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    TC74HC123AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Dual Monostable Multivibrator, SOP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

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    15 K26 011110

    Abstract: AFBG KS40 TC9318AFAG TC9318AFBG KS30 15 k24 011001 CM1101 P-LQFP64-12
    Text: TC9318AFAG/AFBG TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC9318AFAG, TC9318AFBG Single Chip DTS Microcontroller DTS-21 TC9318AFAG and TC9318AFBG are 4-bit CMOS microcontrollers for single-chip digital tuning systems incorporating 230 MHz prescaller, PLL and LCD driver.

    TC9318AFAG/AFBG TC9318AFAG, TC9318AFBG DTS-21) TC9318AFAG TC9318AFBG 65-mm-pitch 15 K26 011110 AFBG KS40 KS30 15 k24 011001 CM1101 P-LQFP64-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC9328AF TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC9328AF Portable Audio DTS Controller DTS-21 The TC9328AF is a single-chip DTS microcontroller for portable audio incorporating 230 MHz prescaller, PLL, and LCD driver. In addition to a 20-bit IF counter, 6-bit A/D converter,

    TC9328AF DTS-21) TC9328AF 20-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC9328AF TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC9328AF Portable Audio DTS Controller DTS-21 The TC9328AF is a single-chip DTS microcontroller for portable audio incorporating 230 MHz prescaller, PLL, and LCD driver. In addition to a 20-bit IF counter, 6-bit A/D converter,

    TC9328AF DTS-21) TC9328AF 20-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC9349AFG TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC9349AFG Single-Chip DTS Micro controller DTS-21 The TC9349AFG is a single-chip DTS micro controller for portable audio incorporating 30 MHz prescaller, PLL, and LCD driver. In Addition to an IF counter, serial interface, and buzzer

    TC9349AFG DTS-21) TC9349AFG PDF


    Abstract: buzer 1ss393 QFP-64 TC9349AFG Linear Integrated Circuits amplifire QFP-64 power toshiba PRI31
    Text: TC9349AFG TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC9349AFG Single-Chip DTS Micro controller DTS-21 The TC9349AFG is a single-chip DTS micro controller for portable audio incorporating 30 MHz prescaller, PLL, and LCD driver. In Addition to an IF counter, serial interface, and buzzer

    TC9349AFG DTS-21) TC9349AFG 5625K buzer 1ss393 QFP-64 Linear Integrated Circuits amplifire QFP-64 power toshiba PRI31 PDF


    Abstract: TD6127 digital mobile radio prescaller
    Text: TD6127BP TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD6127BP ECL Prescaller For Communications Radio TD6127BP is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type. This is suitable for mobile radio telephone and personal

    TD6127BP TD6127BP 50mVrms. TD6127 digital mobile radio prescaller PDF


    Abstract: OT10 QFP-80 TC9328AF OT14 OT17 si24 mc1110
    Text: TC9328AF TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC9328AF Portable Audio DTS Controller DTS-21 The TC9328AF is a single-chip DTS microcontroller for portable audio incorporating 230 MHz prescaller, PLL, and LCD driver. In addition to a 20-bit IF counter, 6-bit A/D converter,

    TC9328AF DTS-21) TC9328AF 20-bit ta2142fn OT10 QFP-80 OT14 OT17 si24 mc1110 PDF

    Xenon HID Block Diagram

    Abstract: linbus protocol bi-xenon valeo valeo xenon valeo regulator VISTEON schematic diagram bixenon headlamps LIN bus can gateway MAX202ECSE
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. LIN-bus HID Lamp Levelling Stepper Motor Control Using Motorola 908E625 Reference Design M68HC08 Designer Reference Manual Microcontrollers DRM047 Rev. 0, 12/2003 MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS For More Information On This Product,

    908E625 M68HC08 DRM047 908E625 Xenon HID Block Diagram linbus protocol bi-xenon valeo valeo xenon valeo regulator VISTEON schematic diagram bixenon headlamps LIN bus can gateway MAX202ECSE PDF


    Abstract: TD6350 modulus counter
    Text: ypm TD6350P Unit: mm FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER FOR TV OR CATV. The TD6350P is designed for providing highly feasible frequency synthesizer system for a TV or a CATV in conjunction with a 4 bit /CPU controller. The TD6350P includes a pre-amplifier, 1/8 prescaller

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    TD6350P TD6350P TD6350 modulus counter PDF


    Abstract: PRESCALLER
    Text: TOSHIBA TD6127BP TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD6127BP ECL PRESCALLER FOR COMMUNICATIONS RADIO TD6127BP is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type. This is suitable for mobile radio telephone and personal

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    TD6127BP TD6127BP DIP8-P-300-2 980910EBA2 99TYP PRESCALLER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TD6127BP T O SH IB A TO SH IBA BIPO LAR D IGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON M ONOLITHIC TD6127BP ECL PRESCALLER FOR COMMUNICATIONS RADIO TD6127BP is a 2 m odulus prescaller developed for com m unications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type. This is suitable for m obile radio telephone and personal

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    TD6127BP TD6127BP DIP8-P-300-2 TD6127B PDF


    Abstract: td6104
    Text: “ Unit in mm. ECL PRESCALLER FOR FM 01.0 TD6104P is an FM prescaller for digital tuning system for which a swallow counter has been adopted. Frequency division ratio is made by a swallow counter method of 1/30 and 1/32. Realizes operation at low voltage and low

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    TD6104P 75mVrms 140MHZ TD6104P td6104 PDF


    Abstract: TD6128P/F
    Text: B• • STM» « s » ' TOSHIBAi ELECTRONIC D5 DE I ^0^7247 S I 0010720 Q ECL PRESCALLER FOR COMMUNICATIONS RADIO Unit in mm TD6128P/F is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type. This is suitable for cordless telephone and personal

    OCR Scan
    TD6128P/F 500MHz. 50mVrms. 220mVrms TD6128P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KA2185 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER FOR TV/VTR KA2185 integrated circuit provides a high frequency syn­ thesizer system for TV/VCR. The KA2185 consists of a pre-amp, 1/8 prescaller and 1/32,1/33 two modulus coun­ ter by ECL process, and PLL logic and programmable

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    KA2185 KA2185 24dBm: 80-100M 450mW 133pF PDF


    Abstract: TD6127
    Text: TO SH IBA TD6127BP TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD6127BP ECL PRESCALLER FOR COMMUNICATIONS RADIO TD6127BP is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type. This is suitable for mobile radio telephone and personal

    OCR Scan
    TD6127BP TD6127BP DIP8-P-300-2 TD6127 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T - 7 7 - o £ - o S I ECL PRESCALLER FOR COMMUNICATIONS RADIO Unit in mm TD6129P TD6129P/F is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for B communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type. * This is suitable for cordless telephone and personal 1 'u communication radio etc.

    OCR Scan
    TD6129P TD6129P/F 170MHz. 25mVrms* QDlfl-735 TD6129F T-77-05-05 lffiW/50f 220mVrnlB PDF


    Abstract: td6104 C125
    Text: ECL PRESCALLER FOR FM TD6104P is an FM prescaller for digital tuning system for which a swallow counter has been adopted. • Frequency division ratio is made by a swallow counter method of 1/30 and 1/32. • Realizes operation at low voltage and low current.

    OCR Scan
    TD6104P 140MHZ td6104 C125 PDF


    Abstract: tc9123bp tc9124 tc9124ap TC9122P TD6102P tc9122 8707 Toshiba 01A70 TD610
    Text: > -':'i on o "/ ilV T O S H Ï B A . E L E C T R O N I C - T O S HI B A f E LE C T R O NIC OS D E p I ^ M ? 0010707 0 2 E J 8 7-07 3 I T - 7 7 - O S -05 ECL PRESCALLER Unit in mm TD6102P is an ECL that has been developed as a prescaller for FM/AM PLL synthesizer tuner, and with 1/4

    OCR Scan
    i-ono79A7 -77-0S-05 TD6102P 25kHz, 50kHz 75kHz TC9123BP TC9124AP, 150MHz 10MHz tc9123 tc9124 tc9124ap TC9122P tc9122 8707 Toshiba 01A70 TD610 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TD6358P, TD6358N U n it: FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER FOR TV OR CATV mm The TD6358ljj|is designed for providing highly feasible frequency synthesizer system for a TV or a CATV in conjunction with a 4 bit /iCPU controller. The TD6358P includes a pre-amplifier, 1/8 prescaller

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    TD6358P, TD6358N TD6358ljj TD6358P -27dBm -24dBm 100MHz prescaller PDF


    Abstract: modulus counter
    Text: TOSHIBA TD6351P FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER FOR TV OR CATV Unit: irsiti The TD6351P is designed for providing highly feasible frequency synthesizer system for a TV or a CATV in conjunction with a 4 bit ¿«CPU controller. The TD6351P includes a pre-amplifier, 1/8 prescaller

    OCR Scan
    TD6351P TD6351P 100MHz modulus counter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED TOSHIBA CIRCUIT TECHNICAL TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TD6127BP DATA SILICON MONOLITHIC ECL PRESCALLER FOR C O M M U N IC A T IO N S RADIO TD6127BP is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type.

    OCR Scan
    TD6127BP TD6127BP 50mVrms. TD6127BP-3 TD6127BP-4 DIP8-P-300 TD6127BP- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A _ TD6127BP TO SHIBA BIPO LAR D IGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON M ONOLITHIC mfi157RP • M F • M F ■ ECL PRESCALLER FOR COMMUNICATIONS RADIO TD6127BP is a 2 m odulus prescaller developed for com m unications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type.

    OCR Scan
    TD6127BP mfi157RP TD6127BP 80910EBA2 DIP8-P-300-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TD6127BP TnCUIDA •w w ■■■ TECHNICAL DATA SILICON MONOLITHIC ECL PRESCALLER FOR CO M M UN ICATIO N S RADIO TD6127BP is a 2 modulus prescaller developed for communications radio of PLL frequency synthesizer type.

    OCR Scan
    TD6127BP TD6127BP 50mVrrns. TD6127BP-4 DIP8-P-300 TD6127BP- DIP8-P-300 PDF


    Abstract: tc9300f IC 935 IC 933 TD6109P D0171 PSO1
    Text: ECL PRESCALLER Unit in o m TD6109P Is a low power ECL Prescaller developed CLO 2 3 .0 MAX for multi band digital tuning system. 'A a in »4 A pulse swallow counter has b e e n adopted. Frequency division ratio is -i- & 4 V-n ^ —• lvj XX jZU^¿I Wide operating voltage.

    OCR Scan
    TD6109P 25mVrms 20mVrms TD6109P T-77-05-05 -851C ----101C TC9300 tc9300f IC 935 IC 933 D0171 PSO1 PDF