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    PHOTOTRANSISTOR TIL 78 Search Results

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    Abstract: LYT4311-LYT4318 LYT4211-LYT4218 scr dimmer circuit diagram SCHEMATIC simple dimmer triac mw 131 Triac 3 kw dimmer schematic diagram Application scr Light Dimmer with Schematic 3 phase SCR dimmer circuits Application TRIAC Light Dimmer with Schematic
    Text: LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYTSwitch High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for Low-Line Applications, TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights • Better than ±5% CC regulation

    LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 EN61000-3-2 LYT4211 LYT4311-LYT4318 LYT4211-LYT4218 scr dimmer circuit diagram SCHEMATIC simple dimmer triac mw 131 Triac 3 kw dimmer schematic diagram Application scr Light Dimmer with Schematic 3 phase SCR dimmer circuits Application TRIAC Light Dimmer with Schematic PDF

    SCHEMATIC simple dimmer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for Low-Line Applications, TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Optimized for Different Applications and Power Levels

    LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYT4211-LYT4218 LYT4311-LYT4318 LYT4x11E/L LYT4x12E/L LYT4x13E/L LYT4x15E/L LYT4x16E/L LYT4x17E/L LYT4x18E/L SCHEMATIC simple dimmer PDF


    Abstract: LYT4221-LYT4228
    Text: LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for Low-Line Applications, TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Optimized for Different Applications and Power Levels

    LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYT4211-LYT4218 LYT4311-LYT4318 LYT4x11E/L LYT4x12E/L LYT4x13E/L LYT4x15E/L LYT4x16E/L LYT4x17E/L LYT4x18E/L LYTSwitch LYT4221-LYT4228 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for Low-Line Applications, TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Optimized for Different Applications and Power Levels

    LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYT4211-LYT4218 LYT4311-LYT4318 LYT4x11E/L LYT4x12E/L LYT4x13E/L LYT4x15E/L LYT4x16E/L LYT4x17E/L LYT4x18E/L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for Low-Line Applications, TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights • Better than ±5% CC regulation

    LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 EN61000-3-2 LYTSwitch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LYT4221-4228/4321-4328 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for High-Line Applications with TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights • • • • •

    LYT4221-4228/4321-4328 EN61000-3-2 LYTSwitch PDF


    Abstract: LNK416 LNK419 lnk409 lnk410 LNK417 lnk413 LNK418 lnk408 LNK415-420
    Text: LNK403-410/413-420 LinkSwitch-PH LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage PFC, Primary-Side Constant Current Control and TRIAC Dimming/Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights Dramatically Simplifies Off-line LED Drivers • Single-stage combination of power factor correction and

    LNK403-410/413-420 LNK403-410 lnk420 LNK416 LNK419 lnk409 lnk410 LNK417 lnk413 LNK418 lnk408 LNK415-420 PDF

    triac 3 kw dimmer

    Abstract: Triac 3 kw dimmer schematic diagram
    Text: LNK403-410/413-420 LinkSwitch-PH LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage PFC, Primary-Side Constant Current Control and TRIAC Dimming/Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights Dramatically Simplifies Off-line LED Drivers • Single-stage combination of power factor correction and

    LNK403-410/413-420 LNK403-410 triac 3 kw dimmer Triac 3 kw dimmer schematic diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LYT4221-4228/4321-4328 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for High-Line Applications with TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights • • • • •

    LYT4221-4228/4321-4328 EN61000-3-2 PDF

    Phototransistor Til 196

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 LYTSwitch-4 High Power LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage Accurate Primary-Side Constant Current CC Controller with PFC for Low-Line Applications, TRIAC Dimming and Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights • • • • • •

    LYT4211-4218/4311-4318 EN61000-3-2 Phototransistor Til 196 PDF


    Abstract: LNK416 LNK418 LNK419 LNK406 12W16 LNK417 flyback led driver with pwm dimming lnk410 r10d8
    Text: LNK403-410/413-420 LinkSwitch-PH LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage PFC, Primary-Side Constant Current Control and TRIAC Dimming/Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights Dramatically Simplifies Off-line LED Drivers • Single-stage combination of power factor correction and

    LNK403-410/413-420 LNK403-410 LNK420 LNK416 LNK418 LNK419 LNK406 12W16 LNK417 flyback led driver with pwm dimming lnk410 r10d8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LNK403-410/413-420 LinkSwitch-PH LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage PFC, Primary-Side Constant Current Control and TRIAC Dimming/Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights Dramatically Simplifies Off-line LED Drivers • Single-stage combination of power factor correction and

    LNK403-410/413-420 LNK403-410 LinkSwitch-PH PDF


    Text: LNK403-410/413-420 LinkSwitch-PH LED Driver IC Family Single-Stage PFC, Primary-Side Constant Current Control and TRIAC Dimming/Non-Dimming Options Product Highlights Dramatically Simplifies Off-line LED Drivers • Single-stage combination of power factor correction and

    LNK403-410/413-420 LNK403-410 lnk420 LNK413 LNK413-420 LNK416 LNK413EG DIODE RECTIFIER BRIDGE SINGLE LNK403EG LNK409 LNK418 LNK403 PDF

    led 7 segment anode TIL 702

    Abstract: trw 007 diodes TDDG 5250 m 817 optron telefunken transistor opto smd code marking NEC TDDG 5250 hoa 865 DIODE PK IN 5401 7segment sm 4150
    Text: CONTENTS Alphanumeric Index 5 Symbol Designation 7 Type Designation Systems — for LEDs — for Displays — for IR-Emitters — for Laser-Diodes — for Optical Switches 8 8 8 8 8 Classification Code for all LEDs and Displays — for LEDs — Displays 9

    OCR Scan
    10x10 led 7 segment anode TIL 702 trw 007 diodes TDDG 5250 m 817 optron telefunken transistor opto smd code marking NEC TDDG 5250 hoa 865 DIODE PK IN 5401 7segment sm 4150 PDF

    photo transistor til 78

    Abstract: Transistor AC 187 transistor tl 187 TL 187 TRANSISTOR NPN TIL188-4 AC 187 npn transistor TO 1 E65085 Til 160 Phototransistor Til 78 TIL187-4
    Text: T IL 1 87 1 THRU TIL1B7-4 TIL188 1 THRU TIL188-4 AC INPUT OPTOCOUPLERSfOPTOISOLATORS SOOS012A D29BO, JANUARY 19 8 7 —HEVISÊD JULY 1989 AC Signal Input • Gallium Arsenide Dual-Diode Infrared Source Optically Coupled to a Silicon N-P-IV Darlinaton Phototransistor

    OCR Scan
    TIL188-4 SOOSQ12A D29BO. E65085 TIL187 photo transistor til 78 Transistor AC 187 transistor tl 187 TL 187 TRANSISTOR NPN AC 187 npn transistor TO 1 E65085 Til 160 Phototransistor Til 78 TIL187-4 PDF


    Abstract: TIL701 TIL393-9 til78 phototransistor TIL81 til312 7 segment display TIL78 TIL393 TIL313 TIL393-6
    Text: m The Optoelectronics Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IMPORTANT NOTICES Texas Instruments reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. Tl cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or

    OCR Scan
    LCC4230-D EPN4050 TIL702 TIL701 TIL393-9 til78 phototransistor TIL81 til312 7 segment display TIL78 TIL393 TIL313 TIL393-6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S?E j> Optoisolator Specifications _ 7 H t 3 b f l5 i OOOm b O W 2 7 y 740 H11A10 Optoisolator G aAs Infrared Emitting Diode and NPN Silicon Phototransistor Current Threshold Switch T h e H I 1A 10 is a g a l liu m a r s e n i d e i n f r a r e d e m i t t i n g d i o d e c o u p l e d

    OCR Scan
    H11A10 PDF

    photo transistor til 78

    Abstract: ECG3040 ECG3045 ecg 3041 ECG3041 ECG3047 3094 transistor ECG3090 ECG3086 ECG3098
    Text: Optoisolators DC Current Transfer Ratio Isolation Voltage Viso Surge V Total Power Pt (mW) 7500 7500 250 250 20 100 ECG3045 NPN Darlington NPN Darlington 7500 3550 7500 7500 250 260 300 300 ECG3081 NPN Transistor 6000 ECG3082 NPN Darlington 6000 ECG3083

    OCR Scan
    ECG3040 ECG3041 ECG3042 ECG3043 ECG3044 ECG3045 photo transistor til 78 ecg 3041 ECG3047 3094 transistor ECG3090 ECG3086 ECG3098 PDF


    Abstract: FND10 MAN-3A 2N3980 LA 4301 do ic 4532A free germanium Germanium drift transistor texas instruments LED Display TIL epitaxial mesa
    Text: T H E O P T O E L E C T R O N IC S D A T A B O O K Few people in the electronics industry realize that optoelectronics technology has a history which precedes the invention of the integrated circuit. It is also a relatively unknown fact that Texas instruments was a pioneer in the

    OCR Scan
    1N2175 TRANSISTOR ED203 FND10 MAN-3A 2N3980 LA 4301 do ic 4532A free germanium Germanium drift transistor texas instruments LED Display TIL epitaxial mesa PDF

    transistor C2001

    Abstract: c2001 transistor C1999 MCL2501 6N135 6N136 HCPL-2502 HCPL-2503 MCL2502 MCL2503

    OCR Scan
    MCL2501 MCL2503 HCPL-2503) MCL2502 HCPL-2502) 6N136 6N135 0-70-C MCL/HCPL-2503 6N136 transistor C2001 c2001 transistor C1999 HCPL-2502 HCPL-2503 MCL2502 MCL2503 PDF


    Abstract: 501B 8 P M.P Diode 2T203 bux diode TCM1539 phct IL0If 501B TCM1506B
    Text: TIL101 OPTOCOUPLER SO OSOO2 D 2906 OCTOBER 1 9 8 5 - R E V IS E D M ARCH 1988 COMPATIBLE W ITH STANDARD TTL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS • Gallium Arsenide Diode Infrared Source Optically Coupled to a Silicon N-P-N Phototransistor • High Direct-Current Transfer Ratio

    OCR Scan
    D2906 1985-REVISED E65085 TCM1520A TCM1506B, TCM1512B, TCM1531, TCM1532, TCM1536, TCM1539 181 OPTOCOUPLER 501B 8 P M.P Diode 2T203 bux diode TCM1539 phct IL0If 501B TCM1506B PDF

    heds 7500

    Abstract: HEDs-7500 0103NN heds7500 HEDS-5000 HEDS-6000 motor IG 2200 53 X 000 41 R Packard type 56 connectors IC 74LS14 for IR transmission opm amplifier 741 ic
    Text: ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR T T du. I * i B— B — a li n a j « w a g a — a r in- a iin r r inwrr»TwiTBiT« r n w w . ne s * im — n— DEVICES H t iV L t / / PA C KA R D ^ S E M IN A R O C TO B E R 1 9 8 8 PART I I LED 'S / D IS P LA YS D IG IT A L MOTION CONTROL

    OCR Scan
    HCPL-25XX 6N135 6N136 HCPL-4502 HCPL-2502 SL5505 HCPL-2530 HCPL-2531 S6N136 6N135 heds 7500 HEDs-7500 0103NN heds7500 HEDS-5000 HEDS-6000 motor IG 2200 53 X 000 41 R Packard type 56 connectors IC 74LS14 for IR transmission opm amplifier 741 ic PDF

    SCR induction furnace circuit diagram

    Abstract: schematic diagram power inverter 1500w schematic diagram inverter 2000w 1200W inverter "circuit diagram" sc146d Triac cross reference scr 106d 12v to 220v inverter schematic diagram 2000w 220v DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER using opto coupler 12 volt dc to 220v ac inverter 1500w schematic diagram solar tracker circuits
    Text: OPTOELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LIGHT DETECTING CIRCUITS L ight detecting circuits are those circuits that cause an action based on the level o f light received by the photo detector. OFF RELAY: 12V , 0 .3 A COIL: 2 0 A , FORM C. CONTACTS OR SOLID-STATE SW ITCHING OF 16A STEADY-STATE 150 A COLD

    OCR Scan

    ferranti ula

    Abstract: pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom
    Text: O <D & P o O o o ^ 0 3 1 0897-X $ 1 4.50 THE S-100 BUS HANDBOOK Dave Bursky H e r e ’s a c o m p re h e n s iv e b o o k th a t d is c u s s e s th e S -1 0 0 bus e q u ip m e n t an d h o w it is o rg a n iz e d . It c o v e rs c o m p u te r fu n d a m e n ta ls , b a s ic e le c tro n ic s ,

    OCR Scan
    0897-X S-100 ferranti ula pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom PDF