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    NKK Switches JWM21RCA/UC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI JWM21RCA/UC Bulk 4 1
    • 1 $10.82
    • 10 $9.76
    • 100 $9.01
    • 1000 $8.82
    • 10000 $8.82
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    NKK Switches JWL21RCA/UC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI JWL21RCA/UC Bulk 1
    • 1 $14.73
    • 10 $12.83
    • 100 $11.59
    • 1000 $10.08
    • 10000 $10.08
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    RRKN Datasheets Context Search

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    rrkn 1108

    Abstract: ASEA RRKN asea, electromagnetic 110 v dc relay ASEA RELAY asea RK 316 asea rrkn MS 1307 RK 92-1 E
    Text: Catalogue RK 31-1 E ASEA Edition 3 Time-lag relay type RRKN • Time-lag on pick-up; scales: 50—500 ms. 0 .2 -2 s and 1—10 s • For d.c. supply a.c. supply across rectifier • Comprises static components • • Very accurate setting O ccupies one relay seat (40X55 mm)

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    40X55 rrkn 1108 ASEA RRKN asea, electromagnetic 110 v dc relay ASEA RELAY asea RK 316 asea rrkn MS 1307 RK 92-1 E PDF


    Abstract: CV200
    Text: MG150Q2YS40 U nit in mm HIGH POW ER SW ITCHING APPLICATION S. « FAST on T»b# 110 M OTOR CO N TR O L APPLICATION S. • • • • • • High Input Impedance High Speed tf=0.5//s M ax. trr = 0.5/iS(Max.) Low Saturation Voltage : v CE(sat) = 4.0V (Max.)

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    MG150Q2YS40 2-109C1A MG150Q2YS40 CV200 PDF

    shaft current transformer

    Abstract: rK-11 ASEA shaft current RRME RRKN rrm ASEA asea RRME 300E generators winding block diagram ASEA RRKN
    Text: A S E A IN FO R M A T IO N RK 6 0 -3 0 0 E S ta tic s h a f t c u r r e n t p r o t e c t i o n ty p e RYRIC Rag. 7429 E n e l, 5283 m D E C E P T IO N D r R£LAY PR O T EC TIO N T h e s t a t i c s h a f t c u r r e n t p r o t e c ti o n R.YRIC is u s e d f o r in d ic a tio n o f

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    Abstract: RRMH rK-11 ASEA ASEA RHGA 8 rrmj4 ASEA EG 20 ASEA RHGA 8 rk 925 0001 asea RRME RK 92-1 E rrmh2
    Text: Catalogue RK 9 2 -1 E T H E A S E A PLU G -IN RELAY SYSTEM Relay sets based on tt» ASEA plug-ln system ill easily made up using relays and relay components six case sizes giving from 2 to 42 relay seata. Plug-In relays occupy 1, 2 or 4 relay seats a wide variety of components — auxiliary relays, signal relays and Indicating devices,

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    14-sf RRMH ASEA RRMH rK-11 ASEA ASEA RHGA 8 rrmj4 ASEA EG 20 ASEA RHGA 8 rk 925 0001 asea RRME RK 92-1 E rrmh2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MG800J1US51 HIGH POW ER SW ITCHING APPLICATIONS. M O TOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. The Electrodes are Isolated from Case. High Input Impedance Includes a Complete H alf Bridge in One Package. Enhancement-Mode High Speed : tf= 0.30//s Max. (l£ = 800A) trr = 0.15//s (Max.) (Ip = 800A)

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    MG800J1US51 30//s 15//s 2-109E1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B140LB Low V F Surface M o u n t S c h o t t k y B a r r i e r Rectifiers REVERSE VOLTAGE 40Volts F e a tu r e s : FORWARD CURRENT l.OAm pere *L ow Surface M ounted A p p lica tio ns *M e ta l-S e m ico n d u cto r Ju n ctio n w ith G u a rd rin g "E p ita xia l C on structio n

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    B140LB B140LB PDF


    Abstract: ay 9j
    Text: 1 D F 0 0 5 S t h r u I F IOS S u r f a c e M o u n t G la ss P assiv ate d B rid g e Rectifiers REVERSE VOLTAGE 50 TO 1000 VOLTS FORWARD CURRENT 1.0 AM PERE F e a tu re s: *For Surface M ount Application ‘ Glass Passivated Chip “lo w Reverse Leakage Current

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    DF005S DP06S ay 9j PDF


    Abstract: failure-rate Toshiba MG200Q2YS40 igbt based high frequency inverter
    Text: . 1 IGBT Derating at Elevated Case-Temperature range 5-1 5 khz with some applications operating to beyond 20 khz. At these frequencies switching-losses are significant and must be conside­ red during device selection. To assist in calcula­ ting device derating at normal operating

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    MG200Q2YS40 30V2YS4O V11S41 TOSHIBA IGBT failure-rate Toshiba MG200Q2YS40 igbt based high frequency inverter PDF

    aeg rsz

    Abstract: AEG RSZ 2 aeg rsz 3 AEG T 178 aeg protection relay oerlikon aeg rsz settings cdc 2030 Sprecher Schuh timer R3AS52
    Text: RK 40-401 C om parison betw een ASEA tim e -la g o v e r- c u rr e n t re la y type RIDA w ith independent tim e -la g c h a ra c te ris tic and c o rresp o n d in g re la y s of o th er m akes CONFIDENTIAL Reg, 5621,7431 RELAY INFORMATION This c ir c u la r Is intended as a guide to ASEA s a le s re p re se n ta tiv e s

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    40-40IE aeg rsz AEG RSZ 2 aeg rsz 3 AEG T 178 aeg protection relay oerlikon aeg rsz settings cdc 2030 Sprecher Schuh timer R3AS52 PDF