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    T719 Price and Stock


    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AT719 Bulk 1
    • 1 $7.51
    • 10 $6.964
    • 100 $7.51
    • 1000 $5.83636
    • 10000 $4.96364
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    NKK Switches AT719

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AT719 Bulk 1
    • 1 $5.51
    • 10 $5.51
    • 100 $5.51
    • 1000 $5.51
    • 10000 $5.51
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    Mouser Electronics AT719 1
    • 1 $5.52
    • 10 $5.52
    • 100 $5.42
    • 1000 $4.9
    • 10000 $4.9
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    Newark AT719 Bulk 1
    • 1 $9.82
    • 10 $9.43
    • 100 $7.72
    • 1000 $5.71
    • 10000 $5.71
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    RS AT719 Bulk 9 Weeks 1
    • 1 $5.67
    • 10 $5.5
    • 100 $5.33
    • 1000 $5.33
    • 10000 $5.33
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    TTI AT719 Bulk 1
    • 1 $5.27
    • 10 $5.01
    • 100 $4.73
    • 1000 $4.54
    • 10000 $4.54
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    Powell Electronics AT719 1 1
    • 1 $5.62
    • 10 $5.62
    • 100 $5.62
    • 1000 $4.75
    • 10000 $3.77
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    Apex Tool Group LLC T7194

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    DigiKey T7194 Bulk 1
    • 1 $1.3
    • 10 $1.3
    • 100 $1.3
    • 1000 $1.3
    • 10000 $1.3
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    RS T7194 Bulk 1
    • 1 $1.39
    • 10 $1.39
    • 100 $1.39
    • 1000 $1.39
    • 10000 $1.39
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    On-Shore Technology Inc OSTT7190150

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    DigiKey OSTT7190150 Bulk 9
    • 1 -
    • 10 $6.46222
    • 100 $6.46222
    • 1000 $6.46222
    • 10000 $6.46222
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    On-Shore Technology Inc OSTT7192150

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    DigiKey OSTT7192150 Bulk 8
    • 1 -
    • 10 $6.5275
    • 100 $6.5275
    • 1000 $6.5275
    • 10000 $6.5275
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    T719 Datasheets (71)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    T719N Eupec Original PDF
    T719N Eupec Fast Thyristor / Phase Control Thyristor Selection Guide Original PDF
    T719N04TOC Eupec 400V V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N04TOF Eupec 400V V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N06 Eupec Thyristor SCR 600V 955A Original PDF
    T719N06TOC Eupec 400V V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N06TOF Eupec 400V V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N08TOC Eupec 800V V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N08TOF Eupec 800V V[drm] Max., 718A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1000TOC Telefunken Electronic 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1000TOC Telefunken Electronic 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1000TOC Vishay Telefunken 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1000TOF Telefunken Electronic 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1000TOF Telefunken Electronic 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1000TOF Vishay Telefunken 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N10TOC Eupec 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N10TOF Eupec 1.0kV V[drm] Max., 718A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1100TOC Telefunken Electronic 1.1kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    T719N1100TOC Telefunken Electronic 1.1kV V[drm] Max., 719A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF

    T719 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF

    EUPEC T718N

    Abstract: lt 719 T718N T719N
    Text: EUPEC T718N 52E J> 34032T7 00007^3 Ö17 W U PEC • T719N 7 ^ Typenreihe/Type ränge T 718 N/T 719 N 400* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Vdrm, Vrrm Periodische Vorwärts- und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung Effektiver Durchlaßstrom

    OCR Scan
    T718N T719N T718N/T719N tvjS45Â 19/Detail EUPEC T718N lt 719 T719N PDF


    Abstract: T719N
    Text: E G-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT T718N T719N Typen reih e/Type range Ö1C D • T718N GOB'iMlS Q O G b m 400 * 600 800 T ■ AE GG 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600* T719N E le k trisch e E ig en sch a ften E lectrical properties H ö ch stz u lä ss ig e W erte M axim um p e rm issib le va lu e s

    OCR Scan
    T718N T719N QG0b203 19/Detail T719N PDF

    TAA 981

    Abstract: IDT71982 71982
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAMs 6 4 K 1 6 K x 4-BIT T71981S/L T71982S/L Separate Data Inputs and Outputs In te g rate d D e vic e Technology, In c . FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • S eparate data inputs and outputs ID T71981S /L: ou tputs tra c k inputs during w rite mode

    OCR Scan
    IDT71981S/L IDT71982S/L IDT71981S/L: IDT71982S/L: 20/25/35/45/55/70/85ns 15/20/25/35ns 28-pin 200mV TAA 981 IDT71982 71982 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: | dt Integrated DeviceTechnology, Inc CMOS STATIC RAMS 64K 16Kx 4-BIT) IDT 71981S/L IDT 71982S/L Separate Data Inputs and Outputs FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • T h e ID T71981/ID T 71982are 65,536-blt h ig h -sp ee d static RAMs o rga n ized as 16K x 4. T h e y are fa b rica ted u sin g ID T’s highperform ance, h ig h -re lia b ility te c h n o lo g y -C E M O S . T h is state-ofthe-art te ch n o lo g y, c o m b in e d w ith innovative c irc u it desig n te ch ­

    OCR Scan
    71981S/L 71982S/L IDT79R3000 IDT71981S/L: IDT71982S/L: T71981/2S T71981/2L IDT71982 S4-104 IDT71981/IDT71982 S498 PDF

    mt 1117

    Abstract: T718N D-10 T719N KA120A LT3K T719
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC fllC D • fi^OCHb DDOblRR 2 H A L GG T718N T719N Typenreihe/Type range T718N 400* 600 800 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600* _

    OCR Scan
    T718N T719N T719N 0D0b203 HAL66 19/Detail mt 1117 D-10 KA120A LT3K T719 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC 52E T718N J> • 34032T7 00007^3 Ö17 W UPEC T719N 7 ^ Typenreihe/Type ränge T 718 N/T 719 N 400* Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Vdrm , Vrrm Periodische Vorwärts- und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung Effektiver Durchlaßstrom

    OCR Scan
    T718N 34032T7 T719N T-91-20 5x315 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MWT-T719S-3P1/1719Z-3P1 1I.MÌ.?«ÌI «»lincili Itili««»!*!«* Email; TYPICA L SPECIFICATIONS AT 25 °C • 21.0 dBm P-ldB • 6.0 IB SMALL SIGNAL GAIN • 15.0 dB INPUT/OUTPUT RETURN LOSS • 100 mA @ +8V ìlflIIJ k »

    OCR Scan
    MWT-T719S-3P1/1719Z-3P1 PDF


    Abstract: T719N k005f
    Text: öl T718N T719N Typenreihe/Type ränge T718N T719N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte U drm. U rrm Periodische Vorwärts-und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung DE | ODETMHti O O D t l ^ 400* 600 Itrmsm Itavh Effektiver Durchlaßstrom

    OCR Scan
    T718N T719N T719N 125cC 19/Detail k005f PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I CM O S STATIC RAMS 6 4 K 1 6 K X 4-BIT ID T71981S /L ID T71982S /L S eparate Data Inputs and Outputs FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • S eparate d a ta inp u ts a n d o u tp u ts • T71981S/L: o u tp u ts tra ck inp u ts d u rin g w rite m ode • T71982S/L: h ig h im p e d a n c e o utp u ts d u rin g w rite m ode

    OCR Scan
    T71981S T71982S IDT71981S/L: IDT71982S/L: 1981/1D IDT71981 IDT71982 IDT71981/1DT71982 MIL-STD-883, PDF


    Abstract: 7MC4005
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE 14E D 4025771 0004545 256K 16Kx 16 CMOS STATIC RAM DUAL SIP MODULE 5 IDT 7MC4005 Th e ID T7M C4005 is a 16-bit w ide 256K (16K x 16) static RAM m odule constructed on a co-fired ceram ic substrate using four ID T7198 16K x 4 sta tic RAM s In le ad le ss ch ip ca rrie rs. Extrem ely

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 36-pin 7MC4005 C4005 MIL-STD-883, 7MC4005 PDF


    Abstract: T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N T718N T719N diode 528 6 2
    Text: B6C - Schaltung ~~~ Anschlußspannung Bemessungs-Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement n. VDE 0558 VDRM/RRM 400 Veff 500 Veff 540 V 1400 V 670 V 1600 V Temp. tA Satzstrom Id [°C] [A] [W] 35 175 260 385 439 585 623 759 890 937 1095 164 246 365 419 557



    Abstract: T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N T718N T719N
    Text: Koppel - Thyristor + Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement VDRM/RRM 700 V 800 V 1400 V 1600 V + - Kühlblöcke für Luftselbstkühlung Temp. tA [°C] 35 40 45 50 55 60 Gleichstrom Verlustl. P d Luftmen. v L Id Schaltung pro KB [A] 66 102 148 189 239 243


    772 5912

    Abstract: DIODE 8069 T718N v 4520 T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N T719N
    Text: M3.2C - Schaltung ~ Anschlußspannung Bemessungs-Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement n. VDE 0558 VDRM/RRM 400 Veff 500 Veff 220 V 1400 V 280 V 1600 V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + Kühlblöcke für Luftselbstkühlung Temp. tA Satzstrom Id [°C] [A] [W] 35 350 520 770

    21068F 772 5912 DIODE 8069 T718N v 4520 T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N T719N PDF

    427 kc2

    Abstract: T718N T1189N T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N T719N
    Text: Koppel - Thyristor + Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement VDRM/RRM 700 V 800 V 1400 V 1600 V + - Kühlblöcke für Luftselbstkühlung Temp. tA [°C] 35 40 45 50 55 60 Gleichstrom Verlustl. P d Luftmen. v L Id Schaltung pro KB [A] 66 102 148 189 239 243


    car subwoofer amplifier schematic circuit diagram

    Abstract: schematic diagram dc-ac inverter dc to ac inverter schematic diagram 12vdc to 230vac mosfet inverter CA4013 CA4013BE subwoofer schematic circuit for car audio 12V DC to 230V AC inverters circuit diagram without pwm hip4082 design schematic diagram inverter 12v to 5v 30a
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9611 Harris Intelligent Power May 1996 A DC-AC Isolated Battery Inverter Using the HIP4082 Author: George E. Danz WARNING • The HIP4082 peak output drive current is 1.25A, which reduces the need for adding series gate resistors when

    AN9611 HIP4082 HIP4082 HIP4080AEVAL2 HIP4082. 1-800-4-HARRIS car subwoofer amplifier schematic circuit diagram schematic diagram dc-ac inverter dc to ac inverter schematic diagram 12vdc to 230vac mosfet inverter CA4013 CA4013BE subwoofer schematic circuit for car audio 12V DC to 230V AC inverters circuit diagram without pwm hip4082 design schematic diagram inverter 12v to 5v 30a PDF


    Abstract: MCP67MV MCP67D MCP67MV- A2 c5304 asus nvidia mcp67 MCP67 C9236 ricoh r5c833
    Text: A B C D E A8N_A8Dc AMD/MCP67MV/MCP67D BLOCK DIAGRAM 1 BATTERY TYPE Sub block Diagram / BOM option 1 3S2P 64 POWER SEQENCE 2 . CPU CPU CAP 5 AMD Turion 64 F/G DDR2 533/667/800 SODIMM X2 3,4 LFB 2 LFB LFB HOST BUS DVI Dual CH. 47 CRT & TV CON 46 LFB VGA CON

    AMD/MCP67MV/MCP67D MCP67MV/D 33MHz FDW2501 FDW2501 ISL6227 MAX8632 mcp67m MCP67MV MCP67D MCP67MV- A2 c5304 asus nvidia mcp67 MCP67 C9236 ricoh r5c833 PDF

    T5N 400

    Abstract: KL42C T5N400 T7.5N T24N KL210 T235N T46N K017 t16 400
    Text: E ^-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 17E D • 002=1415 7 ■ AEGG / Thyristoren für netzgeführte Stromrichter Thyristors for line-commutated converters Thyristors pour applications secteur Typ Typ0 Vdrm Vrrm Ji2dt hvWM/tc tyjmax 45°C •p“ 10ms «vp •vjmax 45°C

    OCR Scan
    10ID9 T5N 400 KL42C T5N400 T7.5N T24N KL210 T235N T46N K017 t16 400 PDF


    Abstract: T714 t918 t505 Elite Microelectronics t718 T10610 t702 8 T907 T101
    Text: 9. e88C 412 ELECTRICAL & TIMING SPECIFICATION 9.1 Storage and Operating Characteristics 9.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Vss = 0 volts Stresses above the conditions listed in this section may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only. The functional operation of the device at these or any

    OCR Scan
    e88C412 e88C412 T716 T714 t918 t505 Elite Microelectronics t718 T10610 t702 8 T907 T101 PDF

    DD104N12K-A circuit

    Abstract: DD171N12K Thyristor Tabelle DD104N12K-A eupec DD171N12k ND89N12K T1059N Eupec Power Semiconductors Phase Control Thyristor tellerfeder ND260N12K 3KM17
    Text: . power the Home Products Stacks News Contact Disc Assemblies Editorials Disc Type Stack circuit Job Offers Company Module Stacks Search Site Content Heatsinks M1C <180 V <500 V line Voltage eff 690 V M2C <180 V <500 V 690 V 1000 V M3C <180 V <500 V 690 V

    10T588N T589N T618N T659N T688N T699N T718N T719N T878N T879N DD104N12K-A circuit DD171N12K Thyristor Tabelle DD104N12K-A eupec DD171N12k ND89N12K T1059N Eupec Power Semiconductors Phase Control Thyristor tellerfeder ND260N12K 3KM17 PDF

    schematic diagram dc-ac inverter

    Abstract: schematic diagram UPS inverter without pwm hip4082 design CA4013 ic hip4082 pin diagram pwm 555 timer mosfet driver HIP4082 12vdc to 230vac mosfet inverter HIP4082IP schematic diagram 230VAC to 12VDC
    Text: A DC-AC Isolated Battery Inverter Using the HIP4082 Application Note May 1996 AN9611 Author: George E. Danz WARNING is the time period between turn-off of an upper MOSFET gate, to turn-on of a lower MOSFET gate and vice versa. The HIP4080AEVAL2 DC-AC Inverter contains HIGH

    HIP4082 AN9611 HIP4080AEVAL2 schematic diagram dc-ac inverter schematic diagram UPS inverter without pwm hip4082 design CA4013 ic hip4082 pin diagram pwm 555 timer mosfet driver HIP4082 12vdc to 230vac mosfet inverter HIP4082IP schematic diagram 230VAC to 12VDC PDF


    Abstract: ATA 2388 IC ATA 2388 2L85 719b1
    Text: CMOS STATIC RAMs 64K 16Kx 4-BIT T71981S/L T71982S/L Separate Data Inputs and Outputs Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • Separate data inputs and outputs T71981S/L: outputs track inputs during write mode

    OCR Scan
    IDT71981S/L IDT71982S/L IDT71981S/L: IDT71982S/L: 20/25/35/45/55/70/85ns 15/20/25/35ns 28-pin MIL-STD-883, 2S701 ATA 2388 IC ATA 2388 2L85 719b1 PDF


    Abstract: Thyristor 1504 Thyristor 606 THYRISTOR t508n V 2238 T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N
    Text: W1C - Schaltung ~ Anschlußspannung Bemessungs-Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement n. VDE 0558 VDRM/RRM 400 Veff 500 Veff 1400 V 1600 V ~ Kühlblöcke für Luftselbstkühlung Temp. tA Satzstrom Id [°C] [A] 35 40 45 50 55 60 134 202 297 353 459 484 595

    16suant T718N Thyristor 1504 Thyristor 606 THYRISTOR t508n V 2238 T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N PDF

    transistor d 1556

    Abstract: T1189N T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T588N T718N T719N
    Text: W3C - Schaltung Anschlußspannung Bemessungs-Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement n. VDE 0558 VDRM/RRM 400 Veff 500 Veff 1400 V 1600 V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kühlblöcke für Luftselbstkühlung Temp. tA Satzstrom Id [°C] [A] 35 40 45 50 55 60 134 202 297 353 459


    12f 575

    Abstract: T718N T1189N T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T508N T588N T719N
    Text: M1C - Schaltung ~ Anschlußspannung Bemessungs-Gleichspannung Sperrspannung Bauelement n. VDE 0558 VDRM/RRM 400 Veff 500 Veff 180 V 1400 V 220 V 1600 V + Kühlblöcke für Luftselbstkühlung Temp. tA Satzstrom Id [°C] [A] Verlustl. P d Luftmen. v L Schaltung

    T298N T358N T508N T588N T718N T719N T1189N T1509N T1989N 12f 575 T718N T1189N T1509N T1989N T298N T358N T508N T588N T719N PDF