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    PL 15 Z EQUIVALENT Search Results

    PL 15 Z EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PL 15 Z EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: a1010b transistor a1020 A1010 A1020 transistor A1010
    Text: ACT 1 Series FPGAs Features • 5V and 3.3V Families fully compatible with JEDEC specifications A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming and to protect the design from being copied or reverse engineered. • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD equivalent gates

    A1010B A10V10B A1020B A10V20B 84-Pin 84-Pin A1020B a1010b transistor a1020 A1010 A1020 transistor A1010 PDF

    transistor A1010

    Abstract: actel a1020b actel a10v20b A1020b
    Text: BACK ACT 1 Series FPGAs Features • 5V and 3.3V Families fully compatible with JEDEC specifications A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming and to protect the design from being copied or reverse engineered. • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD equivalent gates

    20-Pin 84-Pin A1020B transistor A1010 actel a1020b actel a10v20b PDF


    Abstract: MC100EL30 MC100LVEL30
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple D Flip-Flop With Set and Reset MC100LVEL30 MC100EL30 The MC100LVEL30 is a triple master–slave D flip flop with differential outputs. The MC100EL30 is pin and functionally equivalent to the MC100LVEL30 but is specified for operation at the standard 100E ECL

    MC100LVEL30 MC100EL30 MC100LVEL30 MC100EL30 1200MHz DL140 MC100LVEL30/D* MC100LVEL30/D PDF


    Abstract: A1010B A1020 A1020B transistor A1010
    Text: ACT 1 Series FPGAs • 5V and 3.3V Families fully compatible with JEDEC specifications A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming and to protect the design from being copied or reverse engineered. • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD equivalent gates

    A1020B A10V20B 84-Pin A1020B 84-Pin A1010 A1010B A1020 transistor A1010 PDF


    Abstract: M705 22 J.63 capacitor
    Text: Chip tantalum capacitors Bottom surface electrode type TCT Series PL Case zFeatures (PL) 1) Vital for all hybrid integrated circuits board application. 2) Wide capacitance range. 3) Screening by thermal shock. zDimensions (Unit : mm) Anode mark (Unit : mm)

    R0039A 1E155 M705 22 J.63 capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT54/74FCT191 IDT54/74FCT191A FAST CMOS UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • 1DT54/74FCT191 equivalent to FAST speed The IDT54/74FCT191 and IDT54/74FCT191A are reversible modulo-16 binary counters, featuring synchronous

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT191 IDT54/74FCT191A 1DT54/74FCT191 IDT54/74FCT191 IDT54/74FCT191A modulo-16 IDT54/ 74FCT191A IDT54/T191/A PDF


    Abstract: ACTEL A1010
    Text: tHAY i & ’993 Æ 9 d m !I ACT 1 Field Programmable Gate Arrays Product Family Profile Features • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD/LCA™ equivalent gates • Replaces up to 53 TTL Packages • Replaces up to 17 20-Pin PAL™ Packages • Design Library with over 250 Functions

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    20-Pin A1010A A1010B A1020A A1020B A1020A ACTEL A1010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE SflE D 4Ö25771 0010558 Sbl IDT54/74FCT193T IDT54/74FCT193AT FAST CMOS UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTERS FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT193T equivalent to FAST speed The IDT54/74FCT193T and IDT54/74FCT193AT are up/ down m odulo-16 binary counters built using advanced

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT193T IDT54/74FCT193AT IDT54/74FCT193AT odulo-16 PDF

    PT 4207

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTEGRATED DEVICE 5flE D 4ÖZS771 DD1Q55E D43 • ! ] FAST CMOS UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT54/74FCT191T IDT54/74FCT191AT 7 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT191T equivalent to FAST speed • IDT54/74FCT191AT 35% faster than FAST

    OCR Scan
    ZS771 DD1Q55E IDT54/74FCT191T IDT54/74FCT191AT IDT54/74FCT191AT MIL-STD-883, IDT54IN IDT54/74FCT191T/AT PT 4207 PDF


    Abstract: 14H7 6SH7 ScansU9X21
    Text: Sylvania Type 7 H 7 SEMI-REMOTE CUT-OFF RF PENTODE GT EQUIVALENT 6SH7GT O nr 8V-L-5 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS B a s e .L ock-In 8 P in B u l b .

    OCR Scan
    CE49069 EBL1 14H7 6SH7 ScansU9X21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I N T E GR AT ED DEVIC E Integrated Device Technology, Inc. •5ÖE ]> ■ 4Ö2S771 FAST CMOS UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER 0010bfc,4 4fl3 ■ !» IDT54/74FCT193 IDT54/74FCT193A ' T - 4 9 -2/ 2> - \ l FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT193 equivalent to FAST speed

    OCR Scan
    2S771 0010bfc IDT54/74FCT193 IDT54/74FCT193A IDT54/74FCT193A odulo-16 PDF


    Abstract: TA139
    Text: f ACT 1 Field Programmable Gate Arrays I Features Description • U p to 2000 G ate Array Gates 6000 PLD /LCA ™ equivalent gates T he A C T ™ 1 family of field program mable gate arrays (FPGAs) offers a variety of package, speed, and application combinations.

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin CNT4A TA139 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACT 1 Series FPGAs Features • A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming and to protect the design from being copied or 5Vand 3.3V Fam iliesfully compatible with JEDEC reverse engineered. specifications • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD equivalent gates

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin A1010B A10V10B A1020B A10V20B 84-Pin 90S-1 PDF


    Abstract: 14H7 6AB7 500C UI SHIELDING
    Text: Sylvania Type 7 H 7 SEMI-REMOTE CUT-OFF RF PENTODE GT EQUIVALENT 6SH7GT O nr 8V-L-5 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS B a s e .L ock-In 8 P in B u l b .

    OCR Scan
    CE49069 7H7-14H7 CC49090 6SH7 14H7 6AB7 500C UI SHIELDING PDF


    Abstract: PH 84 CNT4A T-46 FADD32 ACTEL A1010A DLM8
    Text: ACTEL CORP Æ te M 53E D • QnSMRf ci DDDD373 D23 *A C T ACT 1 Field Programmable Gate Arrays I Features Description • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD/LCA™ equivalent gates • Replaces up to 53 TTL Packages • Replaces up to 17 20-Pin PAL™ Packages

    OCR Scan
    0DQD373 20-Pin A1010A A1020A Equiva005" PH 84 CNT4A T-46 FADD32 ACTEL A1010A DLM8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FAST CMOS UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER IDT54/74FCT191T IDT54/74FCT191AT FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT191T equivalent to FAST speed The IDT54/74FCT191T and IDT54/74FCT191 AT are reversible modulo-16 binary counters, featuring synchronous

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT191T IDT54/74FCT191AT IDT54/74FCT191T IDT54/74FCT191 modulo-16 IDT54/ 74FCT191AT IDT54/74FCT191T/AT PDF


    Abstract: TCO12 tco122 8006 1d AMD 707 024810
    Text: L 2 8 1991 COM’L: 25/33 MIL:-25 Z I Am29CPL151H-25/33 Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 64-Word Field-Programmable Controller FPC DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Implements complex state machines Up to 33-MHz maximum frequency ■ High-speed, low-power CMOS EPROM

    OCR Scan
    Am29CPL151H-25/33 64-Word Am29PL141 33-MHz 32-blt 28-pin Am29CPL151 cp-10h-12/90-0 TCO12 tco122 8006 1d AMD 707 024810 PDF

    pal 005a

    Abstract: pal 007B POL 4558 spf 9001 labpro TTL IC 7405 4558 same match other ic BT 16A SSR Kontron Generator 7100 am29pl141
    Text: L 2 8 1991 COM’L: 25/33 MIL:-25 Z I Am29CPL151H-25/33 Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 64-Word Field-Programmable Controller FPC DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Implements complex state machines Up to 33-MHz maximum frequency ■ High-speed, low-power CMOS EPROM

    OCR Scan
    Am29CPL151H-25/33 64-Word Am29PL141 33-MHz 32-blt 28-pin Am29CPL151 cp-10h-12/90-0 pal 005a pal 007B POL 4558 spf 9001 labpro TTL IC 7405 4558 same match other ic BT 16A SSR Kontron Generator 7100 PDF


    Abstract: Microsoft 007 ird
    Text: ACT 1 Series FPGAs Features • 5V and 3.3V Families fully compatible with JEDEC specifications A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming and to protect the design from being copied or reverse engineered. • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD equivalent gates

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin 10Kresistor A1020B A1010-PL Microsoft 007 ird PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACT 1 Series FPGAs Features • 5V and 3.3V Families fully compatible with JEDEC specifications A security fuse may be programmed to disable all further programming and to protect the design from being copied or reverse engineered. • Up to 2000 Gate Array Gates 6000 PLD equivalent gates

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin A1020B orcad PDF


    Abstract: PL910
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE SÛE D MÛ25771 FAST CMOS UP/DOWN BINARY COUNTER DDlDbSfl IfiT H I ! IDT54/74FCT191 IDT54/74FCT191A Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • IDT54/74FCT191 equivalent to FAST speed The IDT54/74FCT191 and IDT54/74FCT191A are

    OCR Scan
    ES771 IDT54/74FCT191 IDT54/74FCT191A IDT54/74FCT191 MIL-STD-883, idt54/74fct1Ã MB5S771 DQ10bb3 74fct191 PL910 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COM’L: -25/33 il MIL: -25 Am29CPL151H-25/33 Advanced Micro Devices CMOS 64-Word Field-Programmable Controller FPC DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Implements complex state machines Up to 33-MHz maximum frequency ■ High-speed, low-power CMOS EPROM technology

    OCR Scan
    Am29CPL151H-25/33 64-Word 33-MHz 32-bit Am29PLl4l 28-pin Am29CPL151 PDF

    "multiplier accumulator"

    Abstract: 64 bit booth multiplier 16 bit multiplier
    Text: b »V2 o < i 5 *J TACT1010-65E 16-BIT BY 16-BIT MULTIPLIER/ACCUMULATOR 361 i D 2834, DECEMBER 1986 7 - 7^ • jb OR N DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE 16-Bit by 16-Bit Parallel Multiplication/Accumulation TOP VIEW • 35-Bit-Wide Accumulator • Inputs are TTL-Voltage Compatible

    OCR Scan
    TACT1010-65E 16-BIT 35-Bit-Wide TDC1010J AM29510 10/PR Y11/PR11 "multiplier accumulator" 64 bit booth multiplier 16 bit multiplier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF Power Modules INDEX SELECTION GUIDE GENERAL CONTENTS Page 5 8 12 DEFINITIONS Data Sheet Status Objective specification This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. Preliminary specification This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later.

    OCR Scan
    C4382. PDF