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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PEG2BPiX1 Dual Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express Bypass Server Adapter Intel based Description Silicom’s Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Bypass server adapter is a PCI-Express X1 Bypass network interface card. The Silicom’s Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Bypass server adapter is designed to

    RJ-45 82571EB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PEG2Fi Dual Port Fiber Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express Server Adapter Intel based Description Silicom’s Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express Server adapters are PCI-Express Server Adapters cards that contain Multiple / Single Gigabit ports/ on a PCI-Express adapter.


    CHN 802

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PEG1Fi Single Port Fiber Gigabit Ethernet PCI-Express Server Adapter Intel based Description Silicom’s Fiber Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express server adapter is a PCI Express X4 Fiber Gigabit Ethernet network interface card. Silicom’s Fiber Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express server adapter is designed for Servers and high-end



    Abstract: phototransistor MAX-20 silicom SR09
    Text: ST333R4F1 PHOTOTRANSISTORS フォトトランジスタ ST333R4F1は可視光カット樹脂でモールドされたダブルエンドリードタイプのフォトトランジスタです。小型で省スペース 実装に適しています。 The ST333R4F1 is a duble-end type silicom phototransistor mounted in a compact package with visible ray cut.

    ST333R4F1 ST333R4F1 Max20 Max15 phototransistor MAX-20 silicom SR09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST333R4 PHOTOTRANSISTORS フォトトランジスタ ST333R4は可視光カット樹脂でモールドされたダブルエンドリードタイプのフォトトランジスタです。小型で省スペース実 装に適しています。 The ST333R4 is a duble-end type silicom phototransistor mounted in a compact package with visible ray cut.

    ST333R4 ST333R4 PDF


    Abstract: phototransistor silicom
    Text: ST333R4F PHOTOTRANSISTORS フォトトランジスタ ST333R4Fは可視光カット樹脂でモールドされたダブルエンドリードタイプのフォトトランジスタです。小型で省スペース 実装に適しています。 The ST333R4F is a duble-end type silicom phototransistor mounted in a compact package with visible ray cut.

    ST333R4F ST333R4F phototransistor silicom PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PEG2 Dual Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express Server Adapter Broadcom based Description The Silicom Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express server adapters are PCI Express network interface cards that contain Multiple / Single independent Gigabit Ethernet port/s on a PCI Express adapter.

    BCM57XX 100Mbits/s: 1000Mbit/s: RJ-45 BCM5715 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PEG2BPi6 Dual Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express Bypass Server Adapter Intel based Description Silicom’s dual port copper Gigabit Ethernet Bypass server adapter is a PCI-Express X4 network interface card that contains two Gigabit Ethernet ports on a PCI-E adapter. The Silicom’s dual port

    82576EB, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: フォトダイオード HP5FR4 PHOTODIODES HP5FR4は縦型樹脂モールドタイプの高出力、高速シリコンフォトダイオードです。可視光カットフィルターモールドタイ プです。 The HP5FR4 is a high-output, high-speed silicom photodiode, mounted in a side-viewing plastic package with



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: フォトダイオード HP5FR2 PHOTODIODES HP5FR2は縦型樹脂モールドタイプの高出力、高速シリコンフォトダイオードです。可視光カットフィルターモールドタイ プです。 The HP5FR2 is a high-output, high-speed silicom photodiode, mounted in a side-viewing plastic package with



    Abstract: xx40h
    Text: INDEX PRELIMINARY MX26C1024A 1M-BIT [64K x 16] CMOS MULTIPLE-TIME-PROGRAMMABLE ROM FEATURES • • • • • • 64K words by 16-bit organization +5V operating power supply Electric erase instead of UV light erase +12V±5% program/erase voltage Fast access time: 70/90/100/120 ns

    MX26C1024A 16-bit 100uA 44-pin 40-pin MX26C1024A xx40h PDF


    Abstract: 128X64 graphical LCD screen chip Maxwell 6 Custom Survey from Maxwell Technologie OPENICE32-A900 betty ic graphical lcd 128X64 with touch screen mini project using ARM microcontroller Interfacing of Graphical LCD with ARM7 green hills debug probe users guide threadx able application modules
    Text: MICROCONTROLLERS AT 9 1 T D H I R D P E V E L O P M E N T POWERED T ARM A R T Y O O L S ® Table of Contents Vendor 3RD PARTY GUIDE Reference Design Arcturus Networks Embedded uClinux Development Platform BlueGiga Technologies The Wireless Remote Access Platform WRAP

    SDB-750 40-Series ARM7/AT91M55800A 1307C RM601 128X64 graphical LCD screen chip Maxwell 6 Custom Survey from Maxwell Technologie OPENICE32-A900 betty ic graphical lcd 128X64 with touch screen mini project using ARM microcontroller Interfacing of Graphical LCD with ARM7 green hills debug probe users guide threadx able application modules PDF


    Abstract: MX26C1024A XX00H xx40h
    Text: Introduction Selection Guide PRELIMINARY MX26C1024A FEATURES 1M-BIT 64K x 16 CMOS MULTIPLE-TIME-PROGRAMMABLE ROM • • • • • • 64K words by 16-bit organization +5V operating power supply Electric erase instead of UV light erase +12V±5% program/erase voltage

    MX26C1024A 16-bit 44-pin 40-pin PM0457 26C1024 MX26C1024A XX00H xx40h PDF

    INTEL 28F640

    Abstract: BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK intel 28F160C18 INTEL 28F640 application 298161 vf bga BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK BGA package tray 64 28F008B3 28F160B3
    Text: µBGA* and VF BGA Chip Scale Package Mechanical and Shipping Media Specifications April 2001 Document Number: 290661-022 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any

    12E-0607-C13 28F320C3 12E-0710-C13 28F160F3 12E-0810-C13 28F320D18 12E-0713-C13 28F320W18 28F320W30 28F640W18 INTEL 28F640 BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK intel 28F160C18 INTEL 28F640 application 298161 vf bga BGA PACKAGE TOP MARK BGA package tray 64 28F008B3 28F160B3 PDF

    transistor SMD s72

    Abstract: nec mys 501 MYS 99 transistor 8BB smd st MYS 99 102 kvp 81A kvp 81A DIODE Kvp 69A kvp 86a smd transistor A7p
    Text: ВВЕДЕНИЕ Впервые, сделана столь масштабная попытка, разобраться с маркировкой компонентов поверхностного монтажа SMD . Конечно, книга не является панацеей, но на взгляд авторов должна существенно помочь в той

    OT323 BC818W MUN5131T1. BC846A SMBT3904, MVN5131T1 SMBT3904 OT323 transistor SMD s72 nec mys 501 MYS 99 transistor 8BB smd st MYS 99 102 kvp 81A kvp 81A DIODE Kvp 69A kvp 86a smd transistor A7p PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1504 crue
    Text: HITACHI 2SD1306— SILICOM NPN EPITA XIA L LOW FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER M UTING I. D m i l t t Ï. ftjvi t Colxtikt i'ii TW.1' » *•«-nni! MPAK • A BSO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=2*Cj Item MAXIMUM COLLECTOR DISSIPATION CURVE 2SDI30Ó Symbol Uii;c Collector iu base voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SD1306 2SDI30Ã IO-I50 150mA* 500mA. 15UmA* 2SD1504. 2SD1306 2SD1504 crue PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICOM_ _ D TOPES Us.A. CASK S ZENER :_ D O -4 1 _ D O -2 7 A_D O -2 7 1 .3 H • T a - 2 3 ° C ZEN E R D IO D E S _ Case DO-41 TEMP. 1 I ZT

    OCR Scan
    DO-41 5350B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M S IC M X26 C 10 24A 1 M-BIT 6 4 K x 1 6 CMOS MULTIPLE-TIME-PROGRAMMABLE ROM FEATURES • • • • • • 64K words by 16-bit organization +5V operating power supply Electric erase instead of UV light erase +12V±5% p rog ram/e rase voltage Fast access time: 70/90/100/120 ns

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 10OjaA 44-pin 40-pin l-847-963-1909 26C1024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LO C D RA W IN G M A D E IN T H IR D A N G L E P R O JE C T IO N I 01S T Ù F REVISIONS C o p y r ig h t bv A M P In c o r p o r a t e d , H a r r i s b u r g , P a , A l l I n t e r n a t io n a l R ig h t s R e s e r v e d , AMP I n c o r p o r a t e d p r o d u c t s

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISSONS ZONE LTR _ :u LI 2S~9Z3 27005 /z e v ts s o 1 iXBTYPBL1, DATE O K / G I N # L /< £ C £ /U fiy w/, v/'* 7 - <c~c PI N CONTACT IS ; 0 0 3 - 0 3 7 i ~Q00£ ~~J APPROVED £ 7 - /0 - ? / aimmua K DESCRIPTION BCN V"^T \S J j %?J s W A 5 '0 0 3 - S 3 5 1 - 0 0 0 -2

    OCR Scan
    ECO-10-011908 1532244 PDF


    Abstract: G529A
    Text: Temic DG528/529 S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Latchable Single 8-Ch/Differential 4-Ch Analog Multiplexers Features Benefits Applications • • • • • Improved System Accuracy • Microporcessor Bus Compatible • Easily Interfaced • • • • Low rDs on>: 270 Q

    OCR Scan
    DG528/529 16-line P-32167-- 15-Nov-93 528CJ G529A PDF


    Abstract: P-Channel Depletion Mosfet Depletion MOSFET depletion p mosfet vd 5205 LT 5208 DG381AAK
    Text: SILICONIX 8254735 SILICONIX INC 03 dË J 0554735 INC □ □ 1 5 2 S ci 03E □ 12229 D DG381A/384A/387A/390A General Purpose CMOS Analog Switches incorporated JET Siliconlx - - T -5 1 -1 1 FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONS • + 15 V Input Range

    OCR Scan
    152Sc DG381A/384A/387A/390A DG180 DG38XA AE5473S DG381A/384A/387A/390A T-51-11 DQ381 P-Channel Depletion Mosfet Depletion MOSFET depletion p mosfet vd 5205 LT 5208 DG381AAK PDF

    spindle and VCM motor controller

    Abstract: 4Q DC H-bridge motor speed control Hard Disk spindle motor LM motor driver motor mp-64 Spindle VCM vcm controller Si9990ACS Hard Disk drive spindle motor control inductive sense HDD spindle motor circuit
    Text: T em ic SÌ9990ACS S e m i c o n d u c t o r s 5-V VCM Driver/Spindle Motor Driver For 1.8- and 2.5-Hard Disk Drives Features Benefits O n - B o a r d H a lf-B rid g e D riv e rs Applications S in g le 5 -V S u p p ly O v e r-T e m p e ra tu re P ro te c tio n

    OCR Scan
    9990acs 64-Pin P-32291â 29-Nov-93 A2S473S 217D3 spindle and VCM motor controller 4Q DC H-bridge motor speed control Hard Disk spindle motor LM motor driver motor mp-64 Spindle VCM vcm controller Si9990ACS Hard Disk drive spindle motor control inductive sense HDD spindle motor circuit PDF


    Abstract: TL191 BT7F TOSONI 100C DG189 DG189A DG189B DG191 DG504
    Text: DG1 89, 190, 191 t r !\y spo t jfet 7 t n » " » x -f 7 f S P D T i f i g f f iö : J F E T S j e î ^ Â î S t -f ° O' • x -f -y » ÿ j j r A l l (0.8V # ä i i f 2.0V ) 1C J; p $ J i0 .S ix i> . y f li7 'w - i ÿ • e -7 * T -y • t 4 9 i i j f f T ', * 7 B # C d a ( t 5 T ' a -y * f E

    OCR Scan
    DG189 DG190 DG191 2Vor30mA 100mA 450mW 12mW/Â 65--H TL191 BT7F TOSONI 100C DG189A DG189B DG504 PDF