operated

    OCR Scan
    TL170C TL170 TESLA transistor l170c TL 170C PDF


    Abstract: TL3101C TL3101I TESLA transistor
    Text: TL3101I, TL3101C SILICON HALL-EFFECT SWITCH A P R IL 1 9 8 5 — R E V I S E D A P R IL 1 9 8 8 • Magnetic-Field Sensing Hall-Effect Input • On-Off Hysteresis • Small Size • Solid-State Technology • Open-Collector Output • LU P A C K A G E T O P V IE W

    OCR Scan
    TL3101I, TL3101C TL3101 TL3101I TESLA transistor PDF