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    Abstract: RLY-420 fp-rly-420 61010C-1 FP-RLY-422
    Text: FieldPoint Relay Modules Relay Modules for FieldPoint NI FP-RLY-420, NI FP-RLY-422 • 4 or 8 electromechanical relays • 8 form A SPST , RLY-420 • 4 form C (SPDT), RLY-422 • Switch 250 VAC, 120 VDC • Switch 3 A, maximum • 2,300 Vrms bank isolation for

    FP-RLY-420, FP-RLY-422 RLY-420 RLY-422 FP-RLY-420 FP-RLY-42x 778586-90 RLY-420 fp-rly-420 61010C-1 FP-RLY-422 PDF


    Abstract: RLY-421 ic relay telephone spdt schematic dell 61010C-1 Distributors and Sales Partners
    Text: Relay Modules for Compact FieldPoint NEW NI cFP-RLY-421, NI cFP-RLY-423 • 4 or 8 electromechanical relays • 8 form A SPST , RLY-421 • 4 form C (SPDT), RLY-423 • Switch 250 VAC, 120 VDC • Switch 1.5 A, maximum • 2,300 Vrms bank isolation for transient

    cFP-RLY-421, cFP-RLY-423 RLY-421 RLY-423 cFP-RLY-421) cFP-RLY-423) cFP-RLY-421 cFP-RLY-42x cFP-2020 RLY-421 ic relay telephone spdt schematic dell 61010C-1 Distributors and Sales Partners PDF


    Abstract: ag2120 AN2120 ag2120 interface AG1170 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150 TVB200SA
    Text: Modem Interface using Ag2120 and Ag1170 +3.3V 390K 100pF CMX868/869 DMa DMb Vcc 10uF RXAFB Ag2120 PTC RLY-1 RXAN Vout RXA TIP Central Office Line 100K 100K 100nF LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING 100nF VBIAS RLY-2 TXA IRQN REPLY DATA CSN SERIAL CLOCK COMMAND DATA Vin

    Ag2120 Ag1170 100pF CMX868/869 Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA rly1 AN2120 ag2120 interface AG1170 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150 TVB200SA PDF


    Abstract: ag2120 interface rly1 40V10 AG1170-D5 AN1170-4 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150
    Text: Modem Interface using Ag1170 and Ag2120 +3.3V 390K 100pF CMX868/869 DMa DMb Vcc 10uF RXAFB Ag2120 PTC RLY-1 RXAN Vout RXA TIP Central Office Line 100K 100K 100nF LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING 100nF VBIAS RLY-2 TXA IRQN REPLY DATA CSN SERIAL CLOCK COMMAND DATA Vin

    Ag1170 Ag2120 100pF CMX868/869 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA ag2120 ag2120 interface rly1 40V10 AG1170-D5 AN1170-4 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150 PDF

    4Mhz cryStal oscillator

    Abstract: opto counter 5V reed relay 8254 cascading timer 8254
    Text: Datasheet: PCI-RLY Blue Chip Technology 24 Channel isolated Digital Input/Output Card The PCI-RLY is a PCI-compatible half-card which provides isolated digital inputs, outputs and counter/timers. There are 16 galvanically isolated, current-limited digital inputs available on the

    100ppm 10kHz 4Mhz cryStal oscillator opto counter 5V reed relay 8254 cascading timer 8254 PDF

    12V 200A Relay

    Abstract: 2E12 FSJ055R4 JANSR2N7430T1 Rad Hard in Fairchild for MOSFET
    Text: JANSR2N7430 Data Sheet [ /Title JANS R2N74 30 /Subjec t (Forme rly Availa ble As FSJ05 5R4, Radiati on Harden ed, SEGR Resista nt, N-Cha nnel Power MOSF ETs) /Autho r () /Keyw ords (Forme rly Availa ble As FSJ05 5R4, Radiati on Harden ed, SEGR Formerly Available As FSJ055R4,

    JANSR2N7430 R2N74 FSJ05 FSJ055R4, 12V 200A Relay 2E12 FSJ055R4 JANSR2N7430T1 Rad Hard in Fairchild for MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: relay 109 777518-420
    Text: 8-Channel SPST Relay Module for FieldPoint FP-RLY-420 8 electromechanical relays Nonlatching, SPST relays, normally open Switch up to 3A at 35 VDC or 250 VAC Isolated input-output 3,000 Vrms breakdown isolation 250 Vrms working voltage, double insulated HotPnP plug and play operation

    FP-RLY-420 FP-RLY-420 EN61010 relay 109 777518-420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet 6ES7212-1HE31-0XB0 SIMATIC S7-1200, CPU 1212C, COMPACT CPU, DC/DC/RLY, ONBOARD I/O: 8 DI 24V DC; 6 DO RELAY 2A; 2 AI 0 - 10V DC, POWER SUPPLY: DC 20.4 - 28.8 V DC, PROGRAM/DATA MEMORY: 50 KB General information Engineering with ● Programming package

    6ES7212-1HE31-0XB0 S7-1200, 1212C, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Relay Module for Compact FieldPoint NI cFP-RLY-425 NEW! • 8 Form A SPST electromechanical relays • Switch 5 A at 18 VDC or 150 VAC • Switch 0.2 A at 125 VDC or 3 A at 250 VAC • Direct connectivity, no connector block required • Hot-swappable with

    cFP-RLY-425 cFP-RLY-42es 61010C-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet 6ES7212-1BE31-0XB0 SIMATIC S7-1200, CPU 1212C, COMPACT CPU, AC/DC/RLY, ONBOARD I/O: 8 DI 24V DC; 6 DO RELAY 2A; 2 AI 0 - 10V DC, POWER SUPPLY: AC 85 - 264 V AC AT 47 - 63 HZ, PROGRAM/DATA MEMORY: 50 KB General information Engineering with ● Programming package

    6ES7212-1BE31-0XB0 S7-1200, 1212C, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product data sheet 6ES7214-1BG40-0XB0 SIMATIC S7-1200, CPU 1214C, COMPACT CPU, AC/DC/RLY, ONBOARD I/O: 14 DI 24V DC; 10 DO RELAY 2A; 2 AI 0 - 10V DC, POWER SUPPLY: AC 85 - 264 V AC AT 47 - 63 HZ, PROGRAM/DATA MEMORY: 75 KB - General information Engineering with

    6ES7214-1BG40-0XB0 S7-1200, 1214C, 6ES72141BG400XB0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet 6ES7223-1QH32-0XB0 SIMATIC S7-1200, DIGITAL I/O SM 1223, 8DI AC / 8DO RLY, 8DI 120/230 V AC, 8DO, RELAY 2A Supply voltage 24 V DC Yes permissible range, lower limit DC 20.4 V permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V Input current from backplane bus 5 V DC, max.

    6ES7223-1QH32-0XB0 S7-1200, PDF

    CPU 1214C

    Abstract: 6ES7214-1BE30-0XB0 S7-1200 SIEMENS S7/1214C s7 - 1200 cpu 1214c siemens analog input modules 1214C S71200 beros encoder S7-1200-CPU
    Text: 6ES7214-1BE30-0XB0 Page 1 Product data sheet 6ES7214-1BE30-0XB0 SIMATIC S7-1200, CPU 1214C, COMPACT CPU, AC/DC/RLY, ONBOARD I/O: 14 DI 24V DC; 10 DO RELAY 0,5A; 2 AI 0 - 10V DC, POWER SUPPLY: AC 85 - 264 V AC @ 47 - 63 HZ, PROGRAM/DATA MEMORY: 50 KB Product status

    6ES7214-1BE30-0XB0 S7-1200, 1214C, 0000000000000000E CPU 1214C 6ES7214-1BE30-0XB0 S7-1200 SIEMENS S7/1214C s7 - 1200 cpu 1214c siemens analog input modules 1214C S71200 beros encoder S7-1200-CPU PDF


    Abstract: Siemens encoder cable beros encoder RFC1006 CPU 1211C 6ES7211-1BD30-0XB0 S7-1200-CPU 1211C siemens analog input modules simatic s7 200
    Text: 6ES7211-1BD30-0XB0 Page 1 Product data sheet 6ES7211-1BD30-0XB0 SIMATIC S7-1200, CPU 1211C, COMPACT CPU, AC/DC/RLY, ONBOARD I/O: 6 DI 24V DC; 4 DO RELAY 0,5A; 2 AI 0 - 10V DC, POWER SUPPLY: AC 85 - 264 V AC @ 47 - 63 HZ, PROGRAM/DATA MEMORY: 25 KB Product status

    6ES7211-1BD30-0XB0 S7-1200, 1211C, 0000000000000000E S7-1200 Siemens encoder cable beros encoder RFC1006 CPU 1211C 6ES7211-1BD30-0XB0 S7-1200-CPU 1211C siemens analog input modules simatic s7 200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LORAL CCD112 256 Element Linear Image Sensor Fairchild Imaging Sensors NOTICE: To be discontinued September, 1994 FEATURES • 256 x 1 ph oto s ite array ■ E nh an ced spectral response p a rtic u la rly in th e blue region ■ Low d ark signal ■ H igh responsivity

    OCR Scan
    CCD112 DDD1244 CCD112DC PDF

    transistor equivalent table

    Abstract: 3155 power transistor P6042 transistor crossover
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 2N6836 D esigner’s Data Sheet Switchmode Series Ultra-Fast NPN Silicon Power Transistors These transistors are designed for high-voltage, high-speed, power switching in inductive circuits w here fall tim e is critica l. They are p a rticu la rly suited for

    OCR Scan
    2N6836 P-6042 transistor equivalent table 3155 power transistor P6042 transistor crossover PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMP AMP-LATCH Ribbon Cable Connectors Catalog 82012 Revised 3-96 Connector with Molded-ln Keying— Information Form Instructions Refer to the d ra w in g s and cle a rly m ark the R e ce p ta cle C o n ta ct Position s to be keyed. If a non-p o la rize d

    OCR Scan

    bt151 thyristor Curve

    Abstract: BT151-500R BT151 BT151500R BT151 Series BT151 motor application mullard bt151 TAG thyristor thyristor TAG 800 bt151 500r
    Text: BT151 SERIES J V_ THYRISTORS Glass-passivated th y ris to rs in TO -220A B envelopes, w hich are p a rtic u la rly suitable in situations creating high fatigue stresses involved in therm al c ycling and repeated sw itching. A p p lica tio n s include

    OCR Scan
    BT151 O-220AB bt151-500r M84-1228/RE bt151 thyristor Curve BT151500R BT151 Series BT151 motor application mullard bt151 TAG thyristor thyristor TAG 800 bt151 500r PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Sensors Phototransistor RPM-22PB The RPM-22PB is a silicon planar phototransistor with a side-facing detector and lens <j> 1.5 mm . A built-in visible lig ht filte r m inim izes the in fluen ce of stray light. T his de vice is p a rticu la rly suite d fo r use w ith a ROHM SIM -22ST

    OCR Scan
    RPM-22PB RPM-22PB -22ST 001b550 D01b551 PDF


    Abstract: MKB4116-83 MKB4116-84 MK4116 MK4027 MKB4116-82 MK4116-2 MK4116 ram MOSTEK MEMORY
    Text: MOSTEK AT 16,384 x 1 -BIT DYNAMIC RAM Processed to MIL-STD-883, Method 5004, Class B MKB4116 P /J -82/83/84 MKB4116(E/F)-83/84 FEATURES □ Extended operating tem perature range (-55 °C < < +85°C) D Common I/O capability using "e a rly w rite " operation

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, MKB4116 16-pin 150ns 320ns MKB4116-82) 200ns 375ns MKB4116-83) MK4116-4 MKB4116-83 MKB4116-84 MK4116 MK4027 MKB4116-82 MK4116-2 MK4116 ram MOSTEK MEMORY PDF

    zn409ce servo diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A PSLemEicoSnS EY ’w d u cto rs • ZN409CE PRECISION SERVO INTEGRATED CIRCUIT The ZN409CE is a precision m onolithic integrated circuit designed p a rtic u la rly fo r p u lse -w idth p o sitio n servo mechanisms used in all types of control applications. The

    OCR Scan
    ZN409CE ZN409CE ZN409CE, zn409ce servo diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rZ Z SGS-THOMSON Ä T # M a r n ie r a * ® BC160 BC161 GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS D E S C R IP T IO N The BC160, and BC161 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-39 metal case.They are par­ ticu la rly designed foraudio amplifiers and switching

    OCR Scan
    BC160 BC161 BC160, BC161 BC140 BC141. PDF


    Abstract: 1N5S02-1N5906
    Text: RECTIFIERS Military Approved, High Efficiency, 2.5 Amp and 6.0 Amp 1N5802,1N5804,1N5806, 1N5807,1N5809,1N5811 JAN, JANTX & JANTXV FEATURES • Q ualified to MIL-S-195W/477 • PIV: to 15QÍV DESCRIPTION This series of high e fficiency power re c tifie rs are p a rtic u la rly a pp licab le

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-195W/477 1N5802 1N5804 1N5806, 1N5807 1N5809 1N5811 1N58CW 3N5807 1N5809 3N58 1N5S02-1N5906 PDF


    Abstract: j 5804 IN5811 1N5806 JANTXV 3N58 JTX 1N5811 1N5806 JANTX 1N5811 1N5807 JANTXV 1N5807-1N5811+a+body
    Text: RECTIFIERS Military Approved, High Efficiency, 2.5 Amp and 6.0 Amp 1N5802,1N5804,1N5806, 1N5807,1N5809,1N5811 JAN, JANTX & JANTXV FEATU RES DESCRIPTION • Q u alified to MIL-S-19500/477 • P I V :to l5 0 V T h is serie s of high efficien cy power rectifiers are p a rticu la rly a p p lic a b le

    OCR Scan
    1N5802 1N5804 1N5806, 1N5807 1N5809 1N5811 MIL-S-19500/477 tol50V in5806 j 5804 IN5811 1N5806 JANTXV 3N58 JTX 1N5811 1N5806 JANTX 1N5811 1N5807 JANTXV 1N5807-1N5811+a+body PDF