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    ST 2N 3906 Search Results

    ST 2N 3906 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP3906 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (photovoltaic output), VOC=7 V / ISC=12 μA, 3750 Vrms, 4pin SO6 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    LP3906SQ-FXPI/NOPB Texas Instruments Dual High-Current Step-Down DC/DC and Dual Linear Regulator with I2C Compatible Interface 24-WQFN Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    UC3906N Texas Instruments Linear Lead-Acid Battery Charger 16-PDIP -20 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LP3906SQ-DJXI/NOPB Texas Instruments Dual High-Current Step-Down DC/DC and Dual Linear Regulator with I2C Compatible Interface 24-WQFN -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    UC3906DW Texas Instruments Linear Lead-Acid Battery Charger 16-SOIC -20 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    ST 2N 3906 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74HC14T ria PD6 sf hd62 xo 403 me 4Z701 KC332 R36118 ad 0803 pc dio-48
    Text: Mainboard 1 of 33 HA#[3.31] 3,5 24 24 ST PCLK# SLP# INT R NMI 5 8,10 10 T CK T DO T DI T MS T RST # T PREQ# T PRDY# RS#[0.2] 24 A20M# CPU_FERR# 24 IGNNE# PW RGOOD 10 SMI# HT RDY# HIT # HITM# DEFER# 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 BREQ0# BPRI# BNR# HLOCK# ADS# V_CPU R579

    1000P CORE/13A PK/15A I3443 1005-4R 71-31C 79015P 74HC14T ria PD6 sf hd62 xo 403 me 4Z701 KC332 R36118 ad 0803 pc dio-48 PDF


    Abstract: AP239 Transistor 80139 8C547 6C131C IN2222A 2N50B 2N2064 radio AC176 AC126 sft353
    Text: INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR EQUIVALENTS GUIDE A LSO BY THE S A M E AUTHOR BP108 International Diode Equivalents Guide BP140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections BP141 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections ALSO OF INTEREST BP234 Transistor Selector Guide

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    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan
    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF

    st 2n 3906

    Abstract: 2n390 2N390S 2N3906 2N3905 MOTOROLA 2N3906-O 3906 2n 2N3906TF 2N3905 3906
    Text: M A XIM U M RATINGS Symbol Value Unit C o lle c to r -E m itte r V o lta g e VCEO 40 Vdc C o lle c to r-B a s e V o lta g e VCBO 40 V dc E m itte r-B a s e V o lta g e Vebo 5.0 Vdc 'c 200 m Adc Pd 625 mW m W /°C Rating C o lle c to r C u rre n t - C o n tin u o u s

    OCR Scan
    2N3905 2N3906 st 2n 3906 2n390 2N390S 2N3906 2N3905 MOTOROLA 2N3906-O 3906 2n 2N3906TF 3906 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD78P058 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿¿PD78P058 is a member ofthe/iPD78054 subseries of 78K/0 series products, in which the on-chip mask ROM is replaced with one-time programmable OTP ROM or EPROM.

    OCR Scan
    PD78P058 PD78P058 ofthe/iPD78054 78K/0 //PD78P058KK-T IEI-635 IEI-1213 IEI-1207 IEI-620 IEI-1209 PDF


    Abstract: nec 78054 PD78052GC 78058
    Text: DATA SH EET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iPD78052,78053,78054,78055,78056,78058 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOM PUTER D ESCRIPTIO N The /iPD78052,78053,78054,78055,78056 and 78058 are the ^PD78054 subseries products of the 78K/0 series. 8-bit resolution D/A converter, timer, serial interface, real-time output port and interrupt functions.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78052 uPD78053 uPD78054 uPD78055 uPD78056 uPD78058 /iPD78052 PD78054 78K/0 /iPD78P054, 78058T nec 78054 PD78052GC 78058 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e M I C O N P U P T O ^ -Sii MMBT4126 2N4126 * S O T -2 3 Mark: ZF B PNP General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for general purpose am plifier and switching applications at collector currents to 10 |aA as a switch and to 100 m A as an am plifier. Sourced from Process 66. See 2N 3906 for

    OCR Scan
    2N4126 MMBT4126 2N4126 2N41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿¿PD780031Y, 780032Y, 780033Y, 780034Y NEC ★ 11. E L E C T R IC A L S P E C IF IC A T IO N S Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C Param eter Supply voltage Input voltage Symbol Test Conditions Ratings Unit -0 .3 to +6.5 V A V dd - 0 .3 to V dd + 0.3 V

    OCR Scan
    uPD780031Y uPD780032Y uPD780033Y uPD780034Y P10to /iPD780031 780032Y, 780033Y, 780034Y PDF

    2n4125 fairchild

    Abstract: st 2n 3906
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R 2N4125 PNP General Purpose Amplifier T his device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents of 10 |^A to 100 mA. Sourced from Process 66. See 3906 for characteristics. Absolute Maximum RâtinÇjS

    OCR Scan
    2N4125 2n4125 fairchild st 2n 3906 PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

    OCR Scan
    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF


    Abstract: Not4 lcd lc
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC/ MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ 4 /PD 78052 Y, 78053 Y, 78054 Y, 78055 Y, 78056 Y,78058 Y 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP M ICROCONTROLLER D E S C R IP T IO N The ¿¿PD78052Y, 78053Y, 78054Y, 78055Y, 78056Y. and 78058Y are the ^PD78054Y subseries products of the 78K/0

    OCR Scan
    uPD78052Y uPD78053Y uPD78054Y uPD78055Y uPD78056Y uPD78058Y 78K/0 PD78P054Y, WS60-00-1 D78052 Not4 lcd lc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUI 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The |iP D 7 8 P 0 5 8 F is an Electro Magnetic Interface EM I noise reduction version in comparison with the usual jiP D 7 8 P 0 5 8 . The mP D 78P 05 8 F is a member of the /xPD78058F subseries of 78K/0 se rie s products, in which the on-chip m ask

    OCR Scan
    uPD78058F 78K/0 PD78058F, 78058FY Subseries200 IR35-207-3 VP15-207-3 WS60-207-1 D78P058F PDF

    NEC 78054GC

    Abstract: 78058GC D78052 nec 78056gc NEC D78052 MEC 1300
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUI _ / /iPD78052,78053,78054,78055,78056,7805 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER D E S C R IP T IO N The pPD78052,78053,78054,78055,78056 and 78058 are the /iPD78054 subseries products of the 78K/0 series. 8-bit resolution A/D converter, 8-bit resolution D/A converter, timer, serial interface, real-time output port and interrupt

    OCR Scan
    uPD78052 uPD78053 uPD78054 uPD78055 uPD78056 uPD7805 pPD78052 /iPD78054 78K/0 P078P054 NEC 78054GC 78058GC D78052 nec 78056gc NEC D78052 MEC 1300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPD78P058 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER D E S C R IP T IO N T h e ¿UPD78P058 is a m e m b e r o f th e /¿ P D 7 8 0 5 4 s u b s e r ie s o f 7 8 K /0 s e rie s p r o d u c ts , in w h ic h th e o n -c h ip m a s k R O M

    OCR Scan
    uPD78P058 IR35-207-2 VP15-207-2 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan

    MEC 1300 nu

    Abstract: feme cm a 001 12 tch68
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUI1 / nPD78052 A , 78053(A), 78054(A) 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION A stricter quality assurance program (called special grade in N EC 's grade classification) is applied to the ¿jPD78052(A), 76053(A), and 78054(A), compared to the ¿iPD78052, 78053, and 78054, which are classified as

    OCR Scan
    uPD78052 uPD78053 uPD78054 jPD78052 iPD78052, PD78054 78K/0 1R35-00-3 VP15-00-3 WS60-00-1 MEC 1300 nu feme cm a 001 12 tch68 PDF


    Abstract: GES5819 GES5820 GES5821 MPSA05 MPSA06 MPSA12 MPSA13 MPSA14 MPSA20
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 P AC KAG E VCE sat 1F E b v ceo Device Type @ 10mA-(V) Min. Max. @ lc (mA) GES5819 GES5820 GES5821 MPSA05 MPSA06 MPSA12 MPSA13 MPSA14 PNP NPN PNP NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 40 60 60 60 80 20 30

    OCR Scan
    GES5819 GES5820 GES5821 MPSA05 MPSA06 MPSA12 MPSA13 MPSA14 MPSA20 mpsa65 MPSA20 PDF

    TRANSISTOR tip122 CHN 949

    Abstract: E2955T BD706 TU F 13003 13003 Transistor NPN Power TO 126 transistor E2955T construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 LA 4301 8d679 transistor bf 175
    Text: A lph an u m eric Index and C ross R eference 1 S elector G uide 2 D ata Sheets 3 Leadform and • M ounting H ardw are m A pp lications Literature 5 Chipscretes, Designers’, Duowatt, EpiBase, PowerBase, PowerTap, SUPERBRIDGES, Surmetric, Switchmode, Thermopad, TMOS, Thermowatt, Unibloc, and Uniwatt are trademarks of Motorola Inc.

    OCR Scan
    38v01 TRANSISTOR tip122 CHN 949 E2955T BD706 TU F 13003 13003 Transistor NPN Power TO 126 transistor E2955T construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 LA 4301 8d679 transistor bf 175 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¡PD78P098B is a member of the ¿¡PD78098B Subseries of the 78K/0 Series and is provided with an internal one-tim e PROM. Because this device can be programmed by users, it is ideally suited for applications involving the evaluation

    OCR Scan
    PD78P098B PD78098B 78K/0 U12761E U12326E PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan

    SEM 5027A

    Abstract: transistor BD 540 LYS MC710G 131-80 wj 89 MC707G 2n328 LN4005 diode reverse current and voltage mc708g C844P TS36A
    Text: SELECTION GUIDES How To Use The Data Book Numerical Index Alphabetical Index Device Outlines GENERAL INFORMATION SILICON ZENER DIODES Regulator Diodes, Reference Diodes, Precision Reference Diodes and Reference Amplifiers SILICON RECTIFIERS SILICON RECTIFIER ASSEMBLIES

    OCR Scan

    nec japan 7805-2

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿¡PD78052,78053,78054,78055,78056 and 78058 are the ¿¡PD78054 subseries products of the 78K/0 series. 8-bit resolution A/D converter, 8-bit resolution D/A converter, timer, serial interface, real-tim e output port and

    OCR Scan
    PD78052 PD78054 78K/0 PD78P054 78P058, PD78054, 78054Y U11747E U12326E nec japan 7805-2 PDF


    Abstract: MFC8040 MFC8030 MC1316 Triac 9707 schematic of mc1466 Transistor MJE 5332 je 3055 Motorola MCR407-2 MC1466
    Text: M ASTER SELECTION GUIDE MOTOROLA Semiconductors SELECTING THE BEST SEMICONDUCTOR Selecting the best semiconductor fo r a given application can pose a significant challenge. To sim plify the task in selecting a "best" transistor, diode or other device fo r newdesigns, this book's selection tables includeall popular semiconductor devices

    OCR Scan

    KT 819 transistor

    Abstract: 2N2222A 338 SF129D SF137D SSY20B KT819W SF127E KFY18 321 KP303W KFY18
    Text: Deutsche Post NfD Studiotechnik Fernsehen Bauelemente - Mitteilung Nr. 6 TRANSISTORVERGLEICHSLISTE Herausgebers Halbleitervergleichsgruppe Studiotechnik Fernsehen Deutsche Post Studiotechnik Fernsehen Bauelemente-Mitteilung Nr. 6 Dez. 79 N f D T r a n s i s t o r v e r g l e i c h s l i s t e

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