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    SM3507 Search Results

    SM3507 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SM3507 Sharp 4-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Original PDF
    SM3507 Sharp 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputers (For Data Bank Use) Original PDF
    SM3507 Sharp 4-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Scan PDF

    SM3507 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - D ata R A M / ROM bit 6k X 2 3 - - 8kx23 W ork RAM (bit) LCD segm ent Model No. I k x 8 /2 5 6 x 4 480 SM3503 1 5 1 2 X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 480 SM3504 < 5 1 2 X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 384 SM3507 2 k X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 SM3509 8 k X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 SM3512 MICROCOMPUTERS

    OCR Scan
    SM3503 SM3504 SM3507 SM3509 SM3512 SM3514 SM3515 SM3508 SM3511 SM3513 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . MICROCOMPUTERS R O M bit Data RAM/Work RAM (bit) LCD seg m en t Application M odel No. SM3503 SM3504 — LCD games SM3507 Calculators with clock Electronic organizers SM3508 SM3509 Application M odel No. SM3903 SM3905 SM565 Infrared remote controls i—

    OCR Scan
    SM3503 SM3504 SM3507 SM3508 SM3509 SM3903 SM3905 SM565 SM3503 SM3504 PDF

    ram 512x8

    Abstract: Single-Chip Microcomputer melody generator BUZZER DRIVER Microcomputer QFP080-P-1420 SM3507 dual 7 segment display pin configuration DI08 KL lcd
    Text: SM3507 SHARP 4-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Data Sheet FEATURES • Built-in Oscillator - System Clock Built-in CR Oscillator 250 kHz - Built-in CR Oscillator Tim er 32.8 kHz - External Crystal Timer 32.768 kHz • ROM Capacity - Program ROM 6K x 23-bits

    OCR Scan
    SM3507 23-bits 4x8x128-bits 512x8 80-pin QFP080-P-142use 84-KEY ram 512x8 Single-Chip Microcomputer melody generator BUZZER DRIVER Microcomputer QFP080-P-1420 SM3507 dual 7 segment display pin configuration DI08 KL lcd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP SM3507 SM3507 4-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer For Data Bank Use DESCRIPTION The SM3507 is a CMOS 4-bit single-chip micro­ computer for databank incorporating data memory RAM, LCD driver, Key input circuit and buzzer out­ put circuit. By connecting an external crystal, a 1 Hz

    OCR Scan
    SM3507 SM3507 48-segment 84-key) PDF


    Abstract: 48QFP 36UF
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS 4-b it Single-chip Microcomputers ROM byte RAM(bit) I/O Model No. Application • Controller Series Memory (bit) Model No. SM595 S M 552 Port A/D LED conversion I/O drive Supply Operating voltage temp. Package (V) CC) Remarks RAM I 762x8 32

    OCR Scan
    16DIP/ 18DIP/ 20DIP/ 18MFP 64SDIP/ 60QFP 30SDIP/ 28SOP/ 32SOP/ 36QFP SM595 48QFP 36UF PDF


    Abstract: IR2E31 IR2E01 IR2C07 IR2E27 IR2E24 IR2E19 IR2E31A IR3n06 IR2E02
    Text: Index Model No. ARM7D CPU Core Bi-CMOS 1 27 40,42 _ _ CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 4A 5A 8 A AH D ID1 Series ID2 Series 40,42 40.42 40,42 40,42 40 B ü.’1*"! 14,15 14 m IR2339 IR2403 IR2406 IR2406G IR2410 IR2411 IR2415 IR2419 IR2420 IR2422 IR2425 IR2429

    OCR Scan
    IR2E201 IR2E24 IR2E27/A IR2E28 IR2E29 IR2E30 IR2E31/A IR2E32N9 IR2E34 IR2E41 lh57257 IR2E31 IR2E01 IR2C07 IR2E27 IR2E19 IR2E31A IR3n06 IR2E02 PDF


    Abstract: SM8203 sm578 SM563 SM590 sharp
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS ★ Under development • 4-bit/8-bit Single-chip Microcomputer Development Support Systems S oftw are program s for single-chip m icrocom puters can be developed through a sim ple system com posed o f a personal co m p u te r running an M S-DO S operating system w hich serves as the

    OCR Scan
    83/SM LU8405H6 LU8408H6 LU8410H6 LU8413H6 LU8410H6 LU8311P0/P1 LU8300H7 LU8405H4 LU8408H4 SM511 SM8203 sm578 SM563 SM590 sharp PDF


    Abstract: LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506
    Text: INDEX 1 0 4 - 1 0 9 _ DC_ GL1PR112.69 GL3KG63. 66 GL5EG41.66 1 0 4 - n 0 5 O o c .113 DC1B1CP. 100 GL1PR135.69 GL3KG8. 66

    OCR Scan
    109-n GL1PR112. GL1PR135. GL1PR136. GL1PR211. GL1PR212. GL3KG63. GL3P201. GL3P202. GL3P305. LQ070T5BG01 LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT LINEUP 32-Bit R SC Microcomputer ARM Series M o d e l No. ★ LH 77790 ★ U n d e r d e v e lo p m e n t C o n fig u ra tio n ARM7DI CPU + Cache Memory (2 kB) + RAM (2 kB) + Timer + Power S u p p ly frequency consumption v o lta g e (MHz) MAX. (mW) MAX.

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 176LQFP LH77710A* 144LQFP 16-Bit 512x8 256x4 SM5K5 PDF


    Abstract: ir3y26a1 IR4N IR3T24N IR3C08N ir2c53 ir2c05 li3301 IR3Y08 IR2E02
    Text: Index Model No. IR3T ARM710 ARM7DI ARM7DM ARM7TDMI ARM7TDMI-SPL ARM8 ARM810 CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS F series G series J series K series ID22 series ID222XX ID223XX ID224XX ID226XX ID227XX ID229XX ID22DXX ID22FXX ID22HXX ID240 series ID240DXX ID240EXX ID240GXX

    OCR Scan
    ARM710 ARM810 IR3T24 IR3T24N IR3Y05Y IR3Y08 IR3Y12B IR3Y18A IR3Y21 IR3Y26A IR3Y29B ir3y26a1 IR4N IR3T24N IR3C08N ir2c53 ir2c05 li3301 IR2E02 PDF


    Abstract: 60at5
    Text: 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER • 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTERS <LCD Driver Series for Multi-Segment LCD> P o rt M e m o ry bit D uty ra tio Instruction Supply current [TYP.] cycle Operating Standby MS) MIN. (MA) M odel No. ROM SM3503 6144x23 1 0 2 4 x8

    OCR Scan
    6144x23 192x23 256x4 512x8 60at5 PDF


    Abstract: 8501H LU5K5P0 M8008 SME-50
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS Support Tools for Single-chip Microcomputers • Single-chip Microcomputers Development Support Systems Software programs for single-chip m icrocom puters can be developed through a simple system com posed of a personal com puter running an

    OCR Scan
    83/SM 84/LR379XX SM83/84/85 SM8521 it/16-bit SM8311/13/14/15, SM8504/06, LU8500F0/F1* LU8500M0/M1* LU8540M0* SM595 8501H LU5K5P0 M8008 SME-50 PDF


    Abstract: SM511 sm578 LU5K5P0 SM8502 SM82 SM8408 SM8410 SM563 LU8203
    Text: • MICROCOMPUTERS I Support Tools for Single-chip Microcomputers i ★ Under developm ent • Single-chip Microcomputers Development Support Systems Software program s for single-chip m icrocom puters can be developed through a sim ple system com posed of a personal com puter running an

    OCR Scan
    SME-40 83/SM 84/LRpport SM83/84 LR379XX LU8200H7, LU8300H7) 64k-byte RS232C LU830 SM511 sm578 LU5K5P0 SM8502 SM82 SM8408 SM8410 SM563 LU8203 PDF


    Abstract: SM39
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS ★ Under development LCD segm ent Model No. 480 S M 35 03 5 1 2 x 8 /2 5 6 x 4 480 SM 3504 •5 1 2 x 8 / 2 5 6 x 4 384 S M 3507 1 184 SM 3508 2 k X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 SM 3509 X 8 /2 5 6 X 4 540 ★ SM 3512 Data RAM/ ROM bit Work RAM (bit)

    OCR Scan
    12BQFP M3903 SM39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIALFUNCTION ICs • ICs for Data Banks mm m m m É K i i iÉ im w r ë . ï " ;M k tï.'.vi'X-.ìi"'-'- r.1 LI3501A — 2k x 8bit — Ba 5 x 7-dot x 12-digit 7-seg x 12-digit U3S0311 — 1kx8bit — Ba 5 x 5-dotx 12-digit 7-seg x 12-digit • • —

    OCR Scan
    LI3501A U3S0311 U350411 U350412 U3S0413 U3S0414 SM3503 SM3504 SM3507 SM3508 80QFP PDF


    Abstract: IR2C53 IR2E02 IR2E27 IR2E10 IR3N34 IR2E31A IR2E01 IR2C07 ir2e31
    Text: lndeX Model No. ARM7D CPU Core28,32,33 ARM7DM 28,33 CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS 76 5A A F G 44 44 44 44 ID1 series ID2 series ID3 seríes ID21K064 ID21K128 ID21K256 ID21K512 ID21M010 ID21M015 ID21M020 ID21M040 ID22K256 ID22K512 ID22M010 ID22M020 ID22M040 ID22M080

    OCR Scan
    Core28 IR2C24A/AN IR2C26 IR2C30/N IR2C32 IR2C33 IR2C34 IR2C36 IR2C38/N IR2C43 IR2E27A IR2C53 IR2E02 IR2E27 IR2E10 IR3N34 IR2E31A IR2E01 IR2C07 ir2e31 PDF


    Abstract: ROMICE64 SM6000 evaluation SM5* sharp ad250 SM8300 sharp SM6000 LU830 SM6000 ID160
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS SHARP DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS The development support systems for 8-bit single-chip microcomputers are configured % Support Tools for 8-Bit Single-Cnip M icrocomputers fn-Circuit Emulator Emulation 3od B with a host computer and an appropriate

    OCR Scan
    SME-40 SM6010 16-bit 32-bit LH77790 LH77710A 82CXX PU952 ROMICE64 SM6000 evaluation SM5* sharp ad250 SM8300 sharp SM6000 LU830 SM6000 ID160 PDF

    4 x 1K x 8-bit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIALFUNCTION ICs rSFASIC ICs for Data Banks ★underdevelopment • ICs for Data Banks RAM Functions Power Internal External supply Autopower secret Dial out Calculater off function function function Model No. ROM U3501A — 2k x 8-bit — Ba 5 x 7-dot x 12-digit

    OCR Scan
    U3501A U350351 U350471 U350472 U350473 U3S0474 U35OT11 SM3503 SM3504 SM3507 4 x 1K x 8-bit PDF


    Abstract: SM578 sm591 SM511
    Text: MICROCOMPUTERS Support Tools for 4-bit/8-bit Single-chip Microcomputers ★ Under development • 4-bit/8-bit Single-chip Microcomputer Development Support Systems Software programs for single-chip microcomputers can be developed through a simple system composed of a personal com puter running an

    OCR Scan
    SME-40 SM83/SM840 LU8500FO/F1* SM8408 SM8410/1/5 SM8413 SM8502 SM83/84 LU8200H7, SM578 sm591 SM511 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIALFUNCTION ICS EM ICs and ICs for Data Bank MODEM ICs for Facsimiles Function Model No. G3 LR490901 O LR490911 Q LR490902 o Supply voltage V Supply current (mA)TYP. O 5 60 o 5 60 Q 5 60 Dialer ftscsreeoRiitf HDLC playback ea DTMF O — — O — —

    OCR Scan
    LR490901 LR490911 LR490902 80QFP LR49342 100QFP SM3515 23-bit 60-seg. PDF

    EG 16 00T

    Abstract: LI3154 LI330 li3301 LI3301A
    Text: SPECIALFUNCTION ICs ICs for Telecommunication Equipment ★ Under development • ICs for Data Bank Functions RAM Supply voltage V Package 3 m odes (T e le p h o n e , C lock, C alculator) 2 .5 to 3 .4 80Q FP 4 m o d e s (T e lep h o n e, M e m o , C lock, C alculator)

    OCR Scan
    12-digit 10-dlglt 10-diglt 10-digit LI350471 EG 16 00T LI3154 LI330 li3301 LI3301A PDF