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    C48622 Search Results

    C48622 Datasheets Context Search

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    Socket S1g1 Processor Functional

    Abstract: 74hc151a
    Text: SC48620/S C48622 Single Chip microCMOS Microcontrollers _ With On Chip EEPROM >11^ SIERRA SEMICOINDUCTOR The SC48620 is an 8 bit microcon­ troller featuring on chip EEPROM modules. It is a complete micro­ computer containing the COP8OO core processor as its CPU, IK byte

    OCR Scan
    SC48620/S C48622 28-PIN 0200-02FF 0300-03FF 0400-04FF 0500-05FF 0600-06FF 0700-07FF 0800-08FF Socket S1g1 Processor Functional 74hc151a PDF