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    SEM SIC INVERTER Search Results

    SEM SIC INVERTER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    SEM SIC INVERTER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MPACT 2 LG Mpact cs6121 pci ck16 lg 74hct244 16PSOIC
    Text: Glue Logic 1 Chip for Mpact Product LG Sem icon Co.,Ltd. G M 90C 553TQ 1. General Descriptions 2. Features T he G M 90C 553T Q is an A SIC chip th at U A R T and several T T L s are m erged into for the interface betw een M p a c t /3 0 0 0 m edia pro cesso r

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    553TQ 16byte 144-pin 23-bit GM90C553TQ 144PIN 20x20MM MPACT MPACT 2 LG Mpact cs6121 pci ck16 lg 74hct244 16PSOIC PDF

    transistor kn

    Abstract: SEM SIC inverter B123Y
    Text: DTB123YS DTB123YV Digital transistor, PNP, with 2 resistors Features Dimensions Units : mm available in SP T (SC-72) and ATV packages DTA123YS (SPT) a built-in bias resistor allows inverter circuit configuration without external input resistors / ru ! bias resistor consists of a thin-film

    OCR Scan
    DTB123YS DTB123YV SC-72) DTA123YS DTA123YV DTB123YS, DTB123YV transistor kn SEM SIC inverter B123Y PDF

    SKN 21

    Abstract: B962 M60014 b961 B957 B960 diode SKN D0200 SKN 1M M400
    Text: SEM IKR CN 15 E INC D 2 fll3 b t.? l Ifa v 800 700 A SKN 2 M 40 0 /0 8 SKN2M400 SKN4M600 - 1000 SKN 2 M 40 0 /1 0 - 1200 SKN 2 M 40 0 /1 2 SKN 4 M 600/12 SKN 4 M 600/14 1400 SKN 2 M 40 0 /1 4 1500 SKN 2 M 4 00/15 - 1600 - SKN 4 M 600/16 1800 - SKN 4 M 600/18

    OCR Scan
    SKN2M400/10 B9-61 15EDI SKN2M400 CaseE18 D0-200 SKN4M600 B9-62 SKN 21 B962 M60014 b961 B957 B960 diode SKN D0200 SKN 1M M400 PDF

    SEM SIC inverter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIG75J101H TOSHIBA TOSHIBA INTELLIGENT GTR MODULE M I fn' w •v ■ ■ 7m wm mr v SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT 1■ nw 1■ ■H ■ HIGH POWER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS • Integrates Inverter & Control Circuits IGBT drive units, Protection units for Over-Current, UnderVoltage & Over-Temperature in One Package.

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    MIG75J101H 2-110A1A TjS125 SEM SIC inverter PDF

    Block Diagram of colour tv transmitter

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR D 2627 colour tv circuit diagram ua830 colour tv vertical ic circuit diagram TDA8302 2628 tv transmitter amplifier circuit HSHI
    Text: . _ . . t P[»j!Pg_Sgmicond^ct ° rs • bbS3T2M 0Q7bbb0 b m «SIC3 Small signal combination 1C for colour TV NAPC/PHILIPS SEUICOND FEATURES • Gain controlled vision IF am plifier • Synchronous dem odulator for negative dem odulation . Prelim inary specification

    OCR Scan
    TDA8302 TDA8302 SQT201 Block Diagram of colour tv transmitter TRANSISTOR D 2627 colour tv circuit diagram ua830 colour tv vertical ic circuit diagram 2628 tv transmitter amplifier circuit HSHI PDF

    OKI EM-318

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12R & 13R & 98R .D S Page 1 M onday, August 5, 1996 3:08 PM Oki Semiconductor_ MSM12R0000/MSM13R0000/MSM98R000 0.5|.im Mixed 3-V/5-V Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION OKI's 0.5|^m ASIC products, specially designed for m ixed 3-V /5-V applications, are now available in both

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    MSM12R0000/MSM13R0000/MSM98R000 MSM13R MSM98R 16-Mbit 12R/13R OKI EM-318 PDF

    transistor marking B9

    Abstract: marking B9 6-pin MARKING CODE 9N D 6 marking PNP
    Text: UMB9N IM B 9 A Transistor, digitai, dual, PNP, with 2 resistors Dimensions Units : mm Featu res available in UMT6 (UM6) and SMT6 (IMD, SC-74) package UMB9N (UMT6) package marking: UMB9N and IMB9A; B9 .6 5 I package contains two independent PN P digital transistors (DTA114YKA),

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    SC-74) DTA114YKA) SC-70) SC-59) 10kfl transistor marking B9 marking B9 6-pin MARKING CODE 9N D 6 marking PNP PDF

    oki cross

    Abstract: MSM98Q MSM99Q BGA and QFP Package 14x14
    Text: Oki Semiconductor MSM32Q/33Q/98Q/99Q 0.35 |im Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION O ki's 0.35 |im Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ASIC products are available in both Sea Of Gates (SOG) and Custom er Structured A rray (CSA) architectures. Both the SOG-based M SM 33Q0000 series and

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    MSM32Q/33Q/98Q/99Q MSM33Q0000 MSM98Q000 MSM32Q MSM33Q MSM99Q 64-Mbit si32Q/33Q0300 98Q/99Q056X056 98Q/99Q060X060 oki cross MSM98Q BGA and QFP Package 14x14 PDF

    BGA Package 14x14

    Abstract: IC LM 324 ic LM 356 oki cross oki pitch MG73Q MG74Q MSM98Q MSM99Q
    Text: : D ata S h e e t K MG73Q000/74Q000 and MSM98Q000/99Q000 0.35|im Customer Structured Arrays April 1999 Oki Semiconductor This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer CONTENTS D escrip tio n .1

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    MG73Q000/74Q000 MSM98Q000/99Q000 MG73Q/74Q MSM98Q/99Q Q076X076 98Q/99Q080X080 98Q/99Q084X084 98Q/99Q088X088 98Q/99Q092X092 98Q/99Q096X096 BGA Package 14x14 IC LM 324 ic LM 356 oki cross oki pitch MG73Q MG74Q MSM98Q MSM99Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _4_ In order to understand the fu n ction o f the C 2 M O S , let us first lo o k at the typ ical C2M O S inverter circu it. F igu re 4-1 sh o w s the b asic cir­ cuitry o f a C 2M O S inverter. T h e P -ch an n el e n ­ han cem en t M O S F E T norm ally o ff and the N ch an n el en h a n cem en t M O S F E T share a c o m ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CM4007 dual stage inverter circuits diagrams CM4002AE CM4052 CM4001AE CM4011AE CM4047AE CM4015AE CM4043AE
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD 4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 4030AE CM4024AE CM4007 dual stage inverter circuits diagrams CM4002AE CM4052 CM4001AE CM4011AE CM4047AE CM4015AE CM4043AE PDF

    dual stage inverter circuits diagrams

    Abstract: CM4011AE 4007ae 4007A fet e27 4028A CD4000AE CM4007AE CM4000AE CM4001AE
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD 4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 35041D CM4104AE 35096C CM4108AE 35097E CM4511AE 35098C 4007AE dual stage inverter circuits diagrams CM4011AE 4007ae 4007A fet e27 4028A CM4007AE CM4000AE CM4001AE PDF

    TL E28

    Abstract: CD4000AE CM4000 CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4011A CM4011AE clocked RS flip flop 4042AE
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE P-chan41D CM4104AE 35096C CM4108AE 35097E CM4511AE 35098C 4042AE TL E28 CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4011A CM4011AE clocked RS flip flop 4042AE PDF


    Abstract: CM4002AE cm4010ae cm4012ae CM4017 4021AE 4022A CM4001AE CM4024 CM4050Ae
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 4035AE CM4011AE CM4002AE cm4010ae cm4012ae CM4017 4021AE 4022A CM4001AE CM4024 CM4050Ae PDF


    Abstract: 4009ae CM4043AE 4009A CD4000AE CM4000 CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4011A
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD 4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 35041D CM4104AE 35096C CM4108AE 35097E CM4511AE 35098C 4010AE 4011ae 4009ae CM4043AE 4009A CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4011A PDF


    Abstract: rca 4039ae 4034AE CM4011AE CD4000AE CM4000 CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4011A
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS Equivalent to R C A CD4000AE Series G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the use of a P-type well for N -channel devices

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 4044AE 4036AE 4048AE 4034A rca 4039ae 4034AE CM4011AE CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4011A PDF


    Abstract: logic level complementary MOSFET switch dual stage inverter circuits diagrams CM4050Ae CD4000AE CM4000 CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4009AE
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t t o R C A C D 4 0 0 0 A E S e r ie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 35097E CM4511AE 35098C 4051AE 4052AE 4000AE CM4051 logic level complementary MOSFET switch dual stage inverter circuits diagrams CM4050Ae CM4000AE CM4001AE CM4002AE CM4009AE PDF


    Abstract: CM4011AE CM4021AE CM4002AE CM4020A CD4000AE CM4000 CM4001AE CM4011A FET pair n-channel p-channel
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD 4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE CM4066AE 35095R CM4102AE 35041D CM4104AE 35096C CM4108AE 35097E CM4000AE CM4011AE CM4021AE CM4002AE CM4020A CM4001AE CM4011A FET pair n-channel p-channel PDF

    ic LM 356

    Abstract: BGA and QFP Package 14x14 oki cross MG113P MG115P MG73P MG74P MG75P oki pitch
    Text: •issa D a t a S h e e t _ O K I A S I C P R O D U [pG’ODDœDDDÛSF^ MG113P/114P/115P/73P/74P/75P 0.25Mm Sea of Gates and Customer Structured Arrays M a rc h 1 9 9 8 Oki Semiconductor This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    MG113P/114P/115P/73P/74P/75P 25jim MG113P/114P/115P/73P/74P/75P MG115P MG75P 18urn MG113P/114P arcPB14 MG7xPB16 MG7xPB18 ic LM 356 BGA and QFP Package 14x14 oki cross MG113P MG73P MG74P oki pitch PDF


    Abstract: CM4011AE CM4049AE CM4021AE CM4001AE CM4023AE CM4012AE CM4040AE CM4030AE CM4026AE
    Text: Solidev Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS CM4000 Series CM OS E q u iv a le n t to R C A CD 4000AE S e rie s G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N Com plem entary M O S circu its are norm ally made on an N-type substrate, w hich necessitates the

    OCR Scan
    CM4000 CD4000AE 4012AE 4016AE 4013AE 4014AE 017AE 4019AE CM4007 CM4011AE CM4049AE CM4021AE CM4001AE CM4023AE CM4012AE CM4040AE CM4030AE CM4026AE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Oki Semiconductor MG63P/64P/65P_ 0.25|im Embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Arrays DESCRIPTION Oki's 0.25 |a,m M G 63P/64P/65P Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ASIC provides the ability to embed large blocks of Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) into an embedded array architecture called the

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    MG63P/64P/65P_ 63P/64P/65P G6xPB06 G6xPB08 6xPB10 6xPB12 G6xPB14 G6xPB16 6xPB18 PDF

    ferranti ula

    Abstract: ula ferranti ferranti ula flip flop Ferranti semiconductors ttl product guide ULA100DS ula6ds 901 SERIES ferranti ECL ferranti array
    Text: T /T i £. JZLA 'DS'SERIES NEW PRODUCT RELESSE ~ * 3 ? iJUL rêT •S fln Jï^&Ÿ^jLn_jjCsÇiJ FEATURES System Speeds to lOOMHz Complexities to 10,000 gates Average gate power 165//W at lOOMHz 48mA bus drivers Digital and Linear Macros Complete CAD Support

    OCR Scan
    100MHz 165//W ferranti ula ula ferranti ferranti ula flip flop Ferranti semiconductors ttl product guide ULA100DS ula6ds 901 SERIES ferranti ECL ferranti array PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /T T \ IV II^ n ^ s L ^ G S C 2 0 0 _ S e r ie s 0.35 i CMOS Standard Cell ASICs SEM IC O N D U C TO R Advance Information DS4830 - 3.1 N ovem ber 1998 INTRODUCTION T h e G S C 2 0 0 s ta n d a rd ce ll A S IC fa m ily from M itel Sem iconductor is a standard cell product combining low

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    DS4830 79C90 PDF

    scr c108

    Abstract: emergency light circuit SCR universal MOTOR speed control using scr General electric SCR SCR TRIGGER circuit dc charger scr battery charger scr driver dc motor speed control 20 watt emergency light circuit DC motor speed control circuit with SCR coffee vending machine dc motor circuit
    Text: Silicon Controlled Rectifier Flat Pack Desip Model C108 Up to 600 Volts 5 Amperes RMS P R O D U C T FE A TU R E S o The Type C108 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SC R ) has the following outstanding features: o C I0 8 TYPE 4 LOW COST C 1 08 TYPE 2 Operates directly from low signal

    OCR Scan
    1N5059 1N5060 IN5059 C108B1 C108D1 scr c108 emergency light circuit SCR universal MOTOR speed control using scr General electric SCR SCR TRIGGER circuit dc charger scr battery charger scr driver dc motor speed control 20 watt emergency light circuit DC motor speed control circuit with SCR coffee vending machine dc motor circuit PDF