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    PTH632 Search Results

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    Abstract: PTH451A PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451A9R0Q21 PTH451 36AP PTH451C7R0Q21 PTC thermistor degauss PTH632D01BF7R0M140 pth451c5
    Text: PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have relay contacts. ■ Winding of degaussing coil can be reduced since rush

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 PTH451A PTH451C PTH632D01 CG01-I PTH451C PTH451A PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451A9R0Q21 36AP PTH451C7R0Q21 PTC thermistor degauss PTH632D01BF7R0M140 pth451c5 PDF

    3r0 thermistor

    Abstract: PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING murata degaussing PTH451 17AP-P PTH63 tv degauss PTH451A9R0Q21
    Text: PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have relay contacts. ■ Winding of degaussing coil can be reduced since rush

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 OPTH451C3R0Q11 PTH451C5R0M11 PTH451C4R5Q21 PTH451C7R0Q21 PTH451C9R0Q21 3r0 thermistor PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING murata degaussing 17AP-P PTH63 tv degauss PTH451A9R0Q21 PDF


    Abstract: PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451A pth451 PTH451C262BG180N270A PTH45 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 MAX200 45Ap-p 25Ap-p 300mAp-p 260mAp-p PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451A PTH451C262BG180N270A PTH45 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP PDF


    Abstract: PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451 PTH451A PTH45 tv degauss PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss tv circuit degaussing PTH451A180N21
    Text: PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have relay contacts. ■ Winding of degaussing coil can be reduced since rush

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 200mAp-p 10mAp-p PTH451C180N21 15Ap-p 300mAp-p PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451A PTH45 tv degauss PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss tv circuit degaussing PTH451A180N21 PDF


    Abstract: PTH521 PTH476 NTH5G20P PTH8L
    Text: THERMISTOR PRO DUCTS m u F ta tn THERMISTOR SELECTION G U ID E L W T Reflow Tape Width 2.0 1.25 0.9 — o 8 4000 — 5 5 4 O — — — — Appearance PTH9C T» PTH9L Packaging Units Flow Product Name Soldering Dimensions mm <t>180mm <t>330mm Reel Reel

    OCR Scan
    180mm 330mm PTH476 PTH521 PTH491 PTH451 PTH632 NTH5G10P NTH5G16P NTH5G20P PTH7M PTH8L PDF


    Abstract: PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451 PTH451A302BF9R0Q270 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP 18AP-P PTH451A102BF140M270A
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING fa ic m ta r in & ectw uc& PTH451/632 Series The P TH 451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color T V ’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have

    OCR Scan
    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH632 17Ap-p 200mAp-p 22Ap-p 300mAp-p 36Ap-p PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451A302BF9R0Q270 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP 18AP-P PTH451A102BF140M270A PDF

    diode S455

    Abstract: PTH451C diode smd LDB 107 VARISTOR NTC 10 D 208 MHF 318 FLYBACK RS360 pv34 PTH451 XMF S3 POT21
    Text: Alphabetic Product Name Index A Acceleration S e n s o rs . AC Line F ilters . Active F ilters. Adjustm ent P otentiom eters. A n te n n a s .

    OCR Scan