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    RCA TRANSISTOR AND DIODE DATA Result Highlights (5)

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    NFMJMPC226R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Data Line Filter, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    RCA TRANSISTOR AND DIODE DATA Datasheets Context Search

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    Q1/2N3055 RCA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Chapter 9 Using Analog CMOS Arrays to Create Current Sources 9.1 RCA pioneered CMOS Once the first stable MOSFETs had been created in the early 1960s by RCA researchers Steve Hofstein and Fred Heiman, and by Dr. Frank Wanlass at Fairchild Semiconductor, it opened the door to researching and developing other types of MOS

    1960s 20VTH. ALD110802 Q1/2N3055 RCA PDF


    Abstract: CD4039 CD45158 cd45128 cd40538 CD40148 cd40518 CD40528 CD40678 ic cd4020, 16 bit ripple counter
    Text: It- General Guide to RCA High-Reliability IC Products Irldex to RCA High-Reliability IC's Hi,gh-Voltage CD4000B-Series CMOS IC's 8(3e pages 27 through 52 for technical data Tlrp No. Description CD4000B CD4000UB CD4001B CD4001UB CD4002B CC4002UB CC4006B

    CD4000B-Series CD4000B CD4000UB CD4001B CD4001UB CD4002B CC4002UB CC4006B CC4007UB CC4008B CD45038 CD4039 CD45158 cd45128 cd40538 CD40148 cd40518 CD40528 CD40678 ic cd4020, 16 bit ripple counter PDF


    Abstract: cd45148 CD40528 cd40114 CD45118 CD45038 RCA cmos databook cd40538 CD401078 CD45158
    Text: It- General Guide to RCA High-Reliability IC Products Irldex to RCA High-Reliability IC's Hi,gh-Voltage CD4000B-Series CMOS IC's 8(3e pages 27 through 52 for technical data Tlrp No. Description CD4000B CD4000UB CD4001B CD4001UB CD4002B CC4002UB CC4006B

    CD4000B-Series CD4000B CD4000UB CD4001B CD4001UB CD4002B CC4002UB CC4006B CC4007UB 18-stage CD40678 cd45148 CD40528 cd40114 CD45118 CD45038 RCA cmos databook cd40538 CD401078 CD45158 PDF

    philips home theater power supply circuit diagram

    Abstract: cx21af HDR10X2 transistor subwoofer circuit diagram TOSLINK connector toslink transmitter Hdr8x2 footprint soic20 4FW sot23 CDIN23
    Text: CRD4923 Reference Design for CS4923 Features Description l Demonstrates suggested connection The CRD4923 is a complete AC3 solution which takes optical SPDIF AC3 encoded digital data and outputs 6 channels of audio representing left, right, left surround,

    CRD4923 CS4923 CRD4923 CS4923 CS4226 philips home theater power supply circuit diagram cx21af HDR10X2 transistor subwoofer circuit diagram TOSLINK connector toslink transmitter Hdr8x2 footprint soic20 4FW sot23 CDIN23 PDF

    rca 2n3375

    Abstract: 2N3553 equivalent RCA TO60 TRANSISTORS 40281 40280 RCA RF POWER TRANSISTOR CD2152 2N2876 RCA Transistors rca power transistor
    Text: RF Power Transistors Featuring “overlay” Construction For HF-VHF-UHF Microwave Applications M olded-Silicone Hermetic Hermetic Hermetic Plastic Package Ceramic-Metal Ceramic-Metal Strip-L. Package Coaxial Package Small Ceramic-Metal Coaxial Package (Large)

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    000-Series 2N1492 RCA-CA3000 RFT-700E/2L 1076R5 rca 2n3375 2N3553 equivalent RCA TO60 TRANSISTORS 40281 40280 RCA RF POWER TRANSISTOR CD2152 2N2876 RCA Transistors rca power transistor PDF


    Abstract: rca transistor transistor Common collector configuration CA3084 transistor common collector npn array CA3081 RCA numitron arrays 5 transistor dip.16 rca power transistor DR2000
    Text: Transistor Arrays General-Purpose High-Current n -p -n Transistor Arrays G CA3081 CA3082 Applications and Features Drivers fo r: 7-segment incandescent displays e.g. RCA N U M IT R O N DR 2000 Series L ig h t-E m ittin g -D io de s (L E D ) displays (e.g. RCA 40736R )

    OCR Scan
    9ZCS-2384 92CS-24991 16-Lead CA3081 CA3082 DR2000 40736R) CA3081 CA3082) CA3084 rca transistor transistor Common collector configuration CA3084 transistor common collector npn array CA3081 RCA numitron arrays 5 transistor dip.16 rca power transistor PDF

    F240 transistor

    Abstract: transistor RCA 383 Transistor F240 equivalent rca 383 transistor Transistor F240 RCA Solid State power devices manual CAN-8809
    Text: Application Note« I CAN-8809 FCT CMOS Logic Optimized for Backplane Interface By W. Austin and B. Petryna We are now at a new threshold in CMOS design capability, adding enhancement features and modifying the basic technology to support bipolar adaptations. Our purpose in

    OCR Scan
    CAN-8809 ACT240 240unloaded. F240 transistor transistor RCA 383 Transistor F240 equivalent rca 383 transistor Transistor F240 RCA Solid State power devices manual CAN-8809 PDF


    Abstract: diode C309 C30902E rangefinding tr c3090 C30902 DEAD TIME FOR THE DETECTOR C30902 geiger counter C30921E avalanche photodiode bias
    Text: E G & G/CANADA/OPTOELEK I t c / T OptiCS IO T1 Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes 3G3DblD DDGDlEb 0b3 • CANA » C30902E, C30902S, C30921E, C30921S DATA SHEET I High Speed Solid State Detectors for Fiber Optic and Very L o w Lig h t-Le ve l Applications RCA Type C30902E ava­

    OCR Scan
    C30902E, C30902S, C30921E, C30921S L-571 L-933 C30902E C30921E C30902S diode C309 rangefinding tr c3090 C30902 DEAD TIME FOR THE DETECTOR C30902 geiger counter C30921E avalanche photodiode bias PDF


    Abstract: CA3005 or CA3006 inverted welding machine schematic diagram .1microfarad capacitor transistor bf 175 RCA Transistors CA3034V1 RCA transistor CA3005 CA3004
    Text: This Manual, like its preceding edition, has been prepared to provide an understanding of the basic princi­ ples involved in the design and application of linear integrated circuits. It may be used as a guide by circuit and systems designers in determining optimum design

    OCR Scan

    rca transistor manual

    Abstract: rca case outlines diode 1N539 2N301 2N140 transistor bf 175 rca thyristor manual drift-field 2N1637 transistor rca 2n173
    Text: RCA Transistor Manual T h is book has been prepared to assist those who work or experiment with semi­ conductor devices and circuits. It will be useful to engineers, service technicians, edu­ cators, students, radio amateurs, hobbyists, and others technically interested in transis­

    OCR Scan

    RCA 7651

    Abstract: Difference between LS, HC, HCT devices RCA-CD4000B ICAN-6525
    Text: Technical Overview FEATURES AC/ACT Family Features The RCA AC/ACT series of Advanced High-Speed CMOS Integrated Circuits is comprised of a broad range of logic types equivalent in performance and speed to FAST, AS Advanced Schottky , and S (Schottky) bipolar types, but

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74ACTXXX-serfes CD54/74ACXXX-series 54/74ACXXXX 54/74ACTXXXX RCA 7651 Difference between LS, HC, HCT devices RCA-CD4000B ICAN-6525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E fi 8, G/CANADA/OPTOELEK n c i i 3D3DblG ÜÜÜD12L. 0b3 • CANA T1 1D E le c tro Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes OptiCS C30902E, C30902S, C3 0921E, C30921S DATA SHEET High Speed Solid State Detectors for Fiber Optic and Very Low Light-Level Applications RCA Type C30902E ava­

    OCR Scan
    C30902E, C30902S, 0921E, C30921S C30902E L-571 L-933 C30921E C30902E C30902S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 4DE D B 4302271 GÜ33747 FRK9460D OBJECTIVE HARRIS • RCA • BE • 4 •HAS 10A, -500V RDS on =1,20n INTERSIL This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance. Radiation-Hardened P-Channel Power MOSFET TO-204AE

    OCR Scan
    FRK9460D -500V O-204AE PDF


    Abstract: CD4049 CD4049 equivalent SCR PNP NPN emitter area electrostatic discharge
    Text: ICAN-6525 Guide to Better Handling and Operation of CMOS Integrated Circuits by J. Flood and H. L. Pujol QV00 This Note recommends specific handling and operating practices that minimize the probability of damage to CMOS integrated circuits in the manufacturing operation and

    OCR Scan
    ICAN-6525 ICAN-6525 CD4049 CD4049 equivalent SCR PNP NPN emitter area electrostatic discharge PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H A R R I S SEfllCOND S E C T O R £ *? H A R R I S U U HARRIS RCA GE MOE D • 4 3 0 2 27 1 0 0 3 3 7 3 a 3 B HAS OBJECTIVE FRS9440D - H " '! RDS on =4.22n 2 .5 A .-S 0 0 V INTERSIL This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance. Radiation-Hardened P-Channel Power M O SFETs

    OCR Scan
    FRS9440D FRS9440D 10Krads 12nAper PDF

    Rad Hard in MOSFET

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOE D HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR f f H A R R IS W S J S E M I C O N D U C T O R HARRIS • RCA • GE • ■ 43D2S71 0Q337M3 7 ■ HAS OBJECTIVE FRIV19450D BA,-500V RDS on)=1,80n INTERSIL This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    43D2S71 0Q337M3 FRIV19450D -500V FRM9450D Rad Hard in MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICON] SECTOR MDE D fgi H A R R I S • RCA • • GE 43D2271 D033731 □ • HAS OBJECTIVE S E M I C O N D U C T O R HARRIS H —— INTERSIL FRL9430D 1A ,-5 0 0 V RDS on)=7.60n This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    43D2271 D033731 FRL9430D L9430D 205AF FRL9430 PDF

    Rad hard MOSFETS in Harris

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4QE D HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR if! HARRIS V B J HARRIS s e m i c o n d RCA u c t o 4302271 QQ33737 OBJECTIVE r _, ^ IHTERS1L ~ T -2 P i _ -| 2 > 1 I HAS FRM9440D 2.5A, -500V RDS on =4.20n This Objective Data Sheet Represents thè Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    QQ33737 FRM9440D -500V 9440D devic100 Rad hard MOSFETS in Harris PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR ffj HARRIS 1 if n - r HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR RCA GE MOE D OBJECTIVE 4302271 ÜD33ÖS1 T BiHAS 2N7332R, 2N7332H REGISTRATION PENDING Available As FRK9460R, FRK9460H IN T E R S IL -T 1Q A,-500V RDS on =1.20n This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    2N7332R, 2N7332H FRK9460R, FRK9460H -500V 2N7332 PDF

    Rad hard MOSFETS in Harris

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS 1 a H A R R IS 1 SEIHCOND SECTOR H A R R IS GE D I 4305571 0033744 OBJECTIVE S E M I C O N D U C T O R RCA MDE TBHAS FRF9450D 5 A ,-5 0 0 V RDS on =1,82 a IN T E R SIL This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance, Radiation-Hardened P-Channel Power MOSFETs

    OCR Scan
    FRF9450D F9450D Rad hard MOSFETS in Harris PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i HARRIS U a J HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R RCA GE M305S71 0033647 8 « H A S 4QE J> HARRIS SEPIICONI SECTOR OBJECTIVE 2N7326R, 2N7326H REGISTRATION PENDING Available As FRM9450R, FRM9450H INTERSIL _ 6A, -5 0 0 V RDS on =1.80n This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    M305S71 2N7326R, 2N7326H FRM9450R, FRM9450H 2N7326 PDF


    Abstract: 2N7315R 2N7315H
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR ff! HARRIS U a U HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R RCA GE MGE D OBJECTIVE 4302271 003303b 3 HH AS 2N7315R, 2N7315H REGISTRATION PENDING Available As FRS9430R, FRS9430H IN TER SIL 1.5A, -500V T - S rt- 1 ! RDS on =7.62n This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    003303b 2N7315R, 2N7315H FRS9430R, FRS9430H -500V 2N7315 2N7315R 2N7315H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR GJ] H ARRIS U U H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R RCA GE 4DE D OBJECTIVE 4302271 0033042 =1 B H A S 2N7321R, 2N7321H REGISTRATION PENDING Available As FRS9440R, FRS9440H IN T E R S IL T -3 = H t 2.5A, -500V RDS on =4.22n This Objective Data Sheet Represents the Proposed Device Performance.

    OCR Scan
    2N7321R, 2N7321H FRS9440R, FRS9440H -500V 2N7321 PDF

    LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics

    Abstract: sangamo capacitor beckman helipot potentiometer 2N3055 RCA BECKMAN helipot rca transistor 2n3773 rca allen bradley potentiometer type j TL SL 100B npn transistor MC14001CP

    OCR Scan
    89/336/EEC) oi-44 in4003. I-4G5014- LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics sangamo capacitor beckman helipot potentiometer 2N3055 RCA BECKMAN helipot rca transistor 2n3773 rca allen bradley potentiometer type j TL SL 100B npn transistor MC14001CP PDF