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    SAIFUN FLASH Search Results

    SAIFUN FLASH Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AT25EU0041A-SSHN-T Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 Mbit Ultra-low Energy Serial Flash Memory Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    AT25EU0041A-MAHN-T Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 Mbit Ultra-low Energy Serial Flash Memory Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    AT25EU0041A-SSHN-B Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 Mbit Ultra-low Energy Serial Flash Memory Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    AT25EU0021A-MAHN-T Renesas Electronics Corporation 2Mbit Ultra-low Energy Serial Flash Memory Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    AT25EU0021A-SSHN-B Renesas Electronics Corporation 2Mbit Ultra-low Energy Serial Flash Memory Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SAIFUN FLASH Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NROM16EE SAIFUN PROPRIETARY 16Mbit 2M x 8 PARALLEL EEPROM 2.7 Volt Low Power EEPROM With Basic Flash Functionality LOGIC DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NROM16EE is a 16Mbits high performance, low power parallel EEPROM device that supports also basic Flash functionality. The device is

    NROM16EE 16Mbit NROM16EE 16Mbits 128-byte 111-1111-11H1-XXXX-XXXX PDF


    Abstract: SA25F005E
    Text: Features •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= Saifun NROM Flash Cell Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Compatible, Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) Page Program Operation: 256 pages (256 Bytes/Page)

    25MHz 20-Year SA25F005 SA25F005E PDF


    Abstract: SA25F010E
    Text: Features •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= Saifun NROM Flash Cell Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Compatible, Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) Page Program Operation: 512 pages (256 Bytes/Page)

    25MHz 20-Year SA25F010 SA25F010E PDF


    Abstract: 10101B 10010b
    Text: NROM4EE SAIFUN PROPRIETARY 4Mbit 512K x 8 PARALLEL EEPROM 2.7 Volt Low Power EEPROM With Basic Flash Functionality LOGIC DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NROM4EE is a 4Mbits high performance, low power parallel EEPROM device that supports also basic Flash functionality. The device is typically

    128-byte 10111B 11000B 11001B 11010B 11011B 11100B 11101B 11110B 11111B A1815 10101B 10010b PDF


    Abstract: SA25F020E
    Text: Features •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= •= Saifun NROM Flash Cell Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Compatible, Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) Page Program Operation: 1024 pages (256 Bytes/Page)

    25MHz 20-Year SA25F020 SA25F020E PDF

    soic8 footprint

    Abstract: soic8 SA25F040 SA25F080 SA25F160 16x512 SA25F040 SOIC8 in mm footprint soic8 150 2014 8pin SAIFUN flash
    Text: SA25F-cmyk_12.6.03.fh9 6/12/03 0:34 Page 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Saifun's SA25F Family of SPI Serial Flash Memory Devices Take your designs to a higher level with the power of Saifun NROM memory Fastest Access Times The SA25F family sets the industry speed

    SA25F-cmyk SA25F 512Kb SA25F soic8 footprint soic8 SA25F040 SA25F080 SA25F160 16x512 SA25F040 SOIC8 in mm footprint soic8 150 2014 8pin SAIFUN flash PDF


    Abstract: SA25C512 SA25C512E SA25C512L SA25F020 SAIFUN flash
    Text: Features •= •= •= •= •= Saifun NROM Flash Cell Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Compatible Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) Byte and Page Write Modes (up to 128 bytes) Single Supply Voltage: 2.7V to 3.6V (L) 4.5V to 5.5V (H) •= •= 10MHz Clock Rate

    10MHz SA25C512 JESD22-A115 SA25C512 SA25C512E SA25C512L SA25F020 SAIFUN flash PDF


    Abstract: SA25C1024 SA25C1024E SA25F020
    Text: Features •= •= •= •= •= Saifun NROM Flash Cell Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Compatible Supports SPI Modes 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) Byte and Page Write Modes (up to 128 bytes) Single Supply Voltage: 2.7V to 3.6V (L) 4.5V to 5.5V (H) •= •= 10MHz Clock Rate

    10MHz SA25C1024 JESD22-A115 SA25C1024 SA25C1024E SA25F020 PDF


    Abstract: SA25C1024 SA25C512 Saifun 2Mb SPI flash SAIFUN SEMICONDUCTORS LTD
    Text: SA25C-cmyk_12.6.03.fh9 6/12/03 0:32 Page 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Saifun's SA25C Family of SPI Serial EEPROM Memory Devices Take your designs to a higher level with the power of Saifun NROM memory Ease of use Reduced Power Consumption EEPROM devices are easy for use

    SA25C-cmyk SA25C SA25C020 SA25C1024 SA25C512 Saifun 2Mb SPI flash SAIFUN SEMICONDUCTORS LTD PDF

    footprint mlf

    Abstract: Security Cards SAIFUN SEMICONDUCTORS LTD SA24C SA24C1024 SA24C512
    Text: IIC-cmyk_8.6.03.fh9 6/12/03 0:31 Page 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Saifun's SA24C Family of IIC Serial EEPROM Memory Devices Take your designs to a higher level with the power of Saifun NROM memory Ease of Use Reduced Power Consumption Saifun's EEPROM devices are easy to use:

    SA24C footprint mlf Security Cards SAIFUN SEMICONDUCTORS LTD SA24C1024 SA24C512 PDF


    Abstract: PM25LV020 SO8w footprint MX25L8005M2C-15G MX25L8005M2C MLP8 FOOTPRINT ICE25P05 SST25VF016-33-4C-QA M25PE10-VMP6TG Y25f05
    Text: SPI Serial Flash for code, data and parameter storage Cross-reference guide August 2005 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties

    CRSERFLASH0705 PM25LV040 PM25LV020 SO8w footprint MX25L8005M2C-15G MX25L8005M2C MLP8 FOOTPRINT ICE25P05 SST25VF016-33-4C-QA M25PE10-VMP6TG Y25f05 PDF

    WINBOND Serial flash cross reference

    Abstract: ICE25P05 SST25VF016-33-4C-QA Y25f05 Atmel part numbering SST25VF080-33-4C-SA footprint wide SOIC8 SST MLP8 FOOTPRINT footprint WSON ICE25P10
    Text: Serial Flash for code storage – SPI bus Cross reference guide How to use this cross reference guide This cross reference guide is intended to help you choose the ST product most compatible with competitive devices. It is very easy to use: simply identify the competitor’s part number, with the memory

    CRSERFLASH/0703 WINBOND Serial flash cross reference ICE25P05 SST25VF016-33-4C-QA Y25f05 Atmel part numbering SST25VF080-33-4C-SA footprint wide SOIC8 SST MLP8 FOOTPRINT footprint WSON ICE25P10 PDF

    dram structure

    Abstract: 2240 6T SRAM micron sram
    Text: Joint News Release by Infineon and Micron Infineon Technologies and Micron Technology Announce Cooperation to Develop ‘CellularRAM’ Munich, Germany/Boise, Idaho, USA, June 24, 2002 - Infineon Technologies AG FSE, NYSE: IFX and Micron Technology, Inc., (NYSE: MU) today announced they

    INFMP200206 dram structure 2240 6T SRAM micron sram PDF


    Abstract: W25Q64 EN25T80 WINBOND W25q64 PM25LV020 PM25LV080 ML22420 USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer SST25LF010A W25Q40
    Text: 2008 年 12 月 04 日 V1.4 外置存储器型语音芯片语音数据的在线更新 现在有的客户希望播放的语音内容在产品量产起来后能够改变语音的内容,比如产品升 级,增加新的语音段等,并且能够方便的实现语音数据的下载更新。有的客户希望能够播放

    //ossh20080311 ML22420 M25PE16 16Mbit 024ms) PM25LV040 W25Q64 EN25T80 WINBOND W25q64 PM25LV020 PM25LV080 ML22420 USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer SST25LF010A W25Q40 PDF

    XCF02S pcb

    Abstract: AT45DBXX M25PXX XC3S50 XCF16S XC3S1000 XC3S1500 TsoP 20 Package XILINX XC3S2000 XC3S400
    Text: 業界基準 SPI シリアル・フラッシュによる低価格 FPGA のコンフィグレーションと LatticeECP/EC FPGA ラティスセミコンダクター ホワイト・ペーパー 2004 年6月 ラティスセミコンダクター株式会社

    20MHz 40MHz XCF02S pcb AT45DBXX M25PXX XC3S50 XCF16S XC3S1000 XC3S1500 TsoP 20 Package XILINX XC3S2000 XC3S400 PDF

    512m pc133 SDRAM DIMM

    Abstract: TSOP 66 Package TSOP 54 Package DIMM DDR400 PC3200 1 gb ddr2 ram DDR400 infineon HYF33DS512800ATC 16M x 16 DDR TSOP-66 P-TSOPI-48 infineon twinflash
    Text: Product Information 2004 MEMORY SPECTRUM w w w. i n f i n e o n . c o m / m e m o r y w w w. i n f i n e o n . c o m / m e m o r y / f l a s h Never stop thinking. Introduction A P R I L 2 0 0 4 . This edition of Memory Spectrum has been developed to enable you to easily view the entire range of Infineon’s memory products.

    DDR400 PC3200) B166-H8399-X-X-7600 512m pc133 SDRAM DIMM TSOP 66 Package TSOP 54 Package DIMM DDR400 PC3200 1 gb ddr2 ram DDR400 infineon HYF33DS512800ATC 16M x 16 DDR TSOP-66 P-TSOPI-48 infineon twinflash PDF

    automatic toll tax project

    Abstract: gsm coding in c for 8051 microcontroller SLE 4404 SLE7736 SLF9000 SAM module mifare SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS SRF55V10S srf55v10 proximity sensors parking microcontroller 8051
    Text: Product Overview Security & Chip Card ICs Enter the World of SECURE SOLUTIONS Chi incl. p C Pul ard IC l-O ut w w w. i n f i n e o n . c o m / s e c u r i t y _ a n d _ c h i p c a r d _ i c s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g. Always one step Yo u r p r e m i e r p a r t n e r o n t h e w a y t o g l o b a l s u c c e s s

    B191-H7516-G7-X-7600 automatic toll tax project gsm coding in c for 8051 microcontroller SLE 4404 SLE7736 SLF9000 SAM module mifare SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS SRF55V10S srf55v10 proximity sensors parking microcontroller 8051 PDF

    night vision technology documentation

    Abstract: DP8051 radix-2 DIT FFT vhdl program M25PXX 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL diF fft algorithm VHDL 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL documentation atmel 336 fft algorithm verilog in ofdm vhdl code for ofdm
    Text: Lattice Semiconductor Corporation • November 2004 • Volume 10, Number 1 In This Issue New JTAG Programming Support for Low-Cost SPI Configuration Memory Lattice Expands Lead-Free Support Designing FFTs in the LatticeECP FPGA Dynamic Power Management Using

    300mm NL0109 night vision technology documentation DP8051 radix-2 DIT FFT vhdl program M25PXX 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL diF fft algorithm VHDL 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL documentation atmel 336 fft algorithm verilog in ofdm vhdl code for ofdm PDF


    Abstract: F0016 Ingentix semiconductors cross index SLA F0064 CC CRC16 CMD20 F0032 CMD32 CMD26
    Text: D at a Sh ee t, DS 02 04 -1 .0 0, J ul . 20 02 Mu lt i Me d ia C a r d 16 ,3 2 ,6 4 ,1 28 M B MM C A 2 .1 1 In ge n ti x An Infi neo n C omp any N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Data Sheet Revision History: 2002-07-12 Previous Version: Data Sheet, DS0204-0.80, 2002-07-03

    DS0204-0 DS0204-1 D-81541 F0128 400kHz) 20MHz) F0016, F0032 F0064, F0128 F0016 Ingentix semiconductors cross index SLA F0064 CC CRC16 CMD20 F0032 CMD32 CMD26 PDF

    lattice MachXO2 Pinouts files

    Abstract: st smd diode marking code aa8 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding 3182N B313 marking v6 1317 diode infineon catalog 3 bit right left shift register verilog HDL prog SMD marking code B21 diode atmel 0928
    Text: LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook HB1000 Version 03.6, October 2011 LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook Table of Contents September 2011 Section I. LatticeECP/EC Family Data Sheet Introduction Features . 1-1

    HB1000 TN1052 TN1074 lattice MachXO2 Pinouts files st smd diode marking code aa8 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding 3182N B313 marking v6 1317 diode infineon catalog 3 bit right left shift register verilog HDL prog SMD marking code B21 diode atmel 0928 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook Version 02.7, January 2007 LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook Table of Contents January 2007 Section I. LatticeECP/EC Family Data Sheet Introduction Features . 1-1

    TN1051 TN1049 TN1052 TN1074 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook HB1000 Version 03.8, November 2012 LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook Table of Contents November 2012 Section I. LatticeECP/EC Family Data Sheet Introduction Features . 1-1

    HB1000 TN1018 TN1071 TN1074 TN1078 PDF

    A016 SMD

    Abstract: IDT DATECODE MARKINGS transistor a015 SMD a014 SMD a013 SMD smd diode marking A03 a015 SMD smd diode marking code d7 SMD marking code B21 diode pr2a
    Text: LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook HB1000 Version 03.4, September 2010 LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook Table of Contents September 2010 Section I. LatticeECP/EC Family Data Sheet Introduction Features . 1-1

    HB1000 TN1052 TN1074 A016 SMD IDT DATECODE MARKINGS transistor a015 SMD a014 SMD a013 SMD smd diode marking A03 a015 SMD smd diode marking code d7 SMD marking code B21 diode pr2a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook HB1000 Version 03.1, February 2008 LatticeECP/EC Family Handbook Table of Contents February 2008 Section I. LatticeECP/EC Family Data Sheet Introduction Features . 1-1

    HB1000 TN1049 TN1052 PDF