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    PCF2114X Search Results

    PCF2114X Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    PCF2114X Philips Semiconductors LCD controller / drivers Original PDF
    PCF2114XH Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/driver Original PDF
    PCF2114XH Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/drivers Scan PDF
    PCF2114XU Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/driver Original PDF
    PCF2114XU Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/drivers Scan PDF
    PCF2114XU/10 Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/drivers Scan PDF
    PCF2114XU/12 Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/drivers Scan PDF

    PCF2114X Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: W1109 PCF2116XH PCF2116XU PCF2114X PCF2114XH PCF2114XU PCF2116 PCF2116X FFC116
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers Product specification Supersedes data of November 1993 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 Philips Semiconductors October 1994 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    PCF2116 PCF2114X; PCF2116X) PCF2116. PCF2116X PCF2114X SCD35 SQFP128 W1109 PCF2116XH PCF2116XU PCF2114XH PCF2114XU FFC116 PDF

    db3 c53

    Abstract: LCD display 1602 LCD 1602 INTERFACE LCD 1602 RAM 2116 c4742 1602 LCD data sheet 1602 lcd interface 1808 footprint dimension Philips cog
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers Product specification Supersedes data of October 1994 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 1996 Oct 25 Philips Semiconductors Product specification PCF2116 family (PCF2114X; PCF2116X)

    PCF2116 PCF2114X; PCF2116X) PCF2116X PCF2114X db3 c53 LCD display 1602 LCD 1602 INTERFACE LCD 1602 RAM 2116 c4742 1602 LCD data sheet 1602 lcd interface 1808 footprint dimension Philips cog PDF


    Abstract: Varicap bb112 OQ8844T varicap bb130 RADIO fm RECEIVER IC UHF TDA1515 FM Receiver Circuits TEA5591A TDA7000 philips ic fm am stereo receiver TDA1013
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET Index Functional index 1996 Nov 06 File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 Philips Semiconductors Functional index Index RADIO RECEIVERS AM receivers TDA1072A AM receiver circuit; for car radios TDA1072AT AM receiver circuit; for car radios

    TDA1072A TDA1072AT TDA1572 TDA1572T TEA5551T TEA6200 TEA5570 TEA5591 TEA5591A TEA5594 digital TUNING FM RADIO RECEIVER Varicap bb112 OQ8844T varicap bb130 RADIO fm RECEIVER IC UHF TDA1515 FM Receiver Circuits TEA5591A TDA7000 philips ic fm am stereo receiver TDA1013 PDF

    digital calendar clock ic

    Abstract: tda8466 DTMF DEcoder i2c TDA8461 LCD TV column driver IC umf1009 tda9140 computer controlled LED matrix lcd desktop circuit SAA71xx
    Text: Philips Semiconductors I2C peripheral selection guide GENERAL PURPOSE ICs 68000-Based CMOS Microcontrollers LCD Drivers OM4085 68070 68000 CPU/MMU/UART/DMA/timer 93CXXX UST/I2C/34k ROM/512 RAM Universal LCD driver for low multiplex rates PCF211XC family LCD drivers

    68000-Based OM4085 93CXXX UST/I2C/34k ROM/512 PCF211XC 80C51-Based PCF2113 PCF2114X/16X PCF2116 digital calendar clock ic tda8466 DTMF DEcoder i2c TDA8461 LCD TV column driver IC umf1009 tda9140 computer controlled LED matrix lcd desktop circuit SAA71xx PDF

    dtmf interface with microcontroller

    Abstract: philips audio amplifier ic guide analog telephone set circuits DTMF telephone digital calendar clock ic dtmf generator MOS-FET 1307 DTMF DEcoder datasheets i2c handsfree IC SE567
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Wired Telecom Systems Functional index Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook IC03a are shown in bold print. TYPE NUMBER DESCIPTION PAGE Speech/transmission Circuits PCA1070 Multistandard programmable analog CMOS transmission IC

    IC03a PCA1070 TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 PCF8576 PCF8576C PCF8577C dtmf interface with microcontroller philips audio amplifier ic guide analog telephone set circuits DTMF telephone digital calendar clock ic dtmf generator MOS-FET 1307 DTMF DEcoder datasheets i2c handsfree IC SE567 PDF

    Amplifier with transistor BC548

    Abstract: AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 1315 TRANSISTOR transistor 1151 transistor transistor 2n5401 TDA7050 BC327 NPN transistor datasheet BC547 driver BUX86 TRANSISTOR
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Wired Telecom Systems Index Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook IC03a are shown in bold print. The types showing an “x”instead of a page number, are not printed in the book, but appear in the selection guides

    IC03a 2N5400; 2N5401 2N5550; 2N5551 2N7000 2N7002 BC327; BC327A; BC328 Amplifier with transistor BC548 AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 1315 TRANSISTOR transistor 1151 transistor transistor 2n5401 TDA7050 BC327 NPN transistor datasheet BC547 driver BUX86 TRANSISTOR PDF

    12v stereo amplifiers

    Abstract: digital TUNING FM RADIO RECEIVER 12v stereo amplifiers with tone controls TDA7000 car audio amp philips ic fm am stereo receiver 12v mosfet mono high power circuit TDA1526 RADIO RECEIVER IC tea5591 LED display for car radio
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET Index Alphanumeric index 1996 Nov 06 File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 Philips Semiconductors Alphanumeric index Index 80C31/80C51/87C51 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 80C32/80C52/87C52 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers

    80C31/80C51/87C51 80C32/80C52/87C52 80C451/83C451/87C451 80C528/83C528 80C550/83C550/87C550 80C552/83C552 10-bit 80C562/83C562 TEA6322T TEA6323T 12v stereo amplifiers digital TUNING FM RADIO RECEIVER 12v stereo amplifiers with tone controls TDA7000 car audio amp philips ic fm am stereo receiver 12v mosfet mono high power circuit TDA1526 RADIO RECEIVER IC tea5591 LED display for car radio PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DAT PCF2116 family LCD controller/drivers Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Oct 25 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 1997 Apr 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification LCD controller/drivers PCF2116 family CONTENTS

    PCF2116 SCA54 417067/1200/04/pp64 PDF

    db3 c53

    Abstract: LCD 2*16 pin MB04 PGA144
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE O F HANDB O O K IC12 OR DATA SHEET FEATURES • Single chip LCD controller / driver • 1 or 2-llne display of up to 24 characters per line, or

    OCR Scan
    PCF2116 PCF2114X; PCF2116X) F2116. PCF2116X MB0451 PCF2116 SQFP128) db3 c53 LCD 2*16 pin MB04 PGA144 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S h o rt-fo rm p ro d u c t sp e c ific a tio n P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to rs PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers FEATURES • S ingle ch ip LC D c o n tro lle r/d riv e r • 1 o r 2 -iin e d is p la y o f up to 24 ch a ra c te rs p e r line, or

    OCR Scan
    PCF2116 PCF2114X; PCF2116X) PDF


    Abstract: CQ 1265 LCD display 1602 LQFP128 PCF2114X PCF2116 PCF2116A PCF2116K PCF2116X LCD 1602 i2c
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers FEATURES • Single chip LCD controller/driver • 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line

    OCR Scan
    7110ASb d1996 CQ 1265 LCD display 1602 LQFP128 PCF2114X PCF2116 PCF2116A PCF2116K PCF2116X LCD 1602 i2c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers FEATURES • Single chip LCD controller/driver • 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line

    OCR Scan
    7110flEb CP2114 PDF

    db3 c53

    Abstract: SQFP128 DE 113 LCD C56J
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Short-form product specification PCF2116 fam ily PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers FEA T U R E S (BE • Single chip LCD controller/driver • 1 or 2-iine display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line

    OCR Scan
    PCF2116 MBD451 SQFP128) db3 c53 SQFP128 DE 113 LCD C56J PDF

    ic lm 807

    Abstract: 2114 LC RAM QTC29
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers FEATURES • Single chip LCD c o n tro lle r/d riv e r • 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 o r 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line

    OCR Scan
    PCF2116 PCF2114X; PCF2116X) ic lm 807 2114 LC RAM QTC29 PDF

    LCD Character Controller

    Abstract: PCF2105 P 123-1 LCD
    Text: Short-form product specification Philips Semiconductors LCD controller/driver PCF2105 FEATURES • Single chip Liquid Crystal Display LCD controller/driver • 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 or 4-line display of up to 12 characters per line

    OCR Scan
    Multipl93 PCF2105 LCD Character Controller PCF2105 P 123-1 LCD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification LCD controller/drivers PCF2116 family 1 FEATURES 2 APPLICATIONS 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 Packages 4 ORDERING INFORMATION 5 BLOCK DIAGRAM 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 6 PINNING 10 7 PIN FUNCTIONS INTERFACE TO MICROCONTROLLER

    OCR Scan
    PCF2114x PCF211ange A798 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Short-form product specification LCD controller/driver PCF2104x FEATURES • Single chip LCD controller/driver • 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line • 5 x 7 character format plus cursor; 5 x 8 for kana

    OCR Scan
    PCF2104x PCF2104x PCF2104x' PCF2104xs PDF

    11.3 LCD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Short-forni product specification LCD controller/drivers PCF2116 family FEATURES • Single chip LCD controller/driver • 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or 2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line • 5 x 7 character format plus cursor; 5 x 8 for kana

    OCR Scan
    PCF2116 PCF2116x' PCF2114x' PCF2116s 11.3 LCD PDF

    tda 2038

    Abstract: TDA3791 tda vertical IC tv crt tda 3658 dbx 2151 TDA8302 tda9854 TDA 3030 tda 2790 transistor BF960
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Selection guide Alphanumerical index ALPHANUMERICAL INDEX PAGE 80C528; 83C528 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller; l2C-bus 80C652; 83C652 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller; l2C-bus 44 50 83C654 CMOS single-chip 8-blt microcontroller; l2C-bus

    OCR Scan
    80C528; 83C528 80C652; 83C652 83C654 83CE654 84C44X; 84C64X; 84C84X 87C528 tda 2038 TDA3791 tda vertical IC tv crt tda 3658 dbx 2151 TDA8302 tda9854 TDA 3030 tda 2790 transistor BF960 PDF


    Abstract: BB909B VARICAP DIODE IC SOUND 2026 TDA 2038 tda2593 application TDA3791 tda vertical IC tv crt tda3833 TDA4865 philips audio amplifier ic guide
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Selection guide Functional index PAGE TUNING/TUNER Tuning SAB6456; SAB6456T Sensitive 1 GHz divide-by-64/divide-by-256 switchable prescaler 1347 SAB8726 Sensitive 2.6 GHz divide-by-2 prescaler 1353 TOA8725T Antenna signal processor 3785

    OCR Scan
    SAB6456; SAB6456T SAB8726 OA8725T TSA5511 TSA5512 TSA5514 TSA5515T TSA5520; TSA5521 TDA2658 BB909B VARICAP DIODE IC SOUND 2026 TDA 2038 tda2593 application TDA3791 tda vertical IC tv crt tda3833 TDA4865 philips audio amplifier ic guide PDF

    dtmf interface with microcontroller

    Abstract: versatile power supply applications digital calendar clock ic OM4085 analog telephone set circuits handsfree chip IC applications of versatile power supply TDA7050 interface of lcd with microcontroller PCF2104
    Text: PhiHps Semiconductors Semiconductors for Wired Telecom Systems Functional index Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook IC03a are shown in bold print. TYPE NUMBER PAGE DESCIPTION Speech/transmission Circuits PCA1070 Multistandard programmable analog CMOS transmission IC

    OCR Scan
    IC03a PCA1070 TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 TEA1066T TEA1067 TEA1110A dtmf interface with microcontroller versatile power supply applications digital calendar clock ic OM4085 analog telephone set circuits handsfree chip IC applications of versatile power supply TDA7050 interface of lcd with microcontroller PCF2104 PDF

    Graphic Displays

    Abstract: Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Selection guide Functional index PAGE MEMORIES PCA8581; PCA8581C 128 x PCF8570 256 x 8-bit static low-voltage RAM with l2C-bus interface 8-bit EEPROM with l2C-bus interface 263 91 PCF8583 Clock calendar with 256 x 8-bit static RAM 424

    OCR Scan
    PCA8581; PCA8581C PCF8570 PCF8583 x8582x-2 PCx8594x-2 x8598x-2 PCF8591 TDA8442 TDA8444 Graphic Displays Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide PDF

    Analog Voice scrambler

    Abstract: TDA7050 transistor 835 TRANSISTOR regulator PCF2104 transistor 458 AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BSN10A 2n5551 128
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Functional index Selection guide PAGE SPEECH/TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS PCA1070 Multistandard programmable analog CMOS transmission IC 110 TEA1060; TEA1061 Versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interfac 483 TEA1062; TEA1062A

    OCR Scan
    PCA1070 TEA1060; TEA1061 TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 TEA1066T TEA1067 Analog Voice scrambler TDA7050 transistor 835 TRANSISTOR regulator PCF2104 transistor 458 AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BSN10A 2n5551 128 PDF


    Abstract: CD 1517 intergrated circuit 8844T 1305T A2611 7040T A1560Q 1557Q F908 1313T
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Radio, Audio and CD/DVD Systems_ Types added to the range since the last issue of the IC02 C D -R O M 1997 issue are shown in bold print. In addition, types marked with an asterisk (*) are also in this booklet,

    OCR Scan
    80C31/80C51/87C51 80C32/80C52/87C52 80C451/83C451/87C451 80C52/80C54/80C58 80C528/83C528 80C550/83C550/87C550 80C552/83C552 P80C562; 80C652/83C652 80C851/83C851 7057Q CD 1517 intergrated circuit 8844T 1305T A2611 7040T A1560Q 1557Q F908 1313T PDF