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    TE Connectivity 3504G3A750RFTDF

    RES 750 OHM 1% 6W 2512
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 3504G3A750RFTDF Cut Tape 924 1
    • 1 $5.52
    • 10 $4.573
    • 100 $3.8388
    • 1000 $3.45738
    • 10000 $3.45738
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    3504G3A750RFTDF Digi-Reel 924 1
    • 1 $5.52
    • 10 $4.573
    • 100 $3.8388
    • 1000 $3.45738
    • 10000 $3.45738
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    Avnet Americas 3504G3A750RFTDF Reel 15 Weeks, 3 Days 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.5284
    • 10000 $2.4768
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    Mouser Electronics 3504G3A750RFTDF
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.59
    • 10000 $2.59
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    Newark 3504G3A750RFTDF Cut Tape 1,000
    • 1 $5.17
    • 10 $5.17
    • 100 $5.17
    • 1000 $5.17
    • 10000 $4.9
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    3504G3A750RFTDF Reel 1,000
    • 1 $5.17
    • 10 $5.17
    • 100 $5.17
    • 1000 $5.17
    • 10000 $4.9
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    Master Electronics 3504G3A750RFTDF
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $2.58
    • 10000 $2.58
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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TBAH3A3A7505 Bulk 44 1
    • 1 $1359.65
    • 10 $1359.65
    • 100 $1359.65
    • 1000 $1359.65
    • 10000 $1359.65
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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TF-3A3A7507 Bulk 11 1
    • 1 $1847.3
    • 10 $1847.3
    • 100 $1847.3
    • 1000 $1847.3
    • 10000 $1847.3
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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TF-3A3A7503 Bulk 6 1
    • 1 $1091.3
    • 10 $1091.3
    • 100 $1091.3
    • 1000 $1091.3
    • 10000 $1091.3
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    Torex Semiconductor LTD XC6123A750ER-G

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey XC6123A750ER-G Reel 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.4621
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    3A750 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1234567894A62 ABCDEFFBCCEF56789FE 6561 ! 1234546789A8BCD6E2F8 254728E8B8DA8  F3 !" F#$%&#F3'9D7 936B62 3A6"!A15 3 !" 3

    1234567894A62 1234546789A8BCD6E2F8 12234567893A758BCD834E3F2 367D3 367D37D, D7D83 -D73A758BC 6E34D3 -D7936 934D25 622D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 DEj 3A750A1 DDlbMAE 0 |~~ D _CMOS Peripherals T -7 5 -3 7 -0 5 Advance Information TERMINAL ASSIGNMENT Vss — cso— csi — RES — R ,C — XTLT— XTLO— RTS — ET — T -OTR-RXD — RSO — RSI — I

    OCR Scan
    3A750A1 CDP65C51 PDF


    Abstract: I7959 9ZCS-3860T RCA-40736R UDN2580A ULN2800 9ZCS-I7980 transistor Common collector configuration RCA-CA3250 40736R
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 D E £ 3A750Û1 G014123 S -Advance Information/ Preliminary Data interface _ . GA3250, CA3251 T - M 3 '2 5 General-Purpose High-Current N-P-N Transistor Arrays CA 3251 - C o m m o n -E m itte r Array

    OCR Scan
    DG14123 CA3251 CA3250 CA3251) CA3250) CA3250, CA3251 M3-25 RCA-CA3250* CA3251Â 92CS-I7959 I7959 9ZCS-3860T RCA-40736R UDN2580A ULN2800 9ZCS-I7980 transistor Common collector configuration RCA-CA3250 40736R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 17E I 3A750Ô1 G O O E 4 clfci4 2 • _High-Reliability Advanced CMOS Logic ICs E SO LI D STATE CD54AC563/3A CD54ACT563/3A Octal Transparent Latch, 3-State Inverting The RCA CD54AC563/3A and CD54ACT563/3A are octal tra n sp a re n t 3-state latches th a t u tiliz e the new RCA

    OCR Scan
    3A750 CD54AC563/3A CD54ACT563/3A 20-lead PDF


    Abstract: MCI 741
    Text: E SOLID ST AT E 17E D • _ 3a750fll 0 0 2 5 0 5 4 1 ■ High-Reliability CMOS LSI Devices CDM6264BC/3 Advance Information 'P 4 k - 2 3 > - i'2 _ Hlgh-Rellabillty CMOS 8192-Word By 8-Blt LSI Static RAM Features:

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    3a750fll CDM6264BC/3 8192-Word 28-pln 28-lead 32-term CDM6264BCD/3 CDM6264BCJ/3 CDM6264 MCI 741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SOLID STATE D1 3875081 G E SOLID STATE ' Operational Amplifiers _ - - _ D E | 3A750A1 D0l43fii S 01E 14381 00 7 - 7 ^ • ft# CA6078A, CA6741 Operational Amplifiers CA6078AT — Micropower Type CA6741T — General-Purpose Type For Applications where Low Noise

    OCR Scan
    3A750A1 D0l43fii CA6078A, CA6741 CA6078AT CA6741T 30-second RCA-CA6078AT CA6741T* A3078AT PDF


    Abstract: 2N6354 ESB91 transistor bc 144 TA7534
    Text: 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 01 DE |3A750fll 001713^ 2~|~~ File Numfcier 582 120-V, 10-A, 140-W Silicon N-P-N Planar Transistor For Sw itching Applications in Military and Industrial Equipm ent Features: •* High Vceo{sus : 120 V ■ Maximum safe-area-of operation curves

    OCR Scan
    B30750Ã 2N6354 TQ-204AA 2N6354* T0-204AA 2N6354 swi354 ----l-t--90% S2CS-20I22 HGP-1004 ESB91 transistor bc 144 TA7534 PDF

    hct 136

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SOLI» STATE 01 Technical Data D E g 3A750fll DD IE TO S.B ] d PS/-/? CD54/74HC4538, CD54/74HCT4538 Dual Retriggerable Precision Monostable Multivibrator Type Features: • Retrlggerable/resettable capability

    OCR Scan
    3A750fll CD54/74HC4538, CD54/74HCT4538 RCA-CD54/74HC4538 CD54/74HCT4538 cont50 92CS-5845S 54/74HC hct 136 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r G E SOLI» STATE Dl File Number D E * 3Ö7SDÖ1 G0117S5 1 .Technical Data CD54/74HC259 CD54/74HCT259 1727 T -V é -û 7 -o 5 High-Speed CMOS Logic 8-Bit Addressable Latch Type Features: • Buffered inputs and outputs ■ Four operating modes ■ Typical propagation delay o f 15 ns @ Vcc = 5 V,

    OCR Scan
    G0117S5 CD54/74HC259 CD54/74HCT259 RCA-CD54/74HC259 CD54/74HCT259 54/74HC 54/74HCT 3fl75Gfll STATE01 PDF

    transistor 17609

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SO LI D 3 Ô 7 5 08 1 STATE G E S O L I D ST AT E QÏ E~ 3fl7SDfll DD17t,Dfl □ 0 1E 17608" " D T • Si - I S' _ Pro Electron Power Transistors File N um ber 1172 Silicon N-P-N Switching Transistor BUX21 TERM INAL DESIGNATIONS For Switching Applications in

    OCR Scan
    DD17t BUX21 TQ-204AA 3A750A1 DD17blE 3036IRI transistor 17609 PDF


    Abstract: IRFF130 IRFF131 IRFF132 IRFF133
    Text: 3 |t | 3 û 75[]ô 1 0 0 1 0 2 5 e! b ~ 38 750 81 G E S O L I D S T A TE 0 1 E 18259 Standard Power M O S F E T s _ IRFF130, IRFF131, IRFF132, IRFF133 D File N um ber 1564 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors

    OCR Scan
    IRFF130, IRFF131, IRFF132, IRFF133 0V-100V IRFF132 IRFF133 S-20V 18261 IRFF130 IRFF131 PDF

    transistor 669

    Abstract: CA3096E RCA-CA3096CE CA3096AE CA3096CE CA3096 CA3096A CA3096C thyristor firing circuits schematic of 2f npn transistor
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 D E | 3A7SDfll DDlMblS M • CA3096, CA3096A, CA3096C T S 3 ¿5 N-P-N/P-N-P Transistor Array Five-Independent Transistors: Three n-p-n and Tw o p-n-p Applications:

    OCR Scan
    CA3096, CA3096A, CA3096C RCA-CA3096CE, CA3096E, CA3096AE CA3096AE. 92CS-33305 CA3096H transistor 669 CA3096E RCA-CA3096CE CA3096CE CA3096 CA3096A CA3096C thyristor firing circuits schematic of 2f npn transistor PDF


    Abstract: applications of CD4018 CD4046A 2CS-30348 30348 RCA-CD4046B B 30348 FM MODULATOR CD4046B IC Cd4020 CD4059
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 3875081 G E SOLID STATE DÊJ'3â7SGûl''D01353t S 01E 13236 D T-50-17 CD4046B Types CMOS Micropower Phase-Locked Loop The RCA-CD4046B CMOS Micropower Phase-Locked Loop P LL consists of a lowpower, linear voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and two different phase comparators

    OCR Scan
    OD1353t CD4046B RCA-CD4046B 16-lead 2J59-2 92CM-36467 CD4046BH. ican-6101 applications of CD4018 CD4046A 2CS-30348 30348 B 30348 FM MODULATOR CD4046B IC Cd4020 CD4059 PDF


    Abstract: CD40718 MC14510 cmos mc14516 MC14516 92CS-24824 RCA-CD4510B CD4516 15-V CD451
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 38 75 081 DE I 3Û7S □Al GQ133S7 3 01E G E S O L I D ST A T E 13357 D T ' CD4510B, CD4516B Types CMOS Presettable Up/Down Counters H igh-Voltage Types 2 0 -V o lt Rating C D4510B .Features: • Medium-speed operation ~ fci_ = 8 M Hz ty p . a t 10 V

    OCR Scan
    H5-33 20-Volt CD4510B---BCD CD4516B---Binary RCA-CD4510B CD4516 CD4510B c04510/16 CD40718. I7I94R3 CD45108 CD40718 MC14510 cmos mc14516 MC14516 92CS-24824 15-V CD451 PDF

    mxl 5007

    Abstract: xe p001
    Text: E SOLI D STATE 17E D • 3075081 G0ESE74 4 Radiation-Hardened High-Reliability IC s- GP001A/1RZ Advance Information CMOS/SOS 8-Bit General Processor Unit GPU Aerospace Class S Screening

    OCR Scan
    G0ESE74 GP001A/1RZ mxl 5007 xe p001 PDF


    Abstract: hp5082-2811
    Text: G E SOLI» STATE 01 DE • 3û750fll DDlOHtiS 7 AD7541 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 01E 10462 AD7541 12-B it Multiplying D/A Converter " T 'S I 'O G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Intersil AD7541 is a monolithic, low cost, high per­ formance, 12-bit accurate, multiplying digital-to-analog con­

    OCR Scan
    750fll AD7541 AD7541 12-bit AD7541. DPDT SWITCHES hp5082-2811 PDF


    Abstract: TA9284 RFM12N08 RFM12N10 RFP12N10
    Text: 3 8 7 5 0 8 1 G E S O L I D S T A T E 01 Standard Power M O S F E T s_ _ DE ,| 3Ô 7 S Ü Û 1 DOlfllSB 1 | _ RFM12N08, RFM12N10, RFP12N08, RFP12N10 File Number 1386 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode

    OCR Scan
    RFM12N08, RFM12N10, RFP12N08, RFP12N10 92cs-33t4i RFM12N08 RFM12N10 RFP12N08 RFP12N10 l3fl750fll TA9284 PDF

    rca t2800

    Abstract: T2800M T28000 RCA Triacs T2800B T2800D T2800N T2800 T2800E T2802
    Text: Dl G E SOLID STATE 3875081 DE I 3fl?S0ai 003,7010 b G E SOLI D S T A T E 0 1E 17810 D _ Triacs File Number T2800, T2802 Series 1314 High Voltage, 8-A Silicon Triacs TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS For Power-Control and Power-Switching Applications

    OCR Scan
    T2800, T2802 TQ-220AB rca t2800 T2800M T28000 RCA Triacs T2800B T2800D T2800N T2800 T2800E PDF


    Abstract: 2N5302 2N5303 RCA-2N5301
    Text: ÏÏÏ 3875081 G E SOLID D!T“|3fl75Dfll 0G173fii t^ | ~ STATE 01E 17384 D J~ - 2 3 - / S ' General-Purpose Power 2N5301, 2N5302, 2N5303 High-Current High-Power High-Speed N-P-N Power

    OCR Scan
    2N5301, 2N5302, 2N5303 RCA-2N5301, 2N5302 2NB301, 2NS303. 2N5301 RCA-2N5301 PDF


    Abstract: 10421 10429 s 10430 ICL7115 ICL7115JCDL ICL7115JIDL ICL7115JMDL ICL7115JMLL ICL7115KIDL
    Text: I G E SOLID STATE D1 ICL7113 3875081 G E S O LID DEl3fl7S0fll 0D10417 2 STATE 01E 10417 ICL7115 1 4-B it High-Speed CMOS ju,P-Compatible A /D Converter T - S /- W - 9 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICL7115 is the first monolithic 14-bit resolution, fast

    OCR Scan
    3fl7S001 0D10417 ICL7115 14-Bit ICL7115 13-bit 7412S 10421 10429 s 10430 ICL7115JCDL ICL7115JIDL ICL7115JMDL ICL7115JMLL ICL7115KIDL PDF

    SCR C106D terminal and characteristic

    Abstract: scr C106 C106 Series scr C106 scr C106D C106 Series C106D circuits SCR C106m unjf C106E
    Text: SO LI » S T A T E DI T Ë T | 3 ô 7S O Û 1 D 0 1 7 7 0 4 7 38 75 081 G E S O L I D S T A T E Silicon Controlled Rectifiers- C106 Series File Number 4-A Sensitive-Gate Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 1005 TER M IN A L DESIGNATIONS For Power-Switching and C ontrol A pplication

    OCR Scan
    D1770M O-220AB RCA-C106 92CS-IM37 SCR C106D terminal and characteristic scr C106 C106 Series scr C106 scr C106D C106 Series C106D circuits SCR C106m unjf C106E PDF

    NPN transistor bc 148

    Abstract: 2N6704 bc 148 npn transistor ca3725 2N6702 RCA transistors 2N6703 transistor BC 147 RCA Solid State Power Transistor
    Text: ~GÏ 3875081 » T|Bä7S0öl G E S O LI D STATE 01E 0017144 b f D1 ~S S ~U 17144 High-Speed Power i 2N6702, 2N6703, 2N6704 File Number High-Current, Silicon N-P-N VERSAWATT Transistors

    OCR Scan
    2N6702, 2N6703, 2N6704 O-220AB RCA-2N6702, 2N6704* NPN transistor bc 148 bc 148 npn transistor ca3725 2N6702 RCA transistors 2N6703 transistor BC 147 RCA Solid State Power Transistor PDF


    Abstract: RCA3054
    Text: 01 •387 5 0 8 1 G E SOLID ì> È T |3 a 7 s o a i STATE General-Purpose Power Transistors 01E 0 0 1 7 4 7 t, t D T" 3 3 -ff 17476 - ftCA3054, RCA3055

    OCR Scan
    001747b ftCA3054, RCA3055 RCA3054 RCA3055 RCA3055. 750fll RCA3054, PDF


    Abstract: ICL7115JCDL SC 10429 10421 ICL7115 ICL7115JIDL ICL7115JMDL ICL7115JMLL ICL7115KCDL ICL7115KIDL
    Text: 1 G E SOLID STATE 01 DEÍ3fl7S0fll 0D10417 2 ICL7115 3 8 7 5 0 8 1 G E S O L I D STA T E 01E 10417 ICL7115 14-Bit High-Speed CMOS juP-Compatible A/D Converter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICL7115 is the first monolithic 14-bit resolution, fast successive approximation A/D converter. It uses thin tilm

    OCR Scan
    3fl750fil 0D10417 ICL7115 ICL7115 14-bit 13-bit CL7115 7412S 7412S ICL7115JCDL SC 10429 10421 ICL7115JIDL ICL7115JMDL ICL7115JMLL ICL7115KCDL ICL7115KIDL PDF