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    Littelfuse Inc KSDS415M

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    DigiKey KSDS415M Bulk 1
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    • 1000 $79.99
    • 10000 $79.99
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    Mouser Electronics KSDS415M
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    Newark KSDS415M Bulk 1
    • 1 $73.08
    • 10 $63.9
    • 100 $54.71
    • 1000 $54.71
    • 10000 $54.71
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    TTI KSDS415M Bulk 1
    • 1 $60.14
    • 10 $57.8
    • 100 $51.95
    • 1000 $50.93
    • 10000 $50.93
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    Sager KSDS415M 1
    • 1 $75.93
    • 10 $70.78
    • 100 $64.25
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    SDS41 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SDS4148G SWITCHING DIODE Small Signal Fast Switching Diode General Description General-purpose switching diodes, fabricated in planar technology, and packaged in small SOD-123 surface mounted device SMD packages. Features and Benefits     

    SDS4148G OD-123 OD-123 25-AUG-10 KSD-D6B011-001 PDF

    marking 1g

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SDS4148G Semiconductor Switching Diode SMALL SIGNAL FAST SWITCHING DIODE Features PIN Connection • Fast switching diode trr < 4ns • • • • Flat lead SOD-123 small outline plastic package For general purpose switching application Full lead (Pb)-free and RoHS compliant device

    SDS4148G OD-123 OD-123 KSD-D6B011-000 marking 1g PDF

    smd code marking 1G

    Abstract: SMD MARKING code 1G Graphic marking SMD components
    Text: SDS4148G SWITCHING DIODE Small Signal Fast Switching Diode General Description General-purpose switching diodes, fabricated in planar technology, and packaged in small SOD-123 surface mounted device SMD packages. Features and Benefits     

    SDS4148G OD-123 OD-123 25-AUG-10 KSD-D6B011-001 smd code marking 1G SMD MARKING code 1G Graphic marking SMD components PDF

    UM 3581 A

    Abstract: light transistor XTAL 32.768khz EVA-51
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2058A CMOS IC LC5812 4-Bit Microcomputer with Internal LCD Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LC5812 series models are 4-bit, single-chip, high-performance microcomputers equipped with LCD drivers. They are produced by CMOS technology. Their numerous

    ENN2058A LC5812 LC5812 UM 3581 A light transistor XTAL 32.768khz EVA-51 PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?



    Abstract: LC6510C b1b0s lc6505 EVA-410 KBR400B CSB1000K LC6510 KBR800 LC6502
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1802C CMOS IC LC6514B Single-Chip 4-bit Microcontroller Low-Threshold Input, On-Chip FLT Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LC6514B is a microcontroller with FLT drivers. It is identical with the LC6510C in the internal architecture and

    ENN1802C LC6514B LC6514B LC6510C 3025B-DIP42S LC6514B] DIP42S 3052B-QIP48 KBR-800H b1b0s lc6505 EVA-410 KBR400B CSB1000K LC6510 KBR800 LC6502 PDF


    Abstract: su-241 60CDQ SD241 40CDQ s0241 c 40CDQ045 60CDQ045 rectifier to3
    Text: IN TE RNATIONAL RECTIFIER 4855452 SS INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER . d F | 4 ö S S 4 S E GDOSCH? 7 ~ f ~ Data Sheet No. PD-2.058B 55C 0 5 0 9 7 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER I R r- * 3-0 f 40CDQ Gl60CDQ SERIES AND SDS41 4 0 and 60 Amp Dual Schottky Center Tap Rectifiers

    OCR Scan
    G0D5D17 40CDQ 60CDQ SDS41 40CDQ SD241 s0241 su-241 s0241 c 40CDQ045 60CDQ045 rectifier to3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER SS î Êr| 4ÖS5I45E GD0SD17 Data Sheet No. PD-2.058B 55C 05097 4855452 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER I« R r- i 3-0 f 40CDQ & GQCDQ SERIES AND SDS41 40 and 60 Amp Dual Schottky Center Tap Rectifiers Description/Features

    OCR Scan
    S5I45E GD0SD17 40CDQ SDS41 40CDQ SD241 60CDQ SD241) PDF


    Abstract: srf 2497 lcd panel schema LC5812 LC5812H QIP80A light transistor EVA-510 V552 EVA510
    Text: Ordering number: EN2058A CMOS LSI LC 5 8 1 2 NO .2058A SAHYO r i 4-Bit M icrocom puter w ith Internal LCD Driver The LC5812 series models are 4-bit, single-chip, high-performance microcomputers equipped with LCD drivers. They are produced by CMOS technology. Their numerous features include

    OCR Scan
    EN2058A LC5812 LCD TV SCHEMA srf 2497 lcd panel schema LC5812H QIP80A light transistor EVA-510 V552 EVA510 PDF

    equivalent of transistor tt 2146

    Abstract: 3sf21 TT 2146 transistor TT 2146 ST T4 3560 WAF QE 22 D Y3 AICB ST T8 3560 tda 3560 transistor 4ar
    Text: LC5800 ^ J SAiYO• / CMOS LSI / Single-C hip 4-B it Microcomputer w ith LCD D river / %■ The LC5800 is 3 C*MOS 4-bit microcomputer that operates on low voltage, very io v ^ d rre n ^ l^ c o n ta llR LC[^ drivers. It contains a 4-bit parallel processing ALU, many LCD segment outputs, many l/ Q ^ it s , a 3 |7 6 B klj| crystal oscillator,

    OCR Scan
    LC5800 LC5800 LC5800F/5899F) 244jbts. LC5800G/5899G) 122/is, equivalent of transistor tt 2146 3sf21 TT 2146 transistor TT 2146 ST T4 3560 WAF QE 22 D Y3 AICB ST T8 3560 tda 3560 transistor 4ar PDF

    mmp 685 j

    Abstract: rtl 8111 LC5734 LC5734H 2 pin crystal oscillator 20mhZ XL1 cf 455 e EN264 LC5797
    Text: Ordering number : EN2642A CM OS LSI No. 2642A SANYO I i _LC5734, 5734H SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER W ITH LCD DR IV E R S FOR LOW -VOLTAGE, LOW-OWER USE General Description The LC5734/5734H are single-chip 4-bit microcomputers w ith LCD drivers. The features of the LC5734/5734H include

    OCR Scan
    EN2642A LC5734, 5734H LC5734/5734H 128x4 LC5734 mmp 685 j rtl 8111 LC5734H 2 pin crystal oscillator 20mhZ XL1 cf 455 e EN264 LC5797 PDF


    Abstract: LC6510C lc6505 KBR800 kbr800h CSB800K 55H12 LC6510 LC6502 DIP42S
    Text: Ordering number: EN1802C CMOS LSI _L C 6514B SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER LOW-THRESHOLD INPUT, ON-CHIP FLT DRIVER The LC6514B is a microcomputer with F L T drivers. It is identical with the LC6510C in the internal architecture and instruction set. Since the normal/low-threshold level of input port A can be selected by option and the on-chip

    OCR Scan
    LC6514B LC6514B LC6510C LC6514B, KBR-800H lc6505 KBR800 kbr800h CSB800K 55H12 LC6510 LC6502 DIP42S PDF

    tube 2B29

    Abstract: E21B lc6554 bp options bml dpm 001 tia lc6554h 4958 LC6500 LC6554D NFS-80A-0100 EVA800
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN 2156B CMOS LSI [ No. 2156B LC6554D,6554H 4K-Byte ROM-Contained Single-Chip 4-Bit Microcomputers with FLT, LED Drivers The LC6554D/H are single-chip 4-bit microcomputers that contain a 4K-byte ROM, IK -b it RAM, and have 64 pins. The LC6554D/H have 57 pins fo r ports - 28 pins fo r 7 input/output common ports, 21 pins for 6 output ports, and

    OCR Scan
    2156B LC6554D 6554H LC6554D/H tube 2B29 E21B lc6554 bp options bml dpm 001 tia lc6554h 4958 LC6500 NFS-80A-0100 EVA800 PDF


    Abstract: BT 1840 PA cf 455 D403 A LC5734 LC5734H EVA-51 sanyo opu
    Text: O rd erin g n u m b e r : E N 2642A CMOS LSI F SAKYO LC5734, 5734H No. 2642A SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER W ITH LCD DR IV E R S FOR LOW -VOLTAGE, LOW-OWER USE i 7 7 " • '/ General Description , , The LC5734/5734H are single-chip 4-bit microcomputers w ith LCD drivers. The features of|pM&i.C573%/5734H include

    OCR Scan
    LC5734, 5734H LC5734/5734H /5734B UC5734/5734rtiar 2048x8 128x4 LC5734 455kHz sk313 BT 1840 PA cf 455 D403 A LC5734H EVA-51 sanyo opu PDF


    Abstract: EVA410
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 22E 7=^707^ D 00G5T17 4 T -*/?-/? LC5850 3057 CM OS LSI 30268 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Small Scale Control Type, On-Chip LCD Driver ^13!8F The LC5850 is a C-MOS 4-bit microcomputer that operates on low voltage, very small current and contains

    OCR Scan
    00G5T17 LC5850 LC5850 768kHz QIP64 3026B] 3044B] EVA-410 EVA410 PDF

    transistor TT 2146

    Abstract: equivalent for transistor tt 2146 equivalent of transistor tt 2146 ht 2810 TT 2146 sanyo fm front end ta 31272 fn csc 2315 stm stt 128 acrx
    Text: Ordering number: EN3127 _ C MOS LSI N °3127 I_LC5805 I SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER yiyrhLco d r i v e r The LC5805 is a C-MOS 4-bit microcomputer that operates on low voltage, very low current and contains LED drivers.

    OCR Scan
    EN3127 LC5805 LC5805 LC5805F/5899F) LC5805G/5899G) transistor TT 2146 equivalent for transistor tt 2146 equivalent of transistor tt 2146 ht 2810 TT 2146 sanyo fm front end ta 31272 fn csc 2315 stm stt 128 acrx PDF


    Abstract: lc6502c KBR-400B LM6400 kbr400b LC6500 csb400P LC6599 l xd 402 mf HA1111
    Text: LC6599 NO.1095A C MOS LSI E v a l u a t io n Ch i p fo r Ap p l i c a t i o n De v e l o p m e n t SANYO ! : i { I ¡ ' i l l General Description The LC6599 is an evaluation chip for CMOS single-chip 4-bit microcomputer LC6500 series. SANYO Original The LC6599 is a CPU that contains all the functions (ROM: Connected externally) of the LC6500 series plus thè

    OCR Scan
    LC6599 LC6599 LC6500 LC6505C lc6502c KBR-400B LM6400 kbr400b csb400P l xd 402 mf HA1111 PDF

    SI 1360 H

    Abstract: c5732 LA 4645 LC5732 LC5732N 3379A 32.768KHZ one light 1360 A/M29F010B(45/70/90/MT352/CG/SI 1360 H
    Text: Ordering number : EN3379A _ CMOS LSI ^°-3379A I _L C 5 7 3 2 N 4-Bit Microcomputer with LCD Driver // Overview // The LC5732N is a C M O S 4-bit microcomputer that operate on low voltage, very low current and contain

    OCR Scan
    EN3379A LC5732N 32kHz SI 1360 H c5732 LA 4645 LC5732 3379A 32.768KHZ one light 1360 A/M29F010B(45/70/90/MT352/CG/SI 1360 H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LC6527C.H 6528C,H CMOS LSI 3007A 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Small-Scale Control, Medium/High-Speed Type, On-Chip LED Driver 'E 1260C General Description The LC6527C/H, LC6528C/H are single-chip 4-bit microcomputers fabricated using CMOS process technology and

    OCR Scan
    LC6527C 6528C 1260C LC6527C/H, LC6528C/H 18-pin LC6527 LC6528 PDF


    Abstract: LC5863H LC86000 LC8600 EVA510 na44 LC5800 FLP-80 KL SN 102 lcd LC5864H
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE D • 7=1^707^ 0DQSTS7 S ■ C M O S LSI 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer 294SA On-Chip LCD Driver, 12K/16K-Byte ROM, 1K Bit RAM The LC5863H/64H are CMOS type 4-bit single chip microcomputers with internal 6 K/8 K-byte ROM, 1K-bit RAM

    OCR Scan
    12K/16K-Byte LC5863H/64H T-90-20 3026B] 3044B] 0utline-f30891 QIP10Ã BA808 LC5863H LC86000 LC8600 EVA510 na44 LC5800 FLP-80 KL SN 102 lcd LC5864H PDF

    SDS S4 24V

    Abstract: SDS S4 - 24V ti 8ak EVA-510 SI 1360 H DT-38-32.768KHZ LC5732 LC5732N lcd monitor ckt SDS 202 transistor
    Text: Ordering number : EN3379A _ CMOSLSI J<o.3379A [_ LC 5732N 4-Bit Microcomputer with LCD Driver Overview T he L C 5732N is a CM OS 4-bit m icrocom puter th a t o p erate on low voltage, very low c u rre n t and contain

    OCR Scan
    EN3379A LC5732N 32kHz SDS S4 24V SDS S4 - 24V ti 8ak EVA-510 SI 1360 H DT-38-32.768KHZ LC5732 lcd monitor ckt SDS 202 transistor PDF

    sk 8085

    Abstract: DP 704c sk 8085 PWM TFK U 111 B LB207 LM8854G M8804G 128X8 256X8 DIP42S
    Text: L M 8 8 5 4 G 1 = • * # 1 # No.2074 « * — 3. — X 1 ^ 1 ^S A N Y O 1 N * + * J V E /D MOS LS I 1106 m m fr ft& i' i j 4>ju3>\î 3.-9 _ / . l. 1 . US ÁA_ / LM8854GÖ m m -ï* V . R Ï# B S < D * iS . £/ 'J T l> I / o # -

    OCR Scan
    LM8854GÖ sk 8085 DP 704c sk 8085 PWM TFK U 111 B LB207 LM8854G M8804G 128X8 256X8 DIP42S PDF

    tt 2144

    Abstract: Transistor TT 2144 tt-2144 tt2144 diagram transistor tt 2140 Transistor TT 2140 AL 2450 dv circuit diagram alarm SL DIALER VSS240 LC5850
    Text: SAim o F LC5850 No.1318F C MOS LSI SIN G LE CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH LCD D R IV E R i 77 / > / / The LC585G is a C-MOS 4 -b it m icro com pu ter th a t operates on lo w v o lta g e ,/e /y s m ^ c u r r |p t and ^è jita in s LCD drivers. It contains a 4 -b it parallel processing ALU, program m em oryfiiO M , . ^ i ^ g | ^ j r y RAM, many

    OCR Scan
    1318F LC5850 LC585G 768kHz 05CIN tt 2144 Transistor TT 2144 tt-2144 tt2144 diagram transistor tt 2140 Transistor TT 2140 AL 2450 dv circuit diagram alarm SL DIALER VSS240 LC5850 PDF


    Abstract: lc6543c
    Text: I SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SEE D ' • 7 cl c1 7 0 7t . DQDb3SS 1 ■ CM OS LSI 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer 2Z58D Small-Scale Control Type, On-Chip 2K/1K-Byte ROM The LC6543C/H, LC6546C/H belong to our single-chip 4-bit microcomputer LC6500 series fabricated using CMOS

    OCR Scan
    2Z58D LC6543C/H, LC6546C/H LC6500 MFP18 DIC64S DIC42S IP52S c17Q7ti D1P30 lc6543c PDF