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    Abstract: LPC700 P87LPC778 PDS76x philips components LED
    Text: P87LPC778 High performance. Low power. Advanced peripherals…8-bit A/D converter The P87LPC778 is a 20-pin single-chip microcontroller designed for low pin count applications demanding high-integration, low cost solutions over a wide range of performance requirements.

    P87LPC778 P87LPC778 20-pin 80C51 LPC700 PDS76x philips components LED PDF


    Abstract: Application Note AN467 AN_3Q_triacs FS067 fact sheet triacs
    Text: AN467 NXP's 51LPC-Microcontrollers & Triacs easily connected Rev. 2 — 10 January 2013 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords 51LPC, 80C51, three-quadrant triac Abstract This application note describes the easy connection of NXP LPC microcontrollers and three-quadrant Hi-Com triacs to control any

    AN467 51LPC-Microcontrollers 51LPC, 80C51, TRIACS EQUIVALENT LIST Application Note AN467 AN_3Q_triacs FS067 fact sheet triacs PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 P87LPC779 DAC 8bit I2C 20pin philips components LED 8 bit digital to analog converter
    Text: P87LPC779 High performance. Low power. Advanced Peripherals…8-bit A/D converter, 2 DACs The P87LPC779 is a 20-pin single-chip microcontroller designed for low pin count applications demanding high-integration, low cost solutions over a wide range of performance requirements.

    P87LPC779 P87LPC779 20-pin 80C51 LPC700 DAC 8bit I2C 20pin philips components LED 8 bit digital to analog converter PDF

    transistor SR 13001

    Abstract: RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Apr 27 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Mar 04 Philips Semiconductors Product specification POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 CONTENTS BLOCK DIAGRAMS

    PCF5001 TAPE11 TAPE13 transistor SR 13001 RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618 PDF

    zero crossing detector ic with 230v

    Abstract: schematic triacs handbook zero crossing detector 50Hz 230v zero crossing triac 80LPC764 triac operation 51LPC-Microcontrollers 87LPC764 zero crossing detector 51LPC
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ABSTRACT This application note describes the easy connection of Philips LPC microcontrollers and three-quadrant HiCom triacs to control any resistive or inductive load at mains voltage. A one-for-all control method is presented that uses an innovative, patented, current zero-crossing

    51LPC-Microcontrollers zero crossing detector ic with 230v schematic triacs handbook zero crossing detector 50Hz 230v zero crossing triac 80LPC764 triac operation 51LPC-Microcontrollers 87LPC764 zero crossing detector 51LPC PDF