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    QSFCT2952T Search Results

    QSFCT2952T Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT2952T, 2953T2052T, 2053T ö High Speed CMOS 8-bit Bus Interface Register Transceivers QS29FCT2052T QS29FCT2053T FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the Am2952V3 29FCT52/3 and 29FCT52/3T • CMOS power levels: <7.5 mW static • Available In PDIP, ZIP, SOIC, QSOP, CERDIP

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT2952T, 2953T2052T, 2053T QS29FCT2052T QS29FCT2053T Am2952V3 29FCT52/3 29FCT52/3T MIL-STD-883 2952T, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT2952T, Q 2953T2052T, 2053T High Speed CMOS n . . . 8-bit Bus Interface Register Transceivers / x/ \/ QS29FCT53T qs29fct2052t QS29FCT2053T FEATURES/BENEFITS Pin and function compatible to the Am2952/3 29FCT52/3 and 29FCT52/3T CMOS power levels: <7.5 mW static

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT2952T, 2953T2052T, 2053T QS29FCT53T qs29fct2052t QS29FCT2053T Am2952/3 29FCT52/3 29FCT52/3T 2952T, QS29FCT52 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÚUAL'ITY SEMICONDUCTOR INC 41 E D I 7 MbbñQB OÜDQSSM % 5 Z - 3 í>- QSFCT2952T, 2953T2052T, 2053T Q 1 WÊÜS1 QS29FCT52T QS29FCT53T High Speed CMOS 8-bit Bus Interface Register Transceivers QS29FCT2052T QS29FCT2053T FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the Am2952/3

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT2952T, 2953T2052T, 2053T QS29FCT52T QS29FCT53T QS29FCT2052T QS29FCT2053T Am2952/3 29FCT52/3 29FCT52/3T PDF


    Abstract: QSFCT2952T
    Text: QSFCT2952T, 2953T2052T, 2053T H ig h S p e e d C M O S 8 -b it B u s In te rfa c e R e g is te r T r a n s c e iv e r s Q ° | ^ c t 52t q s29f c t 53t QS29FCT2052T Q S 29F C T 2053T F E A TU R E S /B E N E FIT S • • • • Pin and function compatible to the Am2952/3

    OCR Scan
    qsfct2952t, 2953t2052t, 2053t qs29fct53t qs29fct2052t qs29fct2053t Am2952/3 29FCT52/3 29FCT52/3T 2952T, 2952 QSFCT2952T PDF