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    SEMICONDUCTOR 1346 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    XPQR8308QB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 80 V, 350 A, 0.00083 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQ1R00AQB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 100 V, 300 A, 0.00103 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK7R0E08QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 64 A, 0.0070 Ohm@10V, TO-220AB Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPJ1R004PB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 40 V, 160 A, 0.001 Ω@10V, S-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SEMICONDUCTOR 1346 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Semiconductor 1346 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ON Semiconductort MPSW92 One Watt High Voltage Transistor ON Semiconductor Preferred Device PNP Silicon MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector −Emitter Voltage VCEO −300 Vdc Collector −Base Voltage VCBO −300 Vdc Emitter −Base Voltage

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    Abstract: "Power Distribution" AN2586 david garrett power distribution projects MPC8250 MPC8255 MPC8260 MPC8264 MPC8265
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Note AN2586 Rev. 0, 1/2004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Power Distribution Trends: A Survey NCSD Applications Austin, Texas This application note presents a survey of power distribution circuits that are needed to deliver

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    Abstract: MCF5235 MPC5500 MPC5554 MPC5565 MPC5566 MPC5567 SPACE VECTOR MODULATION
    Text: AN2969 Rev. 1, 10/2005 Using the AC Motor Control PWM eTPU Functions Covers the MCF523x, MPC5500, and all eTPU-equipped Devices by: Milan Brejl System Application Engineer, Roznov Czech System Center Michal Princ System Application Engineer, Roznov Czech System Center

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    Abstract: hp laptop display LVDS connector pins HP 30 pin lcd flex cable pinout laptop display LVDS connector pins LVDS-008 rogers4350 hp laptop display LVDS video input pin diagram 10G BERT pin connection lvds cable LVDS display 30 pin connector
    Text: LVDS Owner’s Manual Low-Voltage Differential Signaling 3rd Edition, Spring 2004 National Semiconductor The Sight & Sound of Information LVDS Owner’s Manual Low-Voltage Differential Signaling Spring 2004 3rd Edition The last thing an engineer ever does is read the owner’s manual. An engineer expects to be able to use his


    50hz to 60hz converter circuit diagram

    Abstract: max132 application kp1835 pt100 sensor interface WITH ADC Data Logger max132 50hz into 60hz circuit diagram SPRAGUE 715p pt100 interface WITH ADC DIN132 MAX132
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION U EET L H A S V A E S DAT W O L L FO ±18-Bit ADC with Serial Interface The MAX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, analog-to-digital converter ADC . Multi-slope integration provides high-resolution conversions in less time

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    Abstract: max132 application MAX132 MAX132ENG 50hz to 60hz converter circuit diagram MAX132CNG MAX132CWG MAX132EWG MAX132MRG pt100 interface current source multiplexer
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION U EET L H A S V A E S DAT W O L L FO ±18-Bit ADC with Serial Interface The MAX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, analog-to-digital converter ADC . Multi-slope integration provides high-resolution conversions in less time

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    Abstract: MAX132
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION U EET L H A S V A E S DAT W O L L FO ±1 8 -Bit ADC w it h Se ria l I nt e rfa c e The MAX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, analog-to-digital converter ADC . Multi-slope integration provides high-resolution conversions in less time

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    Abstract: 68HC05C4 68hc705p9 68HC05B6 JPC3400 68hc805b6 68705r3 68HC05C12 68HC705B5 68HC68SE


    2832 eeprom

    Abstract: Bosch CJ 840 IN 4002 MIC diode
    Text: K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual Supports: MK20DX256ZVLL10, MK20DN512ZVLL10 Document Number: K20P100M100SF2RM Rev. 5, 8 May 2011 K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 5, 8 May 2011 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section Number Title Page Chapter 1

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    ANA 618 21150

    Abstract: mmc EXT_CSD transistor chn 943 17127 RCA Interrupt Vector Table MPC8548E AS3A soc multi function printer mfp MPC8536ERM MPC8548E USB 2.* Controller
    Text: MPC8536E PowerQUICC III Integrated Processor Reference Manual Supports MPC8536E MPC8535E MPC8536ERM Rev. 1 05/2009 How to Reach Us: Home Page: email: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370

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    Abstract: transistor nec 2SK2396 MOS FET BUZ 444 MC-7643 nec 3S4M 4305 regulator nec RD2.4S equivalent 2SC4305 NEC 2sA1441 nec NPN transistor SST 117
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS SELECTION GUIDE Microcomputer 1 IC Memory 2 Seimi-Custom IC 3 Particular Purpose 4 General Purpose Linear IC 5 Transistor/Diode/Thyristor 6 GaAs Device/ Silicon Microwave Semiconductor 7 Optical Device 8 Packages 9 Index 10 April 1998 The export of these products from Japan is regulated by the Japanese government. The export of some or all of

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K22 Sub-Family Reference Manual Supports: MK22FX512VLH12, MK22FN1M0VLH12 Document Number: K22P64M120SF5RM Rev. 2, May 2013 K22 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2, May 2013 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1 About This Document

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    Abstract: e600 gigabyte 945 E600CORERM sce600 PPC745 CIE600 cq043 ppc jtag 00000x4
    Text: e600 PowerPC Core Reference Manual E600CORERM Rev. 0, 03/2006 How to Reach Us: Home Page: email: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. Alma School Road

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFG135A NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low-distortion broadband output amplifier stages in antenna and telecommunications systems up to 2 GHz at collector currents from 70mA to 130mA • Power amplifiers for DECT and PCN systems • Integrated emitter ballast resistor

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    BFG135A 130mA BFG135A Q62702-F1322 OT-223 GlE17b4 900MHz 0S35bOS D1217b5 PDF

    BU 103t transistor

    Abstract: IC LM234 134H-6 diode cross reference 1N457 lm3341 lm 234 diode
    Text: Semiconductor May 1998 LM134/LM234/LM334 3-Terminal Adjustable Current Sources General Description LM 234-3 and LM 134-6/LM 234-6 are specified as true te m ­ perature sensors with guaranteed initial accuracy of ±3°C and ±6°C , respectively. These devices are ideal in rem ote

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    LM134/LM234/LM334 134/LM 234/LM BU 103t transistor IC LM234 134H-6 diode cross reference 1N457 lm3341 lm 234 diode PDF

    BUP 312

    Abstract: buz 91 f BUP 303 IGBT DIODE BUZ 537 BUP 203
    Text: SIEMENS Typenübersicht Selection Guide Leistungstransistoren Typ Type • BUZ 10 ■ BUZ 10L ■ BUZ10S2 ■ BUZ 11 ■ BUZ11A BUZ11S2 ■ BUZ 11 AL ■ BUZ 12 ■ BUZ12A ■ BUZ 12AL BUZ 20 BUZ 21 BUZ 21L BUZ 22 BUZ 30A BUZ 31 BUZ 31L BUZ 32 BUZ 40B

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM392/LM2924 Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage Comparator General Description Features The LM392 series consists of 2 independent building block circuits. One is a high gain, internally frequency compensat­ ed operational amplifier, and the other is a precision voltage

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    LM392/LM2924 LM392/LM2924 LM392 LM193 LM158 LM292 PDF

    lm675 servo motor

    Abstract: LM675 BC 170c transistor lm675t
    Text: LM675 & National Semiconductor LM675 Power Operational Amplifier General Description The LM675 is a monolithic power operational amplifier fea­ turing wide bandwidth and low input offset voltage, making it equally suitable for AC and DC applications. The LM675 is capable of delivering output currents in ex­

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    LM675 LM675 6V-60V TL/H/6739-9 lm675 servo motor BC 170c transistor lm675t PDF


    Abstract: LM392N
    Text: Sic, t bSDllgM D07S35b EST • N S C 2- 50 National mm Semiconductor NATL SEMICON] LINEAR) LM392/LM2924 Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage Comparator General Description Features The LM392 series consists of 2 independent building block circuits. One is a high gain, internally frequency compensat­

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    D07S35b LM392/LM2924 LM392/LM2924 LM193 LM158 LM2924 LM392N PDF


    Abstract: lm675 servo motor LM675T servo amplifier schematic diagram T05B B3BH
    Text: LM675 1* N a t i o n a l Semiconductor LM675 Power Operational Amplifier General Description The LM675 is a monolithic power operational amplifier fea­ turing wide bandwidth and low input offset voltage, making it equally suitable for AC and DC applications.

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    national semiconductor lm334

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SflE D • b5G112M 0074410 Rôt « N S C S J"3ò-Cn LM134/LM234/LM334 NATL SEMICOND LINEAR 03 National m M Semiconductor LM134/LM234/LM334 3-Terminal Adjustable Current Sources General Description The LM 134/LM234/LM334 are 3-terminal adjustable cur­ rent sources featuring 10,000:1 range in operating current,

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    b5G112M LM134/LM234/LM334 134/LM234/LM334 LM134/LM234/LM334 TL/H/5697-21 TL/H/5697-22 LM134. TL/H/5697-23 TL/H/5697-9 national semiconductor lm334 PDF


    Abstract: 3773 so-8 LM234 14 pin 1N457 tempco 2N4250 LM134 LM234 LM334 LM334M M08A
    Text: LM134/LM234/LM334 National Semiconductor LM 134/LM 234/LM 334 3-Terminal Adjustable Current Sources General Description LM 234-3 and L M 13 4 -6 /L M 23 4 -6 are specified as tru e te m ­ perature sensors w ith guaranteed initial accura cy o f ± 3°C and ± 6 * 0 , respectively. Th e se devices are ideal in rem ote

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    LM134/LM234/LM334 LM134/LM234/LM334 tl/h/5697â TL/H/5697-22 lm134. tl/h/5697-23 tl/h/5697-11 0CH37fll LM134-LM234 3773 so-8 LM234 14 pin 1N457 tempco 2N4250 LM134 LM234 LM334 LM334M M08A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS IC M 7 2 1 7 SEMICONDUCTOR 4-Digit LED Display Programmable Up/Down Counter December 1993 Features Description • Four Decade, Presettable Up-Down Counter with Parallel Zero Detect The ICM7217 is a four digit, presettable up/down counter with an onboard

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    ICM7217 PDF


    Abstract: MAS 10 RCD V3 SEMICONDUCTOR I960SA V96SSC AV9154-04
    Text: Chapter 1 Introduction to the V96SSC The V96SSC High-lntegration System Controller provides many of the common peripheral functions required to build a high-performance ¡960 Sx or ¡960Jx processor based system in one low-cost component. The V96SSC coupled with DRAM, ROM, and one of Intel’s

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    V96SSC V96SSC 960Jx 960Sx 960Sx, PPC401 MAS 10 RCD V3 SEMICONDUCTOR I960SA AV9154-04 PDF