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    PULSE DIAL SYSTEM Search Results

    PULSE DIAL SYSTEM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TPD4164F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2 A / HSSOP31 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4207F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=5 A / SSOP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4204F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2.5 A / SSOP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4164K Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2 A / HDIP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4163K Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=1 A / HDIP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PULSE DIAL SYSTEM Datasheets Context Search

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    dsp processor Architecture of TMS320C5X

    Abstract: for voice module systems architecture of TMS320C5x DSP ARCHITECTURE TMS320C5x pulse dial systems pulse dial system TMS320C5x dsp processor EVM-50
    Text: Dial Pulse or Click Detection by D2 Technologies, Inc. Software Overview D2’s Dial Pulse or Click Detection voice processing algorithm module detects clicks made by pulse dialing under a broad range of network conditions and under international telecommunications specifications.


    SWITCH debouncing

    Abstract: amd processor based Circuit Diagram AMD SLIC pulse load resistor 001B pulse dial system SLIC DIAGRAM
    Text: SLIC Dial Pulse Performance Advanced Micro Devices Application Note In an AMD SLIC-based line circuit, the opening and closing of the dial switch produces a stream of dial pulses at the DET loop detector logic output pin. Before it begins decoding the dial pulses, the



    Abstract: M-959
    Text: M-959 Dial Pulse Counter and Hook Status Monitor Features • Time-guarded dial pulse counting • 10 or 20 PPS dialing speeds pin selectable • Tri-state data outputs • Valid data output strobe • Data strobe control for use in interrupt-driven environments

    M-959 M-959 14-pin DS-M959-R3 M959 PDF


    Abstract: off hook DETECTOR
    Text: SLIC Devices Applications of the Zarlink SLIC Devices SLIC Device Dial Pulse Performance Application Note APPLICATION NOTE In a Zarlink SLIC-based line circuit, the opening and closing of the dial switch produces a stream of dial pulses at the loop detector logic output pin DET . Before it begins decoding the dial pulses, the exchange processor must


    Water Meter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EnergyMetering Apartment water meters Optionally with pulse-output Fittings meters Flush-mounted meters Surface-mounted meters All that counts. Surface-mounted meters Flush-mounted meters Apartment water meters Dry-dial for cold and warm water, optionally with pulse-output

    D-66121 97A020 Water Meter PDF


    Abstract: 74C922 numerical keypad GOERTZEL ALGORITHM SOURCE CODE CM7291 goertzel 412L ADSP-2100 74C9 GOERTZEL ALGORITHM SOURCE CODE for dtmf in c goertzel algorithm
    Text: Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency 14 Coding 14.1 INTRODUCTION DTMF is the generic name for pushbutton telephone signaling equivalent to the Bell System’s TouchTone . Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency DTMF signaling is quickly replacing dial-pulse signaling in telephone networks

    ADSP-2100 ADSP-2100 74C922 74C922 numerical keypad GOERTZEL ALGORITHM SOURCE CODE CM7291 goertzel 412L 74C9 GOERTZEL ALGORITHM SOURCE CODE for dtmf in c goertzel algorithm PDF

    5v dc trd relay connection

    Abstract: MH88625 CSA-22 MH88620 MH88620IN MH88628 MH88632 MT8816 MT8965 5v5b
    Text: MH88620IN  C.O. SLIC Preliminary Information Features ISSUE 3 Ordering Information • 600 ohm input impedance • Externally selectable network balances • Transformerless 2-4 wire conversion • Programmable constant resistance feed • Off-hook and dial pulse detection

    MH88620IN MH88620IN TISP2300L, P2703AB, 5v dc trd relay connection MH88625 CSA-22 MH88620 MH88628 MH88632 MT8816 MT8965 5v5b PDF

    transformerless power supply 12 volt 1A

    Abstract: MH88612 AC DC transformerless power supply 4-wire to 2-wire hybrid 1N4003 IN4003 5V power supply transformerless telephone hybrid 2wire to 4wire
    Text: MH88612  Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC Preliminary Information Features • • • • • • • • ISSUE 4 Ordering Information Transformerless 2-wire to 4-wire conversion Battery and ringing feed to line Off-hook and dial pulse detection

    MH88612 transformerless power supply 12 volt 1A MH88612 AC DC transformerless power supply 4-wire to 2-wire hybrid 1N4003 IN4003 5V power supply transformerless telephone hybrid 2wire to 4wire PDF

    IN4003 diode

    Abstract: diode in4003 2N2222 IN4003 IN4148 MH88610 2wire 4wire telephone 12V 5 pin RELAY PIN DIAGRAM
    Text: MH88610  Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC Preliminary Information Features • • • • • • ISSUE 6 April 1995 Ordering Information Transformerless 2-wire to 4-wire conversion Battery and ringing feed to line Off-hook and dial pulse detection

    MH88610 MH88610 IN4003 diode diode in4003 2N2222 IN4003 IN4148 2wire 4wire telephone 12V 5 pin RELAY PIN DIAGRAM PDF

    IN4003 diode

    Abstract: 2-wire intercom diode in4003 equivalent of diode in4003 equivalent components of diode 2N2222 2N2222 transistor to drive a relay 4-wire to 2-wire hybrid pabx systems 2N2222 IN4003
    Text: MH88610  Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC Preliminary Information Features • • • • • • ISSUE 6 April 1995 Ordering Information Transformerless 2-wire to 4-wire conversion Battery and ringing feed to line Off-hook and dial pulse detection

    MH88610 MH88610 IN4003 diode 2-wire intercom diode in4003 equivalent of diode in4003 equivalent components of diode 2N2222 2N2222 transistor to drive a relay 4-wire to 2-wire hybrid pabx systems 2N2222 IN4003 PDF

    5252 f 1101

    Abstract: N1892 LC73711N 12 Key Numeric Keypad K09-5
    Text: Ordering number: EN3926 :% C M O S LSI No. 3 9 2 * S A % Y O j LC73711N Switchable DTMF/Pulse Dialer with Memory Preliminary PINOUT O V E R V IE W The LC73711N is a DTMF/pulse dialer CMOS LSI for push-button telephones. It incorporates memory for eight 31-digit one-touch dial numbers and ten quick-dial

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    EN3926 LC73711N LC73711N 31-digit 63-digit 30-pin 5252 f 1101 N1892 12 Key Numeric Keypad K09-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP LR48251 LR48251 PULSE/TONE DIALER LSI PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION The LR48251 ¡9 a single-chip telephone system featuring pulse/tone dial mode switching capa­ bility and 20 single-push repertory memories of 16-digit each. TOP VIEW 28-PIN DIP r \ 28| MODout

    OCR Scan
    LR48251 LR48251 16-digit 32-digit 123FLASH456, 123FLASH FLASH789 123FLASH456 PDF

    dmo 265 r

    Abstract: M7 diode footprint wave soldering PCD3332-X Cassio dmo 265 DIP28 PCD3332-2 PCD3332-2P PCD3332-2T PCD3332-3
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Multistandard pulse/tone repertory diallers/ringers_ PCD3332-X family FEATURES • Ringer tone generator • Pulse and DTMF mixed mode dialling • Ringer-input frequency discriminator • 13 number repertory dial up to 32 digits

    OCR Scan
    PCD3332-2) tran60 7110fl2b dmo 265 r M7 diode footprint wave soldering PCD3332-X Cassio dmo 265 DIP28 PCD3332-2 PCD3332-2P PCD3332-2T PCD3332-3 PDF

    dmo 265 r

    Abstract: mla diode DIP28 PCD3332-2 PCD3332-2P PCD3332-2T PCD3332-3 PCD3332-3P PCD3332-3T PCD3332-SP
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Multistandard pulse/tone repertory diallers/ringers PCD3332-X family FEATURES • Ringer tone generator • Pulse and DTMF mixed mode dialling • Ringer-input frequency discriminator • 13 number repertory dial up to 32 digits

    OCR Scan
    PCD3332-2) 711GfiSb 1G7G17 dmo 265 r mla diode DIP28 PCD3332-2 PCD3332-2P PCD3332-2T PCD3332-3 PCD3332-3P PCD3332-3T PCD3332-SP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP LR48251 LR48251 PULSE/TONE DIALER LSI DESCRIPTION The LR48251 is a single-chip telephone system featuring pulse/tone dial mode switching capa­ bility and 20 single-push repertory memories of 16-digit each. PIN CONNECTIONS TOP 28-PIN DIP TEST [ 7 90/800 ms [ T

    OCR Scan
    LR48251 LR48251 16-digit 32-digit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pulse Repertory Dialer CMOS LSI LR4174 LR4174 Pulse (Repertory) Dialer CMOS LSI Pin Connections Description T he LR4174 is a CMOS LSI for a re p erto ry dial­ er with ten 16-digit num ber mem ory storage. It gen erates the sam e pulse and m ute signals as in a

    OCR Scan
    LR4174 LR4174 16-digit 250/xsec 10DK820 390pF IN4004 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS58505 CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TONE/PULSE 3 NO EMERGENCY DIALER WITH SAVE The KS58505 is a 3-emergency number by 16 digit direct repertory dialer with 32 digit redial memory and 32 digit save memory. Through pin selection dial pulse ratio, make/break ratio and flash time can be

    OCR Scan
    KS58505 KS58505 10pps, 20pps, PDF


    Abstract: 2071.4
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4021 CMOS LSI No. 4021 LC73720 Dialer With Memory O V E R V IE W T he L C 73720 is a D T M F /output pulse dial CM O S LSI for pushbutton telephones, it contains 16-digit 24-telephone num ber one-touch autodialing m em ory, 21-telephone num ber abbreviated dialing m em ory com m on with one-touch dial­

    OCR Scan
    LC73720 LC73720 16-digit 24-telephone 21-telephone 63-digit 2071.4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MH88615 MITEL Standard SLIC with Ringing Preliminary Information Amplification ISSUE 6 Features June 1997 Ordering Information 2W to 4W conversion Battery Feed to line Off-Hook and dial pulse detection Power Denial Integral Ringing Amplifier Programmable Loop Current

    OCR Scan
    MH88615 600i2 900i2 MH88615-1/-3/-7 MH88615AV-2 MH88615AT-1/-3/-7 MH88615AT-2 MH88615AS-4 MH88615 MH88615T-1/-3/-7, PDF

    6500/1 microcomputer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A C65SC150A CMD Microcircuits CMOS Advanced Communication Terminal Unit Telecommunication Microcomputer Features General Description • Generates signals compatible with switched telephone net­ works or packet switched data networks • Provides Dial Pulse (DP) or Dual Tone Multi-Frequency

    OCR Scan
    C65SC150A 300uA) 6500/1 microcomputer PDF


    Abstract: LC73720 kt 3170 2071.4
    Text: Ordering number: EN 4021 CMOS LSI LC73720 No. 4021 SA%VO i Dialer With Memory O V E R V IE W T he L C 73720 is a D T M F /output pulse dial CM OS LSI for pushbutton telephones. It contains 16-digit 24-telephone num ber one-touch autodialing m em ory, 21-telephone num ber abbreviated dialing m em ory com m on with one-touch dial­

    OCR Scan
    LC73720 LC73720 16-digit 24-telephone 21-telephone 63-digit A01102 kt 3170 2071.4 PDF

    BV EI 304 2048

    Abstract: cmo 765 T-20 cmd 0035
    Text: A C65SC150A CMD Microcircuits CMOS Advanced Communication Terminal Unit Telecommunication Microcomputer Features General Description • Generates signals compatible with switched telephone net­ works or packet switched data networks • Provides Dial Pulse (DP) or Dual Tone Multi-Frequency

    OCR Scan
    C65SC150A 300uA) C65SC00 40-PIN BV EI 304 2048 cmo 765 T-20 cmd 0035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MH88612K MITEL Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Preliminary Information Features ISSUE 3 Ordering Information • Input impedance 600 £2 • Transformerless 2-wire to 4-wire conversion • Battery and ringing feed to line • Off-hook and dial pulse detection

    OCR Scan
    MH88612K H88612K b24T370 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MH88612 MITEL Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC Preliminary Information Features ISSUE 4 • Transformerless 2-wire to 4-wire conversion • Battery and ringing feed to line • Off-hook and dial pulse detection • Ring ground over-current protection

    OCR Scan
    MH88612 b24T370 GQQRS77 PDF