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    Red Lion Controls TSC11001

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    DigiKey TSC11001 Box
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    Pulse Electronics Corporation DSC11001DM

    Antennas LTE Direct Mount 698-960/1710-2700MHz
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    Mouser Electronics DSC11001DM 35
    • 1 $27.42
    • 10 $25.29
    • 100 $21.59
    • 1000 $20.6
    • 10000 $20.6
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    Avnet Abacus DSC11001DM 121 Weeks 60
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    TE Connectivity MSC1-100/1

    Transformer: current; Iin: 100A; Iout: 1A; screw; 1@max0.2VA; Len: 3m
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    TME MSC1-100/1 1
    • 1 $41.69
    • 10 $39.09
    • 100 $39.09
    • 1000 $39.09
    • 10000 $39.09
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    SC11001 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SC11001 Sierra Semiconductor Modem Filters Scan PDF
    SC11001CN Sierra Semiconductor 212A/V.22 Modem Filters Scan PDF
    SC11001CV Sierra Semiconductor 212A/V.22 Modem Filters Scan PDF

    SC11001 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: CPM121 i1005 SC11005CN
    Text: SCU000/SC11001/SC11005 212A / V.22/ V.22bis Modem Filters y r SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ □ T r a n s m it a n d R e c e iv e filte r s w ith h a lf-c h a n n e l co m p ro m is e eq u a liz ers C a ll P ro g re s s M o d e A n s w e r / O rig in a te m o d e sw itch in g

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    SCU000/SC11001/SC11005 22bis 24-PIN 12A/V 28-PIN SC11001CN CPM121 i1005 SC11005CN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC11000/SC11001/SC11005 212A/V.22/V.22bis Modem Filters y fV SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 2 4 -P IN D IP PACKAGE □ Transmit and Receive filters with half-channel compromise equalizers □ Call Progress Mode Answer/ Originate mode switching 2 8 -P IN P L C C PACKAGE

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    SC11000/SC11001/SC11005 12A/V 22bis andSC11005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR March 1988 SC11000/SC11001/SC11005 212A/V.22 Modem Filters B E N E F IT S FE A T U R E S C/3 T ra n s m it a n d R eceiv e filters w ith h a lf-c h a n n e l c o m p r o m is e a m p litu d e a n d g ro u p d e la y e q u a li­ z a tio n

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    SC11000/SC11001/SC11005 12A/V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC11000/SCU001/SC11005 212A/V.22/V.22bis Modem Filters SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ □ T r a n s m it a n d R e c e iv e filte rs w ith h a lf-ch a n n el c o m p ro m ise eq u aliz ers C all P ro g re ss M o d e A n s w e r / O rig in a te m o d e sw itch in g

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    SC11000/SCU001/SC11005 22bis PDF


    Abstract: RETICON r5632 SC11001CN RETICON CIRCUIT OF DIALTONE FILTER reticon filter "sierra semiconductor" modem R5632 RETICON RL 7 band equalizer
    Text: o SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR March 1988 SC 11000/SC U 001/SC 11005 212A/V.22 Modem Filters BENEFITS FEATURES C/3 I m p r o v e d d a ta t r a n s m is s io n c h a r a c te r is tic s fo r lo w e r b it e r r o r rate • T r a n sm it a n d R e c e iv e filter s w it h h a lf -c h a n n e l

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    SC11000/SC11001/SC11005 12A/V SC11000, SC11001 SC11005 1200-bich, S35212 RETICON r5632 SC11001CN RETICON CIRCUIT OF DIALTONE FILTER reticon filter "sierra semiconductor" modem R5632 RETICON RL 7 band equalizer PDF

    Telephone Dialer Circuit

    Abstract: CP Clare RELAY 951 fsk modulation and demodulation using Xr2206 XR2120CP microtran T2220 XR2125CP fsk generation using XR 2206 IC XR555 CLARE Relay 951 XR-2120CP
    Text: XR-212AS MODEM DESIGN BOOKLET E * TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTm D isclaim e r Exar reserves the right to m ake changes in the products contained in this book in order to im prove design or p e rfo rm ­ ance and to supply the best possible products. Exar also assumes no responsibility for the use of any circ u its de­

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    XR-212AS F-58118 Telephone Dialer Circuit CP Clare RELAY 951 fsk modulation and demodulation using Xr2206 XR2120CP microtran T2220 XR2125CP fsk generation using XR 2206 IC XR555 CLARE Relay 951 XR-2120CP PDF


    Abstract: S35212A S35212 r5632 CIRCUIT OF DIALTONE FILTER scl1000 cadence amplifier RETICON 112 application notes SC11000 SC11001
    Text: SC11000/SCU001/SC11005 212A/V.22/V.22bis Modem Filters SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ Bell 212A, CCITT V.22 and V.22bis compatible with V.22 notch filters □ Analog Loopback capability 24-PIN DIP PACKAGE 28-PIN P L C C PACKAGE G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N

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    SC11000/SCU001/SC11005 12A/V 22bis RETICON S35212A S35212 r5632 CIRCUIT OF DIALTONE FILTER scl1000 cadence amplifier RETICON 112 application notes SC11000 SC11001 PDF


    Abstract: SC11095 SC11270 SC11204
    Text: SIERRA SEMI CONDUCTOR CORP M7E D • Ö24S01D OOOGTVS 7 ■ SSC FU N CTIO N A L INDEX—Data Com m unication Pro d u cts T*75*3& *^0 TYPE OF PRODUCT PRODUCT N U M BER 300 bps Modems SC11002CN /CM Bell 103 Com patible +5 Volts 15 SC11003CN /CM Sam e as SC11002, 5 Volt Only

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    24S01D SC11002CN SC11003CN SC11002, SC11004 SC11015CN/CV SC11014 SC11016CN SC11004CN/CV SC1X014CN/CV SC1129 SC11095 SC11270 SC11204 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SCU024 2400 Bit Per Second Modem Analog Peripheral The SCI1024 is a complete 2400 bps5 V only modem IC containing all modem functions except the adaptive equal­ izer. It is used in conjunction with an external controller, such as the Sierra

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    SCU024 SCI1024 SCI1020 RS-232 22bis PDF


    Abstract: SC11006CN 741 ic SC11046CN 14 pin ic dip SC11211CN SC11026CN SC11402CN sc11007cn sc11016cn
    Text: Product Number/Physical Dimension Cross Reference Product Number Package No. Type Pins Page No. Product Number Package No. Type Pin* Page No. Produci Number Package No. Type Pins Page No. SC11000CN DIP 24 737 SC11033CV PLCC 28 741 SC11314CN DIP 8 S C 11001CN

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    SC11000CN 11001CN SC11001CV SC11002CN SC11002CM SC11003CN 11003C SC11004CN SC11004CV SC11005CN SC11011CV SC11006CN 741 ic SC11046CN 14 pin ic dip SC11211CN SC11026CN SC11402CN sc11007cn sc11016cn PDF

    lem lc 1000-s

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCU000/SCU001/SC11005 212A/V.22/V.22bis Modem Filters SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 2 4 -P IN D IP PA CK A G E 2& -P IN PLCC PA CK A G E □ B e ll 2 1 2 A , C C IT T V .2 2 an d V .2 2 b is co m p atib le w ith V .22 notch filters □ A n alog L oo p b ack capability

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 50 Hz notch filter S35212A 20 band equalizer operational amplifier discrete schematic SC11001 SC11005 VL7C211-QC Rx1N
    Text: VL7C211_ 212A/V.22 MODEM FILTER FEATURES • • • • • • • Transmit-and-Receive filter with half-channel compromise amplitude and group delay equalization Built-in Call Progress Mode and Answ er/O riginate Mode switching Bell 212A and CCITT V.22

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    VL7C211 12A/V 1200-bit-per-second S35212 50 Hz notch filter S35212A 20 band equalizer operational amplifier discrete schematic SC11001 SC11005 VL7C211-QC Rx1N PDF

    7 band notch filter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VL7C211 212A/V.22 MODEM FILTER FEATURES • Transmit-and-Receive filter with half-channel compromise amplitude and group delay equalization • Built-in Call Progress Mode and Answer/Originate Mode switching • Bell 212A and CCITT V.22 compatible, with V.22 notch filters

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    VL7C211 12A/V 1200-bit-per-second 7 band notch filter PDF