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    OMRON Industrial Automation MKS3PIN1-5-DC24

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    DigiKey MKS3PIN1-5-DC24 Bulk 1
    • 1 $27.32
    • 10 $27.32
    • 100 $27.32
    • 1000 $27.32
    • 10000 $27.32
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    OMRON Industrial Automation MKS3PIN1-5-DC12

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MKS3PIN1-5-DC12 Bulk 1
    • 1 $27.32
    • 10 $27.32
    • 100 $27.32
    • 1000 $27.32
    • 10000 $27.32
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    OMRON Corporation MKS3PIN1-5DC12

    General Purpose Relays
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    Mouser Electronics MKS3PIN1-5DC12
    • 1 $25.2
    • 10 $24.38
    • 100 $21.92
    • 1000 $21.1
    • 10000 $21.1
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    OMRON Corporation MKS3PIN1-5 DC24

    General Purpose Relays MKS Relay
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    Mouser Electronics MKS3PIN1-5 DC24
    • 1 $26.04
    • 10 $24.37
    • 100 $20.83
    • 1000 $19.81
    • 10000 $19.81
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    OMRON Industrial Automation MKS3PIN1-5 DC24

    Mks Relay |Omron Industrial Automation MKS3PIN1-5 DC24
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    Newark MKS3PIN1-5 DC24 Bulk 1
    • 1 $30.9
    • 10 $25.66
    • 100 $20.42
    • 1000 $19.25
    • 10000 $19.25
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    PIN15 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: lcd1602 LCD1602B LCD-1602B KS0066* module led lcd 35mm 2 C/O 4.2V 4.7V KS0066U
    Text: LCD1602BLC Specifications * backlight: LED * LCD type + colour: STN grey * features: o 5 x 8 dots with cursor o built-in controller KS0066U or equivalent o +5V power supply o 1/16 duty cycle o BKL to be driven by pin1, pin2, or pin15, pin16 or A, K * absolute maximum rating:

    LCD1602BLC KS0066U pin15, pin16 120mA LCD1602BLC lcd1602 LCD1602B LCD-1602B KS0066* module led lcd 35mm 2 C/O 4.2V 4.7V PDF

    Xiamen Ocular

    Abstract: ocular lcd GDM1604B Xiamen ocular GDM16* LCD KS0066 ddram KS0066U line led GDM160 295x4
    Text: GDM1604B XIAMEN OCULAR Outline Dimension Feature 1. 5X8 dots with cursor 2. Built-in controller KS0066U or Equivalent 3. +5V power supply(Also available for +3.0V) 4. 1/16 duty cycle 5. BKL to be driven by pin1,pin2,or pin15,pin16,or A,K 6. N.V.optional

    GDM1604B KS0066U pin15 pin16 400Hz Xiamen Ocular ocular lcd GDM1604B Xiamen ocular GDM16* LCD KS0066 ddram line led GDM160 295x4 PDF


    Abstract: MAX3232CSE sot245 1N4002 240R TS1117CW-ADJ VG96 JP44 78C51 D1378
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pin[1.100] 8 VCC VCC GND X4 Pin54 Pin53 Pin52 GND R15 10k 4 GND VCC C45 10n C47 10n C59 10n C20 10n 6 VCC C5 100n 15 1N4148 VCC VCC VCC R4 10k Pin71 INT1_R JP12 R24 10k Pin15 TTG0 JP14 R5 10k R6 10k R7 10k R8 10k SW1 SW1 1k Default: closed INT1_R

    Pin54 Pin53 Pin52 Pin15 Pin16 Pin99 Pin98 Pin12 Pin22 R36A MAX3232CSE sot245 1N4002 240R TS1117CW-ADJ VG96 JP44 78C51 D1378 PDF


    Abstract: lcd1601 KS0066U
    Text: LCD1601LC Specifications * backlight: no * LCD type + colour: TN grey * features: o 5 x 8 dots with cursor o built-in controller KS0066U or equivalent o +5V power supply o 1/16 duty cycle o BKL to be driven by pin1, pin2, or pin15, pin16 or A, K * absolute maximum rating:

    LCD1601LC KS0066U pin15, pin16 110mA lcd1601lc lcd1601 PDF

    UL1571 AWG28

    Abstract: ul1571 ul1571 wire AWG28 DF11-20DS-2C PIN14 digital view
    Text: TOLERANCE: +10mm -10mm CABLE TIE WITH P/N TAG P/N 4206875-22 CN1 CN2 LENGTH = 330mm +/- 10mm CN1 PIN1 PIN3 PIN5 PIN7 PIN9 PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 CN2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 DF11-20DS -2C HIROSE PIN2 PIN4 PIN6 PIN8 PIN10 PIN12

    -10mm 330mm PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 DF11-20DS PIN10 PIN12 UL1571 AWG28 ul1571 ul1571 wire AWG28 DF11-20DS-2C PIN14 digital view PDF


    Abstract: p61 female con40 BC547 DTR 4k7 PCA82C250T t1 BC547 100NF VG96 dip 16 pin15 vcc
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PIN[1.80], GND,MCU_VCC VCC VCC X4 B C43 100NF GND X1 C44 100NF GND SW6 C45 100NF VCC 1 Pin1 Pin2 2 Pin3 3 Pin4 4 Pin5 5 Pin6 6 Pin7 7 Pin8 8 Pin9 9 Pin10 10 Pin11 11 Pin12 12 Pin13 13 Pin14 14 Pin15 15 Pin16 16 Pin17 17 Pin18 18 Pin19 19 GND

    100NF Pin10 Pin11 Pin12 Pin13 Pin14 Pin15 Pin16 max3232acse p61 female con40 BC547 DTR 4k7 PCA82C250T t1 BC547 100NF VG96 dip 16 pin15 vcc PDF


    Abstract: max3232acse rjp63 100NF CON50 ADA-91270-90340-100PFV JP62
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin[1.100],GND,VCC VCC JP57 Pin15 X1 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Pin99 Pin100 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 Pin8 Pin9

    Pin15 Pin99 Pin100 Pin10 VPin11 VPin12 Pin16 Pin17 Pin18 2x25-pin max3232acse rjp63 100NF CON50 ADA-91270-90340-100PFV JP62 PDF


    Abstract: CON50 100NF ADA-91270-90340-100PFV rjp63 MB91270 C29A
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin[1.100],GND,VCC VCC JP57 Pin15 X1 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Pin99 Pin100 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 Pin8 Pin9

    Pin15 Pin99 Pin100 Pin10 Pin16 Pin17 Pin18 Pin19 Pin20 Pin21 2x25-pin CON50 100NF ADA-91270-90340-100PFV rjp63 MB91270 C29A PDF

    lcd color monitor p15-1

    Abstract: JP100 C107 C108 MAX3232CSE 16c72 TDA00
    Text: 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 J5A DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 Pin[1.176] A GND Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 Pin8 Pin9 Pin10 Pin11 Pin12 Pin13 Pin14 Pin15 Pin16 Pin17 Pin18 Pin19 Pin20 Pin21 VDD35 GND Pin24 Pin25 Pin26 Pin27 Pin28 Pin29 Pin30 Pin31 Pin32 Pin33 Pin34 Pin35 Pin36 Pin37

    Pin10 Pin11 Pin12 Pin13 Pin14 Pin15 Pin16 Pin17 Pin18 Pin19 lcd color monitor p15-1 JP100 C107 C108 MAX3232CSE 16c72 TDA00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C13 C15 C20 C22 C25 C26 C42 C43 SDO CSB SCLK SDIO OVDD pin36 OVDD pin27 OVDD D C14 0.1uF C45 C44 pin56 pin70 OUTFMT pin23 nap_sleep_normal pin22 output_mode pin16 clkdivn pin15 Vcm pin71 AVDD pin24 AVDD pin19 AVDD pin12 AVDD pin6 AVDD pin1 AVDD D C12 C24 0.1uF

    pin36 pin27 pin56 pin70 pin23 pin22 pin16 pin15 pin71 pin24 R1019 PDF

    UL1571 AWG28

    Abstract: ul1571 ul1571 wire PIN25 AWG28 PIN23 digital view DF11
    Text: TOLERANCE: +10mm -10mm CABLE TIE WITH "P/N 4206875-12" TAG CN1 CN2 CABLE LENGTH = 330mm +/- 10mm CN1 PIN1 PIN3 PIN5 PIN7 PIN9 PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 PIN21 PIN23 PIN25 PIN27 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 CN2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

    -10mm 330mm PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 PIN21 PIN23 PIN25 UL1571 AWG28 ul1571 ul1571 wire PIN25 AWG28 PIN23 digital view DF11 PDF


    Abstract: MB96F350 TLE7259 MB96F AMIS30663 D9 female JP32 PCA82C250 RXD TXD MP3 MB96F3
    Text: D C B GND Pin24 Pin27 Pin30 Pin33 Pin36 Pin39 Pin42 Pin56 Pin59 Pin16 Pin53 Pin9 Pin12 Pin15 Pin63 Pin5 Pin8 VPin19 VPin20 Pin21 Pin45 MCUVCC GND Pin44 2 4 1 D15 1N4002 D19 C-Pin X16 C22 22pF C16 22pF 2 Q1 4MHZ Default: 1-4 C40 47µF/25V VBat C61 4,7µ Pin47

    Pin24 Pin27 Pin30 Pin33 Pin36 Pin39 Pin42 Pin56 Pin59 Pin16 MAX3232CSE MB96F350 TLE7259 MB96F AMIS30663 D9 female JP32 PCA82C250 RXD TXD MP3 MB96F3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 4 EXP 1 4 5 10 GND 11 2 7 8 13 74LS595D U3 C GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 22 23 24 OUT3 OUT3 OUT3 19 20 21 16 17 18 OUT4 OUT4 OUT4 PIN15 CDBU0240 PIN16 CDBU0240 PIN17 D11 CDBU0240 PIN18 D12 13 G QH* 74LS595D 1 R2A 2 14 15 3 6 9 12 4 5 10 GND 11 2 7 8 13 VCC VCC IN1

    PIN15 CDBU0240 PIN16 PIN17 PIN18 74LS595D PIN21 PIN22 PDF


    Abstract: GDM1602 Xiamen Ocular Xiamen ocular GDM16* LCD ocular lcd line led KS0066U KS-0066U 03HL DB-113
    Text: XIAMEN OCULAR GDM1602K LED BKL Feature 1. 5X8 dots with cursor 2. Built-in controller KS0066U or Equivalent 3. +5V power supply(Also available for +3.0V) 4. 1/16 duty 5. BKL to be driven by pin1,pin2,or pin15,pin16,or A,K 6. N.V.optional PIN NO Symbol Fuction

    GDM1602K KS0066U pin15 pin16 400Hz GDM1602K GDM1602 Xiamen Ocular Xiamen ocular GDM16* LCD ocular lcd line led KS-0066U 03HL DB-113 PDF

    PSOC LCD 1289

    Abstract: dtmf tranmitter 072ps
    Text: CY8C28243, CY8C28403, CY8C28413 CY8C28433, CY8C28445, CY8C28452 CY8C28513, CY8C28533, CY8C28545 CY8C28623, CY8C28643, CY8C28645 PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pull-up, pull-down, high Z, strong, or open-drain drive modes

    CY8C28243, CY8C28403, CY8C28413 CY8C28433, CY8C28445, CY8C28452 CY8C28513, CY8C28533, CY8C28545 CY8C28623, PSOC LCD 1289 dtmf tranmitter 072ps PDF


    Abstract: WH2402A 4570c WH-240
    Text: Character24x2 W H 2 4 0 2 A D/mens/on cfraw/nff Feature /tfecAan/ca/ Data 1.5x8 dots includes cursor Ite m S ta n d a r d V a lu e U n it M odule D im ension 118.0x36.0 mm 4.1/16 duty cycle V iew ing A rea 94 .5x16 .0 mm 5. LED can be driven by pin1,pir2,pin15,pin16 or A and K

    OCR Scan
    Character24x2 WH2402A pin15 pin16 110VAC 400Hz KS-0065 WH2402A 4570c WH-240 PDF


    Abstract: wh1602l display oq 0066 WH1602 winstar WH1602L t
    Text: W H 1 6 0 2 L Character 16x2 D/me/ts/o/t tfranr/'/tff Character type 1. 5x8 dots includes cursor 2. Built- in controller KS 0066 or Equivalent 3. +5V power supply (Also available for +3V) 4.1/16 duty cycle 5. LED can be driven by pin1,pin2, or pin15,pin16 or

    OCR Scan
    WH1602L pin15 pin16 115x37 110VAC 400Hz wh1602l display oq 0066 WH1602 winstar WH1602L t PDF


    Abstract: ST7920 80X36
    Text: 36.0±0.5 W G 1 44 32 B Graphic 144x32dobs Æfec/ran/ca/ if ata Feature 1.Built-in controller ST7920 Graphic type Item 2.+5V power supply S ta n d a rd V a lu e U n it 80x36 Module Dimension mm 3.1/32 duty cycle Viewing Area 66.0x16.0 mm 4 .LED can be driven by PIN15.PIN16 or A,K

    OCR Scan
    WG14432B 144x32dobs ST7920) PIN15 PIN16 75x31 ST7920 80X36 PDF

    LCD 16X1

    Abstract: WH1601A 16x1 LC display WH1601 Winstar lcd Winstar Display Winstar 3.5" lcd Winstar wh1601a
    Text: Feature Character type AfecAa/t/ca/ Data 1. 5x8 dots includes cursor 2. Built- in controller K S 0066 or Equivalent 3. +5V power supply 4.1/16 duty cycle 5. LED can be driven by pin1,pin2,pin15,pin16 or A and K 6. N.V. Optional 7. For +3V power supply mNO Sym bol

    OCR Scan
    WH1601A pin15 pin16 110VAC 400Hz LCD 16X1 16x1 LC display WH1601 Winstar lcd Winstar Display Winstar 3.5" lcd Winstar wh1601a PDF


    Abstract: 141151 winstar wh2004D 77X47
    Text: Character 20x4 W H 2004D 0/mensfo/i ¿/raw/ft& 77.00.5 Il I I 1 I H I Max H2 1.6 Feature Afecitanicai Oata 1.5x8 dots includes cursor 2. Built-in controller KS 0066 or Equivalent 3. +5V power supply (Also available for +3V) 4.1/16 duty cycle 5. LED can be driven by pin1 ,pin2,pin15,pin16 or A and K

    OCR Scan
    WH2004D pin15 pin16 77X47 60x22 70x40 110VAC 400Hz 00I01 WH2004D 141151 winstar wh2004D PDF


    Abstract: PIN14 PIN31 Rx2P
    Text: B H WIRING DIAGRAM LOOPBACK PIN NUMBER 01 .04 .07 . 13 . 16 . 19.20 .23 .26 .32 .35 .38 . TX2n PIN02 < TX2p PIN03 < TX4n PIN05 < TX4p PIN06 < ModselL PIN08 ResetL PIN09 VccRx NC PIN10 SCL PIN11 SDA PIN12 RX3p PIN14 RX3n PIN15 RX1 p PIN17 RX1n PIN18 RX2n

    OCR Scan
    PIN02 PIN03 PIN05 PIN06 PIN08 PIN09 PIN10 PIN11 PIN12 PIN14 Rx2N PIN14 PIN31 Rx2P PDF

    winstar wh2002

    Abstract: LCD module 20X2 5V LCD module 20X2 3V WH2002 WH2002L Winstar WH2002L lcd 20x2 winstar Winstar lcd
    Text: Character 20x2 W H 2 0 0 2 L F e a tu re C haracter type AfecAaa/ca/ Data 1. 5x8 dots includes cursor 2. Built-in controller KS 0066 or Equivalent 3. +5V power supply (Also available for +3V) 4.1/16 duty cycle 5. LED can be driven by pin1,pin2,pin15,pin16 or A and K

    OCR Scan
    WH2002L pin15 pin16 110VAC 400Hz winstar wh2002 LCD module 20X2 5V LCD module 20X2 3V WH2002 WH2002L Winstar WH2002L lcd 20x2 winstar Winstar lcd PDF


    Abstract: 16x1 LC display wh1601
    Text: Character 16x1 WH1601A Dimension draw/nff 3.77 Feature 1.5x8 dots includes cursor 2. B u ilt- in co n tro lle r KS 0066 o r E q u iva le n t 3. +5V p ow er su p p ly (Also available for +3V) 4 .1 /1 6 d u ty cycle 5. LED can be driven by pin1,pin2,pin15,pin16 or A and K

    OCR Scan
    WH1601A pin15 pin16 110VAC 400Hz WH1601A 16x1 LC display wh1601 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Character20x2 W H 2 0 0 2 A D/mens/on etratv/nf f 37.0 +0.5 1 1 6 . 0+ 0 . 5 Afec/ian/ca/ Data Feature 1. 5x8 dots includes cursor 2. Built-in controller KS 0066 or E bivalent 3. +5V power supply (Also available for +3V) 4.1/16 duty cycle 5. LED can be driven by pin1,pin2,pin15,pin16 or A and K

    OCR Scan
    Character20x2 WH2002A pln15 pln16 110VAC 400Hz WH2002A PDF