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    SC3508 Price and Stock

    Switchcraft Conxall 721A

    Conn DC Power RCP 2 POS Solder Lug ST Panel Mount 3 Terminal 1 Port
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy 721A 2,117
    • 1 -
    • 10 $4.13
    • 100 $2.458
    • 1000 $2.283
    • 10000 $2.242
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    TTI 721A Kit 900 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $2.86
    • 100 $2.57
    • 1000 $2.42
    • 10000 $2.42
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    AMCO Tec International Inc SC3508Q-1

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components SC3508Q-1 170
    • 1 $6.75
    • 10 $3.375
    • 100 $2.925
    • 1000 $2.925
    • 10000 $2.925
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    SC3508 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SC3508 Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF
    SC3508Q Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF
    SC3508Q-1 Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF
    SC3508Q-1/D Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF
    SC3508Q-1/TD Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF
    SC3508Q/D Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF
    SC3508Q/TD Applied Micro Circuits 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER Scan PDF

    SC3508 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: SC3501 sc3511 burden resistor SC35
    Text: Current Sensor Rectangular Split 50/60 Hz POWER MAGNETICS SCT-3/4H-200A Series For use in 50/60 Hz. Rated current up to 200 Amps. Output voltage accuracy ±1%. Burden resistor built-in. MAX. DIM : L = 50.80 mm W= 17.00 mm H = 53.34 mm MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS

    SCT-3/4H-200A SC3501 SC3502 SC3503 SC3504 SC3505 SC3506 SC3507 SC3508 SC3509 SCT3-4H200A sc3511 burden resistor SC35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >4M C C PENTIUM A PPLICA TIO N NOTE Clock Design In Intel Pentium Processor Systems using the SC3508 M.K. Williams Owner/Principal Consultant Amherst Systems Associates 1. INTRODUCTION The Pentium processor is the latest, high-perfor­ mance entry In the X86 microprocessor family

    OCR Scan
    SC3508 66-MHz 64-bit SC35D PDF

    Intel Pentium 66MHz 1993

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w4MCC PENTIUM A P P L IC A T IO N NOTE Clock Design in Intel Pentium Processor Systems using the SC3508 M.K. Williams Owner/Principal Consultant Amherst Systems Associates 1. INTRODUCTION The Pentium processor is the latest, high-perfor­ mance entry in the X86 microprocessor family

    OCR Scan
    SC3508 66-MHz 64-bit AP-479, 50-MHz Intel486 AP-453, CA92121 Intel Pentium 66MHz 1993 PDF


    Abstract: Intel Pentium 66MHz 1993
    Text: jO MCC PENTIUM APPLICATION NOTE C lock D esign in Intel Pentium P rocessor System s using the SC3508 The purpose of this application note is to clearly illustrate an approach to the design of the sys­ tem clock for the Pentium using the AMCC SC3508. We will methodically work through a

    OCR Scan
    SC3508 SC3508. 0249t Intel Pentium 66MHz 1993 PDF

    CTS Knights tcxo

    Abstract: dh116 zo70 SC35XX
    Text: J \M C C C LO C K DRIVER A P P L IC A T IO N NOTE The SC35XX Family of Clock Drivers have been designed to provide single chip solutions which ease clock distribution for TTL/CMOS I/O compatible microprocessor based systems. An appended list of domestic sources for these oscil­

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    SC35XX 33MHz CTS Knights tcxo dh116 zo70 PDF

    hdmi to rca wiring pin out

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > 4 M C C CLOCK DRIVER APPLICATION NOTE T he S C 3 5 X X F am ily o f C lock D rivers have been de sig n ed to p rovide single ch ip so lu tio n s which ease c lo c k d is trib u tio n fo r T T L /C M O S I/O c o m p a tib le m icro p ro cesso r based system s.

    OCR Scan
    33MHz hdmi to rca wiring pin out PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DEVICE SPECIFICATION 20-QUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER FEATURES • 20 clock outputs at primary frequency up to 80 MHz • Leading edge skew for all outputs <0.5 ns • Proprietary output drivers with: - Complementary 24 mA peak outputs, source and sink - 5 0 - 7 5 il source series termination

    OCR Scan
    20-OUTPUT SC3508 SC3508 84-unit 52-pin SC3508Q-1/D PDF

    signal path designer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > 4 M C C CLOCK DRIVER APPLICATION NOTE The SC35XX Family of Clock Drivers have been designed to provide single chip solutions which ease clock distribution for TTL/CMOS I/O compatible microprocessor based systems. An appended list of domestic sources for these oscil­

    OCR Scan
    SC35XX signal path designer PDF


    Abstract: RR39
    Text: DEVICE SPECIFICATION 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVERS SC3500/06/07/08 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 20 clock outputs: T he SC 3500, SC 3506, SC 3507, and S C 3508 are precision clock fan out drivers. T hey accept a refe r­ e nce dock in p u t from e ith e r a sin g le -e n d e d T T L

    OCR Scan
    20-OUTPUT SC3500/06/07/08 2sc3500 RR39 PDF

    ic ttl

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DEVICE SPECIFICATION 20-OUTPUT CLOCK DRIVER FEATURES • 20 clock outputs at primary frequency up to 80 MHz • Leading edge skew for all outputs <0.5 ns • Proprietary output drivers with: - Complementary 24 mA peak outputs, source and sink - 50-75H source series termination

    OCR Scan
    20-OUTPUT SC3508 50-75H SC3508 84-unit 52-pin SC3508Q-1/D ic ttl PDF