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    FreeWave Technologies Inc SD.HPT604.5M

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey SD.HPT604.5M Bulk 1
    • 1 $438.12
    • 10 $438.12
    • 100 $438.12
    • 1000 $438.12
    • 10000 $438.12
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    PT6045 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SI ERRA SEMI CONDUCTOR '»r SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR ÇORP 47E ì> 0242010 0001724 T «SSC Semicustom Capability Analog, Digital and EEPROM combined on the same chip. Sierra is a leading supplier of m ixed-signal standard cell ASICs. The Com pany's unique Triple Technology process perm its the

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    Abstract: PT6045 VGT300022 PT6005
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC 47 E D T3flfl34? n o n a T T a V L S I Tech n o lo gy , in c . 3 VTI T -H Z -d -C R VGT350/VGT353 LIBRARY I.O-MICRON GATE ARRAY SERIES FEATURES • Advanced 0.85-micron channel length, 1.0-micron gate length silicon gate CMOS technology

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    T3flfl34? VGT350/VGT353 85-micron VGT350/353 VGT300039 PT6045 VGT300022 PT6005 PDF


    Abstract: VSC370 PT6005
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC 4 7E D • =1300347 V L S I Tech n o lo gy , in c . 0000070 7 ■ VTI 'T - v z - m VSC370 SERIES 1-MICRON HIGH-DENSITY STANDARD CELL LIBRARY FEATURES • Advanced 0.85-micron channel length, 1.0-micron gate length silicon gate CMOS technology

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    VSC370 85-micron 000fiö T-42-41 PT6045 PT6005 PDF


    Abstract: PT6045 VSC350 PT6005 nd02d2
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC 47 E D =1350347 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 VTI V L S I Technology , in c VSC350 SERIES 1-MICRON HIGH-PERFORMANCE STANDARD CELL LIBRARY FEATURES • Fast design turn-around time with COMPASS Design Automation’s advanced design tools and methodology

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    VSC350 85-micron T-42-41 PT6042 PT6045 PT6005 nd02d2 PDF


    Abstract: pt6021 PT6042 PC6013 PC6043 PC6015 pt6011 PC6D10 PC6001 pc6021
    Text: 1.5ji ANALOG CELL LIBRARY • All cells have power down mode where appropriate. • All analog specifications are typical, 5 V, 25°C, and use a single 5 V supply, unless otherwise indicated. ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS CELL NAME ADC4BT ADC10B ADC12B HADC8B

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    ADC10B ADC12B 10-Bit 12-Bit DAC10B 17utput PT6045 pt6021 PT6042 PC6013 PC6043 PC6015 pt6011 PC6D10 PC6001 pc6021 PDF