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    ADLINK Technology Inc Sierra HL7588 4G KIT(US)

    Sub-GHz Modules Peak Download Rate : 150MbpsPeak Upload Rate : 50MbpsOperating Temp : -40~85 CF/W : RHL75xx.A.2.11.151600.201709111842.x7160
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics Sierra HL7588 4G KIT(US) 2
    • 1 $249.6
    • 10 $233.98
    • 100 $222.28
    • 1000 $222.28
    • 10000 $222.28
    Buy Now

    ADLINK Technology Inc 4GLTE SIERRA EM7411 KIT FOR EMU-200

    Cellular Modules Sierra EM7411 RF Module(For USA and Canada) + RF Cable+ Antennas + Mechanical+ Thermal
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 4GLTE SIERRA EM7411 KIT FOR EMU-200
    • 1 $472.96
    • 10 $458.34
    • 100 $458.34
    • 1000 $458.34
    • 10000 $458.34
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    Others CR1808B104KPS SIERRA

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics CR1808B104KPS SIERRA 172
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Others SRR05B472KGS SIERRA

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics SRR05B472KGS SIERRA 116
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Others SCR05B102FGS SIERRA

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    Bristol Electronics SCR05B102FGS SIERRA 80
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    SIERRA Datasheets (342)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    1103479 Sierra Wireless RF/IF and RFID - RF Transceiver Modules - MOD HL GPRS 2G 2.8V AVMS Original PDF
    1104231 BX3105 Sierra Wireless RX TXRX MOD WIFI TRACE ANT SMD Original PDF
    1104528 BX3105 Sierra Wireless RX TXRX MOD WIFI TRACE ANT SMD Original PDF
    1104529 BX3100 Sierra Wireless RX TXRX MOD WIFI SURFACE MOUNT Original PDF
    1104534 Sierra Wireless GATEWAY IOT PROGR WORLDWIDE Original PDF
    2000579 Sierra Wireless POWER ADAPTER FOR RV50/RV50X Original PDF
    6001110 Sierra Wireless PADDLE CELLULAR ANTENNA Original PDF
    6001111 Sierra Wireless PADDLE WIFI ANTENNA - 2.4/5GHZ Original PDF
    6001112 Sierra Wireless SHARKFIN MAG MOUNT ADAPTOR Original PDF
    6001113 Sierra Wireless DOME MAG MOUNT ADAPTOR Original PDF
    6001119 Sierra Wireless 3IN1 SHARKFIN ANTENNA - 2XLTE, G Original PDF
    6001120 Sierra Wireless 2IN1 SHARKFIN ANTENNA - 2XLTE, B Original PDF
    6001121 Sierra Wireless 6IN1 DOME ANTENNA - 2XLTE, GNSS, Original PDF
    6001123 Sierra Wireless 2IN1 DOME ANTENNA - 2XLTE, BOLT Original PDF
    6001124 Sierra Wireless 2IN1 PANEL ANTENNA - 2XLTE, BOLT Original PDF
    6001125 Sierra Wireless 3IN1 PANEL ANTENNA - 2XLTE, GNSS Original PDF
    6001126 Sierra Wireless HIGH GAIN DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA - Original PDF
    6001127 Sierra Wireless INTERNAL WIFI/BT ANTENNA - 2.4GH Original PDF
    6001128 Sierra Wireless PUCK (CELL+GPS) ANTENNA - 1XLTE, Original PDF
    6001129 Sierra Wireless 6IN1 DOME ANTENNA - 2XLTE, GNSS, Original PDF

    SIERRA Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF

    er36 transformer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S TANDARD PRO DUCT PM PMC-Sierra, inc. PM 7345 S/UNI-PDH ISSUE 5 SATURN User Network Interface forPD H PM7345 S/UNI- fTM PDH S/UNI-PDH S A T U R N U s e r N e t w o r k I n t e r f a c e for A T M P l e s i o c h r o n o u s Di gi t al H i e r a r c h y Pre lim ina ry

    OCR Scan
    PM7345 er36 transformer PDF

    5 PEN PC TECHNOLOGY apllications

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    PMC-970113 PM3351 1x100 PM3351 5 PEN PC TECHNOLOGY apllications PDF

    "network interface cards"

    Abstract: DI 783

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    SIUNI-622-MAX PMC-1980589 PM5356 SIUNI-622-MAX 622-MAX) S/UNI-622-MAX 622-MAX PMCSS00234 "network interface cards" DI 783 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ta n d a r d P r o d u c t PM I T# I ISSUE 5 PMC-Sierra, Inc. P M 7 3 2 2 R C M P -8 0 0 ROUTING CONTROL, MONITORING AND POLICING 800 Mbps PM7322 RCMP-800 ROUTING ATM L A Y E R CONTROL, MONITORING AND POLICING 800 M b p s Issue PMC-Sierra, Inc. 5: May, 1996

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    PM7322 RCMP-800 PMC-940904 PMC-940903 PDF

    74LS245 buffer ic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A SC11027 Parallel Bus Modem Controller V SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ □ 2 8 -P IN D IP PA CK A G E □ □ □ □ Auto power down Built-in UART Direct IBM PC XT bus interface 28-pin DIP or PLCC package SC11027CV G E N ER A L D E S C R IP T IO N The SC11027 M odem Interface

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    SC11027 SC11027 SC11016 28-pin SC11027CV 8250B SC11037) 74LS30 74LS245 buffer ic PDF


    Abstract: WESCOM Marketing ITT ste ASCOM
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR NORTH AMERICAN SALES OFFICES Corporate Headquarters SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 2075 No. Capitol Ave. San Jose, CA 95132 PH: 408-263-9300 FAX: 408-263-3337 Northwest Regional Office Same as Headquarters N. Central Regional Office SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC11027 Parallel Bus Modem Controller 'V ' SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ D irect interface to SC11016 single chip modem □ Complete "AT" command set in firmware □ □ □ □ Auto power down Built-in UART Direct IBM PC XT bus interface 28-pin DIP or PLCC package

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    SC11027 28-pin SC11016 SC11016, PDF


    Abstract: SC22318
    Text: PRELIMINARY SC 22318 V Programmable Frequency Synthesizer PFS SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES 2 4 -P IN DIP PACKAGE □ O u tp u t fre q u e n c ie s up to a m axim um o f 100 MHz. □ H ig h r e s o lu tio n fre q u e n c y synthesis. □ D ig itally p rogram m able high

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    24-pin 28-pin SC2231 SC22318 PDF


    Abstract: sc11290cn SC1129 SC112 VP05
    Text: SC11290 DTMF Transceiver With Call Progress Detection V SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 22-PIN DIP PACKAGE □ □ □ D T M F g e n e ra to r and receiv er E xcellen t sp eech im m u nity T ri-S ta te o u tp u ts 4 -b it h ex a ­ d ecim al fro m receiv er □ A C -C o u p led , internally-b iased

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    z--640 SC11290 sc11290cn SC1129 SC112 VP05 PDF

    intel 8096

    Abstract: STR 11006 SC11011CV intel 8096 instruction set 8096 instruction set SC11061 A5 MCR 100-6 temperature control of 8096 Savoy Electronics mcr 100-6 A26
    Text: A SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11061 2400 bps Fast Modem Advanced Controller FMAC □ V.22 bis, V.22, V.21, 212A □ □ □ □ and 103 standards Direct interface to SC11006/024 Pow erful enough to handle M N P5 as w ell as H ayes commands & DSP Built-in UART

    OCR Scan
    SC11061 68-PIN SC11011CV SC11061CV SC11006/024 J5P312A8-29 SRX3860 intel 8096 STR 11006 SC11011CV intel 8096 instruction set 8096 instruction set A5 MCR 100-6 temperature control of 8096 Savoy Electronics mcr 100-6 A26 PDF

    IC LM386

    Abstract: K2416 carrier recovery PSK 1800 Hz SC11046
    Text: V SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11046 2400 Bit Per Second Modem with Sendfax at 4800 bps FEATURES □ Pin compatible with Sierra SC11006 industry standard 2400 bps modem □ Complete 2400 bps modem con­ forming to V.22 bis and 4800/2400 bps Sendfax conforming to V.27ter

    OCR Scan
    SC11006 27ter 27ter, SCI1046 RS-232 SC11046 SC11011, SC11019 IC LM386 K2416 carrier recovery PSK 1800 Hz SC11046 PDF

    Socket S1g1 Processor Functional

    Abstract: 74hc151a
    Text: SC48620/S C48622 Single Chip microCMOS Microcontrollers _ With On Chip EEPROM >11^ SIERRA SEMICOINDUCTOR The SC48620 is an 8 bit microcon­ troller featuring on chip EEPROM modules. It is a complete micro­ computer containing the COP8OO core processor as its CPU, IK byte

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    SC48620/S C48622 28-PIN 0200-02FF 0300-03FF 0400-04FF 0500-05FF 0600-06FF 0700-07FF 0800-08FF Socket S1g1 Processor Functional 74hc151a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR MARCH 1987 SC2^Ô6Ï7SC22002 Serial Interface, Electrically Erasable, Program m able Memories FEATURES BENEFITS • CM OS E E te c h n o lo g y • V ery lo w p o w e r d is s ip a tio n • S in g le 5-v o lt su p p ly • No e x te rn a l h ig h v o lta g e fo r p ro g ra m m in g

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    7SC22002 22001/S SC22001 WF00310C PDF


    Abstract: OE23 SC15064 pc motherboard schematics
    Text: J b . SIERRA æMICDNDUCTOR ' v PRODUCT BRIEF FALCON/64 Integrated 64-Bit GUI Accelerator SC15064 FEATURES Graphics Acceleration (hardware based) Bus Support BitBlt • Raster operations • VESA VL-BUS Line draw • PCI Local Bus ISA BUS Pattern fill

    OCR Scan
    FALCON/64 64-Bit SC15064 640x480 800x600 1024x768, 1024x768 1280x1024, A242010 MD21-MD20 OE23 SC15064 pc motherboard schematics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIERRA se m ico n d u cto r DTMF Transceiver SC11280 DTMF Transceiver SC11280 P IN D ESCR IPTIO NS PIN NAME 1 IN+ Non-inverting op-amp input. 2 IN- Inverting op-amp input. 3 4 GS Gain Select. Gives access to output of front end differential amplifier for connection of

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    SC11280 SC11280 PDF

    STR 11006

    Abstract: intel 8096 ADF70 SC11020 NYP196-18 DAR30 NMC9346N SC11054 A5 MCR 100-6 serial communication in 8096
    Text: SIERRA S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP 54E D • Ö24201Q O O G n S M flb? SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 2400 BPS Modem Advanced Controller MAC FEATURES □ □ □ □ □ □ 48-P IN DIP PACKAGE Direct interface to SC11024 or

    OCR Scan
    24201Q 0/SC11021/SC11022/SC11023/SC11074/SC11075 SC11024 RS-232 74LS245 SC11006, SC11054 SC11024, STR 11006 intel 8096 ADF70 SC11020 NYP196-18 DAR30 NMC9346N A5 MCR 100-6 serial communication in 8096 PDF

    microtran t9311

    Abstract: SC11044CN low pass filter TL062 SC11091 CA3041 "sierra semiconductor" modem LM386 dgg2 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER CCITTV21
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 54E D • □ □ □ □ □ Sendfax is a registered trademark of Sierra Semiconductor Corporation. 28-PIN DIP PACKAQE □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 2225/2100 Hz tone detector Contains an on-chip hybrid Analog, digital, and remote

    OCR Scan
    SCI1054) SC11054) 27ter, SCU044/SC11054 22bis SC11044/SC11054 22bis 28-PIN 74LS245 24201G microtran t9311 SC11044CN low pass filter TL062 SC11091 CA3041 "sierra semiconductor" modem LM386 dgg2 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER CCITTV21 PDF


    Abstract: 11024C 2764 z SCI1006
    Text: V SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11024 2400 Bit Per Second Modem Analog Peripheral □ Conforms to CCITT V.22 bis, V.22, V.21, and Bell 212A and 103 standards □ Single 5 V supply with 10 mW power dow n mode □ A nalog, digital, and rem ote digital loopback □ Integrated DTM F/G uard Tone

    OCR Scan
    SC11024 28-PIN 11024C plete2400 SC11024 MA8-MA10, MA12-MA13 2764 z SCI1006 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8242010 SIERR A _ SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 99D 0 0 1 9 3 D S I E R R A S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP n D Ë 1 flEM2Gia O SIERRA SEMICONDUCTU □ MARCH 1987 SC22011/SC22012 S e ria l In te r f a c e , E le c tric a lly E ra s a b le , P ro g ra m m a b le M e m o rie s

    OCR Scan
    SC22011/SC22012 AIS-CO-10M-0387 62420-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S C44820/S C44821/S C44822 Single Chip microCMOS Microcontrollers SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR The SC44820 is pin and function com patible w ith the COP820C microcontroller manufactured by National Semiconductor Corpora­ tion. It is fabricated using double­ m etal, silicon gate, fully static

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    C44820/S C44821/S C44822 28-PIN SC44820/SC44821/S C44822 SC44820 COP820C 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: optoisolator interface with 8051 EM-188
    Text: SC11004/SC11014 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem 'V ' SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ All modulators, demodulators, and filters with compromise equalizers on chip □ Call progress mode, tone gen­ erators for DTMF, V.22 guard and calling tones □ On-chip hybrid 2 4 -P IN D IP

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    SC11004/SC11014 IA317 optoisolator interface with 8051 EM-188 PDF


    Abstract: SC11328 sc11328cv
    Text: PRELIMINARY SC11328 Programmable Frequency Synthesizer PFS SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ Output frequencies up to a maximum of 100 MHz. □ High resolution frequency synthesis. □ Digitally programmable high resolution phase locked frequency. □ Dynamically programmable

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    SC11328 24-pin 28-pin SC22318 SC11328CN package-12mW/ SC11328CN sc11328cv PDF

    IC ANA 618

    Abstract: SC11036
    Text: A SC11036 Delta Sigma 16-Bit A /D Converter SIERRA SEMICOVDIJCTOR FEATURES □ Internal track and hold am plifier □ Linear phase digital filter □ D SP com patible codec-like serial interface Low pow er dissipation— 220 m W typ. □ 16-bit resolution / 84 dB

    OCR Scan
    16-bit SC11036 18-PIN I1036 IC ANA 618 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SCU453/456 66 MHz Monolithic CMOS 256 x 24/12 Color Palette GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The S C I 1453 and SC 11456 are pinand so ftw a re-co m p a tib le color pallets designed specifically for high resolution color graphics. □ 66 M H z Pipelined O peration

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    SC11453 SC11453/456 SC11456. SC11456 PDF