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    Eaton Corporation SPI027A1-5A3N1

    Motor Drives SPI9000 DC-Fed INV 575V 27A High OVLD
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    Mouser Electronics SPI027A1-5A3N1
    • 1 $10335.07
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    PI027 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet V1.0, Version 1.0, May 2003 F3 ICE3DS01L ICE3DS01LG Off-Line SMPS Current Mode Controller with integrated 500V Startup Cell Power Management & Supply N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . F3 Revision History: 2003-05-15 Datasheet Previous Version:



    Abstract: 440v to 12v smps power supply 6 pin ic for lg direct drive smps zener diode 400v 0.5a ICE3DS01L ice3ds01lg Q67040-S4549-A102 pi027 ice3dso1 ICE*3dso1l
    Text: Datasheet, V2.0, 15 May 2003 PWM-FF IC ICE3DS01L ICE3DS01LG Off-Line SMPS Current Mode Controller with integrated 500V Startup Cell Power Management & Supply N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . ICE3DSO1L G Revision History: 2003-05-15 Datasheet Previous Version:

    ICE3DS01L ICE3DS01LG D-81541 ice3dso1l 440v to 12v smps power supply 6 pin ic for lg direct drive smps zener diode 400v 0.5a ICE3DS01L ice3ds01lg Q67040-S4549-A102 pi027 ice3dso1 ICE*3dso1l PDF


    Abstract: 3br2565 480V1 PG-TO220-6-247 PI025 marking 81W
    Text: V er si o n 2 . 1 , 7 M a y 2 0 1 1 I CE 3BR 2565 JF O ff - L in e S M P S Cu r r e n t M o d e C o n tr o lle r wit h in t e g r a te d 6 5 0 V C o o lM OS ® a n d S ta r tu p c e ll fr e q u e n c y j itt e r M o d e in Fu l lP a k Po we r M an a ge me nt & Su pp l y

    ICE3BR2565JF 3br2565jf 3br2565 480V1 PG-TO220-6-247 PI025 marking 81W PDF


    Abstract: ICE3BR0665JF PG-TO220-6-347 0.22uF 400V GE ICE3BR0665 3BR0665 201156
    Text: V er si o n 2 . 1 , 6 M a y 2 0 1 1 I CE 3BR 0665 JF O ff - L in e S M P S Cu r r e n t M o d e C o n tr o lle r wit h in t e g r a te d 6 5 0 V C o o lM OS ® a n d S ta r tu p c e ll fr e q u e n c y j itt e r M o d e in Fu l lP a k Po we r M an a ge me nt & Su pp l y

    ICE3BR0665JF 3BR0665JF ICE3BR0665JF PG-TO220-6-347 0.22uF 400V GE ICE3BR0665 3BR0665 201156 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V er si o n 2 . 1 , 7 M a y 2 0 1 1 I CE 3BR 2565 JF O ff - L in e S M P S Cu r r e n t M o d e C o n tr o lle r wit h in t e g r a te d 6 5 0 V C o o lM OS ® a n d S ta r tu p c e ll fr e q u e n c y j itt e r M o d e in Fu l lP a k Po we r M an a ge me nt & Su pp l y

    ICE3BR2565JF PDF


    Abstract: bourns tisp TISP4070L3 TISP4070L3LM TISP4350L3 TISP4350L3LM
    Text: TISP4070L3LM, TISP4350L3LM BIDIRECTIONAL THYRISTOR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTORS TISP4xx0L3LM Overvoltage Protector Series Ion-Implanted Breakdown Region Precise and Stable Voltage Low Voltage Overshoot under Surge VDRM Device LMF Package Top View T(A) NC R(B)

    TISP4070L3LM, TISP4350L3LM TISP4070L3LM TIA/EIA-IS-968 06/03/PI0274 4350l3 bourns tisp TISP4070L3 TISP4070L3LM TISP4350L3 TISP4350L3LM PDF

    EN 60352

    Abstract: FLASH PRO MC52-MC31
    Text: AMDÌ1 P R E L IM IN A R Y A m 1 8 6 E S /E S L V a n d A m 188™ E S /E S L V High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ E86™ family 80C186-/188- and 80L186-/188compatible microcontrollers with enhanced bus

    OCR Scan
    188TM 80C186/80L186 16-bit FusionE86 Am186/188ES Am186/188ESLV EN 60352 FLASH PRO MC52-MC31 PDF


    Abstract: PL031
    Text: P R E L I M I N A R Y AM DiTI PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pins That Are Used by Emulators T he follow ing pins are u se d by em ulators: A 1 9 -A 0 , A 0 1 5 - A 0 8 , A D 7 - A D 0 , A L E , E H E / A D E N on the A m 1 8 6 E M , C L K O U T A , R F S H 2 / A D E N (on th e

    OCR Scan
    188EM) Am186/188EM Am186/188EMLV wc52 PL031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y Am186 ES/ESLV and Am188™ ES/ESLV AMD il High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86™ family 80C186-/188- and 80L186-/188compatible microcontrollers with enhanced bus

    OCR Scan
    Am186TMES/ESLV Am188TM 80C186-/80C188-Compatible 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit E86TM 80C186-/188- 80L186-/188compatible Am186ESLV Am188ESLV PDF


    Abstract: AMD k86
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION A m 1 8 6 E S a n d Advanced Micro Devices A m 1 8 8 ™ E S High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ E86™ family 80C186- and 80C188-compatible m icrocontrollers with enhanced bus interface

    OCR Scan
    80C186- 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit 80C188-compatible 40-MHz pqr100 Am386, Am486 Am186, Am186ES AMD k86 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION Elan SC520 Microcontroller AMDÎ! Integrated 32-Bit Microcontroller with PC/AT-Compatible Peripherals, PCI Host Bridge, and Synchronous DRAM Controller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Industry-standard Am5x86 CPU with floating point unit FPU and 16-Kbyte write-back cache

    OCR Scan
    SC520 32-Bit Am5x86Â 16-Kbyte 100-MHz 133-MHz PDF


    Abstract: 5-101 pong rn isa io MIPI ISP Intel MIPI DSI spec ac9721 intel AF 82801 82801 g SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM it313 sch 5127
    Text: intef i 82801AA ICH and Intet 82801AB (ICHO) I/O Controller Hub Datasheet A p r ii 1 9 9 9 O rder N um ber: 2^06 ^5-0 01 in Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    OCR Scan
    82801AA 82801AB 82801AA 82801AB 82801 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 5-101 pong rn isa io MIPI ISP Intel MIPI DSI spec ac9721 intel AF 82801 82801 g SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM it313 sch 5127 PDF


    Abstract: dsc 8d15 8D15-8DO amd elan amd elan sc400 and am386-dx 40 cq met t2a 250 micron 80l power resistor tt25 CAPACITORS ELANSC400
    Text: Elan SC400 and ElanSC410 AMDÌ1 Single-Chip, Low-Power, PC/AT-Compatible Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Elan™SC400 and ElanSC410 Microcontrollers ■ ■ - DOS, ROM-DOS, Windows, and industrystandard BIOS support E86™ family of x86 embedded processors

    OCR Scan
    SC400 ElanSC410 lanSC410 35-micron 33-MHz, 66-MHz, 100-MHz Am486Â 16-038-BG CQL10 dsc 8d15 8D15-8DO amd elan amd elan sc400 and am386-dx 40 cq met t2a 250 micron 80l power resistor tt25 CAPACITORS ELANSC400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs The BU38905 is a servo controller for VCRs. It has a high-speed, 8 -b it CPU and performs the processing required for the drum, capstan, FV and PV com pletely in software, allowing a large reduction in the number of external components required. It also has a high-perform ance linear amplifier so an interface 1C is not required. Specialized hardware is in­

    OCR Scan
    BU38905 BU38905 QFP80 002232S PDF

    188es board

    Abstract: AMD k86
    Text: A m 186 EM an d A m 188™ EM Advanced Micro Devices High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86™ fami ly 80C186- and 80C188-com patible m icrocontrollers with enhanced bus interface

    OCR Scan
    80C186- 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit 80C188-com 80C186 70-ns Am386, Am486 Am186, 188es board AMD k86 PDF


    Abstract: pu51 80C186 USER MANUAL
    Text: AMDH ADVANCE INFORMATION A m 1 8 6 E R a n d A m 1 8 8 “E R High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers with RAM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86™ fa m ily 80C186- and 80C 188-com patible m ic ro c o n tro lle rs w ith en h an ce d b u s in te rfa ce

    OCR Scan
    80C186- 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit 188-com inte-94 pqr100 Am386, Am486 Am186, 0051501 pu51 80C186 USER MANUAL PDF

    amd k10

    Abstract: ELANSC410-66AC block diagram of AMD K10
    Text: A M D ÌI ADVANCE INFORMATION TM ElanSC410 Single-Chip PC/AT-Compatible Microcontroller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86 family of x86 embedded processors — Offers improved time-to-market, software migration, and field-proven development tools ■ Highly integrated single-chip CPU with a

    OCR Scan
    ElanSC410 E86TM 33-MHz 66-MHz Am486® lanSC410 amd k10 ELANSC410-66AC block diagram of AMD K10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY A m 186 C C High-Performance, 80C186-Compatible 16-Bit Embedded Communications Controller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86™ fam ily of x86 embedded processors offers improved time-to-m arket - Software migration backwards- and upwardscompatible

    OCR Scan
    80C186-Compatible 16-Bit 55-ns Am186â Am386 Am486 Am186, Am188, Comm86, FusionE86 PDF


    Abstract: RD3153 hbag tic154 MP21D M722 MP63 fuse OD80 WQ MITAC schematic MX C532
    Text: REVISION TITLE R00 BLOCK DIAGRAM HISTORY DESIGN FOR EVT 1.Change R651,653 from 0.33u to lu for Audio CPU-UPGA2 1 2.Remove R662 ami Add R648 for Geyserville CPU-uPGA2 (2) ROA M722 Schematic ROB BANISTER (1) BANISTER (2) CLOCK SYNTHERISZER- ICS9248-101 3.Change R651 R653 form 6.8k to 0 and Add C194,C635,CÓ36 for reduce

    OCR Scan
    ICS9248-101 H8/3434 2200P/N 120Z/100M FM/25PX2/0 KX14K8 JAE-KX14-50KS DF13-40DP-1 25/20PX2 TP535 RD3153 hbag tic154 MP21D M722 MP63 fuse OD80 WQ MITAC schematic MX C532 PDF

    EN 60352

    Abstract: em33
    Text: AMDÌ1 Am186 EM/EMLV and Am 188 EM EMLV P R E L IM IN A R Y High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86 family 80C186- and 80C188-compatible microcontrollers with enhanced bus interface

    OCR Scan
    Am186 80C186-/80C188-Compatible 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit E86TM 80C186- 80C188-compatible Am188EMLV 40-MHz 110-ns EN 60352 em33 PDF


    Abstract: BU38905 PI-033 PI-024
    Text: Video ICs BU38905 T he B U 38905 is a servo controller for VC R s. It has a high-speed, 8 -b it C P U and performs the processing required for the drum, capstan, FV and P V completely in software, allowing a large reduction in the number of external components

    OCR Scan
    BU38905 BU38905 250ns PI032 PI-033 PI-024 PDF


    Abstract: 80C188 Am29F40C A01313 80C186 USER MANUAL
    Text: PRELIMINARY Am186 ER and Am188~ER AMDÎI High-Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers with RAM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • E86™ family 80C186- and 80C188-compatible m icrocontrollers with enhanced bus interface

    OCR Scan
    Ami86â Am188ER 80C186- 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit 80C188-compatible 40-MHz 70-ns 64-Kbyte 80C186 80C188 Am29F40C A01313 80C186 USER MANUAL PDF

    amd c-50

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E L I M I N A R Y AMDH PQFP CONNECTION DIAGRAMS AND PINOUTS Am186EM Microcontroller Top Side View—100-Pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack PQFP o In to o SP o Q > < cd CO 1— ^ ^ co T* CM 0 5 < < Q Q q D < < < O Û Q < < nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn o o 05 CO CO CJ

    OCR Scan
    Am186EM View--100-Pin CTC53/HF5H PC55/A1 PC56/A2 INT2/1NTRO/PI031 INT4/PI030 50/PI014 51/PI015 C52/PI024 amd c-50 PDF

    ZD-98 F

    Abstract: PI019
    Text: _ P R E L I M I N A R Y _ AM D£1 TQFP CONNECTION DIAGRAMS AND PINOUTS Am186EM Microcontroller Top Side View—100-Pin Thin Quad Flat Pack TQFP O g 3 o i s S É É X o ? CC DC 2 S I- H Q ü O CE C*5 CM CM CO |CO ¡CO „ ico ico 9 ICO

    OCR Scan
    Am186EM View--100-Pin COWi-00 INT2/INT7V0/PIO31 INT4/PI030 WC50/PI014 13ICS1/PI015 MC52/PI024 MC53/RF5H/PI025 FC50/PI016 ZD-98 F PI019 PDF