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    SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SILICON BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Bipolar Junction Transistor

    Abstract: 414 rf transistor AT-420
    Text: RF and Microwave Silicon Bipolar␣ Transistors Characteristics The silicon bipolar transistor is a semiconductor device, with amplification due to current gain. The advantages silicon bipolar transistors have over other transistor types include mature technology both in the understanding of the device physics and

    AT-640 AT-414/415 AT-420 Bipolar Junction Transistor 414 rf transistor PDF

    high-frequency PNP and NPN transistors with transition frequencies above 5 GHz and 9 GHz

    Abstract: Glossary of Microwave Transistor Terminology
    Text: High-Frequency Transistor Primer Part I Silicon Bipolar Electrical Characteristics Table of Contents I. Transistor Structure Types . A. Bipolar .

    5966-3085E high-frequency PNP and NPN transistors with transition frequencies above 5 GHz and 9 GHz Glossary of Microwave Transistor Terminology PDF

    high-frequency PNP and NPN transistors with transition frequencies above 5 GHz and 9 GHz

    Abstract: S11A1 Glossary of Microwave Transistor Terminology
    Text: High-Frequency Transistor Primer Part I Silicon Bipolar Electrical Characteristics Table of Contents I. Transistor Structure Types . A. Bipolar .

    5966-3085E high-frequency PNP and NPN transistors with transition frequencies above 5 GHz and 9 GHz S11A1 Glossary of Microwave Transistor Terminology PDF

    IC 8088

    Abstract: MA4T64535 "Semiconductor Master" thurlby power supply MA4T645 micro X ODS-512 MA4T64500
    Text: Preliminary Specification High Reliability Semiconductor Silicon Bipolar Low Noise Transistor V1.00 ODS 512 Outline Features x x x x ML4T645-S-512 fT to 9 GHz Low Noise Figure Silicon Dioxide and Silicon Dioxide Passivation Space Qualified Description The ML4T645 is a NPN small signal silicon bipolar transistor, well

    ML4T645-S-512 ML4T645 IC 8088 MA4T64535 "Semiconductor Master" thurlby power supply MA4T645 micro X ODS-512 MA4T64500 PDF


    Abstract: D2030 5091-9311E 47433 W02 SOT23 AT-30511 AT-31011 AT-32033 ATF-10236 Hewlett-Packard transistor microwave
    Text: 900 and 2400 MHz Amplifiers Using the AT-3 Series Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors Application Note 1085 1. Introduction Discrete transistors offer low cost solutions for commercial applications in the VHF through microwave frequency range. Today’s silicon bipolar transistors


    bipolar transistor s-parameter

    Abstract: bipolar transistor ghz s-parameter 200 mil BeO package RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ 20-50-200 TRANSISTOR 12 GHZ RF TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ s parameter ic-110 RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN vhf RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 3 GHZ
    Text: AT-64023 Up to 4 GHz Linear Power Silicon Bipolar Transistor Data Sheet Description Features The AT-64023 is a high performance NPN silicon bipolar transistor housed in a hermetic BeO flange package for good thermal characteristics. This device is designed

    AT-64023 AT-64023 5965-8916E 5989-2658EN bipolar transistor s-parameter bipolar transistor ghz s-parameter 200 mil BeO package RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ 20-50-200 TRANSISTOR 12 GHZ RF TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ s parameter ic-110 RF POWER TRANSISTOR NPN vhf RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 3 GHZ PDF

    yg 2025

    Abstract: HP346A 2305 isolator AT-30511 AT-31011 AT-32033 ATF-10236 AN-G004 equivalent transistor K 3532
    Text: 900 and 2400 MHz Amplifiers Using the AT-3 Series Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors Application Note 1085 1. Introduction Discrete transistors offer low cost solutions for commercial applications in the VHF through microwave frequency range. Today’s silicon bipolar transistors

    5964-3854E yg 2025 HP346A 2305 isolator AT-30511 AT-31011 AT-32033 ATF-10236 AN-G004 equivalent transistor K 3532 PDF


    Abstract: HBFP-0450 LL1608-FH2N7S MGA-52543 Silicon Bipolar Transistor HBFP-0450 ADS MODEL 20NF2 agilent semiconductor
    Text: A 400, 900 and 1800 MHz Buffer/Driver Amplifier using the Agilent HBFP-0450 Silicon Bipolar Transistor Application Note 1206 Introduction Agilent Technologies’ HBFP-0450 is a high performance isolated collector silicon bipolar transistor housed in 4-lead SC-70 SOT-343

    HBFP-0450 SC-70 OT-343) HBFP-0450 HBFP0450 5968-4957E LL1608-FH2N7S MGA-52543 Silicon Bipolar Transistor HBFP-0450 ADS MODEL 20NF2 agilent semiconductor PDF

    b 595 transistor

    Abstract: transistor 5 Amp 700 volt MA4T24300 transistor b 595 MA4T24335
    Text: Silicon Bipolar High fT Low Noise Medium Power 12 Volt Transistor MA4T243 Series MA4T243 Series Silicon Bipolar High fT Low Noise Medium Power 12 Volt Transistors Features • • • • • Case Style Low Phase Noise Oscillator Transistor 200 mW Driver Amplifier Transistor

    MA4T243 MA4T24300 b 595 transistor transistor 5 Amp 700 volt transistor b 595 MA4T24335 PDF

    transistor zo 107

    Abstract: AT-32063 AT-32063-BLK AT-32063-TR1 4046 IC d 1879 sc 107 transistor
    Text: Low Current, High Performance NPN Silicon Bipolar Transistor Technical Data AT-32063 Features Description • High Performance Bipolar Transistor Optimized for Low Current, Low Voltage Operation The AT-32063 contains two high performance NPN bipolar transistors in a single SOT-363 package.

    AT-32063 AT-32063 OT-363 OT-363 SC-70) transistor zo 107 AT-32063-BLK AT-32063-TR1 4046 IC d 1879 sc 107 transistor PDF

    8 pin ic 3844 for 5 volts

    Abstract: AT-32063 AT-32063-BLK AT-32063-TR1 transistor zo 107
    Text: Low Current, High Performance NPN Silicon Bipolar Transistor Technical Data AT-32063 Features Description • High Performance Bipolar Transistor Optimized for Low Current, Low Voltage Operation The AT-32063 contains two high performance NPN bipolar transistors in a single SOT-363 package.

    AT-32063 AT-32063 OT-363 OT-363 SC-70) 5965-1234E 5965-8921E 8 pin ic 3844 for 5 volts AT-32063-BLK AT-32063-TR1 transistor zo 107 PDF


    Abstract: marking c3j C1f TRANSISTOR marking c1d PC3223TB-E3 PC2708TB PC2709TB UPC3223TB PC3223TB-E3-A PC2710TB
    Text: BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UPC3223TB 5 V, SILICON MMIC MEDIUM OUTPUT POWER AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The PC3223TB is a silicon monolithic IC designed as IF amplifier for DBS tuners. This IC is manufactured using our 30 GHz fmax UHS0 Ultra High Speed Process silicon bipolar process.

    UPC3223TB PC3223TB HS350 WS260 IR260 PU10491EJ01V0DS marking c3j C1f TRANSISTOR marking c1d PC3223TB-E3 PC2708TB PC2709TB UPC3223TB PC3223TB-E3-A PC2710TB PDF

    mount chip transistor 332

    Abstract: SOT-23 TRANSISTOR 548 MA4T64500
    Text: Silicon Bipolar High fT Low Noise Microwave Transistor MA4T645 Series MA4T645 Series Silicon Bipolar High fT Low Noise Microwave Transistors Features • • • • • • • Case Style fT to 9 GHz Low Noise Figure High Associated Gain Hermetic and Surface Mount Packages Available

    MA4T645 mount chip transistor 332 SOT-23 TRANSISTOR 548 MA4T64500 PDF

    PTH hole diameter vs lead resistor

    Abstract: common emitter amplifier circuit designing W105 0805CS-080XMBC HBFP-0405 HBFP0420 HBFP-0420 HBPF-0405 common base amplifier circuit designing
    Text: 800 to 950 MHz Amplifiers using the HBFP-0405 and HBFP-0420 Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors Application Note 1161 Introduction Avago Technologies’ HBFP-0405 and HBFP-0420 are high performance isolated collector silicon bipolar transistors housed in 4-lead SC-70 SOT-343 surface

    HBFP-0405 HBFP-0420 HBFP-0420 SC-70 OT-343) HBFP0420 PTH hole diameter vs lead resistor common emitter amplifier circuit designing W105 0805CS-080XMBC HBPF-0405 common base amplifier circuit designing PDF

    at 64000

    Abstract: at64000 S21E at-64000
    Text: AT-64000 Up to 4 GHz Linear Power Silicon Bipolar Transistor Chip Data Sheet Description Features The AT-64000 of Avago Technologies is a high performance NPN silicon bipolar transistor. This device is designed for use in medium power, wideband amplifier and oscillator applications operating over

    AT-64000 AT-64000 AT-64000-GP4 AV01-0274EN at 64000 at64000 S21E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H EW LETT' mLlíM PA CK A R D RF and Microwave Silicon Bipolar Transistors Characteristics The silicon bipolar transistor is a semiconductor device, with amplification due to current gain. The advantages silicon bipolar transistors have over other transistor types include mature

    OCR Scan
    AT-414/415 AT-420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF and M icrowave S ilicon Bipolar Transistors The silicon bipolar transistor is a semiconductor device, with amplification due to current gain. The advantages silicon bipolar transistors have over other transistor types include m ature technology both in the

    OCR Scan
    AT-420 AT-214 AT-005 AT-016. AT605 PDF


    Abstract: MA42001-509 MA42001 MA42010
    Text: Silicon Low Noise Bipolar Transistors MA42000 Series Description NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS This series of NPN silicon bipolar transistors is designed to provide low noise figures at frequencies from 10 to 750 MHz. These transistors have flat noise figures over a wide

    OCR Scan
    MA42000 2N6665 MA42001 MA42014 MA42002 MA42004 MA42003 MA42005 MA42006 MA42008 MA42001-509 MA42010 PDF

    SVI 3104 c

    Abstract: UPC1678G ne333 stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor bf 175 NE85635 packaging schematic NE72000 VC svi 3104 NE9000 NE720
    Text: Introduction Small Signal GaAs FETs Power GaAs FETs Small Signal Silicon Bipolar Transistors Power Silicon Bipolar Transistors Silicon Monolithic Circuits GaAs Monolithic Circuits Reliability Assurance Appendix This C atalog is printed on R ecycled Paper California Eastern Laboratories, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products or

    OCR Scan
    AN83301-1 NE24615 AN83302 AN83303-1 NE71083 NE70083 AN83901 AN85301 11/86-LN AN86104 SVI 3104 c UPC1678G ne333 stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor bf 175 NE85635 packaging schematic NE72000 VC svi 3104 NE9000 NE720 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 11 T> m Sb4E514 MA42000 Series Description 000145D Ö « n i C M/A-COM Silicon Low Noise Bipolar Transistors SEMICOND-iBRLNGTON . T ' 3 I ~ *? NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS This series of NPN silicon bipolar transistors is designed to provide low noise figures at frequencies from 10 to 750

    OCR Scan
    Sb4E514 000145D MA42000 2N6665 MA42001 MA42014 MA42002 MA42004 MA42003 MA42005 PDF


    Abstract: AT-31011 AT-31033 SAI SOT23
    Text: Thal mLßm HP AE CWKLAERTDT Low Current, High Performance NPN Silicon Bipolar Transistor Technical Data - I AT-31011 AT-31033 Features Description • High Perform ance Bipolar

    OCR Scan
    AT-31011 AT-31033 AT-31011: AT-31033: OT-143 OT-143 AT-31011) OT-23 AT-31033) AT-310 SAI SOT23 PDF

    low noise transistors rf

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon Low Noise Bipolar Transistors Features • LOW NOISE THROUGH 2.5 GHz ■ HERMETIC PACKAGE ■ CAN BE SCREENED TO JAN, JANTX, JANTXV LEVELS Description The series of Silicon NPN bipolar transistors are designed for low noise amplifiers in the frequency range of 60 MHz

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PC1158H2 UPC1158H UPC1158 PC1158H PC1158 O72C PC11 microphone amplifier with alc S3NAB

    OCR Scan
    PC1158H2 uPC1158H2 L42752S s-78K PC1158H2 UPC1158H UPC1158 PC1158H PC1158 O72C PC11 microphone amplifier with alc S3NAB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power Silicon Bipolar Transistors S e le ctio n G u id e .4-2

    OCR Scan