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    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MRMS591P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCR410T-K03-PCB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 1-Axis Gyro Sensor on Evaluation Board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    18 ML 2A ptc

    Abstract: Q6025LX FHN20G FHN26G2 pico electronics transformers 1500w tvs diode SMD FHN26G2, ROHS DIODE 3A do-214 RECTIFIER D6025L 1.5ke series
    Text: CIRCUIT PROTECTION SOLUTIONS Electronics Circuit Protection Product Selection Guide DO W Lit N te LO lfu A se D .co C m AT /c A at LO alo G gs S A guide to selecting Littelfuse circuit protection components for electronic applications. Broadest and Deepest

    EC102 EC1102v1E1007 18 ML 2A ptc Q6025LX FHN20G FHN26G2 pico electronics transformers 1500w tvs diode SMD FHN26G2, ROHS DIODE 3A do-214 RECTIFIER D6025L 1.5ke series PDF


    Abstract: scheme e131175 sampo E159656 foxconn e253117 e131175 XEPEX E140166 sony bando power transformer power transformer e190246 tamradio transformer e199273
    Text: 10129 LIST OF COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONS The List of Company Identifications contains the trade names, trademarks, or other designations authorized for use in lieu of these Company names. ‘‘ ’’ — 2CS SRL ’’ — ACT CO LTD ‘‘ ‘‘ ’’ — 3E HK LTD



    Abstract: VEBO-15V high vebo
    Text: Ordering number:EN1799D NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3576 High hFE, Low-Frequency General-Purpose Amplifier Applications Applications Package Dimensions • LF general-purpose amplifiers, various drivers, muting circuit. unit:mm 2033 [2SC3576]

    EN1799D 2SC3576 2SC3576] VEBO15V) 2SC3576 VEBO-15V high vebo PDF


    Abstract: 2SC536E 2SC536E,F zkb transformer 2SD439 2SC536EF sirio 2SC536 sanyo 2SC536e b559
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP lfiE D I ? cn ? G 7 t . □ □□ M 'i lS T~33- 2SD439 N P N / pnp Epitaxial P lan a r 2 00 9 A S ilic o n T ra n sisto rs Low Frequency Power Amp, Medium Speed Switching Applications 2SB559 372E Features . Large allowable collector dissipation and wide ASO.

    OCR Scan
    MC11S 2SB559 2SD439E 2SC536E 2SC536E,F zkb transformer 2SD439 2SC536EF sirio 2SC536 sanyo 2SC536e b559 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK937 2SK544 2SK669 2SJ286 2SK5 2SK212 2SK543 2SK436 2SK715
    Text: Smal 1-signal SA*YO FETs Features ♦ Very low noise figure * Large IYfsI * Low gate leak current Case Outlines unit¡mm SANYO:SMCP ♦ Small-sized package permitting FET-used sets to be made smaller l¡Source, 2¡Drain, 3¡Gate, i LF ),Low Noise,Analog Switch,Impedance Conversion Applications

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    250mm ics/Ta-25 2SK212 2SK315 2SK544 2SK669, 2SK1841 2SK2270. 2SK304, 2SK427, SK968 2SK937 2SK669 2SJ286 2SK5 2SK543 2SK436 2SK715 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK772 2SK444 2sk20 2SK1332 2SK968 2sk332 2sk427 2SK36 2sk377 j
    Text: SAftYO Smal 1-signal u r e s F e a FETs Case Outlines unit:mm SANYO:SMCP 1. Gate, 2. Source, 3. Drain. ♦ Very low noise figure »Large lYfsl * Low gate leak current ♦ Small-sized package permitting FET-used sets to be made smaller alt LF Amp.Low Noise,Analog Switch,Impedance Conversion Applications

    OCR Scan
    250mm 2SK212, 2SK315, 2SK544, 2SK669, 2SK1841 2SK2270. 2SK304, 2SK404, 2SK427, 2sk77 2SK772 2SK444 2sk20 2SK1332 2SK968 2sk332 2sk427 2SK36 2sk377 j PDF


    Abstract: 3SK251 spa semiconductor lf SVC355 tuner 92 2SK715
    Text: I n t r o d u c t i o n of H i g h - F r e q u e n c y Devices 1 . AM, F'M T u n e r ANT V LAI 137 LAI 193 ♦ B F Amp ★ T u n i nR Diode use SV C 321SPA SVC352 SYC323 SVC353 SVC333 SVC 3 5 4 SVC341 SVC355 SVC3Í2 SVC363 SVC364 SVC343 SVC34 4 S VC 34 5 S VC 3 4 6

    OCR Scan
    2SK715 3SK25I 2SK932 2SK2073 2SK2074 321SPA SVC352 SYC323 SVC353 SVC333 3SK251 spa semiconductor lf SVC355 tuner 92 PDF


    Abstract: svc253
    Text: SA^ÊYO VAR 1ABLE-CAPACI TANCE DI ODES IOCAP Case Outlines(unit:m m ) For^gackage pins, see a catalog, } J3g jg Featur-es ode ♦High capacitance ra tio ♦Single type and twin type av ailable ie/Cathode ♦Good lin e a r ity * High Q A . Af Cmax-Cmin ^ -fc-AC CDn-CD3.-X100.

    OCR Scan
    -X100. VC321SPA SVC323 470MHz SVC364 SVC363 1SV263MV) 1SV248 1SV247 1SV264 PCP116 svc253 PDF


    Abstract: 601-G SFA1608 1607G otis Marking Losa SFA1603G
    Text: TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR s SFA1601G - SFA1608G 16.0 AMPS. Glass Passivated Super Fast Rectifiers tò RoHS T.QL-2 2 QAC COMPLIANCE . | 85M .7Q| 17fif4 4 4 1 n*A J14^-t ÜLLilü Ja=. JSSLLL& 11.V9 S7 04 y 1 14) inson?) •S34|'1SI> '.ilSi'.t-1) Features '> '> ❖

    OCR Scan
    SFAI608G O-22QAC TQ-220AC MIL-STD-202. SFA16Q1G SFA16Q8G) DfcfiA11Nfi SFAI608G 601-G SFA1608 1607G otis Marking Losa SFA1603G PDF

    sj 2025

    Abstract: 2SK597 00Gt
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3EE D S3 7 cH 7 0 7 b 00GT23fl 4 T-29-25 2026 N-Channel Junction Silicon FET Capacitor Microphone Applications 2216 Features . Especially suited for use in audio, telephone capacitor microphones . Excellent voltage characteristic

    OCR Scan
    7cH707b 00GT23fl -100uA T-91-20 SC-43 sj 2025 2SK597 00Gt PDF


    Abstract: K2171 2sj281 2SK1847 2SK1470 KD K1470 2sk669 K1311
    Text: Small-signal Features MOS FETs ♦ Very low noise_ figure * Large _ |Yfs| # Low gate leak current * Small-sized packageipermitting — ' i ♦ FET-used sets to be made, smaller Case Oct /uni I.:a SANYO :C:'4 sjc LF Amp, Low Noise, Analog Switch Impedance Conversion Applications

    OCR Scan
    3SK265 3SK266 3SK248 12/55m 2/80m 45/-/50m 130m/65m 21/90m MT931224TR J289 K2171 2sj281 2SK1847 2SK1470 KD K1470 2sk669 K1311 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC2271 transistor 2SC2271 2S01397 ic 30359
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CÔRP ISE D I 7 ^ 707 ^ 000SD7S T ' 3 3 - / 3 2SD1397« N PN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2022 Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications with Damper Diode 1223C Features: . High breakdown voltage and high reliability.

    OCR Scan
    000SD7S 2SD1397« 1223C IS-126 1S-126A IS-20MA 2SD1397 2SC2271 transistor 2SC2271 2S01397 ic 30359 PDF

    ic 30359

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SA N Y O SEMICONDUCTOR CORP r-3 3-, 2SC3985 2041 N P N P l a n a r S i l i c o n D a r li n g t o n T r a n s i s t o r Driver Applications 2218A Use . Switching of L load motor driver, printer hammer driver, relay driver Features . High DC current gain

    OCR Scan
    2SC3985 IS-126 IS-20MA IS-313 IS-313A ic 30359 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1375 2sk2073 2SK1747 2SK333 2SK544 2SK937 2SK669 2SK332 2SK715
    Text: b3E » • 7Ti7G7b 0012422 T2Û « T S A J S A 0 Y O Small-signal F e a t u r e s FETs Case Outlines unit-'mm SANYO:SMCP 1. Gate, 2. Source, 3. Drain. *Very low noise figure * Large lYfsl * Low gate leak current * Smal1-si zed package permitting FET-used sets to be made smaller

    OCR Scan
    250mm 2SK2170 2SK1068CB) 2SK1069CFJ) 2SK1332 2SK1375CC) 2SK209KH) 2SK212, 2SK315, 2SK544. 2SK968 2SK1375 2sk2073 2SK1747 2SK333 2SK544 2SK937 2SK669 2SK332 2SK715 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR IS E D I CORP 7 cn 7 0 ? b OODSISI 2SD1656 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2039 Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications 17548 Applications . High-voltage, power switching Features . Fast speed tfinax=0.4us .

    OCR Scan
    2SD1656 IS-313 IS-313A PDF


    Abstract: 21AJ BUSH(M)UL sanyo SILICON TRANSISTOR FS 2025 sj 2025 sj 2038 2SC3085 DDD3710 B1181 LT 450 mbr
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORF r - 3 3 -i 2SC3085 N PN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2017 Switching Regulator A . 1* _ 1055A Features . High breakdown voltage VCBQ^500V . Fast switching speed. ~ . Wide ASO. Absolute Maxima Ratings at Ta=25°C Collector to Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SC3085 300us, Cycles10j{ B1181 B1252 TRANSISTOR FS 2025 21AJ BUSH(M)UL sanyo SILICON TRANSISTOR FS 2025 sj 2025 sj 2038 DDD3710 LT 450 mbr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering n u m b e r: EN 2 4 6 0 2SA1574/2SC4070 No.2460 i sm Y O PNP/ NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors i. Switching Applications with BiasfResistance • 'I V Làdi' _{ 1é '“''1 - 1*■ */ :. J< l#k£ A p p lic a tio n s S w itch in g c i r c u i t ,

    OCR Scan
    2SA1574/2SC4070 22kil 3247TA PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3899
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2103 A 2SA1509/2SC3899 PNP/ NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAiYO Switching Applications with Bias Resistance i ""V Applications . Switching circuits, inverter circuits, /*./ 4!^%^ % Í interface c i r c ^ t s , ^¿ver^ircu.jfctá

    OCR Scan
    2SA1509/2SC3899 2SA1509 Ta-25 fC3899^ 2SA1509 2SC3899 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2103A 2SA1509/2SC3899 PN P/ NPN E pitaxial P lan ar Silicon T ran sisto rs SAiYO Switching Applications with Bias Resistance i ""V Applications . Switching circuits, inverter circuits, /*./ 4!^%^ % Í interface c i r c ^ t s , ^¿ver^ircu.jfctá

    OCR Scan
    2SA1509/2SC3899 2SA1509 Ta-25 M509/2SC SC3699 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1564 13KA 2SC404
    Text: O rde rin g n u m b e r: E N 2 3 8 1 2SA1564/2SC4048 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors S A iY O Switching Applications _ with Bias Resistance i Applications . Switching circuit, inverter circuit, interface circ^lV» dt^iör cÖöuit Features

    OCR Scan
    EN2381 2SA1564/2SC4048 2SA1564 32H7TA C4048 2SA1564 13KA 2SC404 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN 2 1 5 8 A 2 S B 1 2 2 9 /2 S D 1 8 3 5 PNP/ N P N Epitaxial Planar SiliconTransistors i High-Current Switching Applications Applications • Voltage regulators, relay drivers, lamp drivers, electrical equipment Features . Adoption of FBET, MBIT processes

    OCR Scan
    2SB1229 SC-43 rO-92 3C-43 PDF


    Abstract: Cy7C601 cy7c602 6001K 7C601 CY7C604
    Text: r PRELIM INARY CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR CYM6001K = SPARCore CPU Module Features • Available at 2 5 ,33, and 40 MHz Functional Description • Complete SPARC® CPU solution, includingcache • Each SPARCore module features: — SPARC integer and floating-point

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    CY7C601 CY7C602 CY7C604 CY7C157 6001K JTAG MIPS 7C601 PDF

    spa 40

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCP Multi-Chip Package FLASH MEMORY 8M (x 8/x 16) FLASH MEMORY & 8M (x 8/x 16) FLASH MEMORY MB84VB2000-io/MB84VB2001-io • FEATURES • Contain 2 chips of MBM29LV800A, and each chip have separate CE.

    OCR Scan
    MB84VB2000-io/MB84VB2001-io MBM29LV800A, MB84VB2000: MB84VB2001: F9804 spa 40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR I DATA SHEET ¡ DS05-50102-2E MCP Multi-Chip Package FLASH MEMORY CMOS 8M (X 8/x 16) FLASH MEMORY & 8M (x 8/x 16) FLASH MEMORY M B 84 V B 200 0-1 0/M B 84V B 2 001 -10 • FEATURES • Contain 2 chips of MBM29LV800A, and each chip have separate UE.

    OCR Scan
    DS05-50102-2E MBM29LV800A, MB84VB2000: MB84VB2001: MB84VB2000-1 o/MB84 VB2001- 48P-M06 PDF