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    RFC3551 Search Results

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    Abstract: TP-8410 AUDIOCODES 8410 diode VOCODERS voip INS1500
    Text: AudioCodes Enabling Technology Products TP-8410 42 E1/T1 VolP cPCI Media Gateway Blade The TP-8410 TrunkPack is a feature rich, high-density, highperformance cPCI VoIP communication platform, supporting up to 42 E1/T1 PSTN spans and up to 2,016 channel interfaces.

    TP-8410 TP-8410 LTRM-20040 RFC3261 AUDIOCODES 8410 diode VOCODERS voip INS1500 PDF


    Abstract: RFC2833 AN2775 busy tone detector goertzel RFC-2833 SC140 RFC3551 RFC2198 modem* ANSam
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2775 Rev. 2, 7/2004 Tone Event Detection in Packet Telephony Using the StarCore SC140 Core By LĂșcio F. C. Pessoa, Wen W. Su, Ahsan U. Aziz, and Kim-chyan Gan This application note is a continuation of the application note

    AN2775 SC140 AN2384/D GOERTZEL ALGORITHM fsk SOURCE CODE RFC2833 AN2775 busy tone detector goertzel RFC-2833 RFC3551 RFC2198 modem* ANSam PDF