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    Touchstone Semiconductor Inc TS1101-25DB

    EVAL BOARD FOR TS1101-25
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    DigiKey TS1101-25DB Box 1 1
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    • 10 $61.86
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    • 10000 $61.86
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    Powerex Power Semiconductors PS11012

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    Red Lion Controls PRS11012

    10-100 HZ 230V
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    TDK-Lambda Corporation PH75S110-12

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    TDK-Lambda Corporation PH50S110-12

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    S11012 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Digital color sensor S11012-01CR 12-bit digital output The S11012-01CR is a digital color sensor sensitive to red λ=615 nm , green (λ=540 nm) and blue (λ=465 nm) regions of the spectrum. Detected signals are serially output as 12-bit digital data. Built-in three 12-bit registers allow simultaneous measurement

    S11012-01CR 12-bit S11012-01CR B1201, KPIC1081E03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: デジタルカラーセンサ S11012-01CR 12ビットデジタル出力COBタイプ S11012-01CRは、Red λ=615 nm Ă Green (λ=540 nm)Ă Blue (λ=465 nm)にそれぞれ感度をもつデジタルカラーセンサです。 検出結果は12ビットのデジタル値でシリアルに出力されます。3つの12ビットレジスタを内蔵しており、RGB3色の同時測

    S11012-01CR S11012-01CRã KPIC1081J04 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Digital color sensor S11012-01CR 12-bit digital output The S11012-01CR is a digital color sensor sensitive to red λ=615 nm , green (λ=540 nm) and blue (λ=465 nm) regions of the spectrum. Detected signals are serially output as 12-bit digital data. Built-in three 12-bit registers allow simultaneous measurement

    S11012-01CR 12-bit S11012-01CR SE-171 KPIC1081E01 PDF


    Abstract: photodiode s9032-02 green light photodiode sensor photo ic S11012-01CR
    Text: Si photodiode S9032-02 RGB color sensor The S9032-02 is a color sensor molded into a plastic package having a 3-channel RGB photodiode sensitive to the blue (λp=460 nm), green (λp=540 nm) and red (λp=620 nm) regions of the spectrum. The S9032-02 has a 3-segment (RGB) circular photosensitive area of φ2 mm.

    S9032-02 S9032-02 SE-171 KSPD1067E07 photodiode s9032-02 green light photodiode sensor photo ic S11012-01CR PDF


    Abstract: 35GT s10917 LX 590 PF
    Text: Si photodiode S10917-35GT RGB color sensor integrated in small and thin package The S10917-35GT is a compact color sensor with a 3-channel photodiode mounted in one package, and sensitive to red λ=590 to 680 nm , green (λ=470 to 600 nm) and blue (λ=390 to 530 nm) light. An infrared-cut filter is formed on the photosensitive

    S10917-35GT S10917-35GT SE-171 KSPD1078E05 35GT s10917 LX 590 PF PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: セレクションガイド 2015.1 フォトIC 受 光 部 と 信 号 処 理 回 路 を 内 蔵した 高 機 能 セ ン サ フォト IC フォトICは受光部と信号処理回路が1つのパッケージに組み込まれて、さまざまな機能をもつ受光素子です。


    Selection guide

    Abstract: Photo IC S10604 S11059-01WT
    Text: Selection guide - March 2015 Photo IC Sophisticated sensors integrated with photosensitive element and signal processing circuit HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. Photo IC The photo IC is a light receiver element with various functions. It integrates a photosensitive element and a signal processing circuit into one package.

    B1201, KPIC0001E08 Selection guide Photo IC S10604 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: S11031 S11007 S11048 S11030 M83446 S11100 m83446/11 S11092 S11065
    Text: S11000 Series Fixed Chip Inductors for Space Applications FEATURES Military QPL Approved. Pick-and-place compatible. SPECIFICATIONS Met the requirements of MIL-PRF83446 and MIL-STD-981, class S or class B. Class S parts are intended for critical flight and mission-essential ground

    S11000 MIL-PRF83446 MIL-STD-981, MIL-STD-202, S11074 S11031 S11007 S11048 S11030 M83446 S11100 m83446/11 S11092 S11065 PDF


    Abstract: Hamamatsu Color sensor address KPICB0169EA S11059
    Text: Digital color sensor S11059-02DT I2C interface-compatible color sensor The S11059-02DT is a digital color sensor that supports the I2C inter-integrated circuit interface. It is sensitive to red (λ=615 nm), green (λ=530 nm), blue (λ=460 nm), and infrared (λ=855 nm) light, and outputs detected results as 16-bit digital data

    S11059-02DT S11059-02DT 16-bit KPIC1082E01 Hamamatsu Color sensor address KPICB0169EA S11059 PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: カラーセンサ S11059-01WT I2C対応カラーセンサ S11059-01WTはI2C アイ・スクウェア・シー: inter-integrated circuit インターフェースに対応したカラーセンサです。 Red (λp=615 nm)、Green (λp=530 nm)、Blue (λp=460 nm)と赤外 (λp=855 nm)のそれぞれに感度をもち、検出結果は各色

    S11059-01WT S11059-01WTã KPIC1074J09 S11059 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: Siフォトダイオード S10942-01CT 小型・薄型パッケージを用いたRGBカラーセンサ S10942-01CTはRed λ=590 nm~ 、Green (λ=480~600 nm)、Blue (λ=400~540 nm)にそれぞれ感度をもつ3 ch (RGB)フォ トダイオードを1パッケージに収めたカラーセンサです。従来品 (S9702)に比べ、パッケージ容積比80%減、実装面積比77%

    S10942-01CT S10942-01CTã S9702) KSPD1079J06 S11059 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: デジタルカラーセンサ S9706 12ビットデジタル出力 S9706はRed λ=615 nm ĂGreen (λ=540 nm)ĂBlue (λ=465 nm)にそれぞれ感度をもつデジタルカラーセンサです。検出結 果は12ビットのデジタル値でシリアルに出力されます。3つの12ビットレジスタを内蔵しており、RGB3色の同時測光が可

    S9706 S9706ã KPIC1060J13 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si photodiode S9702 RGB color sensor The S9702 is a color sensor molded into a plastic package having a 3-channel RGB photodiode sensitive to the blue (λp=460 nm), green (λp=540 nm) and red (λp=620 nm) regions of the spectrum. The S9702 has a 3-segment (RGB) photosensitive

    S9702 S9702 S9032-02) B1201, KSPD1071E10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si photodiode S9032-02 RGB color sensor The S9032-02 is a color sensor molded into a plastic package having a 3-channel RGB photodiode sensitive to the blue (λp=460 nm), green (λp=540 nm) and red (λp=620 nm) regions of the spectrum. The S9032-02 has a 3-segment (RGB) circular photosensitive area of ϕ2 mm.

    S9032-02 S9032-02 B1201, KSPD1067E09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Digital color sensor S9706 12-bit digital output The S9706 is a digital color sensor sensitive to red λ=615 nm , green (λ=540 nm) and blue (λ=465 nm) regions of the spectrum. Detected signals are serially output as 12-bit digital data. Built-in three 12-bit registers allow simultaneous measurement of RGB

    S9706 12-bit S9706 SE-171 KPIC1060E10 S10942-01CT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si photodiode S10917-35GT RGB color sensor integrated in small and thin package The S10917-35GT is a compact color sensor with a 3-channel photodiode mounted in one package, and sensitive to red λ=590 to 680 nm , green (λ=470 to 600 nm) and blue (λ=390 to 530 nm) light. An infrared-cut filter is formed on the photosensitive

    S10917-35GT S10917-35GT B1201, KSPD1078E07 PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: Color/proximity sensor P12347-01CT Color sensor, proximity sensor, and 3-color LED incorporated into a single package This is a multifunctional sensor that incorporates a color sensor, proximity sensor, and 3-color LED in a small package 5.5 x 1.7 × 1.0 mm . It can be used to adjust the display image quality, perform touchscreen on/off control, indicate incoming calls,

    P12347-01CT B1201, KPIC1084E01 P12347-01CT S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: Siフォトダイオード S9702 RGBカラーセンサ S9702はBlue λp=460 nm 、Green (λp=540 nm)、Red (λp=620 nm)にそれぞれ感度をもつ3 ch (RGB)フォトダイオード を1パッケージに収めたカラーセンサです。受光部は、†1 mm/3分割 (RGB)です。従来品 (S9032-02)に比べ、小型化

    S9702 S9702ã S9032-02) KSPD1071J10 S11059 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si photodiode S9032-02 RGB color sensor The S9032-02 is a color sensor molded into a plastic package having a 3-channel RGB photodiode sensitive to the blue (λp=460 nm), green (λp=540 nm) and red (λp=620 nm) regions of the spectrum. The S9032-02 has a 3-segment (RGB) circular photosensitive area of φ2 mm.

    S9032-02 S9032-02 KSPD1067E08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si photodiode S9702 RGB color sensor The S9702 is a color sensor molded into a plastic package having a 3-channel RGB photodiode sensitive to the blue (λp=460 nm), green (λp=540 nm) and red (λp=620 nm) regions of the spectrum. The S9702 has a 3-segment (RGB) photosensitive

    S9702 S9702 S9032-02) SE-171 KSPD1071E08 PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: Siフォトダイオード S10917-35GT 小型・薄型パッケージのRGBカラーセンサ S10917-35GTはRed λ=590 nm~680 nm 、Green (λ=470~600 nm)、Blue (λ=390~530 nm)にそれぞれ感度をもつ3 ch フォトダイオードを1パッケージに収めたカラーセンサです。受光部上に赤外カットフィルタを形成しています。また、優

    S10917-35GT S10917-35GTã KSPD1078J09 S11059 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: S11059-01WT
    Text: Color sensor S11059-01WT I2C interface-compatible color sensor The S11059-01WT is a color sensor that supports the I2C inter-integrated circuit interface. It is sensitive to red (λ=615 nm), green (λ=530 nm), blue (λ=460 nm), and infrared (λ=855 nm) light, and outputs detected results as 16-bit digital data

    S11059-01WT S11059-01WT 16-bit Energy-saving53 B1201, KPIC1074E08 S11059 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: カラー/近接センサ P12347-01CT カラーセンサ・近接センサ・3色LEDを一体化 カラーセンサ近接センサおよび3色LEDを小型パッケージ 5.5 x 1.7 × 1.0 mm に一体化した多機能センサです。スマー トフォンなどにおいて、ディスプレイの画質調整、タッチパネル機能のオン/オフの制御、着信表示などを行うことがで

    P12347-01CT S9032-02 KPIC1084J03 S11059-01WT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si photodiode S10942-01CT RGB color sensor integrated in small and thin package The S10942-01CT is a color sensor molded into a plastic package having a 3-channel RGB photodiode sensitive to the Red (λ=590 nm Min.), Green (λ=480 to 600 nm) and Blue (λ=400 to 540 nm) regions of the spectrum. When compared to the

    S10942-01CT S10942-01CT S9702) KSPD1079E04 PDF