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    Abstract: 2SJ177 2SJ295 KWSA103 PF0030 PF0040 PF0042
    Text: HITACHI 29 5.4 Communications Mobile RF SAW Filters KTACS KAMT« N M T/G SM Tb Bx Tu ft * T» 9m , hvm U m Typ IC - 4ädB Wide band aaaaMtkw •OStfBqrp SMD pàg - 4.5 s 5 J s 2mm 505L fan p riiw HWSAHB HWSB102 HWSAXB H W SBXa H W SA 03 H W SM » O m« Q m

    OCR Scan
    303L/3Â KWSA103 HWSA10I HWSB10I HWSA01 PF0030 PP0031 PF0040 PP004I 2SK1778 2SJ177 2SJ295 PF0042 PDF


    Abstract: PF0042 2SJ295 2SJ299 2SK1919 PF0040 KWSA103 PF0030 Hitachi Scans-001
    Text: 29 HITACHI 5.4 Communications Mobile RF SAW Filters NMT/GSM KTACS HITACHI KAMT« Tb Bx Tu ft* T» 9m, hvm U m Typ IC - 4ädB Wide band aaaaMtkw •OStfBqrp SMD pàg - 4.5 s 5 J s 2mm 505L fan p riiw HWSAHB HWSB102 HWSAXB HWSBXa HW SA03 H W SM » O m« Q m

    OCR Scan
    303L/3Â KWSA103 HWSA10I HWSB10I HWSA01 PF0030 PP0031 PF0040 PP004I 2sk1299 PF0042 2SJ295 2SJ299 2SK1919 Hitachi Scans-001 PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ236 2SK1776 2SJ299 2SJ175 2SJ176 2SJ182 2SJ237 2SK1093 2SK1094
    Text: 12 HITACHI DIII-HF Series High Speed Devices To improve switching losses for certain critical switching applications, Hitachi has introduced HF-Series with better built-in diode breakdown capability then the existing DIII-H series using life-time control technology.

    OCR Scan
    high-sp03 2SK1665 2SJ215 2SJ217 2SK1303 2SK1304 2SK1298 2SK1666 2SJ216 2SJ218 2SK1778 2SJ236 2SK1776 2SJ299 2SJ175 2SJ176 2SJ182 2SJ237 2SK1093 2SK1094 PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ236 2sj177 pf0030 hitachi 2SJ299 2SK1919 2SJ175 2SJ176 2SJ182 2SJ237
    Text: 12 HITACHI DIII-HF Series High Speed Devices To improve switching losses for certain critical switching applications, Hitachi has introduced HF-Series with better built-in diode breakdown capability then the existing DIII-H series using life-time control technology.

    OCR Scan
    high-sp03 2SK1665 2SJ215 2SJ217 2SK1303 2SK1304 2SK1298 2SK1666 2SJ216 2SJ218 2SK1778 2SJ236 2sj177 pf0030 hitachi 2SJ299 2SK1919 2SJ175 2SJ176 2SJ182 2SJ237 PDF

    Hitachi PF0030

    Abstract: 25K1772 2sk1299 PF0040 2SJ295 KWSA103 PF0030 PF0042 2SJ299 2sk1205
    Text: HITACHI 29 5.4 Communications Mobile RF SAW Filters KTACS KAMT« N M T/G SM Tb Bx Tu ft * T» 9m , hvm U m Typ IC - 4ädB Wide band aaaaMtkw •OStfBqrp SMD pàg - 4.5 s 5 J s 2mm 505L fan p riiw HWSAHB HWSB102 HWSAXB H W SBXa H W SA 03 H W SM » O m« Q m

    OCR Scan
    303L/3Â KWSA103 HWSA10I HWSB10I HWSA01 PF0030 PP0031 PF0040 PP004I Hitachi PF0030 25K1772 2sk1299 2SJ295 PF0042 2SJ299 2sk1205 PDF


    Abstract: 2sk mosfet pf0030 hitachi 2sj217 2SJ299 2sk mosfet rf power 2sk1299 2SJ214 2SJ295 2SK1919
    Text: HITACHI 1.5.4 13 New DIV-L Series • • 2.5V and 4V gate drive device High speed switching 30% reduction in fall time, tf • Strong resistance to inductive load over voltage avalanche breakdown. • Stronger built-in diode breakdown capability • Wide range of P-channel devices

    OCR Scan
    2SJ2-46 2SJ223 2SJ182 2SJ245 2SJ214 2SJ219 2SJ220 2SJ242 2SJ175 2SJ176 PF0040 2sk mosfet pf0030 hitachi 2sj217 2SJ299 2sk mosfet rf power 2sk1299 2SJ214 2SJ295 2SK1919 PDF

    12W 04 SMD MOSFET

    Abstract: PF1002 PF0012 mosfet 12w smd PF0022 pf0017b 12W SMD MOSFET PF0027 pf0030 hitachi PF0010
    Text: HITACHI 17 1.8 RF Power Modules These modules offer high efficiency along with excellent immunity to intermodulation distortion and load mismatch. MOSFET technology is well suited to use in the output stage of a cellular radio. Hitachi offers a range of MOSFET Power Amplifiers

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    NMT90Q/TACS PF0010 2SJ291 220AB 2SJ192 2SJ293 220FM 2SJ294 2SJ29S 2SJ296 12W 04 SMD MOSFET PF1002 PF0012 mosfet 12w smd PF0022 pf0017b 12W SMD MOSFET PF0027 pf0030 hitachi PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ299 PF0040 2SJ292 2SJ295 Hitachi PF0030 TO220FM 2SJ278 2SJ279 2SJ290
    Text: HITACHI 1.5.4 13 New DIV-L Series • • 2.5V and 4V gate drive device High speed switching 30% reduction in fall time, tf • Strong resistance to inductive load over voltage avalanche breakdown. • Stronger built-in diode breakdown capability • Wide range of P-channel devices

    OCR Scan
    2SJ2-46 2SJ223 2SJ182 2SJ245 2SJ214 2SJ219 2SJ220 2SJ242 2SJ175 2SJ176 2sj177 2SJ299 PF0040 2SJ292 2SJ295 Hitachi PF0030 TO220FM 2SJ278 2SJ279 2SJ290 PDF


    Abstract: pf0030 hitachi 2SJ295 2SK1919 PF0040 KWSA103 PF0030 PF0042 2SJ214 2SJ220
    Text: HITACHI 29 5.4 Communications Mobile RF SAW Filters NMT/GSM KTACS HITACHI KAMT« Tb Bx Tu ft* T» 9m, hvm U m Typ IC - 4ädB Wide band aaaaMtkw •OStfBqrp SMD pàg - 4.5 s 5 J s 2mm 505L fan p riiw HWSAHB HWSB102 HWSAXB HWSBXa HW SA03 H W SM » O m« Q m

    OCR Scan
    303L/3Â KWSA103 HWSA10I HWSB10I HWSA01 PF0030 PP0031 PF0040 PP004I 2sj217 pf0030 hitachi 2SJ295 2SK1919 PF0042 2SJ214 2SJ220 PDF

    2sj2 high voltage p channel mosfet

    Abstract: 2sj2 high voltage mosfet 2SK1778 2SJ182 2SJ299 2SK1204 2SK1763 2SJ175 2SK1665 2SK1776
    Text: 12 HITACHI DIII-HF Series High Speed Devices To improve switching losses for certain critical switching applications, Hitachi has introduced HF-Series with better built-in diode breakdown capability then the existing DIII-H series using life-time control technology.

    OCR Scan