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    STA504 Search Results

    STA504 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    STA504 Sanken Electric N-channel General purpose Original PDF
    STA504A Allegro MicroSystems TRANS MOSFET N-CH 60V 4A 10STA400 Original PDF
    STA504A Sanken Electric General Purpose Sink Driver Array Original PDF

    STA504 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: STA504
    Text: STA504A N-channel General purpose Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Ta=25°C Ratings Electrical characteristics Unit Symbol VDSS 60 V V(BR)DSS VGSS ±20 V IGSS (Ta=25°C) Specification min typ max ID ±4 A IDSS ±8 (PW≤100µs, Du≤1%) A VTH 2.0 4 (Ta=25°C)

    STA504A 10-pin) PW100 100mA STA504A STA504 PDF


    Abstract: STA504A
    Text: STA504A N-channel General purpose Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Ta=25°C ••• STA400 Electrical characteristics Ratings Unit Symbol VDSS 60 V V(BR)DSS VGSS ±20 V IGSS (Ta=25°C) Specification min typ max ID ±4 A IDSS ±8 (PW≤100µs, Du≤1%) A

    STA504A STA400 PW100 100mA STA400 STA504A PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1190 SLA5015 2SK1192 SLA5013 2SK1180 2SK1191 SLA5012 SMA5106 2SK2848
    Text: 3 Power MOSFETs 3-1. MOSFETs 3-2. MOSFET Arrays 25 3-1. MOSFETs Nch Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25°C VDSS ID PD (Tc = 25°C) (V) (A) (W) (mJ) 2SK1188 10.0 25 2.1 0.200 300 2SK1189 15.0 30 6.2 0.100 640 Type No. * 2SK2419

    2SK1188 2SK1189 2SK2419 2SK1190 2SK2420 2SK1191 2SK2421 2SK1192 2SK1712 2SK1185 SLA5038 2SK1190 SLA5015 2SK1192 SLA5013 2SK1180 2SK1191 SLA5012 SMA5106 2SK2848 PDF

    sla 1003

    Abstract: SLA5041 SLA4060 SLA5046 SLA4030
    Text: Transistor Arrays & MOS FET Arrays 2-3 2-3-1 For Sink Drive •General Purpose Part No. STA312A STA303A Number of Circuits 3 SDC01 VCEO V IC(A) VDSS(V) Bipolar 300 SIP8Pin Bipolar 1000 SIP8Pin 50 2 Bipolar 1000 SMD16Pin 3 Bipolar 300 4 MOS 0.45 SIP10Pin 5

    SMD16Pin SIP10Pin SIP12Pin sla 1003 SLA5041 SLA4060 SLA5046 SLA4030 PDF

    SLA6023 application

    Abstract: sta471a SLA6024 STA481A STA401A circuit STA471A STA413A sla4031 SMA4033 sta460c
    Text: Product index by applications Product type Application Transistor Typical circuit example Darlington Single ●Solenoid STA301A STA460C ●Relay STA371A STA413A STA401A SDC06 MOSFET STA406A STA435A STA471A STA475A STA481A STA485A STA4010 SDC04 SDC03 SLA4031

    STA301A STA371A STA401A STA406A STA435A STA471A STA475A STA481A STA485A STA4010 SLA6023 application SLA6024 circuit STA471A STA413A sla4031 SMA4033 sta460c PDF


    Abstract: SE090 SE140N SE115N diode 2SC5487 sta474a 8050e SE110N SLA-7611
    Text: Index by Part Number Part No. Type 2SA1186 Transistor Complementary (LAPT for Audio Output/General Purpose) 2SA1215 Transistor (Complementary (LAPT) for Audio Output/General Purpose) 2SA1216 Transistor (Complementary (LAPT) for Audio Output/General Purpose)

    2SA1186 2SA1215 2SA1216 2SA1262 2SA1294 2SA1295 2SA1303 2SA1386 2SA1386A 2SA1488 SE012 SE090 SE140N SE115N diode 2SC5487 sta474a 8050e SE110N SLA-7611 PDF


    Abstract: 3-PHASE MOTOR DRIVER STA308A SLA6026 3 phase motor driver DRIVER STA401A
    Text: Product index by Part Number Part Number SDA01 SDA05 SDC01 SDC03 SDC04 SDC06 SDC07 SDH02 SDH03 SDK02 SDK04 SLA4010 SLA4030 SLA4031 SLA4041 SLA4060 SLA4061 SLA4070 SLA4071 SLA4310 SLA4340 SLA4390 SLA4391 SLA5001 SLA5002 SLA5003 SLA5004 SLA5005 SLA5006 SLA5007

    SDA01 SDA05 SDC01 SDC03 SDC04 SDC06 SDC07 SDH02 SDH03 SDK02 sla5052 3-PHASE MOTOR DRIVER STA308A SLA6026 3 phase motor driver DRIVER STA401A PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: transistor C5586 bridge rectifier sanken rb40 rb40 bridge rectifier rb60 bridge rectifier ZD 607 - triac CTPG2F CTX12S Toshiba transistor c4468 STA524A
    Text: Warning ● The contents in this document are subject to changes, for improvement and other purposes, without notice. Make sure that this is the latest version of the document before use. ● The operation and circuit examples in this document are provided for reference purposes

    The32-246622 H1-O03EA0-0510020NM triac zd 607 transistor C5586 bridge rectifier sanken rb40 rb40 bridge rectifier rb60 bridge rectifier ZD 607 - triac CTPG2F CTX12S Toshiba transistor c4468 STA524A PDF


    Abstract: transistor SMD t07 SLA6022 sla6024 circuit STA471A SLA4070 toshiba semiconductor catalog SLA5007 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY P-channel 200V mos fet
    Text: Bulletin No T07 EA0 Sep.,1999 CAUTION / WARNING • The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. • Sanken reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein in the

    responsib82-2-714-3700 H1-T07EA0-9909020ND sma4033 transistor SMD t07 SLA6022 sla6024 circuit STA471A SLA4070 toshiba semiconductor catalog SLA5007 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY P-channel 200V mos fet PDF


    Abstract: SE110N UX-C2B SE140N STR83159 SE130N STR2012 Transistor AC 51 SE140 SE115N
    Text: Type No. Type Type No. Type Index Type No. Order 57 Index (Type No. Order) Type No. Type 2SA1186 2SA1215 Transistors for Audio Amplifier (LAPT) 2SA1216 2SA1262 2SA1294 2SA1295 2SA1303 2SA1386 2SA1488 2SA1492 2SA1493 2SA1494 2SA1567 2SA1568 2SA1667 2SA1668

    2SA1186 2SA1215 2SA1216 2SA1262 2SA1294 2SA1295 2SA1303 2SA1386 2SA1488 2SA1492 SE135N SE110N UX-C2B SE140N STR83159 SE130N STR2012 Transistor AC 51 SE140 SE115N PDF

    HVR-1X 7 diode

    Abstract: STR80145 SE135N hvr 1X 3 diode semiconductor STR 20005 sk a 3120c SE110N ux-c2b equivalent transistor CS 9012 PNP STR83159
    Text: Bulletin No O01EC0 JAN.,1998 SEMICONDUCTORS SHORT FORM CATALOG Power ICs Power Transistors PowerMOSFETs Tryristors Diodes Light Emitting Diodes CAUTION / WARNING • The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility

    O01EC0 TM1061S-L TM1061S-R TM1241S-L TM1241S-R TM1261S-L TM1261S-R TM1641P-L TM1641S-L TM1661P-L HVR-1X 7 diode STR80145 SE135N hvr 1X 3 diode semiconductor STR 20005 sk a 3120c SE110N ux-c2b equivalent transistor CS 9012 PNP STR83159 PDF


    Abstract: STA401A
    Text: Product index by function Sink driver ●With built-in avalanche diode between collector and base Part Number Number of chips STA460C 2 STA371A 3 STA301A 3 SDC06 4 STA413A 4 STA481A 4 SDC03 4 STA471A 4 STA401A 4 SLA4010 4 STA406A 4 STA435A 4 STA485A 4 SDC04

    STA460C STA371A STA301A SDC06 STA413A STA481A SDC03 STA471A STA401A SLA4010 SDH02 PDF

    transistor C1505

    Abstract: STA517 sla 1003
    Text: Transistor Arrays & MOS FET Arrays 2-3 2-3-1 For Sink Drive •General Purpose Part No. Number of Circuits STA312A IC A VDSS(V) 60 STA303A STA351A VCEO(V) 3 100 ID(A) hFE RDS(ON) (min) max(Ω) Package 3 Bipolar 300 SIP8Pin 4 Bipolar 1000 SIP8Pin 5 Bipolar

    SIP10Pin SMD16Pin SIP12Pin transistor C1505 STA517 sla 1003 PDF


    Abstract: Sla5013 SLA5038 SLA5047 sla5011 SLA5006 SMA5106 equivalent SLA5021
    Text: MOSFET Array Equivalent circuit and Selection Chart VDSS V Equivalent circuit 2 4 9 60 100 150 200 250 Application 11 SLA5001 (5A) Nch 1 5 8 12 SMA5101 (4A) 3 6 7 10 A 3 6 7 10 SLA5024 1 Pch 5 8 12 (4A) SLA5005 SLA5004 (5A) (5A) 2 4 9 11 Stepper motor and

    SLA5001 SMA5101 SLA5024 SLA5005 SLA5004 SLA5031 SLA5040 SMA5102 SMA5106 SLA5002 SLA5015 Sla5013 SLA5038 SLA5047 sla5011 SLA5006 SMA5106 equivalent SLA5021 PDF

    2SC5586 equivalent

    Abstract: 2sc5586 2sa1694 equivalent 2SC5487 transistor 2SC5586 STR83159 em 234 stepper SE090 SK 5154S 2SK3460 equivalent
    Text: CAUTION / WARNING • The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. • Sanken reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein in the interest of improvements

    TM1641S-L TM1661B-L TM1661P-L TM1661S-L TM2541B-L TM2561B-L TM341M-L TM341S-L TM341S-R TM361M-L 2SC5586 equivalent 2sc5586 2sa1694 equivalent 2SC5487 transistor 2SC5586 STR83159 em 234 stepper SE090 SK 5154S 2SK3460 equivalent PDF

    em 234 stepper

    Abstract: 2SC5586 equivalent 8002 1018 AUDIO amplifier 2SC5586 2SC5487 voltage doubler bridge varistor 560-2 2sa2003 se125n SE090
    Text: Bulletin No O01ED0 Jun.,2001 SEMICONDUCTORS SHORT FORM CATALOG ICs TRANSISTORS THYRISTORS DIODES LIGHT EMITTING DIODES CAUTION / WARNING • The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility

    O01ED0 H1-O01ED0-0106030ND em 234 stepper 2SC5586 equivalent 8002 1018 AUDIO amplifier 2SC5586 2SC5487 voltage doubler bridge varistor 560-2 2sa2003 se125n SE090 PDF

    Varistor RU

    Abstract: SE110N transistor 2SC5487 2SA2003 SE090N high voltage transistor SE090 RBV-406 2SC5586
    Text: Index by Part Number Part No. Type 2SA1186 Transistor Complementary (LAPT for Audio Output/General Purpose) 2SA1215 Transistor (Complementary (LAPT) for Audio Output/General Purpose) 2SA1216 Transistor (Complementary (LAPT) for Audio Output/General Purpose)

    2SA1186 2SA1215 2SA1216 2SA1262 2SA1294 2SA1295 2SA1303 2SA1386 2SA1386A 2SA1488 Varistor RU SE110N transistor 2SC5487 2SA2003 SE090N high voltage transistor SE090 RBV-406 2SC5586 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5586 equivalent 2SC5487 SAP16 sla 1003 SAP16N 2SA2003 transistor 2SC5586 sla6024 2SC5586 DATASHEET
    Text: Transistors 2-1 Power Transistors . 14 2-1-1 Transistors for Audio Amplifiers . 14 • Complementary Transistors for Output . 14

    TM1641B-L TM2541B-L TM361S-R TM361M-L TM361S-L TM561S-R TM561M-L TM561S-L TM861M-L TM861S-L 2SC5586 2SC5586 equivalent 2SC5487 SAP16 sla 1003 SAP16N 2SA2003 transistor 2SC5586 sla6024 2SC5586 DATASHEET PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SC5586 diode RU 3AM 2SA2003 microwave oven diode single phase bridge rectifier IC with output 1A 2SC5487 RG-2A Diode Dual MOSFET 606 TFD312S-F
    Text: Index by Part Number Part No. Type 2SA1186 Transistor Complementary (LAPT for Audio Output/General Purpose) 2SA1215 Transistor (Complementary (LAPT) for Audio Output/General Purpose) 2SA1216 Transistor (Complementary (LAPT) for Audio Output/General Purpose)

    2SA1186 2SA1215 2SA1216 2SA1262 2SA1294 2SA1295 2SA1303 2SA1386 2SA1386A 2SA1488 2SC5586 transistor 2SC5586 diode RU 3AM 2SA2003 microwave oven diode single phase bridge rectifier IC with output 1A 2SC5487 RG-2A Diode Dual MOSFET 606 TFD312S-F PDF

    SLA6023 application

    Abstract: SLA6024 SLA5065 SLA5064 SLA5060 application SLA5073 SLA6026 SLA5013 SLA5031 pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY
    Text: Bulletin No T07 EB0 Mar.,2001 CAUTION / WARNING • The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. • Sanken reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein in the

    H1-T07EB0-0103020ND SLA6023 application SLA6024 SLA5065 SLA5064 SLA5060 application SLA5073 SLA6026 SLA5013 SLA5031 pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5487 2SA2003 sla 1003 transistor 2SC5586 2SA1295 2SC3264 FKV550T SLA5065 SAP16N SAP09
    Text: Transistors 2-1 Power Transistors . 14 2-1-1 Transistors for Audio Amplifiers . 14 • Complementary Transistors for Output . 14

    AC10A5021 SLA5058 SLA5081 SLA5055 SLA5088 SLA5046 SLA5049 SLA5070 SLA5054 SLA5057 2SC5586 2SC5487 2SA2003 sla 1003 transistor 2SC5586 2SA1295 2SC3264 FKV550T SLA5065 SAP16N SAP09 PDF


    Abstract: SLA5006
    Text: IMOSFET Arrays Absolute Maximum Ratings • Type Mo. sfa#}/' C as fV A) (W) <mJ) fVGS x tov> (0 > Cfes m) Equivalent circUt No (pF) N-Channel 100 5 35 30 03 350 A S LA5002 N-Channe! 100 5 35 30 0.3 350 B SLA5003 N-Channel 200 5 35 60 0.9 260 B S LA 5004

    OCR Scan
    SLA5001 LA5002 SLA5003 SLA5005 SLA5017 SMA5103 SMA51 SMA5106 SMA5109 STA501A SLA5006 PDF


    Abstract: A4032 SE130N SE005N SE090N high hfe transistor FMQG5FM SLA7022M SE012 3gu diode
    Text: Index Type No. Order Type No. Type Type No. 2SA1186 Type 16 2SC3830 16 2SC3831 16 2SC3832 19 2SC3833 2SA1294 1R 2SC3834 2SA1295 16 2SC3835 16 2SC3851 General Purpose Transistor 19 16 2SC3852 Low VcE(sat)-High hFE Transistor 18 19 2SC3856 16 2SC3857 Transistors for Audio Am plifier (Single Emitter)

    OCR Scan
    2SA1186 2SA1215 2SA1216 2SA1262 2SA1294 2SA1295 2SA1303 2SA1386 2SA1488 2SA1492 SE110N A4032 SE130N SE005N SE090N high hfe transistor FMQG5FM SLA7022M SE012 3gu diode PDF

    stepper motor sla

    Abstract: SLA5011 SMA5102 SLA5041 SLA5038 SLA5006
    Text: IMOSFET Array Equivalent circuit and Selection Chart «1 : SLA5001 Nch 5A ¿j§) sJl!) 8-i|) SMA5101 (4A) SLA5024 ( n§) §n|) r^g) -m ) (4A) SLA5005 SLA5004 (5A) (5A) Stepper motor and 2 3 4 9 10 11 ' I ' 'X' ¿-4|) u i) gJi) ’H i) T T X X SLA5040 (4A)

    OCR Scan
    SLA5001 SMA5101 SLA5024 SLA5004 SLA5005 SLA5040 SMA5102 SMA5106 SLA5002 SMA5105 stepper motor sla SLA5011 SMA5102 SLA5041 SLA5038 SLA5006 PDF