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    CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 9-Pin (DB9) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 10ft Datasheet
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    NE570 equivalent

    Abstract: NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE571 application notes NE570 one band circuit application NE571 ne570 NE571 equivalent NE570D-T sr0250 nonlinear circuits handbook
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE570 Compandor Product data Supersedes data of 1990 Jun 07 Philips Semiconductors 2003 Apr 03 Philips Semiconductors Product data Compandor NE570 GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE570 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which

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    NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction

    Abstract: NE571 NE570 equivalent ne571 application note NE570 one band circuit application NE570 NE571 application notes NE570D compressor ic audio compressor expander IC, 8 pin
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE570 Compandor Product data Supersedes data of 1990 Jun 07 Philips Semiconductors 2003 Apr 03 Philips Semiconductors Product data Compandor NE570 GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE570 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which

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    Abstract: NE571N Application Notes NE570
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics D ocum ent NE570/571/SA571 8 5 3 -0 8 1 2 Compandor 99768 E C N N o. D a te o f Is s u e J une 7, 1990 Product Specification S ta tu s R F C o m m u n ic a tio n s PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e N E 57 0 /5 7 1 is a versatile low cost

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    NE570/571/SA571 10-to-1 NE570N NE571N Application Notes NE570 PDF

    7474 PIN DIAGRAM

    Abstract: n5205 pin diagram of 7432 MN5200 MN5201 MN5203 MN5210 pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 ttl 7474 14 PIN MNS203
    Text: MN5200 Series mmL MICRO NETWORKS ^ShUTARY A/D CONVERTERS DESCRIPTION ‘ FEATURES MN5200 Series devices are 12-bit, successive approximation A/D converters in industry-standard, 24-pin, dual-in-line packages. Functional laser trimming of our own nichrome thin-film resistor networks results in adjustment-free devices

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    MN5200 50/isec 24-Pin MIL-H-38534 MIL-STD-1772 12-bit, 24-pin, mn5200 7474 PIN DIAGRAM n5205 pin diagram of 7432 MN5201 MN5203 MN5210 pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 ttl 7474 14 PIN MNS203 PDF


    Abstract: IC 8212 internal block diagram DAC80-CBI-V application note DAC80-CBI-V DAC80Z-CBI-V dac1280 DAC128012-Bit DAC1280A 8208 national
    Text: DAC1280A, DAC1280 A to D, D to A CTl National Æim Semiconductor DAC1280A, DAC128012-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters General Description Features The DAC1280 series is a fam ily of precision, low cost, ful ly self-contained digital-to-analog converters. The devices

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    DAC1280A, DAC128012-Bit DAC1280 12-bit DAC1280A DAC1280. DAC1280ACD IC 8212 internal block diagram DAC80-CBI-V application note DAC80-CBI-V DAC80Z-CBI-V 8208 national PDF


    Abstract: adc-econoverter ADC856C Datel SHM-4 AM543MC vfv-10k intersil AM-452-2M DAC-IC10BC ROJ-20 AM452-2M
    Text: INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE IN PRECISION DATA ACQUISITION C O M P A N Y H IS T O R Y Founded in 1970, DATEL is a multinational com pany located approxim ately 35 miles south of Boston in Mansfield, M assachusetts. O ur modern 180,000 square-foot facility houses our adm inistrative offices, com ponents and sub-system s engineering

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    Abstract: quivalent book
    Text: DESCRIPTION T he low price of DAC 1200K P-V m akes this 12-bit resolution D /A converter the best value available for com m ercial applications. • ± 1 / 2 L S B LIN EA R IT Y ERROR T he DAC1200 offers T T L in p u t com patibility, g u ar­ anteed m onotonicity over 0°C to + 7 0 °C and settling

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    DAC1200KP-V 1200K 12-bit DAC1200 T2711 quivalent book PDF


    Abstract: MN5216h MN343 MN5216 MN5212 MN5200 MN5210 MN5213
    Text: MN5210 Series |il_ i] 13/*SeC, 12-Bit M ILITARY A /D C O N V E R T E R S mmm MICRO NETWORKS DESCRIPTION FEATURES • 13/isec Maximum Conversion Time +1/2LSB Linearity and No Missing Codes Guaranteed Over Temperature • Small 24-Pin DIP • +1LSB Zero Error

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    MN5210 12-Bit 13/isec 24-Pin MIL-H-38534 MIL-STD-1772 12-bit, MN5212H MN5216h MN343 MN5216 MN5212 MN5200 MN5213 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOV 3 0 1992 A D C -H X , A D C -H Z S e rie s V 12-Bit, Analog-toDigital Converters INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE FEATURES • 12-Bit resolution • 8-or 20-M icroseconds conversions • 5 Input ranges • Internal high Z buffer • Short-cycle operation GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    12-Bit, 12-Bit DS-0035A PDF

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    Abstract: scheme tv color tucson LOG100 ADC600 ISO106 sony ccd ADC-817 adc817 SDM857 SHC76
    Text: HOW TO USE THIS BOOK If you know the MODEL NUMBER, Use the Model Index on the INSIDE FRONT COVER. If you know the PRODUCT TYPE, Use the TABBED TABLE OF CONTENTS on page v. Or, use the SELECTION GUIDE TABLES at the front of each tabbed section. If you know the M ODEL

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    TX712 TX811 schematic diagram tv sony kv 2197 scheme tv color tucson LOG100 ADC600 ISO106 sony ccd ADC-817 adc817 SDM857 SHC76 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DAC88 MICRO NETWORKS 12-Bit D/A C O N V E R T E R with IN P U T R E G IS T E R DESCRIPTION • C o m p le te W ith Internal: In p u t R eg iste r O u tp u t O p A m p L o w -D rift R efe re n ce • ± 1/2 l_SB L in ea rity an d M o n o to n ic ity G u ara n te ed O ver

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    DAC88 12-Bit DAC88 12-bit DAC88â PDF


    Abstract: 20-Microseconds HZ12B adc hz12b
    Text: AD C-HX, A D C -H Z S eries m m 12-Bit, Analog-toDigital Converters \ FE A TU R E S • 12-Bit resolution • 8-0 r 20-Microseconds conversions • 5 Input ranges • Internal high Z buffer • Short-cycle operation G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION T h e A D C - H X 1 2 B and A D C -H Z 1 2 B are self-contained, high

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    12-Bit, 12-Bit 20-Microseconds ADC-HX12B ADC-HZ12B ADC-HX12BGC ADC-HX12BMC ADC-HX12BMM HZ12B adc hz12b PDF


    Abstract: AD515K 2N 10261 transistor application circuit Transistor AF 138S analog devices modell 281 analog devices modell 118 Model 310J ac121 inverter welder 4 schematic
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES DATA ACQUISITION PRODUCTS CATALOG SUPPLEMENT Introduction USING THIS CATALOG SUPPLEMENT This Supplement includes some 70 products introduced sub­ sequent to the publication o f our Data Acquisition Products Catalog. I f you do not already have the Data Acquisition

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    Abstract: notes on 74LS75 DAC-HK12B DAC-HK12BGC DAC-HK12BMC 74LS75 timing diagram
    Text: OMÏÏEL DAC-HK Series 12-Bit Hybrid DAC’s with Input Register F EA TU RES 12-Bit resolution 20 ppm/°C Tempco Input register 2 Coding options Fast settling time G EN E R A L DESC RIPTIO N The DAC-HK Series hybrid D/A converters are high performance 12-bit devices with a fast settling voltage

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    12-Bit DAC-HK12BGC DAC-HK12BMC DAC-HK12BMM DAC-HKB/883B DAC-HK12BGC-2 DAC-HK12BMC-2 DAC-HK12BMM-2 74LS75 notes on 74LS75 DAC-HK12B 74LS75 timing diagram PDF


    Abstract: NE571D NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570N NE571N sa571 equivalent NE571 15Hz-20kHz FULL WAVE RECTIFIER -datasheet operational amplifier discrete schematic
    Text: P roduct specification P hilips S em iconductors-Sigrietics RF C om m unications Products Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor

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    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/NE571 NE570/571 10-to 711002b FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUITS NE571D NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570N NE571N sa571 equivalent NE571 15Hz-20kHz FULL WAVE RECTIFIER -datasheet operational amplifier discrete schematic PDF


    Abstract: ADC85-12 ADC85 ADC85B ADC85C HSADC85 adc hz12b
    Text: Hybrid Systems W W CORPORATION HS ADC85 12-Bit, 10/aS Hybrid ADC FEATURES • -5 5 °C to +125°C Operation ■ M IL-S T D -883 Processing ■ 10/iS Conversion Time ■ Low Power, 1.32W max ■ Replacement for A D C 85/84 and A D C -H X 12B /H Z12B DESCRIPTION

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    ADC85 12-Bit, 10/xS MIL-STD-883 10/iS ADC85/84 ADC-HX12B/HZ12B ADC85B ADC581, adc581 ADC85-12 ADC85B ADC85C HSADC85 adc hz12b PDF


    Abstract: DAC1200KP-V PDS-620A 100-C FSR14 0245MC
    Text: FEATURES D E SCR IPTIO N • COMPLETE D/A CONVERTER: INTERNAL REFERENCE ±10V OUTPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER The Low price of DAC1200KP-V makes this 12-bit resolution D /A converter the best value available for commercial applications. The DAC1200 offers TTL input compatibility, guar­

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    DAC1200KP-V 12-Bit 24-PIN DAC1200KP-V DAC1200 PDS-620A 100-C FSR14 0245MC PDF


    Abstract: NE571N NE570N 570 compandor 570N NE570D NE570F NE571F SA571D SA571F
    Text: Product sp ecification P h ilip s Se m ico nductors-Signe tics R F Com m unications Products Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEA TU R ES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor

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    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 NE57Q/571 110dB 10-to-1 71100Bb NE571D NE571N NE570N 570 compandor 570N NE570D NE570F NE571F SA571D SA571F PDF


    Abstract: NE571 application notes NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction ne571 NE570 equivalent NE570N NE571N NE571F 570 compandor NE571 equivalent
    Text: Philip« S em icon ducto rs RF C om m unications Products P roduct specification Compandor DESCRIPTION The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor or expandor. Each channel has a full-wave

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    NE570/571/SA571 NE570 NE571 NE570/571 110dB 10-to-1 NE571D NE571 application notes NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570 equivalent NE570N NE571N NE571F 570 compandor NE571 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: NE570 equivalent NE571D NE571N 570 compandor ne570 SA571 application note
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors-Signetics RF Communications Products Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit In which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor

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    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 110dB NE570 NE570N NE570 equivalent NE571D NE571N 570 compandor ne570 SA571 application note PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Compandor NE570/571/SA571 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE57Q/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor or expandor. Each channel has a full-wave rectifier to detect the

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    NE570/571/SA571 NE57Q/571 NE570/571 SR0069 SRJC692 PDF

    e420 dual jfet

    Abstract: AC digital voltmeter using 7107 MPS5010 bf320 JFET BF245 bf246 j201 2n3819 mc6821 ICL7117 VOLTMETER cookbook for ic 555 hall marking code A04 e304 fet
    Text: Component Data Catalog 1987 INTERSIL, INC., 10600 RIDGEVIEW COURT, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 1987, Intersil, Inc., All Rights Reserved ^ GE and 408 996-5000 TWX: 910-338-2014 are registered trademarks of General Electric Company, U.S.A.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , MN574A M IC R O N E T W O R K S /¿P-COMPATIBLE 25/iSec, 12-Bit A/D CONVERTER DESCRIPTION • Low Cost • Complete, 25psec, 12-Bit A/D Converter w ith Internal: Clock Reference Control Logic • HI-574A and AD574A Pin and Function Compatible • Full 8 or 16-Bit pP Interface:

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    MN574A 25/iSec, 12-Bit 25psec, HI-574A AD574A 16-Bit 28-Pin 450mW PDF

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

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    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF