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    SA5212AFE Search Results

    SA5212AFE Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SA5212AFE Philips Semiconductors Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz Original PDF
    SA5212AFE Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    SA5212AFE Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    SA5212AFE Philips Semiconductors Transimpedance amplifier (140MHz) Scan PDF

    SA5212AFE Datasheets Context Search

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    fiber-optic photodiode for 820nm

    Abstract: fiber-optic sensor 820nm BPF31 820nM fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm SA5212A SA5212AD SA5212AFE SA5212AN BPF31 PIN
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA5212A Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz Product specification Replaces datasheet NE/SA/SE5212A of 1995 Apr 26 IC19 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1998 Oct 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier (140MHz)

    SA5212A 140MHz) NE/SA/SE5212A SA5212A fiber-optic photodiode for 820nm fiber-optic sensor 820nm BPF31 820nM fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm SA5212AD SA5212AFE SA5212AN BPF31 PIN PDF

    BPF31 PIN

    Abstract: BPF31 10116 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 820nm fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm fiber-optic sensor 820nm SA5212A NE5212 SA5212AFE
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA5212A Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz Product specification Replaces datasheet NE/SA/SE5212A of 1995 Apr 26 IC19 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1998 Oct 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier (140MHz)

    SA5212A 140MHz) NE/SA/SE5212A SA5212A BPF31 PIN BPF31 10116 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 820nm fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm fiber-optic sensor 820nm NE5212 SA5212AFE PDF

    BPF31 PIN

    Abstract: NE5212AN SE5212AFE Fiber-optic photodiode 850nm 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 820nm fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm fiber-optic sensor 820nm NE5212AD NE5212AFE
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz NE/SA/SE5212A DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE/SA/SE5212A is a 14kΩ transimpedance, wideband, low noise differential output amplifier, particularly suitable for signal recovery in fiber optic receivers and in any other applications where

    140MHz) NE/SA/SE5212A NE/SA/SE5212A 140MHz BPF31 PIN NE5212AN SE5212AFE Fiber-optic photodiode 850nm 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 820nm fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm fiber-optic sensor 820nm NE5212AD NE5212AFE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz SA5212A DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The SA 5212A is a 14ki2 transim pedance, wideband, low noise differential output amplifier, particularly suitable for signal recovery in fiber optic receivers and in any other applications w here very low

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    140MHz) SA5212A 14ki2 140MHz 1625AM PDF


    Abstract: impedance matching transformer 100-75-120 NE5230 NE5212AN BPF31 BPF31 PIN NE5212AFE 897.10 PREAMPLIFIER TRANSIMPEDANCE optic fet aeg diode Si 21
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE/SA/SE5212A Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz Product specification 1995 Apr 26 IC 19 Philips Sem iconductors PHILIPS PH ILIP S 7 iio fiS b o o a ^ a ib 'is s Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier (140MHz)

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA/SE5212A 140MHz) NE/SA/SE5212A 140MHz OT96-1 076E03S MS-012AA 7110fl5b NE5212AD impedance matching transformer 100-75-120 NE5230 NE5212AN BPF31 BPF31 PIN NE5212AFE 897.10 PREAMPLIFIER TRANSIMPEDANCE optic fet aeg diode Si 21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Trans impedance amplifier 140MHz DESCRIPTION SA5212A PIN CONFIGURATION The SA5212A is a 14kQ transimpedance, wideband, low noise differential output amplifier, particularly suitable for signal recovery in fiber optic receivers and in any other applications where very low

    OCR Scan
    140MHz) SA5212A SA5212A 140MHz SA5212AD SA5212AN SA5212AFE OT96-1 OT97-1 PDF


    Abstract: NE5212AN 1625am NE5212AFE
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier 140MHz DESCRIPTION NE/SA/SE5212A PIN CONFIGURATION The N E/SA/SE5212A is a 14k£i transimped a rice, wideband, low noise differential output amplifier, particularly suitable for signal

    OCR Scan
    140MHz) NE/SA/SE5212A E/SA/SE5212A SD00336 140MHz NE5212AD NE5212AN 1625am NE5212AFE PDF