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    Abstract: 45215
    Text: MIL-DTL-38999 Hermetically Sealed Connectors Series I Sealtron’s 9700 Series of hermetically sealed connectors are manufactured in accordance with MIL-DTL-38999 Series 1 LJT . These series are designed so that electrical continuity is maintained between mating shells prior

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-DTL-38999 conne000 D38999/25 D38999/27 D38999/21 D38999/23 Sealtron 45215 PDF


    Abstract: MIL-DTL-38999 38999 weight
    Text: MIL-DTL-38999 Hermetically Sealed Connectors Series I Sealtron’s 9700 Series of hermetically sealed connectors are manufactured in accordance with MIL-DTL-38999 Series 1 LJT . These series are designed so that electrical continuity is maintained between mating shells prior

    MIL-DTL-38999 MIL-DTL-38999 Sealtron 38999 weight PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIL-DTL-83723 Series III Hermetically Sealed Connectors Sealtron’s 6500/6600 series connectors meet or exceed the requirements of MIL-DTL-83723 and the applicable slash sheets. MIL-DTL-83723 series III is an upgrading of the MIL-C-26500 connectors and better defining the materials, specified contacts and plating for

    MIL-DTL-83723 MIL-C-26500 M83723 MIL-DTL-26500 int79 M83723/81 PDF


    Abstract: MIL-DTL-83723 MIL-DTL-26500
    Text: MIL-DTL-83723 Series III Hermetically Sealed Connectors Sealtron’s 6500/6600 series connectors meet or exceed the requirements of MIL-DTL-83723 and the applicable slash sheets. MIL-DTL-83723 series III is an upgrading of the MIL-C-26500 connectors and better defining the materials, specified contacts and plating for

    MIL-DTL-83723 MIL-C-26500 M83723 MIL-DTL-26500 Sealtron PDF


    Abstract: MIL-C-26500 MS27034
    Text: MIL-C-26500 Hermetically Sealed Connectors Sealtron’s 8500/8600 series of hermetically sealed connectors meet or exceed the requirements of MIL-C-26500. The 8521/8602 series are dimensionally equivalent to MS27034 and MS24265 respectively. The 8503/8603 has the

    MIL-C-26500 MIL-C-26500. MS27034 MS24265 MS24264. MIL-C-26500 or300 063-18UNEF 188-18UNEF 438-18UNEF Sealtron PDF

    NS 8002 1250

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIL-C-5015 Hermetically Sealed Connectors These connectors meet the latest revisions of MIL-C-5015 and the applicable MS drawings. The shell can be supplied with 300 Series stainless steel or mild steel. Standard plating of the mild steel is fused tin over copper. Contacts are

    MIL-C-5015 MIL-C-5015 375-32UNEF 500-28UNEF 625-24UNEF 750-20UNEF 875-20UNEF NS 8002 1250 PDF

    ITT Cannon Connectors FCI 851 Series

    Abstract: NATC06 SBP-15 MS3456 TORQUE 440072 620-053
    Text: Circular Connector Backshells and Accessories U n i t e d S t a t e s „ U n i t e d K i n g d o m „ G e r m a n y „ F r a n c e „ N o r d i c „ I t a l y „ Spain Introducing the "NESTOR" AS85049 Style "N" Coupling Spring-Loaded, Positive-Lock Backshells

    AS85049 ITT Cannon Connectors FCI 851 Series NATC06 SBP-15 MS3456 TORQUE 440072 620-053 PDF

    Connector-Backshell Interface Index

    Abstract: 602GB DEUTSCH DBA NFC93422 he302 amphenol 602GB DEUTSCH connectors DBAS DEUTSCH connectors FDBA DEUTSCH connectors DBA Sunbank deutsch connector HE302
    Text: Introduction Connector-Backshell Interface Index These lists of specifications, associated connector manufacturer part numbers, and common rear accessory interface designators DO NOT imply qualification status of the manufacturers indicated for each specification

    MIL-DTL-5015 MS3400 MS3450 MIL-DTL-26482 MIL-C-81703 MIL-DTL-83723 40M39569 DG123 DG123A Connector-Backshell Interface Index 602GB DEUTSCH DBA NFC93422 he302 amphenol 602GB DEUTSCH connectors DBAS DEUTSCH connectors FDBA DEUTSCH connectors DBA Sunbank deutsch connector HE302 PDF


    Abstract: MS3113
    Text: MIL-C-26482 Hermetically Sealed Connectors The 6300 Series meets or exceeds the require26482 Series II and the dimenments of MIL-C-62482 sional requirements of the MS numbers listed below. These connectors are supplied with tin plated mild steel shells and gold plated contacts.

    MIL-C-26482 require26482 MIL-C-62482 MIL-C-26482 MS3113H MS3114H MS3112 MS3449 Sealtron MS3113 PDF


    Abstract: 602GB souriau 8526 ITT Cannon pvw ITT Cannon PVX Cannon connectors DEUTSCH connectors 983 series DEUTSCH connectors DBA DEUTSCH connectors DBAS souriau 8525
    Text: How to Order Connector-Backshell Interface Index The following are lists of specifications and associated connector manufacturers' part number series with common rear accessory interfaces. These listings do not imply qualification status of the manufacturers indicated for each specification series. The listings are for

    MIL-DTL-5015 MS3400 MS3450 MIL-DTL-26482 MIL-C-81703 MIL-DTL-83723 40M39569 ESC10 162GB ITT CANNON 602GB souriau 8526 ITT Cannon pvw ITT Cannon PVX Cannon connectors DEUTSCH connectors 983 series DEUTSCH connectors DBA DEUTSCH connectors DBAS souriau 8525 PDF

    MIL-C-5015 amphenol ms3402

    Abstract: 19 PIN CIRCULAR MS CONNECTORS burndy 460 hellermann deutsch MIL-C-5015 amphenol ms83723 cm-s-389t litton veam circular MIL-C-38999 series III deutsch b557 transistor AMPHENOL MIL-C 38999 Series II
    Text: Beta Backshell CD Pages 1/12/03 1:07 PM Page 1 BETA BACKSHELL/ACCESSORY TOOLING GUIDE ® DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CONTENTS Adaptor Tools Introduction 3 Adaptor Tools Technical Data Pages 5 Beta System Utilization 22 Connector Identification 23

    PL93-637 MIL-C-5015 amphenol ms3402 19 PIN CIRCULAR MS CONNECTORS burndy 460 hellermann deutsch MIL-C-5015 amphenol ms83723 cm-s-389t litton veam circular MIL-C-38999 series III deutsch b557 transistor AMPHENOL MIL-C 38999 Series II PDF


    Abstract: DMC CRIMP TOOL calibration CHART M39029/1-101 M39029/22-192 M39012/30-0503 crimping positioners cross reference DMC HX4 crimp tool M39029/22-192 crimp tool MS27493-22D M39029/11-144
    Text: Tooling Guide CD pages 2/11/03 2:56 PM Page 1 Connector Tooling Guide DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORPORATION an ISO9001 Registered Company Tooling Guide CD pages 2/11/03 2:56 PM Page 2 ® DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORPORATION PREFACE & TABLE OF CONTENTS Daniels tools have been utilized in military

    ISO9001 PL93-637 MIL-STD-1646 DMC CRIMP TOOL CHART DMC CRIMP TOOL calibration CHART M39029/1-101 M39029/22-192 M39012/30-0503 crimping positioners cross reference DMC HX4 crimp tool M39029/22-192 crimp tool MS27493-22D M39029/11-144 PDF

    MIL-C-26482 deutsch

    Abstract: MIL-C-38999 series III deutsch ms83723 460 hellermann deutsch MIL-C-5015 amphenol ms3402 DMC CRIMP TOOL CHART litton veam circular D38999/46 backshell STRAIGHT ms3507 b557 transistor
    Text: Beta Backshell CD Pages 1/12/03 1:07 PM Page 1 BETA BACKSHELL/ACCESSORY TOOLING GUIDE ® DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Beta Backshell CD Pages 1/12/03 1:15 PM Page 2 CONTENTS Adaptor Tools Introduction 3 Adaptor Tools Technical Data Pages 5 Beta System

    PL93-637 MIL-C-26482 deutsch MIL-C-38999 series III deutsch ms83723 460 hellermann deutsch MIL-C-5015 amphenol ms3402 DMC CRIMP TOOL CHART litton veam circular D38999/46 backshell STRAIGHT ms3507 b557 transistor PDF

    Connector-Backshell Interface Index

    Abstract: 93422 HE302 deutsch HE302 DEUTSCH connectors DBAS JT3450 AE46 ITT Cannon PVX
    Text: How to Order Connector-Backshell Interface Index The following are lists of specifications and associated connector manufacturers' part number series with common rear accessory interfaces. These listings do not imply qualification status of the manufacturers indicated for each specification series. The listings are for

    MIL-DTL-5015 MS3400 MS3450 MIL-DTL-26482 MIL-C-81703 MIL-DTL-83723 40M39569 ESC10 162GB Connector-Backshell Interface Index 93422 HE302 deutsch HE302 DEUTSCH connectors DBAS JT3450 AE46 ITT Cannon PVX PDF