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    Abstract: si3217 Si32178 GR-909 Si32919 Si32171 SI3205 SI-32176 SI3203 Si32177
    Text: ProSLIC Voice Solutions SLIC AND CODEC SOLUTIONS FOR SHORT, MEDIUM AND LONG LOOP APPLICATIONS FEATURES • Performs all BORSCHT functions battery, test overvoltage, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid • Software programmable parameters for global

    Si3215 Si3208 Si3241 Si3245 Si3203 Si3206 Si3205 SI32176 si3217 Si32178 GR-909 Si32919 Si32171 SI3205 SI-32176 SI3203 Si32177 PDF

    neon bulb

    Abstract: ProSLIC SI321X I321 AN33 Si3210 Si3211 Si3212 AN3301 Neon Light bulb
    Text: AN33 SI321X NEON FLASHING Introduction The ProSLIC has very programmable functions. Flashing a neon bulb for message waiting is one application that the ProSLIC can be programmed to do. Neon bulbs inherently have high break over voltage >90 V . The ProSLIC’s ringing oscillator can be set to

    SI321X neon bulb ProSLIC I321 AN33 Si3210 Si3211 Si3212 AN3301 Neon Light bulb PDF


    Abstract: DIODE JS4 18121C105KAT9A CONN SOCKET conn sil ac proslic max AN74 VPh5-0155 ISOmodem CMR3-02
    Text: AN74 SiL I N K PS-EVB U S E R ’ S G U I D E Introduction The SiLinkPS-EVB is a system power supply board that provides all the necessary supply voltages for a variety of Silicon Laboratories’ ProSLIC and silicon DAA evaluation boards. When used with an appropriate ac/


    ringing cadence generator

    Abstract: fsk to dtmf CONVERTER caller id caller id converter dtmf Si3200-KS Si3210 Si3211 Si3212 Si3232 caller id single chip caller id converter fsk to dtmf
    Text: Si3220/25 Dual ProSLIC G L O B A L LY P R O G R A M M A B L E D U A L - C H A N N E L CMOS SLIC/CODEC WITH RINGING AND SUBSCRIBER LINE DIAGNOSTICS FEATURES • Performs all battery, overvoltage, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid, and test BORSCHT functions per LSSGR and ITU

    Si3220/25 Si3220-BQ Si3225-BQ Si3225-KQ Si3200-BS Si3220PPT-EVB Si3220 Si3200 Si3225PPT-EVB Si3225 ringing cadence generator fsk to dtmf CONVERTER caller id caller id converter dtmf Si3200-KS Si3210 Si3211 Si3212 Si3232 caller id single chip caller id converter fsk to dtmf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 17, 2009 SM76315 Transformer FEATURES     Designed for use with Silicon Laboratories ProSlic Devices Si3210M, Si3215M and Si3216M Operating Temperature Range -40C to +125C Isolation Voltage rating between primary and secondary: 500 VDC

    SM76315 Si3210M Si3215M Si3216M 100kHz SM76315 J-STD-020D PDF


    Abstract: Si3245 Quad ProSLIC Si324x Quad ProSLIC
    Text: Si3245/Si3203 Quad ProSLIC Programmable CMOS SLIC/Codec Description ProSLIC® The Quad is a series of low-voltage CMOS devices that integrate both SLIC and codec functionality into a single IC to provide a complete four-channel analog telephone interface in

    Si3245/Si3203 Si3245 Si3203 100-Pin 40-Pin Quad ProSLIC Si324x Quad ProSLIC PDF


    Abstract: BCM68 Si32392 ProSLIC Broadcom BCM68xx SI32392-B-FM BCM337 BCM338
    Text: Si32391 Single-Channel Analog Interface ProSLIC Description Features The Si32391 is a single channel analog interface SLIC solution that is ideal for customer premise equipment, such as voice-over-IP-capable embedded multimedia terminal adaptors EMTAs

    Si32391 BCM337x, BCM338x, BCM68xx GR-909 Si32392-B-FM Si32392-B-GM QFN-48 BCM68 Si32392 ProSLIC Broadcom BCM68xx BCM337 BCM338 PDF


    Abstract: SI3211 schematic design for surge protector and electric GR-1089-CORE Si3201 Si3210 Si3212 Si322x TIA-968-A thyristor controller schematic
    Text: Protecting Silicon Laboratories ProSLIC Family with ® Bourns Circuit Protection Products Revision 2 Written by Tim Ardley, Sr. Telecom Field Applications Engineer June 2006 1 Table Of Contents Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

    1M/TSP0506 si2310 SI3211 schematic design for surge protector and electric GR-1089-CORE Si3201 Si3210 Si3212 Si322x TIA-968-A thyristor controller schematic PDF

    ringing cadence generator

    Abstract: AN58 AN86 Si3225
    Text: AN86 R I N G I N G /R I N G T R I P O P E R A T I O N AND ARCHITECTURE Introduction The Dual ProSLIC Si3220/Si3225 offers a wide variety of ringing options to match any application. The Si3220 supplies a ringing waveform produced by its internal oscillator and allows software programmability of the

    Si3220/Si3225 Si3220 Si3225 Si3220 ringing cadence generator AN58 AN86 Si3225 PDF


    Abstract: Si32178 Time On and Time Off Si3251 AN265 ProSLIC
    Text: AN265 S I L I C O N L ABORATORIES ’ VO I C E GUI U SER ’ S G UIDE 1. Introduction The Silicon Laboratories Voice graphical user interface GUI software uses the USB port or the parallel port of a PC to communicate with the ProSLIC motherboard. Either the USB-capable Voice motherboard (VMB) or an older

    AN265 98/NT/2000/XP. si3217 Si32178 Time On and Time Off Si3251 AN265 ProSLIC PDF


    Abstract: motherboard" mark sheet format 10th AN265 si3226 1 ProSLIC
    Text: AN265 2 N D - G E N E R A T I O N P R O SLIC GUI U S E R ’ S G U I D E 1. Introduction The 2nd-Generation ProSLIC® Graphical User Interface GUI software uses the USB port or the parallel port of a PC to communicate with the ProSLIC. Either the USB-capable Voice motherboard (VMB) or an older parallel port

    AN265 98/NT/2000/XP. SI3226 motherboard" mark sheet format 10th AN265 si3226 1 ProSLIC PDF

    lpt to spi

    Abstract: computer motherboard circuit diagram db15m ProSLIC fsync in PCM DB15F PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram full pc motherboard schematics F1250T P0901SC
    Text: Si3232PPT0-EVB E V A L U A T I O N B O A R D F O R T H E Si3232 D U A L P R O S LIC Description Features This document describes the operation of the Silicon Laboratories Si3232 Dual ProSLIC device evaluation platform. The Dual ProSLIC evaluation platform is

    Si3232PPT0-EVB Si3232 Si3232DC0-EVB lpt to spi computer motherboard circuit diagram db15m ProSLIC fsync in PCM DB15F PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram full pc motherboard schematics F1250T P0901SC PDF


    Abstract: "CORE geometry"
    Text: TransformingMagneticsTM SwitchmodePower Silicon Laboratories PROSLIC Si3210 & Si3211 DC-DC Converter 31353R SMD Features • Approved by Silicon Labs for use with Si3210 & Si3211 • Core geometry provides low radiated noise • Manufactured with UL94 V-O materials

    Si3210 Si3211 31353R Si3211 31353R 500VAC 500VAC 100kHz 100mV. "CORE geometry" PDF


    Abstract: caller id converter dtmf ProSLIC dtmf fsk converter DTMF decoder Si3210PPT-EVB Si3211 Si3210 LINE FEED ISDN Si3210-BT
    Text: Si3210 ProSLIC TM PROGRAMMABLE CMOS SLIC/CODEC WITH RINGING AND BATTERY VOLTAGE GENERATION FEATURES • Performs all battery, overvoltage, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid, and test BORSCHT functions • 3.3 V or 5 V operation • Battery voltage generated dynamically with

    Si3210 16-bit Si3211-BT Si3210 Si3211-KT Si3212-KT Si3212-BT Si3210PPT-EVB Si3211PPT-EVB Si3212PPT-EVB DTMF to FSK CONVERTER caller id converter dtmf ProSLIC dtmf fsk converter DTMF decoder Si3211 LINE FEED ISDN Si3210-BT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i 3 2 2 0/25 DUAL PROSLIC PROGRAMMABLE CMOS SLIC/CODEC Features Performs all BORSCHT functions Ideal for applications up to 18 kft Internal balanced ringing to 65 Vrms Si3220 External bulk ringer support (Si3225) Low standby power consumption: <70 mW per channel

    Si3220) Si3225) PDF

    BJT 2222

    Abstract: npn bjt 2N2222 BJT 2N2222 datasheet bjt 2n2222 SDCL bjt 2n2222 driver circuit transistor BJT 2N2222 W6 13A Diode IRLL014N SMALL low frequency transformer
    Text: AN45 D E S I G N G U ID E Si3210/15/16 DC-DC CONVERTER FOR THE 1. Introduction The ProSLIC from Silicon Laboratories integrates a complete analog telephone interface into one low-voltage CMOS device and offers extensive software programmability to meet many global telephony

    Si3210/15/16 Si321x BJT 2222 npn bjt 2N2222 BJT 2N2222 datasheet bjt 2n2222 SDCL bjt 2n2222 driver circuit transistor BJT 2N2222 W6 13A Diode IRLL014N SMALL low frequency transformer PDF


    Abstract: ISOmodem Si3110 Si3019 Si2457 ADSL Integrated Circuits Si3216 caller id converter dtmf to fsk fault detection broadband network voip codec chip
    Text: Broadband & Voice Telephony Solutions INNOVATIVE, FLEXIBLE, GLOBAL, ECONOMICAL KEY PRODUCTS Si3216 ProSLIC and Si3220 Dual ProSLIC • Integrated CMOS SLIC/codec • On-chip tracking dc-dc converter controller Si3216 • Wideband audio codec (Si3216) • Software programmable for global compliance

    Si3216 Si3220 Si3216) Si3220) GR-909 Si3050 Laboratorii2415 Si3216 Si2434 SPI DRIVER ISOmodem Si3110 Si3019 Si2457 ADSL Integrated Circuits caller id converter dtmf to fsk fault detection broadband network voip codec chip PDF


    Abstract: AN32 Si3210 Si3211 Si3215 Si3216 Si3233 0X3C00 SI3210-E Si3210-EVB
    Text: AN32 S i3 21 X , S i 3 2 3 0 , A N D S i3 2 3 3 F R E Q U E N C Y S H I FT K E Y I N G F S K M O D U L A T I O N Introduction The ProSLIC tone-generator Oscillator 1 may be used to create frequency shift keying (FSK) frequency modulation for caller ID. The ProSLIC has two



    Abstract: SI32176 Si32176-C-FM1 Si32170-C-FM1 Si32172-C-FM1 Si3217x-C si3217 Si32171-C-FM1 SI32171-C-GM ProSLIC
    Text: Si3217x-C ProSLIC Single-Chip FXS Solutions Description - The Si3217x devices are pin-compatible single-channel ProSLIC products that implement a complete foreign exchange station FXS telephony interface solution in accordance with all relevant LSSGR, ITU, and ETSI specifications. The Si3217x ProSLIC ICs

    Si3217x-C Si3217x 42-pin Si32170/1/6/7 Si32172/3/5 Si32171 SI32176 Si32176-C-FM1 Si32170-C-FM1 Si32172-C-FM1 si3217 Si32171-C-FM1 SI32171-C-GM ProSLIC PDF

    BJT 2222

    Abstract: npn bjt 2N2222 BJT 2N2222 datasheet bjt 2n2222 driver circuit Si321x 2N2222 bjt IBJT W6 13A Diode PC40EF12 IRLL014N equivalent
    Text: AN45 DESIGN GUIDE Si3210/15/16 DC-DC CONVERTER FOR THE Introduction The ProSLIC from Silicon Laboratories integrates a complete analog telephone interface into one low-voltage CMOS device and offers extensive software programmability to meet many global telephony

    Si3210/15/16 Si321x BJT 2222 npn bjt 2N2222 BJT 2N2222 datasheet bjt 2n2222 driver circuit 2N2222 bjt IBJT W6 13A Diode PC40EF12 IRLL014N equivalent PDF

    Si324x Quad ProSLIC

    Abstract: Quad ProSLIC SI3241 Si3203 Si3206 eTQFP-100 QFN-40 thermal resistance ProSLIC
    Text: Si3241/Si3206/Si3203 Quad ProSLIC Programmable CMOS SLIC/Codec Description ProSLIC® The Quad is a series of low-voltage CMOS devices that integrate both SLIC and codec functionality into a single IC to provide a complete four-channel analog telephone interface in

    Si3241/Si3206/Si3203 Si3241 Si3206/3 100-Pin 40-Pin Si324x Quad ProSLIC Quad ProSLIC Si3203 Si3206 eTQFP-100 QFN-40 thermal resistance ProSLIC PDF


    Abstract: QFN-40 thermal resistance E1 PCM CODEC SI3208 Si3206 QFN-40 QFN40 GR-909 Si3209 Si3227
    Text: Si3226/7 and Si3208/9 Dual ProSLIC with DC-DC Controller Description - Software-programmable parameters: - Ringing frequency, amplitude, cadence, and wave- ProSLIC® The Dual is a family of low-voltage CMOS devices that integrate both SLIC and CODEC functionality into a single IC. In combination with a

    Si3226/7 Si3208/9 Si32kage 64-Pin 40-Pin SI3226 QFN-40 thermal resistance E1 PCM CODEC SI3208 Si3206 QFN-40 QFN40 GR-909 Si3209 Si3227 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: March 8, 2007 SM76315 Transformer FEATURES y y y y Designed for use with Silicon Laboratories ProSlic Devices Si3210M, Si3215M and Si3216M Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +125°C Isolation Voltage rating between primary and secondary: 500 VDC Peak current per primary winding 1-2 (2-3) (3-4): 2 amps

    SM76315 Si3210M Si3215M Si3216M 100kHz SM76315 J-STD-020C PDF


    Abstract: Si321x AN47 ac proslic max 32Q1 0X0012 I321
    Text: AN47 S i321 X L I N E F E E D P O W E R M O N I T O R I N G A N D P R O T E C T I O N Introduction The Silicon Laboratories’ ProSLIC products are designed to continuously monitor the power dissipated in each of the six external bipolar transistors in the
