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    PHILIPS CNW83 Search Results

    PHILIPS CNW83 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL TllQôSfc» QQ3Q43ti fi BIPHIN T-V /'*3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide body, high isolation optocouplers CNW82/CNW83 FEATURES • W id e body D IL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 1 0 .1 6 m m • M inim um c re e p a g e distance

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    QQ3Q43ti CNW82/CNW83 PDF


    Abstract: philips cnw83 BS415 BS7002 CNW82 CNW83 TRANSISTOR WM 9 transistor wm
    Text: 7110fi5ti OOB O ^ t i ö B I P H I N MIE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 7 - V Philips S em ico n d uctors / - 8 3 P ro du ct s p ecificatio n Wide body, high isolation optocouplers CNW82/CNW83 FEA TUR ES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm

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    711DaEti CNW82/CNW83 CNW82 CNW83 OT228 PHILIPS CNW82 philips cnw83 BS415 BS7002 TRANSISTOR WM 9 transistor wm PDF


    Abstract: CNW82 phototransistor philips BS415 BS7002 UBB03
    Text: Product specification Philips S em iconductors Wide body, high isolation optocouplers CNW82/CNW83 FEATURES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm • Minimum creepage distance 10 mm • High current transfer ratio and low saturation voltage, making

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    CNW82/CNW83 CNW82 CNW83 OT228 CNW83. CNW82 bbS3131 7Z2406J phototransistor philips BS415 BS7002 UBB03 PDF


    Abstract: Quality Technologies optocouplers
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Wide body, high isolation optocouplers CNW82/CNW83 2UALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP S7E D 7 4 bb ôS l D D D 4 4 7 3 D41 M A T Y FEATURES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm « Minimum creepage distance

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    CNW82/CNW83 E90700 BS415 BS7002 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 PHILIPS CNW82 Quality Technologies optocouplers PDF


    Abstract: TXD10K60 BT1690 BT808 1N5004 TXD10H60 mp8706 TXC10K40 BSTC1026 BT13G
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 86 BSE D • X'Ql-oX bbS3131 QOlbSbH 4 ■ General Information CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE INDUSTRY PART NUMBER PG. NEAREST EQUIV. NO. 0105-50 0204-50 0510-25 12F5 12F5R BLU52 BLU52 BLV97 BYX99-300 BYX99-300R 12F10 12F10R 12F20 12F20R 12F40

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    bbS3131 BLU52 1N321 BYW56 1N321A BLV97 1N322 TXD10K40 TXD10K60 BT1690 BT808 1N5004 TXD10H60 mp8706 TXC10K40 BSTC1026 BT13G PDF

    transistor fn 1016

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P roduct sp e cifica tio n P h ilip s S em icon ducto rs Wide body, high isolation optocouplers CNW82/CNW83 FEATURES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm • Minimum creepage distance 10 mm • High current transfer ratio and low saturation voltage, making

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    CNW82/CNW83 E90700 BS415 BS7002 82/CNW bbS3T31 bb53T31 DD3S34T transistor fn 1016 PDF


    Abstract: BFW10 FET transistor CQY58 germanium RX101 equivalent components FET BFW10 bd643 bf199 283 to92 600a transistor zener phc
    Text: SMALL-SIGNAL FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS page Selection guide N-channel junction field-effect transistors general purpose. for differential am plifiers.

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    LCD01 BGY41 BFW10 FET transistor CQY58 germanium RX101 equivalent components FET BFW10 bd643 bf199 283 to92 600a transistor zener phc PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

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    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF