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    PD1P40 Search Results

    PD1P40 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 8032A-P 8052A-P 8052A SAB 8051 p 8032AP siemens 8032 cpu siemens mov all range INSTRUCTION SET 8085 SAB8051A
    Text: M7E D SIEM EN S ô53SbüS SIEG □QEci 7 cî3 0 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 1 ^ - 0 5 Ö-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller SAB 8052A/8032A Preliminary SAB 8052A-P N Microcontroller with factory-maskprogrammabel ROM SAB 8032A-P(N) Microcontroller for external ROM

    OCR Scan
    fi535bQ5 002T7T3 052A/8032A 052A-P 032A-P 256x8 16-bit P-DIP-40 PL-CC-44 MCD00Qt 74LS04C 8032A-P 8052A-P 8052A SAB 8051 p 8032AP siemens 8032 cpu siemens mov all range INSTRUCTION SET 8085 SAB8051A PDF

    kss exo 3 0h

    Abstract: SAB-C501-L20P Siemens SAB-C501 MCS01 80C52 SAB-C501 SAB-C501-LN SAB-C501-LP SAF-C501 C-501
    Text: SIEM ENS 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller SAB-C501 Preliminary • • • • • • • • • • • Fully compatible to standard 8051 microcontroller Versions for 12/20/40 MHz operating frequency 8 K x 8 ROM SAB-C501-1R only 256 x 8 RAM Four 8-bit ports

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    SAB-C501 SAB-C501-1R 16-bit P-DIP-40 P-LCC-44 SAF-C501 SAB-C501 SAB-C501-L/C501 kss exo 3 0h SAB-C501-L20P Siemens SAB-C501 MCS01 80C52 SAB-C501-LN SAB-C501-LP C-501 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Asynchronous Communication Product Line UARTs D e vic e T e c h n o lo g y P ackage Description T y p e (s ) T em p Ic c m A @ Vcc * R an ge 5V degC B u ffe r R x/Tx S peed In te r r u p t M is e P in s 16 B it C o u n te r 1,0 ,1 /0 FIFO K e y F e a tu re s

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    SCN2681 125kHz SCN2681T PD1P40 500kH 120ns, 125KH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o in O Synchronous Communication Product Line CO O Q <D 3 Q T ec h n olo gy Packag e D escription TVpe s Ic c m A Vcc = o o Tem p R ange Speed 5 o 3 a 3 3 deg C c o c 0 -1 M bps data rate NMOS S yn c h ro n ou s/a synch ro no us op era tion (full/h alf duplex)

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    PLCC28 SCN2651 SCC26562 SCN68562 PDIP48 PLCC52 10MHz) 170ns PDF

    IC TB 1237 AN ic working voltage details

    Abstract: sda 20560 IC TB 1237 AN st63156 ST63126B1
    Text: 7 S G S -T H O M S O N K lR « I g T O i[ ] ( S S T 6 3 1 4 0 , S T 6 3 1 4 2 i S T 6 3 1 2 6 , S T 6 3 1 5 6 8-BIT HCMOS MCUs FOR TV FREQUENCY & VOLTAGE SYNTHESIS WITH OSD PRELIMINARY DATA • 4.5 to 6V operating Range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 8MHz Maximum Clock Frequency

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    40-Pin ST63126 28-Pin ST63140 7-bitST63140 ST631xx ST63140 ST63142 ST63126 ST63156 IC TB 1237 AN ic working voltage details sda 20560 IC TB 1237 AN st63156 ST63126B1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGS-THOMSON ST9020 ST9027, ST9028 IL[ 12/16K ROM HCM O S MCUs Register oriented 8/16 bit CORE with RUN, WFI and HALT modes Minimum instruction cycle time : 500ns 12MHz internal Internal Memory: ROM RAM ST9020 12K ST9027 16K 256 ST9028 16K 256 224 general purpose registers available as RAM,

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    ST9020 ST9027, ST9028 12/16K 500ns 12MHz ST9027 PLCC44 PDF