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    PHILSAR ELECTRONICS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PQU650-12P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 650W, 6”X4” U-CHANNEL, 12V O/P Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61C107M012KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/100μF±20%/16Vdc/12mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61A157M010KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/150μF±20%/10Vdc/10mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH670HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 67ohm 320mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH900HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 90ohm 280mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    PHILSAR ELECTRONICS Datasheets Context Search

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    pd 2028

    Abstract: LOW frequency LNA with AGC glf-1 GPS Receiver RF Front End
    Text: PRELIMINARY March 26, 1997 GLF-1 Version 1.0 Product Data Sheet Philsar GLF-1 Integrated GPS Receiver RF Front End Low Power Low Cost High Efficiency Easy Implementation revised March 1997 Philsar Confidential and Proprietary Page 1 PRELIMINARY March 26, 1997

    CLK10 CLK38 CLK51 fCLK38 fCLK51 fCLK38/5 pd 2028 LOW frequency LNA with AGC glf-1 GPS Receiver RF Front End PDF


    Abstract: simple circuit diagram of IC 567 PH1090 "Lowpass Filters" 567 tone ic 4604 Philsar Electronics rf digital data modulators ic Delta Electronics rf digital modulators ic
    Text: PRELIMINARY April 1997 PH1090 PH1090 Integrated Delta Sigma Dual Digital to Analog Converters Features The Philsar PH1090 contains dual integrated DACs capable of 10 bit performance from DC to 200 kHz bandwidth. 8 bit performance is available to 600 kHz bandwidth.

    PH1090 PH1090 DC-500kHz 4604 simple circuit diagram of IC 567 "Lowpass Filters" 567 tone ic 4604 Philsar Electronics rf digital data modulators ic Delta Electronics rf digital modulators ic PDF


    Abstract: simple circuit diagram of IC 567 4604 567 tone SSB Modulator DESIGN Delta Electronics rf digital modulators ic rf digital data modulators ic
    Text: PRELIMINARY April 1997 PH1091 PH1091 Radio DAC Integrated Delta Sigma Bandpass Transmitter The Philsar PH1091 is a fully integrated transmitter IC containing dual integrated DACs, quadrature modulator and upconversion to an IF frequency. The transmitter is capable of outputting a bandpass signal

    PH1091 PH1091 DC-500kHz simple circuit diagram of IC 567 4604 567 tone SSB Modulator DESIGN Delta Electronics rf digital modulators ic rf digital data modulators ic PDF


    Abstract: ic 4604 567 ic PH1080
    Text: PRELIMINARY April 1997 PH1080 PH1080 Integrated Delta Sigma Bandpass Analog to Digital Converter The PH1080 is a a complete baseband receiver. It integrates the IF sampling A/D, digital downconversion and low pass filtering on a single chip. The part operates using +5 V for the analog and

    PH1080 PH1080 fs/720 4604 ic 4604 567 ic PDF


    Abstract: Philsar Electronics COFDM pci conexant USB vodafone mobile broadband circuit All nokia mobile ic code image "1.3 megapixel" conexant 485 All nokia mobile ic code number image
    Text: Changing the way the world communicates 2 0 0 0 An n u a l R e p o r t F i n a n c i a l H i g h l i g h t s f o r F i s c a l Ye a r 2 0 0 0 N e t R e ve n u e b y M a r ke t dollars in millions Network Access $ 579.2 28% Wireless Communications $ 390.9


    CMOS Camera Module NOKIA

    Abstract: microtune tuner module organizational structure samsung Agilent OR Hewlett-Packard "an 942" Transceiver Broadcom 3G RF tellabs MODEM sagem shdsl Novanet Semiconductor plc lg Media and Journalism
    Text: UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K ≤ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15 d OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Ñscal year ended September 30, 2000* Commission Ñle number: 000-24923 CONEXANT SYSTEMS, INC.

    10-f-2 10-f-1 CMOS Camera Module NOKIA microtune tuner module organizational structure samsung Agilent OR Hewlett-Packard "an 942" Transceiver Broadcom 3G RF tellabs MODEM sagem shdsl Novanet Semiconductor plc lg Media and Journalism PDF

    UHV 806

    Abstract: metal detector plans seven wonders OC 140 germanium transistor microwaves Amplifier Research metal detector door bell chime receiver SiGe POWER TRANSISTOR frankfurt HFA3861
    Text: SPECIAL REPORT SiGe Advances SiGe Technology Makes Practical Advances This novel device technology is making major strides in RF and digital integrated circuits for highfrequency, high-speed communications systems. JACK BROWNE Publisher/Editor ILICON germanium SiGe is a semiconductor technology made for


    power amplifier ic ta2040

    Abstract: Nokia 6100 LCD TA2040 Transceiver Broadcom 3G RF interfacing 8051 with bluetooth modem Tripath TA2040 AMPLIFIER pixelworks L7205 tft interface with 8051 trw radar ac
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR TIMES JULY 2000 / 1 JULY 2000 FOCUSED ON EMERGING SEMICONDUCTOR COMPANIES Radar Scope Bay Microsystems Bay Microsystems was recently founded to develop chips. What kind? The company wouldn’t disclose any details to us. One rumor is “high-speed interfaces” whatever
