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    PD7755 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: uPC2002 2sd1557 uPA67C uPB582 upc1237 uPC317 2P4M PIN DIAGRAM 2SC4328 uPC157
    Text: C&C for Human Potential Microcomputer 1 SEMICONDUCTOR SELECTION GUIDE GUIDE BOOK IC Memory 2 Semi-Custom IC 3 Particular Purpose IC 4 General Purpose Linear IC 5 Transistor / Diode / Thyristor 6 Microwave Device / Consumer Use High Frequency Device 7 Optical Device 8

    PD7500 X10679EJAV0SG00 MF-1134) 1995P uPC2581 uPC2002 2sd1557 uPA67C uPB582 upc1237 uPC317 2P4M PIN DIAGRAM 2SC4328 uPC157 PDF


    Abstract: uPD7755 PD7759 PD7759GC-3BH ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI PD7759C PD7755 UPD7759 SA-A uPD7759GC-3BH
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µ PD7759 ADPCM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER LSIs The µ PD7759 is an external ROM type speech synthesis LSI employing the waveform coding method. In addition to the ROM capability of up to 1 Mbit, the µ PD7759 realizes the synthesis of

    PD7759 PD7759 IEU-1218 uPD7755 PD7759GC-3BH ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI PD7759C PD7755 UPD7759 SA-A uPD7759GC-3BH PDF


    Abstract: 7756ac
    Text: CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION //PD7755, 7756A, 77P56, 7757, 7758A, and 7759 are fixed-word speech synthesizer LSIs that operate on the ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation method basically. They are generically called PD7755 family. The PD7755 fam ily adopts tw o methods o f speech synthesis, which are applied to various types o f speech

    OCR Scan
    //PD7755, 77P56, thejUPD7755 MPD7755 canusing/xPC1316. PC1316 cPC1316Note thejuPC1316 upd7755 7756ac PDF


    Abstract: d77p56 T7755 PD7755 77P56 upd7755 JPD7757
    Text: NEC PD7755/56/P56/57/58 ADPCM Speech Processors NEC Electronics Inc. Description T h e /jP D 7 7 5 x sp eech processors u tiliz e a d a p tiv e d iffer­ en tial pulse-co de m o d u latio n A D PC M to prod uce c C irc u it to e lim in a te p o p c o rn noise w h en en terin g

    OCR Scan
    uPD7755 uPD7756 uPD77P56 uPD7757 uPD7758 JPD7755 JJPD7756 /L/PD7757 /JPD7758 iPD7755/56/P56/57/58 d7757c d77p56 T7755 PD7755 77P56 JPD7757 PDF


    Abstract: nec prom uPD77P56 PD7756 JPD7756 JUPD7758 PPD7755 stc619 naturalsounding 7755
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC blE ]> • PD7755/56/P56/57/58 ADPCM Speech Processors NEC Electronics Inc. Description T he/ jPD775x speech processors utilize adaptive differ­ ential pulse-code m odulation ADPCM to produce high-quality, natural-sounding speech. The ^PD775x

    OCR Scan
    bM27S2S uPD7755 uPD7756 uPD77P56 uPD7757 uPD7758 jPD775x PD775x PD7755 /JPD7756 nec prom PD7756 JPD7756 JUPD7758 PPD7755 stc619 naturalsounding 7755 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC PD7755/56/P56/57/58 NEC Electronics Inc. ADPCM Speech Processors Description The/iPD775x speech processors utilize adaptive differ­ ential pulse-code m odulation ADPCM to produce high-quality, natural-sounding speech. The juPD775x fam ily includes four types with a built-in ROM and one

    OCR Scan
    fiPD7755/56/P56/57/58 The/iPD775x juPD775x /JPD7755 /JPD7756 /JPD7757 /JPD7758 /PD77P56 20-pin 24-pin PDF


    Abstract: uPD27C2000 23C4000 pd77p20 D27c512 PD75402 d27c1001 pd75216 D75328 JPD7527A
    Text: NEC NEC E lectronics Inc. ROM Code Submission Guide Application Note 90-05 Introduction Minimum Requirements This a p p lic a tio n n o te p ro vid e s g u id e lin e s fo r su b m it­ tin g th e d a ta file s used by NEC to p ro g ra m se m icu s­ to m iz e d in te g ra te d c irc u its a c o m p le te lis t of w h ich

    OCR Scan
    30000-J6 FFFF-16 D7528AC uPD27C2000 23C4000 pd77p20 D27c512 PD75402 d27c1001 pd75216 D75328 JPD7527A PDF