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    ST03D82 Price and Stock

    Shindengen Electronic Manufacturing Co Ltd ST03D-82-7000

    Diode: TVS+FRD; 600V; 300W; AX10 (Ø4.4x7mm); 5uA; Ubr: 82V
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME ST03D-82-7000 350 3
    • 1 -
    • 10 $0.193
    • 100 $0.154
    • 1000 $0.154
    • 10000 $0.154
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    Chip One Stop ST03D-82-7000 Bulk 80 0 Weeks, 1 Days 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $0.733
    • 100 $0.57
    • 1000 $0.531
    • 10000 $0.531
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    ST03D82 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ST03D-82 Shindengen Electric Surge Protectors - Trankillers (Axial) Original PDF
    ST03D-82 Shindengen Electric Surge Protectors: Varistors / Trankillers / Transient Surge Suppressors Original PDF

    ST03D82 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: M1FM3
    Text: Al t hough we ar e cons t ant l ymak i ng ev er yef f or tt oi mpr ov et he qual i t yand r el i abi l i t yofourpr oduct s ,t her enev er t hel es sr emai nsacer t ai npr obabi l i t yt hatt he s emi conduct orpr oduct smayoccas i onal l yf ai lormal f unct


    SMD Transistors w04 sot-23

    Abstract: transistor SOT-23 w04 SB050 transistor IN4728A mosfet SMD w04 SN30SC4 smd diode code gs1m W01 SMD mosfet W04 sot 23 1s355
    Text: RETURN TO PRODUCT CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO PRODUCT CATALOG INDEX RETURN TO DIODES INC. NEW PRODUCTS PAGE Product Catalog Diodes Incorporated 3050 E. Hillcrest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91362-3154 2000/2001 Specifications are subject to change without notice.

    represent9-14 SMD Transistors w04 sot-23 transistor SOT-23 w04 SB050 transistor IN4728A mosfet SMD w04 SN30SC4 smd diode code gs1m W01 SMD mosfet W04 sot 23 1s355 PDF


    Abstract: ST03D82 trankiller ST03D
    Text: SHINDENGEN Trankiller Axial Package OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ST03D-82 Case : AX10 Unit : mm RATINGS œAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Tl=25Ž) Item Symbol Conditions Tstg Storage Temperature Tj Junction Temperature PRSM 10/1000Ês, Non-repetitive Peak Surge Reverse Power

    ST03D-82 100kHz ST03D-82 ST03D82 trankiller ST03D PDF

    ST03D 55

    Abstract: DL03-58F1 DL03 DL04 SMD Transistor 1f ST02D-82 ST50D-27 AX06 AX078 VR-60B
    Text: SURGE PROTECTORS Varistors Features 1. Bidirectional surge absorption is possible. 2. Low junction capacitance 3. SMD is available. 1Y Application 1. Telephone set surge absorption 2. Digital communications circuit surge absorption 3. ISDN terminal surge absorption

    VR-60B -60BP -61F1 O-221 ST03D 55 DL03-58F1 DL03 DL04 SMD Transistor 1f ST02D-82 ST50D-27 AX06 AX078 PDF

    LT GBL406

    Abstract: SMBJ8.5CA 2KBP206 TS820-800T LT KBJ608G T1M5F600A 31DQ100 30BQ050 BYM95C SB0100
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR LITEON LITE-ON Cross Reference Competitor P/N 1.5CE10 1.5CE100 1.5CE100A 1.5CE100C 1.5CE100CA 1.5CE10A 1.5CE10C 1.5CE10CA 1.5CE11 1.5CE110 1.5CE110A 1.5CE110C 1.5CE110CA 1.5CE11A 1.5CE11C 1.5CE11CA 1.5CE12 1.5CE120 1.5CE120A 1.5CE120C 1.5CE120CA

    5CE10 5CE100 5CE100A 5CE100C 5CE100CA 5CE10A 5CE10C 5CE10CA 5CE11 5CE110 LT GBL406 SMBJ8.5CA 2KBP206 TS820-800T LT KBJ608G T1M5F600A 31DQ100 30BQ050 BYM95C SB0100 PDF


    Abstract: l0418 AX06
    Text: Surge Absorbers [Fe atures] 1. Bidirectional surge absorption is possible. 2. Lo w junction capacitance 3. S M D is available. V R - 6 IF , VRYA6, 15 (A p p licatio ns] 1. Telephone set surge absorption 2. Digital communications circuit surge absorption

    OCR Scan
    VR-60B -60BP O-220 STO-220 AX078 ST20-47F2 l0418 AX06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surge Absorbers Varistors [Features 1. Bidirectional surge absorption is possible. 2. Low junction capacitance 3. SMD is available. VR-61F1, VRYA6, 15) [Applications) 1. Telephone set surge absorption 2. Digital communications circuit surge absorption 3. ISDN terminal surge absorption

    OCR Scan
    VR-61F1, VR-60B -60BP ST04-16 ST03-58F1 ST04-16F1 -27F1 ST50V-27F ST70-27F ST02D-82 st03d PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 * '> - w u x /w * m s Power-Clamper Axial Device Zener Diodes with Fast Recovery Diode • ftM U ! OUTLINE ST03D-82 Unit: mm Weight 0.65 f Package : AX 10 82V 300W «it 26.5 26.5 Feature ■ Power Zener Diodes with FRD ■ Axial Package ■ Application for snubber circuit

    OCR Scan
    ST03D-82 100kHz avei450H PDF

    L9 Zener

    Abstract: ST03D 65 ST03D-82 U180 sa marking axial diode ZD 8.2V
    Text: Power-Clamper Axial Device Zener Diodes with Fast Recovery Diode • ftM U ! OUTLINE ST03D-82 Unit: mm Weight 0.65 f Package : AX 10 82V 300W « i t 26.5 26.5 <j>AA Feature ■ Power Zener Diodes with FRD ■ Axial Package ■ Application for snubber circuit

    OCR Scan
    ST03D-82 100kHz waveii50HzT-aiJÂ L9 Zener ST03D 65 ST03D-82 U180 sa marking axial diode ZD 8.2V PDF


    Abstract: ST03D 55 ST02D-200 KU5R29N ST03D170 M67145 ST03D 65 st02d200
    Text: Surge Absorbers AX06 Absolute Maximum Ratings Type No. P r*w . . |W| Tstg . ! ‘ :l Tj . AX 078 Electrical Characteristics V rm V br max (std) Ir (max) Conditions Ir I VI. .I VI . r q . ST02D-B2 m •!'.A ! AX 078 Silver 5-2 AX078

    OCR Scan
    AX078 ST02D-B2 ST02D-170 ST02D-200 ST03D-82 ST03D-170 ST03D-200 ST04-16 ST04-27 ST03D200 ST03D 55 KU5R29N ST03D170 M67145 ST03D 65 st02d200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Surge Absorbers Varistors [F e a tu re s ] 1. Bidirectional surge absorption is possible. 2. Low junction capacitance 3. SM D is available. VR -61F1, VR YA6, 15 [A p p lic a tio n s ] 1. Telephone set surge absorption 2. Digital com m unications circuit surge absorption

    OCR Scan
    -61F1, AX078 PDF