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    SM3903 Datasheets (1)

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    SM3903 Sharp 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputers (For Remote Control) Original PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . MICROCOMPUTERS R O M bit Data RAM/Work RAM (bit) LCD seg m en t Application M odel No. SM3503 SM3504 — LCD games SM3507 Calculators with clock Electronic organizers SM3508 SM3509 Application M odel No. SM3903 SM3905 SM565 Infrared remote controls i—

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    SM3503 SM3504 SM3507 SM3508 SM3509 SM3903 SM3905 SM565 SM3503 SM3504 PDF

    bmx lcd

    Abstract: lcd pm 128 bl 15-Stage
    Text: SHARP SM3903 SM3903 4-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer LCD Driver and Remote Control PIN CONNECTIONS 60-PIN QFP TOP VIEW function, carrier output circuit for remote control, ROM, RAM, 15-stage divider. Provided with 132 wcBwüocOiOwÆxixx 5 5 w Hg9|g8| 57|gg|5lH^gagi|gg|49|4gi«iS6|

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    SM3903 SM3903 15-stage 60-PIN bmx lcd lcd pm 128 bl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - D ata R A M / ROM bit 6k X 2 3 - - 8kx23 W ork RAM (bit) LCD segm ent Model No. I k x 8 /2 5 6 x 4 480 SM3503 1 5 1 2 X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 480 SM3504 < 5 1 2 X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 384 SM3507 2 k X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 SM3509 8 k X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 SM3512 MICROCOMPUTERS

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    SM3503 SM3504 SM3507 SM3509 SM3512 SM3514 SM3515 SM3508 SM3511 SM3513 PDF


    Abstract: IR2E31 IR2E01 IR2C07 IR2E27 IR2E24 IR2E19 IR2E31A IR3n06 IR2E02
    Text: Index Model No. ARM7D CPU Core Bi-CMOS 1 27 40,42 _ _ CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 4A 5A 8 A AH D ID1 Series ID2 Series 40,42 40.42 40,42 40,42 40 B ü.’1*"! 14,15 14 m IR2339 IR2403 IR2406 IR2406G IR2410 IR2411 IR2415 IR2419 IR2420 IR2422 IR2425 IR2429

    OCR Scan
    IR2E201 IR2E24 IR2E27/A IR2E28 IR2E29 IR2E30 IR2E31/A IR2E32N9 IR2E34 IR2E41 lh57257 IR2E31 IR2E01 IR2C07 IR2E27 IR2E19 IR2E31A IR3n06 IR2E02 PDF


    Abstract: SM8203 sm578 SM563 SM590 sharp
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS ★ Under development • 4-bit/8-bit Single-chip Microcomputer Development Support Systems S oftw are program s for single-chip m icrocom puters can be developed through a sim ple system com posed o f a personal co m p u te r running an M S-DO S operating system w hich serves as the

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    83/SM LU8405H6 LU8408H6 LU8410H6 LU8413H6 LU8410H6 LU8311P0/P1 LU8300H7 LU8405H4 LU8408H4 SM511 SM8203 sm578 SM563 SM590 sharp PDF


    Abstract: IR3R42 IR3R54N ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI segment lcd INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL decoder
    Text: LSMC FOR AUDIO EQUIPMENT/IC FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT/ 1CFOR INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL • LSI/ICs FOR AUDIO EQUIPMENT Main function Description Model No. Supply voltage V Package 4.0 to 7.5 16DIP ±2.0 24SSOP IR3R42 FM demodulator 1C FM demodulation (POLAR), forced monaural, VCO stop

    OCR Scan
    IR3R42 IR3R54N IR3R55M IR3M09N 16DIP 24SSOP 48TQFP 12SSOP IR3N05/N 80QFP* IR3N05 ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI segment lcd INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL decoder PDF


    Abstract: LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506
    Text: INDEX 1 0 4 - 1 0 9 _ DC_ GL1PR112.69 GL3KG63. 66 GL5EG41.66 1 0 4 - n 0 5 O o c .113 DC1B1CP. 100 GL1PR135.69 GL3KG8. 66

    OCR Scan
    109-n GL1PR112. GL1PR135. GL1PR136. GL1PR211. GL1PR212. GL3KG63. GL3P201. GL3P202. GL3P305. LQ070T5BG01 LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506 PDF


    Abstract: 60at5
    Text: 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER • 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTERS <LCD Driver Series for Multi-Segment LCD> P o rt M e m o ry bit D uty ra tio Instruction Supply current [TYP.] cycle Operating Standby MS) MIN. (MA) M odel No. ROM SM3503 6144x23 1 0 2 4 x8

    OCR Scan
    6144x23 192x23 256x4 512x8 60at5 PDF


    Abstract: SM511 sm578 LU5K5P0 SM8502 SM82 SM8408 SM8410 SM563 LU8203
    Text: • MICROCOMPUTERS I Support Tools for Single-chip Microcomputers i ★ Under developm ent • Single-chip Microcomputers Development Support Systems Software program s for single-chip m icrocom puters can be developed through a sim ple system com posed of a personal com puter running an

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    SME-40 83/SM 84/LRpport SM83/84 LR379XX LU8200H7, LU8300H7) 64k-byte RS232C LU830 SM511 sm578 LU5K5P0 SM8502 SM82 SM8408 SM8410 SM563 LU8203 PDF


    Abstract: SM39
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS ★ Under development LCD segm ent Model No. 480 S M 35 03 5 1 2 x 8 /2 5 6 x 4 480 SM 3504 •5 1 2 x 8 / 2 5 6 x 4 384 S M 3507 1 184 SM 3508 2 k X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 SM 3509 X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 ★ SM 3512 Data RAM/ ROM bit Work RAM (bit)

    OCR Scan
    12BQFP M3903 SM39 PDF

    ir receiver diod

    Abstract: IR3R42 IR3C02 IR3C09 28-SD IR3C07 IR3C02A IR3C08
    Text: SPECIAL­ FUNCTION ICs ★ Under development • ICs for Infrared R em ote C o n tro llers 4, - Description NhMMNo. - - : . ■ — . IR3T24/N Infrared signal receiver pre-am p. Photo d io d e directly connectab le output pulse : active “ Low ”

    OCR Scan
    IR3T24/N 132-segment 128-segment IR3T26/N LR37181 sigIR3C07/N IR3C08/N IR3C09 IR3C10 IR3C11 ir receiver diod IR3R42 IR3C02 28-SD IR3C07 IR3C02A IR3C08 PDF


    Abstract: IR2C53 IR2E02 IR2E27 IR2E10 IR3N34 IR2E31A IR2E01 IR2C07 ir2e31
    Text: lndeX Model No. ARM7D CPU Core28,32,33 ARM7DM 28,33 CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 76 5A A F G 44 44 44 44 ID1 series ID2 series ID3 seríes ID21K064 ID21K128 ID21K256 ID21K512 ID21M010 ID21M015 ID21M020 ID21M040 ID22K256 ID22K512 ID22M010 ID22M020 ID22M040 ID22M080

    OCR Scan
    Core28 IR2C24A/AN IR2C26 IR2C30/N IR2C32 IR2C33 IR2C34 IR2C36 IR2C38/N IR2C43 IR2E27A IR2C53 IR2E02 IR2E27 IR2E10 IR3N34 IR2E31A IR2E01 IR2C07 ir2e31 PDF


    Abstract: ROMICE64 SM6000 evaluation SM5* sharp ad250 SM8300 sharp SM6000 LU830 SM6000 ID160
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS SHARP DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS The development support systems for 8-bit single-chip microcomputers are configured % Support Tools for 8-Bit Single-Cnip M icrocomputers fn-Circuit Emulator Emulation 3od B with a host computer and an appropriate

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    SME-40 SM6010 16-bit 32-bit LH77790 LH77710A 82CXX PU952 ROMICE64 SM6000 evaluation SM5* sharp ad250 SM8300 sharp SM6000 LU830 SM6000 ID160 PDF

    sharp IR3R42

    Abstract: diode demodulation circuit IR3C09 IR3R42 IR3C07 40 mhz remote control transmitter circuit ir3c01 IR3C08N IR3C02A IR3R
    Text: SPECIAL­ FUNCTION ICs ICs far Infrarad Remote Controllerà, Audio Equipment, Leeer Diode Drivers end Motor Drivers • ICs for Infrared Remote Controllers Supply voltage V Function Description Model No. Package Infrared signal receiver pre-amp. 1C Photo diode directly connectable

    OCR Scan
    IR3T24/N 132-segment 128-segment IR3C01/N IR3C02A/AN IR3C07/N IR3C08/N IP/24SOP IR3C09 30SDIP sharp IR3R42 diode demodulation circuit IR3C09 IR3R42 IR3C07 40 mhz remote control transmitter circuit ir3c01 IR3C08N IR3C02A IR3R PDF


    Abstract: IR3T24 infrared audio signal receiver remote control transmitter and receiver circuit infrared remote control switch LROF140 256-SEGMENT segment lcd IR3T24/N
    Text: SPECIAL­ FUNCTION ICs 8 fo r Audio Equipment, Voice R ecording/Playback IC s i& IC a fo r infrared Rem ote Control • ICs for Audio Equipment Model No. Description Function Supply voltage V Package IR3R42 FM demodulator 1C FM demodulation(POLAR), forced monaural, VCO stop function, stereo indicator

    OCR Scan
    IR3R42 IR3R44 IR3R52N 16DIP 24SSOP LROF140 Cont390S SM565 132-segment 128-segment IR3T24 infrared audio signal receiver remote control transmitter and receiver circuit infrared remote control switch 256-SEGMENT segment lcd IR3T24/N PDF