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    Vishay Ultronix RBR57L19000BR

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components RBR57L19000BR 95
    • 1 $9
    • 10 $4.5
    • 100 $3.9
    • 1000 $3.9
    • 10000 $3.9
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    Vishay Ultronix RBR57L300R0BR

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components RBR57L300R0BR 94
    • 1 $9
    • 10 $4.5
    • 100 $3.9
    • 1000 $3.9
    • 10000 $3.9
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    Vishay Ultronix RBR57L16001BR

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components RBR57L16001BR 93
    • 1 $9
    • 10 $4.5
    • 100 $3.9
    • 1000 $3.9
    • 10000 $3.9
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    Vishay Ultronix RBR57L400R0TR

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components RBR57L400R0TR 86
    • 1 $9
    • 10 $4.5
    • 100 $3.9
    • 1000 $3.9
    • 10000 $3.9
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    Vishay Dale RBR57L10001BM

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components RBR57L10001BM 50
    • 1 $9
    • 10 $4.5
    • 100 $3.9
    • 1000 $3.9
    • 10000 $3.9
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    RBR57 Datasheets Context Search

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    Dale RS-1A fusible resistor

    Abstract: RCL 7010 WWA-38 wwa-23 KRL Bantry Components WWA38 dale WWA-26 Dale Resistor RH50 K447 Dale Resistor metal oxide cw-2b
    Text: KRL is dedicated to being the worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and sales of resistive components to the commercial and industrial markets via a process driven by A Snapshot of What We Do Best being "Fast-ToMarket" coupled with KRL participates in partnership and



    Abstract: MA207
    Text: ULTRA PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORSMCAPACITORSMCOILSMDELAY LINES SA, MA, PC, & Q SERIES Term.W is H Industry’s widest range of precision RoHS compliant wirewound resistors! .1Ω to 25MΩ, 50mW 260°C RoHS &compatible to 2W, ±0.005% to 1%, TC’s to 2PPM

    10ppm, 20ppm) FA017E GF-061. c451g MA207 PDF

    BUL 3810

    Abstract: VTA52Z (Z-Foil)
    Text: VTA52ZVTA57Z, VMTA55Z, VMTB60Z Z-Foil Vishay Foil Resistors Ultra COTS Metal Technology UltraHi gh-PreciHigh-Precision sionCOTSBulkMetal Z-Foi T lechnolBulk ogyTubul arAxiaLead l ® Z-Foil Resistorswi thTCRof±0.05ppm/°C, Tubular Axial Lead Resistors with TCR of ±0.05 ppm/°C,

    VTA52Zâ VTA57Z, VMTA55Z, VMTB60Z 1K2345 27-Apr-2011 BUL 3810 VTA52Z (Z-Foil) PDF


    Abstract: rbr56 Mil-Std-199
    Text: ULTRA PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS MCAPS & COILS MDELAY LINES SA, MA, PC, & Q SERIES FEATURES Series SA standard axial , MA (mini), and PC (radial) are designed for precision and critical-use functions, such as Military & Space DC5 circuits. Series Q (economy) is designed for slightly less demanding applications.

    100-hr Mil-Std-199) 10ppm, 20ppm) FA017C 404PC rbr56 Mil-Std-199 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ULTRA PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS CAPACITORS COILS DELAY LINES SA, MA, PC, & Q SERIES Term.W is Industry’s widest range of precision RoHS compliant wirewound resistors! .1Ω to 25MΩ, 50mW 260°C RoHS &compatible to 2W, ±0.005% to 1%, TC’s to 2PPM

    10ppm, 20ppm) FA017E GF-061. C451G PDF


    Abstract: rb58 RBR54 RB56 RBR57 MIL-R-9444 200RP rb18 RBR55 250RP
    Text: HIGH PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS PACIFIC RESISTOR PHONE 818 345 - 7811 n Superbly RELIABLE and ACCURATE n 40 YEARS of Building Quality Resistors n Meet or Exceed MIL-R-93 and MIL-R-9444 AXIAL PRECISION Subminiature Series PACIFIC AXIAL PRECISION Miniature Series

    MIL-R-93 MIL-R-9444 112AP 118AP 122AP 124AP 128AP 130AP 134AP 142AP 160AP rb58 RBR54 RB56 RBR57 MIL-R-9444 200RP rb18 RBR55 250RP PDF


    Abstract: RB57 RESISTOR RBR75 150k ohm resistor RBR56
    Text: Military Established Reliability Vishay Ultronix Military Established Reliability MIL-PRF-39005, Type RBR, MIL-R-93, Type RB, QPL Approved FEATURES • High precision • All welded construction • Molded thermosetting plastic bobbin • Wide ohmic range combined with tight tolerances

    MIL-PRF-39005, MIL-R-93, RBR74 RBR76 MIL-STD-202, RBR52 1R260 MIL-PRF-39005 RB57 RESISTOR RBR75 150k ohm resistor RBR56 PDF


    Abstract: MA201 MA202 MA203 MA204 MA205 MA206 MA207 SA110 RBR71
    Text: ULTRA PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS MCAPS & COILS MDELAY LINES SA, MA, PC, & Q SERIES FEATURES Series SA standard axial , MA (mini), and PC (radial) are designed for precision and critical-use functions, such as Military & Space DC5 circuits. Series Q (economy) is designed for slightly less demanding applications.

    10ppm, 20ppm) SA/MA/PC40 Mil-Std-199) FA017D MA200 MA201 MA202 MA203 MA204 MA205 MA206 MA207 SA110 RBR71 PDF

    DA 3807

    Abstract: DA 3807 transistor prc 406 MIL-R-39005 rbr55 MIL-R-39005 transistor da 3807 SM2812-4 PLV10 MC 3843 RBR75
    Text: PRECISION RESISTOR’S MISSION STATEMENT To continue a tradition . with competitively priced, high quality, 100% USA produced custom precision fixed wire wound resistors, sensors and shunts for critical applications and to serve the needs of our customers who utilize these products.



    Abstract: RBR75 RBR71 MIL-R-39005 rbr55 MILR39005 RBR54 rbr56 rb56 RBR55 RB54
    Text: P R E C I S I O N W I R E W O U N D T E C H N O L O G Y MILITARY ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY MIL-R-39005, TType ype RBR MIL-R-93, TType ype RB, QPL A pproved Approved APPLICATIONS High reliability programs require a resistor that is electrically and mechanically sound. The RBR series design represents

    MIL-R-39005, MIL-R-93, MIL-R-39005 MIL-R93 MIL-R39005 RBR74 RBR52 1R260 126R0 MIL-R-39005 RBR75 RBR71 MIL-R-39005 rbr55 MILR39005 RBR54 rbr56 rb56 RBR55 RB54 PDF


    Abstract: rnc90 MIL-PRF-39005 PC404 V0005 PC451 Series PC407 Mil-Std-199 SA106 SA103
    Text: ULTRA PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS wCOILS wDELAY LINES SA, MA, PC, & Q SERIES Series SA standard axial , MA (mini), and PC (radial lead) are designed for critical-use functions, such as military & space applications. Series Q economy) are designed for slightly less

    Mil-Std-199) 10ppm, 20ppm) FA017 PC406 rnc90 MIL-PRF-39005 PC404 V0005 PC451 Series PC407 Mil-Std-199 SA106 SA103 PDF


    Abstract: c451g RBR71 Mil-Std-199 rcd 103 MA200 MA201 MA202 MA203 MA204
    Text: ULTRA PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS CAPACITORS COILS DELAY LINES SA, MA, PC, & Q SERIES Term.W is Industry’s widest range: 0.1Ω to 25MΩ, RoHS compliant tolerances to ± 0.005%, TC’s to 2PPM & 260°C RoHS compatible All-welded, negligible noise, low thermal emf

    10ppm, 20ppm) SA/MA/PC40 Mil-Std-199) FA017H GF-061. wirewound c451g RBR71 Mil-Std-199 rcd 103 MA200 MA201 MA202 MA203 MA204 PDF


    Abstract: RBR71 RBR75 RX255N HR103 RB59 HR5016N HR5032N rbr56 HR5024N
    Text: How Can the Ultra-Precision Series Help You? Type RX Type HR A B A C Type HVS TYPEH SPTYPE PT L B Type HVA c b Values . from 0.1Ω thru 10 Megohms Tolerances . ±0.01% Std. … to ±0.005%

    MIL-R-39005 MIL-R-93 HR258N RBR71 RBR75 RX255N HR103 RB59 HR5016N HR5032N rbr56 HR5024N PDF

    balco 500 ohm resistance vs temperature

    Abstract: balco 3000 ohm resistor 81591 TX177 TX155N TX154N PT156 TX158N balco 3K Tx221
    Text: RESISTOR CATALOG HANDBOOK 2004 ENGINEERS & DESIGNERS! PRC can save you both Time and Money when you need “Custom High Quality” Precision Fixed Wire Wound . RESISTORS SENSORS AND SHUNTS PRC PRECISION RESISTOR CO., INC. 10601 75th Street North, Largo, FL 33777-1421 U.S.A.

    SE-81591 CH-8108 balco 500 ohm resistance vs temperature balco 3000 ohm resistor 81591 TX177 TX155N TX154N PT156 TX158N balco 3K Tx221 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS INSTRUMENT GRADE PHONE 818 345-7811 (800) 835-3355 Superbly RELIABLE and ACCURATE 40 YEARS of Building Quality Resistors Meet or Exceed MIL-R-93 and MIL-R-9444 AXIAL PRECISION Subminiature Series _ AXIAL PRECISION

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-93 MIL-R-9444 118AP 128AP 285RP 350RP mil-r-9444/7 PDF


    Abstract: krl 538
    Text: * BANTRY COMPONENTS, INC. KRLs complete line is now available in Surface Mount Packaging, including: Precision Wireround resistors with temperature coefficients from ±.005% to ±10%; Power Resistors from 1 to 3.5 watts with Wireround or Metal Oxide elements; and Linear Response Temperature

    OCR Scan
    Mil-R-93 Mil-R-26 ThC-25 EC-30 EC-40 EC-50 rb57 krl 538 PDF

    marking 1c

    Abstract: ULTRONIX 205A EE 20 bobbin RB57 RESISTOR 65-2K 203PA mark 207A RB56 marking 205a
    Text: A MODELS xxxA and 203PA W irewound Bobbin Resistors COM PANY OF ULTRONIX M ilitary, E-Rel, M IL-R-39005 Qualified, Type RBR M ilitary, MIL-R-93, Type RB APPLICATIONS High reliability programs require a resistor that is electronically and mechanically sound. The RBR series design represents the

    OCR Scan
    203PA IL-R-39005 MIL-R-93, RBR52 marking 1c ULTRONIX 205A EE 20 bobbin RB57 RESISTOR 65-2K mark 207A RB56 marking 205a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f ì - 1 9 -1 7 AXIAL LEAD TY PE HR HIGHVOLTAGETYPEHR-P PRINTED C IRC UITTYPE RX TYPE RX TYPE HR/HR-P Calibration Reference Resistor HR258 250C2 ±0.01% in-stock! • Custom wirewounds available from O . lii to 10 Megs (to ±.005%) • TCR: 0±5ppm /°C (Std.) Special: To ± lp p m /°C .

    OCR Scan
    HR258 250C2 MII-R-3900S MIL-A-93 PDF

    mil-r-10509 rn75

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A _ Bantry Components, Inc. KRL’s complete product line is now available in Surface Mount Packaging, including: Precision wirewound resistors with tempera­ ture coefficients from +1 PPM to ± 10 PPM with tolerances from ± .005 % to ± 1 %; Power Resistors from 1 to 3.5 watts with Wirewound or Metal Oxide elements; Linear Response Temperature

    OCR Scan
    Mil-R-93 Mil-R-26 Applicatio50 K-300 K-500 mil-r-10509 rn75 PDF


    Abstract: RBR75 rbr56 RB53 RBR54 RBR57 RB54 RBR76
    Text: Military Established Reliability Vishay Ultronix Military Established Reliability MIL-PRF-39005, Type RBR, MIL-R-93, Type RB, QPL Approved FEATURES • High precision • All welded construction • Molded thermosetting plastic bobbin • Wide ohmic range combined with tight tolerances

    OCR Scan
    MIL-PRF-39005, MIL-R-93, RBR74 RBR76 MIL-STD-202, RBR52 1R260 RBR71 RBR75 rbr56 RB53 RBR54 RBR57 RB54 RBR76 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AXIAL LEAD TYPE HR HIGH VOLTAGE TYPE HR-P PRINTED CIRCUIT TYPE RX TYPE RX TYPE HR/HR-P Calibration Reference Resistor HR258 2500 ±0.01% in-stock! i * Custom wirewounds available from 0.1C2 to 10 Megs (to ±.005%) • TCR: 0±5ppm/°C (Std.) Special: To ±lppm /°C.

    OCR Scan
    HR258 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E C I S I O N W I R E W O U N D T E C H N O L O G Y ULTRONIX M ILITA R Y ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY M IL-R -39005, Type RBR MIL-R-93, Type RB, QPL Approved High reliability programs require a resistor that is electrically and mechanically sound. The RBR series design represents

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-93, MIL-R-39005 RBR74 MIL-R93 MIL-R39005 RBR75 MIL-STD-202, RBR52 RBR71 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E C I S I O W N R E W O U N D T E C H N O L O G Y M ILITA R Y ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY ULTRONIX M IL-R -39005, Type RBR MIL-R-93, Type RB, QPL Approved FEATURES High reliability programs require a resistor that is electrically and mechanically sound. The RBR series design represents

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-93, MIL-R39005 RBR74 MIL-R93 RBR76 MIL-STD-202, RBR52 1R260 126R0 PDF